914 resultados para respect for autonomy


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In this thesis, I argue that there are public cultural reasons that can underpin public justifications of minority rights of indigenous and national minorities in a constitutionaldemocracy. I do so by tackling diverse issues facing a liberal theory of multiculturalism. In the first essay, I criticize Will Kymlicka’s comprehensive liberal theory of minority rights and propose a political liberal alternative. The main problem of Will Kymlicka’s theory is that it builds on the contestable liberal value of individual autonomy and thus fails to take diversity seriously. In the second essay, I elaborate on the Rawlsian political liberalism assumed here by criticizing Chandran Kukathas’s version of political liberalism as overly accommodating to diversity. In the third essay, I discuss questions of method that arise for a political liberal approach to the moral-political foundations of multiculturalism, and propose a certain understanding of the political liberal enterprise and its crucial standard of reasonableness. In the fourth essay, I dwell on the political liberal ethic of citizenship and propose a strongly inclusionist interpretation of the duty of civility. In the fifth and last essay, I introduce a certain understanding of ethnocultural justice and propose a view on certain cultural reasons as public cultural reasons. Cultural reasons are public when they are based on necessarily established cultural marks of a democratic polity, as specified by the cultural establishment view; and when they are crucial for the societal cultural bases of self-respect of citizens. The arguments in this thesis support, and help to spell out, moral-political rights of indigenous and national minorities as formulated in international legal documents, such as the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (United Nations 2007) or the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (United Nations 1966).


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The paper argues that if the state, as an expression and part of a pact of domination, operates as a corporate actor with relative autonomy, vision and capacity to promote the development, it is a key institution to the economic transformation. Supported in the neo-Marxism, exposes the limits of institutionalist approach of autonomy of the state to explain its origin, but does not rule out this approach. Maintains that the class-balance theory of the state may explain its relative autonomy and at the same time aid in understanding the historical experiences of social-developmentalist state action, particularly in the social democratic regimes and in the current Latin America.


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Dignity is seen important in health care context but considered as a controversial and complex concept. In health care context, it is described as being influenced by for example autonomy, respect, communication, privacy and hospital environment. Patient dignity is related to satisfaction with care, reduced stress, better confidence in health services, enhanced patient outcomes and shorter stay in a hospital. Stroke patients may struggle for dignity as being dependent on other people has impact on the patients’ self-image. In all, stroke patients are very specific patient group and considered vulnerable from emotional aspect. Therefore study findings from other patient groups in the area of ethical problems cannot be transferred to the stroke patients. This master’s thesis consists of two parts. The first part is the literature review of patients’ dignity in hospital care. The literature defined dignity and described factors promoting and reducing it. The results were ambiguous and thus a clear understanding was not able to create. That was the basis for the second part of the master’s thesis, the empirical study. This part aimed to develop theoretical construction to explore the realization of stroke patients’ dignity in hospital care. The data of the second part was collected by interviewing 16 stroke patients and analyzed using the constant comparison of Grounded Theory. The result was ‘The Theory of Realization of Stroke Patients’ Dignity in Hospital Care’ which is described not only in this master’s thesis but also as a scientific article. The theory consists of the core category, four generic elements and five specific types on realization. The core category emerged as ‘dignity in a new situation’. After a stroke, dignity is defined in a new way which is influenced by the generic elements: life history, health history, individuality and a stroke. Stroke patient’s dignity is realized through five specific types on realization: person related dignity type, control related dignity type, independence related dignity type, social related dignity type and care related dignity type. The theory points out possible special characteristics of stroke patients’ dignity in control related dignity type and independence related dignity type. Before implementing the theory, the relation between the core category, generic elements and specific types on realization needs to be studied further.


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Contient : I太上感應篇Tai shang gan ying pian.Le Tai shang gan ying pian ; II感應篇讀法纂要Gan ying pian du fa zuan yao.Principes pour la lecture du Gan ying pian ; III太上洞玄靈寶梓潼本願眞經Tai shang dong xuan ling bao zi tong ben yuan zhen jing. Autre titre : 文昌帝君本願眞經Wen chang di jun ben yuan zhen jing.Le vrai livre sacré des vœux du dieu de la Littérature ; IV文昌帝君陰騭文Wen chang di jun yin zhi wen ; V文昌帝君勸孝文Wen chang di jun quan xiao wen.Traité pour conseiller la piété filiale, par le dieu de la Littérature ; VI南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩救苦經Na mo da ci la bei guan shi yin pu sa jiu ku jing.Sūtra de Guan yin miséricordieuse qui sauve du malheur ; VII南無大慈大悲觀世音菩薩救苦經Na mo la ci da bei guan shi yin pu sa gan ying bao sheng jing.Sūtra de Guan yin miséricordieuse qui répond aux pričres et préserve les êtres vivants ; VIII文昌帝君救劫寶章Wen chang di jun jiu jie bao zhang.Précieux articles du dieu de la Littérature pour le salut du monde ; IX文昌帝君聖訓 。蕉窻十則Wen chang di jun sheng xun. Jiao chuang shi ze ; X文昌帝君勸敬字紙文Wen chang di jun quan jing zi zhi wen. Autre titre : 勸敬惜字文Quan jing xi zi wen.Traité pour conseiller le respect des caractères d'écriture ; XI文昌聖願十戒Wen chang sheng yuan shi jie.Les dix défenses du dieu de la Littérature ; XII東嶽大帝回生寶訓Dong yue da di hui sheng bao xun.Précieuses instructions du dieu du Dong yue sur la transmigration ; XIII圓明斗帝勸世文Yuan ming dou di quan shi wen. Autre titre : 斗姥勸世文Dou mu juan shi wen.Conseils au monde, traité de la déesse Yuan ming dou mu ; XIV玄天上帝金科玉律Xuan tian shang di jin ke yu lü.Lois de l'Empereur céleste.Quan shi ge yan.Conseils au monde, par l'Empereur céleste ; XV關聖帝君眞經Guan sheng di jun zhen jing. Autre titre : 關聖帝君寶訓Guan sheng di jun bao xun.Le vrai livre sacré du réveil du monde, par le dieu de la Guerre ; XVI魏元君勸世文Wei yuan jun quan shi wen.Conseils au monde de Wei Yuan jun ; XVII蓮池大師放生文Lian chi da shi fang sheng wen.Traité conseillant de mettre en liberté les êtres qui ont vie, par Lian chi ; XVIII純陽祖師延壽育子歌Chun yang zu shi yan shou yu zi ge.Chant sur la longévité et l'obtention de fils, par le dieu Fu you ; XIX袁了凡先生立命篇Yuan liao fan xian sheng li ming pian ; XX俞淨意公遇竈神記Yu jing yi gong yu zao shen ji ; XXI文昌帝君功過格Wen chang di jun gong ge ge. Autre titre : 太微仙君功過格Tai wei xian jun gong ge ge.Échelle des mérites et des péchés, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXII呂叔簡先生居官戒刑八章Lü shu jian xian sheng ju guan jie xing ba zhang.Huit conseils aux fonctionnaires, relativement aux châtiments ; XXIII遏淫說E yin shuo ; XXIV戒賭十條Jie du shi thiao.Dix articles contre le jeu ; XXV勸戒溺女言Quan jie ni nü yan.Paroles pour interdire l'infanticide des filles ; XXVI感應篇致福靈驗Gan ying pian zhi fu ling yan.Exemples miraculeux de bonheur produit par le Gan ying pian ; XXVII文昌帝君陰隲文靈驗Wen chang di jun yin zhi wen ling yan.Miracles du Yin zhi wen ; XXVIII損子墮胎異報Sun zi duo tai yi bao.Châtiment extraordinaire de l'infanticide et de l'avortement ; XXIX救急五絕良方Jiu ji Wu jue liang fang.Recettes contre cinq genres de mort ; XXX安胎催生藥方An tai cui sheng yue fang.Remèdes pour faciliter l'accouchement ; XXXI異傳不出天花經驗奇方Yi chuan bu chu tian hua jing yan qi fang.Recettes merveilleuses pour éviter la petite vérole ; XXXII經驗瘧疾方Jing yan yue ji fang.Recette contre la fièvre intermittente ; XXXIII經驗救急良方Jing yan jiu ji liang fang.Formules pour les cas urgents, avec suppléments ; XXXIV勸世良言Quan shi liang yan.Conseils au monde ; XXXV百忍說Bai ren shuo.Traité des cent résignations ; XXXVI百忍歌Bai ren ge.Chant des cent résignations ; XXXVII文昌帝君救世文Wen chang di jun jiu shi wen.Traité pour sauver le monde, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXXVIII道德天尊像Dao de tian zun xiang.Portrait de Lao zi ; XXXIX靈通萬應丸Ling tong wan ying huan.Pilules de la pénétration spirituelle et des 10. 000 effets ; XL敬信陰隲文獲報Jing xin yin zhi wen he bao.Effets miraculeux du Yin zhi wen ; XLI牙頤神方Ya yi shen fang.Formules merveilleuses contre le mal de dents et la fluxion ; XLII功過格分類彚編Gong ge ge fen lei hui bian.Liste méthodique des mérites et des péchés


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The grades seven and eight physical education program of the Norfolk Board of Education was evaluated with respect to fitnesslevel improvement, an objective of the Ministry of Education for the province of Ontario. The Canada Fitness Award battery of fitness tests was used to measure fitness levels. It was established that in September the students were unfit, and in May they were fit. This indicated that the Norfolk physical education program was effective, with respect to the criterion used for this research. In addition, it was discovered that fitness-level improvement was significantly related to certain variables: teacher qualifications, teaching experience, school, and participation in extracurricular physical activity. Considering the results of the research, it was recommended that the Norfolk Board of Education hire young, qualified physical education teachers; create the position of Physical Education Consultant; and strive to create equitable resources for physical education instruction, in order that the school to which a student belongs no longer will be a determinant of fitness improvement.


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Over the years, researchers have investigated direct, conditional, and meditational pathways of adolescent aggression in relation to both temperament and parenting behaviours. However, no study to date has considered these relations with respect to a measure of aggression differentiated by form (e.g., overt, relational) and function (e.g., proactive, reactive). The present study examined the differential association of adolescent temperament and authoritative parenting on four subtypes of aggression. Participants included mothers, fathers, and one adolescent (between the ages of 10-19) from 663 families, recruited through random digit dialing. Parents reported on their child's temperament and occurrence of aggressive behaviours in addition to the perception of their own authoritative parenting. Adolescents reported on their own temperament and aggressive behaviours as well as on both their mother and father's authoritative parenting. Multiple regression analyses confirmed predictions that some aspects of temperament and authoritative parenting provide motivation towards the engagement of different aggressive behaviours. For example, higher negative affect was related to reactive types of aggression, whereas a strong desire for novel or risky behaviours related to proactive aggression. However, differences in effortful control altered the trajectory for both relationships. Higher levels of self-regulation reduced the impact of negative affect on reactive-overt aggression. Greater self-regulation also reduced the impact of surgency on proactive-overt aggression when age was a factor. Structural equation modeling was then used to assess the process through which adolescents become more or less susceptible to impulsive behaviours. Although the issue ofbi-directionality cannot be ruled out, temperament characteristics were the proximal correlate for aggression subtypes as opposed to authoritative parenting dimensions. Effortful control was found to partially mediate the relation between parental acceptancelinvolvement and reactive-relational and reactive-overt aggression, suggesting that higher levels of warmth and support as perceived by the child related to increased levels of self-regulation and emotional control, which in tum lead to less reactive-relational and less reactive-overt types of aggression in adolescents. On the other hand, negative affect partially mediated the relation between parental psychological autonomy granting and these two subtypes of aggression, supporting predictions that higher levels of autonomy granting (perceived independence) related to lower levels of frustration, which in tum lead to less reactive-relational and reactive-overt aggression in adolescents. Both findings provide less evidence for the evocative person-environment correlation and more support for temperament being an open system shaped by experience and authoritative parenting dimensions. As one of the first known studies examining the differential association of authoritative parenting and temperament on aggression subtypes, this study demonstrates the role parents can play in shaping and altering their children's temperament and the effects it can have on aggressive behaviour.


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In this qualitative investigation, the researcher examined the experiences of 10 teachers as they implemented a classroom management model called the Respect Circle. Through interviews and journal entries, the writer sought to understand how the participating teachers developed their classroom management practice, using the Respect Circle as a reference point. Data collection occurred over a 10-week period from October to December. The findings of this study demonstrate the multifaceted and complex nature of classroom management. Participants identified relationships with their students as the premier factor in establishing classroom management. Additionally, pro action, professional reflection, adaptability, and consistency figured prominently in the classroom management approaches taken by the participating teachers. Utilizing the experiences and suggestions of the participants as a springboard, the Respect Circle model was revised. The findings underline areas of concern regarding classroom management and suggest that teachers want a respectful, structured yet flexible model upon which to base their classroom management. Suggestions for teachers, new and experienced; school administrators; and developers of classroom management courses are provided.