915 resultados para rede de suporte social, bairro social, relações de vizinhança


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The existence of chronic inhabitants in the psychiatric hospitals imposes a challenge to the Psychiatric Reform, that proposes things such as the gradual and progressive way to extinct mental institutions, once the permanence of the hospital in the system is only necessary because there is not a net of well structured substitute services capable of receiving that demand. This work considered relevant to deepen the knowledge about those people who passes their lives jailed by the walls of psychiatric hospitals and compose significant part of the world population. It also aimed to investigate the problem relative to the condition of being an inhabitant of a psychiatric hospital the Dr. João Machado Hospital (HJM), in the city of Natal/RN. The paper used different points of view (patients , families and professionals ) to define the profile of the inhabitants, to identify the possibility of insertion in substituting social equipment, to know the expectations of the inhabitants and their relatives regarding to the exit of the life shelter, to investigate the demands related to the net of cares social support for making feasible the discharge and to identify the difficulties that are involved in the exit of the chronic inhabitant of the hospital. There were defined three methodological phases: delineation of the identification, socio-economic and clinical profile of the inhabitants of the HJM; semi-structured interviews with professionals; and open interviews with inhabitants and family. It concluded that the psychiatric institutionalization contributes to the generation of chronic inhabitants in the psychiatric hospitals. Among the professionals, it was detached the defense of desospitalization, but an existence of devices of the asylum model. The relatives showed a resistance to participate in the care and the inhabitants exposed their desire to leave the hospital, as well like the wish of permanence. It was considered important: the construction of an extra-hospital net that enables to desinstitutionalization; the qualification of the technical; orientation to the family, stimulating its participation in the process of caring; give freedom to the individuals in mental suffering, enabling them to be ahead of their lives and express their desires and opinions; the implementation of an extended clinic that is capable of building new possibilities; and a subjectivity guided by the social enclosure


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This work deals with organizational support perception-OSP. This is done considering staff global beliefs, value of their contributions, care and well being related of individuals in an organization. These issues has been have been present in many researches since the 80s. It is important to analyze this matter considering all the changes that occurred nationally and internationally in the academic environment, characterized as being diversified in academic and managerial level. This occurs especially in Brazil since Federal Universities and their agents have suffered impact and restructuring. The research has emphasized the technical-managerial as well as professor staff level at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte aiming to deal with their unsatisfaction upon social political support. Thus, there was participation of 259 staff that were admitted from 2003 to 2005 in many sectors and units of the university. These subjects were submitted to a social and demographical query through an application of a scale of organizational support perception-OSP. Descriptive and multivariate analysis was done considering factors (management style of higher command), material support, wages, work overload, social support at work and ascending levels). Results show that there a hierarchy of the analyzed factors, the factor social support at work as being the first one with 3,31%, the factor management style of the higher command in second with 3,30%, then followed by the factor social support at work with 2,92%, in a sequence the factor material support, factor overload with 2,49% in the fourth position, and in the fifth place, the factor ascending with an average of 2,33% and in last the factor wages with 2,20%. It is concluded that the factors related to the more positive attributions of the OSP (social support at work), in a sequence material support opposing from the most negative factors of the OSP (wages, overload, ascending) reveal a reality that points out that the OSP is very much related to the individualized actions of the members of the organization (leader-member-group) rather than on structure and institutionalized actions carried out at UFRN


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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O conjunto de pesquisas envolvidas neste trabalho procurou investigar a escola inclusiva enquanto contexto de desenvolvimento, através de quatro estudos. Esses estudos foram direcionados para discussão dos fatores de risco ou proteção presentes no ambiente escolar inclusivo. O primeiro estudo investigou as interações entre uma aluna com deficiência visual e seus colegas em uma sala de aula inclusiva, com o objetivo de averiguar como se estabelecem as relações de amizade neste contexto de desenvolvimento; o segundo estudo procurou compreender a visão de estudantes com deficiências sobre sua rede de apoio social; o terceiro estudo objetivou analisar a visão de professores e técnicos educacionais sobre a inclusão escolar de estudantes com deficiências em salas de aula comuns; e o quarto estudo realizou uma investigação sobre a concepção de mães de estudantes com deficiências acerca da escola inclusiva com o objetivo de analisar como os fatores de proteção e risco se configuram dentro do contexto escolar inclusivo. O modelo bioecológico do desenvolvimento humano proposto por Bronfenbrenner é apresentado enquanto uma base teórica desta pesquisa que foi efetivada através da observação naturalística e da inserção ecológica da pesquisadora no ambiente da pesquisa. Os resultados das pesquisas revelaram questões importantes e polêmicas sobre o processo de inclusão educacional.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study presents an analysis of International Tourism, one of the most growing economic activities in the world. To realize promotion in this area, countries use diverse strategies, among them the touristic marketing. It consists on an instrument used to attract foreign tourists and build the image of the country as a touristic destination, transforming it into a global emergent leader. Due to the big sports events which will happen in Brazil, the World Cup and the Olympic Games, respectively, it is expected a growth on touristic activities. This is an opportunity to promote the country and build its image, the reason why the Federal Government made Plano Aquarela 2020, formed by a strategic plan which aims the international promotion of the country through a marketing program focused on the international tourist. What this image is and how to promote it are issues that the public relations professionals are capable to solve, with their abilities to develop instruments and their important actions to build a good touristic destination image of the country. This study aims to analyze the collaboration of public relations to improve the country's image from the actions developed by Plano Aquarela 2020. For this, a literature search was performed to expose the concepts of communication involved, the analysis of the plan and their actions, use the interview as an exploratory study to clarify information and stimulate new ideas


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This work has as objective understand the role of chief public relations professional in the design of strategies for an organization considering the theories of semiotics, particularly the concepts of Firstness, secondness and Thirdness defended and presented by Charles Sanders Peirce, and business administration. We will give attention to the process that the public relations of an organization sets the detection of a problem / opportunity until the moment that takes science for all individuals and is resolved / utilized in an organization. Then to better illustrate the concepts presented, it has been a case study of the performance of a public relations professional in an organization, and its importance in her career


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For the last few decades the relationship between companies and their market has been changing, driven by economic and political changes, new social demand, and by the technologic evolution. This new setting, combined with the creation of laws and regulatory agencies, increased the complexity of the relationship between companies and their customers, creating the need for strategies capable of handling the contemporary market's relationship. This context creates the need for new actions to deal with post-sale costume care to create customer loyalty and evaluate its overall satisfaction, in addition to treating possible complaints about their products and services. Along with the new customer's requirements in a dynamic communicational scenario, this paper addresses public relations' role in managing customer's complaints in light of crisis management. Based on the concepts of public relations, the approach of crisis and complaints management processes is constructed based on literature review and analysis of Wet'n Wild São Paulo's claims management. Therefore, the method used was document and content analysis based on documents provided by the company in order to evaluate their actions based on the concepts covered


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This monograph deals with the participation of public relations professionals as a subject acting role in organizational communication in the face of new communication and informational technologies that have emerged in recent years and characterize the digital era. The present study begins with the cultural, economic and social changes that were triggered by the new communicational reality e how these changes affected the ways of acting and thinking of society. In this context, we look at how modern organizations are adapting to this new demand and how the public relations may participate in the development and management of communications strategies to relate to the new publics arising through the consolidation of digital media


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The work consisted in analyzing how public relations can contribute to the development and application of the concept of employer branding. It also aims to bring contributions to the understanding of how the areas of communication, marketing and human resources, curriculum studied in Public Relations, can assist the professional performance. Based on data collected in the management of the partnership between AIESEC of Brazil and Votorantim, based on the information acquired through observation and participation in AIESEC, it was possible to reflect on how and why the PR professional is able to work in the development of positioning a company as good employer brand


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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This study has the objective of presenting a new suggestion to the public relations professional into the Brazilian fashion business, seeing that, besides promising and little explored, presents social-economic conditions that allow the profession actuation. For this, it has been deeply analyzed the social character of fashion history e its development parallel to the society historical and economic transformations, basing, then, the study of fashion history in Brazil. To understand contemporaneity and the relations which interlace on it, there were used two analyzes about nowadays social order, liquid pos-modernity, from Bauman; and the hypermodernity, from Lipovetsky. In this context, it‟s approached new ways of relating with marks and with products which, since their consumption, are prepared to posterior discard. In the accelerated scenario of marks and consumption, the human relations, more liquids and tenuous, create the urgent possibility of action from on communication professional, who knows to identify the consumers desires and foresee their needs, rendering the tenuous laces stronger and the relationships more solid. This is when the profession of public relations presents itself as a new proposal to create experiences and to tight the loose laces on the consumption era


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As relações públicas podem construir uma informação e uma formulação da realidade, a partir da mídia, sem ser influenciado pelos grandes meios de comunicação de massa? Qual a relevância dessa maneira de se informar na conjuntura atual para o profissional de relações-públicas e como ele pode atuar em prol das causas sociais? O presente texto busca estabelecer parâmetros de atuação para os profissionais de relações públicas preocupados com as transformações sociais no mundo contemporâneo. Para chegar a tal objetivo estruturamos nossa análise a partir temáticas capazes de dar uma resposta à inquietação inicial. Realizamos a reconstituição da trajetória recente dos movimentos sociais no Brasil, procuramos esclarecer o conceito polissêmico de cidadania e direitos humanos, relacionando-os com a comunicação, assim como rever a trajetória das relações públicas na contemporaneidade levantando algumas hipóteses que contemplem novas perspectivas para a profissão. Dessa maneira, pretende-se mostrar a existência de um campo de atuação dialógica para os profissionais de comunicação abalizados pelo engajamento da transformação social


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The theme approached relates contemporaneous organizational competitive scenario to draw parallels between the organizational structure, Knowledge Management and Public Relations. Many aspects are complementary and can be grouped, enabling the idea of verifying the possibility of a Public Relations work like a manager of Knowledge Management. The objective of this study focuses in analyzing the administration ways of the organizational environment to verify the best kind of structure for the competitive development pattern, then we sought the meaning of Knowledge Management and their results to draw a parallel between the image of the Knowledge Management process manager and the Public Relations professional. The methodology chosen was bibliographic research, by which we noticed the theme relevance, the proposal validity and build a convergence between the skills of a person responsible for managing processes in Knowledge Management and the capabilities of a Public Relations professional. This way adopts a human feature to the managing process, respecting the technical-informational scenario of this area


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The present work intends to analyze the Public Relations as strategy way, evidencing the function of this professional for the appropriate development of the company's strategic plan, basing on the public mapping, a study which deepens the features of each interest group to the organization, listing the points of interest and the performance of each public, exalting the strategic characteristics between public and organization. For this will be done a demonstration of the application of Fabio Franças's theory applied to SNTalent Company. The study of public allows the identification of needs and preferences of each group, which allows creating communication strategies more directed and more prosperous and lasting relations, becoming competitive advantages among this context where the information is fast and the media drive markets constantly. Therefore, SNTalent company will be used as way to verify the theory presented combined with exploratory descriptive research for obtaining subsidies to compare the of relationship with different publics of the institution