353 resultados para rata-ajo


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Mode of access: Internet.


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To supplement the quinquennial reviews. cf. Introd. in 1913/14 issue.


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First edition, London, 1883.


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"Udgivet med understöttelse af Carlsbergfondet."


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El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los fenómenos en las traducciones de Las baladas del ajo, de texto original chino traducido primero al inglés, y del inglés al español. Asimismo, tenemos dos objetivos específicos, por un lado estudiamos las fórmulas de traducción de los elementos culturales –muy frecuentes– detectados en Las baladas del ajo y por el otro, observamos la traducción indirecta del inglés al español a través de una comparación entre el texto original en chino, la versión en inglés y la española. Las conclusiones de este trabajo nos permiten estudiar tanto las soluciones adoptadas para los elementos culturales, así como hacer una evaluación general de la traducción de segunda mano.


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Propósito y método del estudio: Cuando se ingieren grandes cantidades de fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana se produce una intoxicación aguda, que ocasiona daño en múltiples órganos, falla respiratoria y muerte en pocos días. En la intoxicación accidental y experimental con este fruto, se ha reportado daño histológico en pulmones, hígado y riñones. Se sabe que el daño histológico a estos órganos, además de la falla multiorgánica, son situaciones comunes cuando existe daño pancreático, sin embargo, hasta la fecha, el páncreas no ha sido estudiado en esta intoxicación. En este trabajo examinamos el efecto que ocasiona la intoxicación aguda con el fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana en el páncreas en la rata Wistar. Contribuciones y conclusiones: En este trabajo se encontró daño progresivo confinado a la porción exocrina del páncreas, iniciando con reducción en el tamaño de los acinos pancreáticos, así como del número de gránulos de zimógeno, presencia de vesículas de apariencia autofágica y apoptosis, seguidos de edema, infiltrado inflamatorio, necrosis y pérdida completa de la arquitectura acinar. Cabe señalar que la morfología de los islotes de Langerhans se mantuvo conservada en todos los tiempos evaluados en este trabajo. Mediante las técnicas Western Blot e inmunofluorescencia, analizamos la expresión y localización de proteínas implicadas en la autofagia (LC3-I y LC3-II) y en la apoptosis (caspasa-3). Observamos que las proteínas LC3-I y LC3-II se encuentran expresadas en todos los tiempos experimentales, mientras que la proteína caspasa-3 se expresó únicamente a las 48 h de la intoxicación con Karwinskia humboldtiana. Mediante ensayos de histoquímica enzimática para la citocromo oxidasa c, comprobamos que desde las 24 h de intoxicación, existen cambios en la forma, tamaño y localización de las mitocondrias, organelos implicados en la muerte celular. Asimismo, realizamos la evaluación de la función pancreática mediante la determinación de la actividad de la amilasa sérica, sin encontrar diferencia significativa entre los grupos estudiados. Todos estos datos indican que el daño inducido por una dosis alta de fruto de Karwinskia humboldtiana en la rata Wistar, es consistente con una pancreatitis aguda necrotizante que afecta exclusivamente el páncreas exocrino. Este modelo de pancreatitis puede ser útil para el estudio de los mecanismos celulares y moleculares implicados en este padecimiento, así como para el ensayo de posibles tratamientos para esta y otras enfermedades pancreáticas.


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OBJECTIVES: It is well known that the efficacy and the efficiency of a Class II malocclusion treatment are aspects closely related to the severity of the dental anteroposterior discrepancy. Even though, sample selection based on cephalometric variables without considering the severity of the occlusal anteroposterior discrepancy is still common in current papers. In some of them, when occlusal parameters are chosen, the severity is often neglected. The purpose of this study is to verify the importance given to the classification of Class II malocclusion, based on the criteria used for sample selection in a great number of papers published in the orthodontic journal with the highest impact factor. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A search was performed in PubMed database for full-text research papers referencing Class II malocclusion in the history of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJO-DO). RESULTS: A total of 359 papers were retrieved, among which only 72 (20.06%) papers described the occlusal severity of the Class II malocclusion sample. In the other 287 (79.94%) papers that did not specify the anteroposterior discrepancy severity, description was considered to be crucial in 159 (55.40%) of them. CONCLUSIONS: Omission in describing the occlusal severity demands a cautious interpretation of 44.29% of the papers retrieved in this study.


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PURPOSE: To verify if uterine cerclage can induce craniosynostosis or any cranial deformity in new born Wistar rats. METHODS: One pregnant female Wistar rat underwent laparotomy on day 18 of gestation and the uterus cervix was closed with a 3-0 nylon suture to avoid delivery, that occurs normally on the 21 day. The suture was released after 48 hours beyond the normal gestation period. The female rat delivered 11 pups. Six surviving rats from the delivery (group A - constrained group). Two rats were born from another mother and in the same age were used as control group (group B - 2 nonconstrained controls) were allowed to grow. They were sacrificed 1.2 years after their birth all the eight animals. Linear measurement, routine histology and computed tomography of the skull were performed at the time of their death to evaluate the cranial asymmetries by mesurements of the anatomical landmarks of the craniofacial skeleton of the rats on the two groups and compared then. RESULTS: We did not observe statistically significant differences in any of the compared measurements (p>0.05) obtained through the morphologic and radiologic methods. Histologic examinations did not reveal any sign of premature fusion or suture imbrications. Critical decrease in longitudinal body size was noticed as the limbs too in all the animals of group A. CONCLUSION: Constriction of uterine cervix leads to fetus suffering, even death for a few animals, associated to small body size, but not to craniosynostosis.


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FUNDAMENTO: Os efeitos do envelhecimento no músculo papilar têm sido amplamente demonstrados, mas não há dados disponíveis sobre os efeitos do exercício nas alterações relacionadas à idade. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do envelhecimento nas propriedades morfológicas e quantitativas do músculo papilar e investigar se um programa contínuo de exercícios moderados pode exercer um efeito protetor contra as conseqüências do envelhecimento. MÉTODOS: Microscopia eletrônica foi utilizada para estudar a densidade dos miócitos, capilares e tecido conectivo e área transversal dos miócitos do músculo papilar no ventrículo esquerdo de ratos Wistar de 6 e 13 meses, não-treinados e submetidos a exercícios. RESULTADOS: Como esperado, a densidade de volume dos miócitos diminui significantemente (p<0,05) com a idade. A densidade de comprimento dos capilares também diminui com a idade, mas não de forma significante. A fração de volume intersticial do tecido do músculo capilar aumenta significantemente com a idade (P<0,05). O número de perfis de miócitos mostrou uma redução de 20% que foi acompanhada de hipertrofia dos miócitos no envelhecimento (P<0,05). Animais submetidos a uma sessão diária de 60 minutos, 5 dias/semana a 1,8 km.h-1 de corrida moderada em esteira ergométrica durante 28 semanas mostraram uma reversão de todos os efeitos do envelhecimento observados no músculo papilar. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo apóia o conceito de que treinamento físico de longo prazo impede as mudanças deletérias relacionadas à idade no músculo capilar.


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This paper critically assesses several loss allocation methods based on the type of competition each method promotes. This understanding assists in determining which method will promote more efficient network operations when implemented in deregulated electricity industries. The methods addressed in this paper include the pro rata [1], proportional sharing [2], loss formula [3], incremental [4], and a new method proposed by the authors of this paper, which is loop-based [5]. These methods are tested on a modified Nordic 32-bus network, where different case studies of different operating points are investigated. The varying results obtained for each allocation method at different operating points make it possible to distinguish methods that promote unhealthy competition from those that encourage better system operation.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether implantation of an aspherical intraocular lens (IOL) results in reduced ocular aberrations and improved contrast sensitivity after cataract surgery without critical reduction of depth of focus. DESIGN: Double-blinded, randomized, prospective study. METHODS: In an intraindividual study of 25 patients with bilateral cataract, an aspherical IOL (Akreos Advanced Optic [AO]; Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, New York, USA) was implanted in one eye and a spherical IOL (Akreos Fit; Bausch & Lomb, Inc) in the fellow eye. Higher-order aberrations with a 5- and 6-mm pupil were measured with a dynamic retinoscopy aberrometer at 1 and 3 months after surgery. Uncorrected and best-corrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity under mesopic and photopic conditions also were measured. Distance-corrected near and intermediate visual acuity were studied as a measurement of depth of focus. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between eyes in uncorrected and best-corrected visual acuity at I and 3 months after surgery. There was a statistically significant between-group difference in contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions at 12 cycles per degree and under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. The Akreos AO group obtained statistically significant lower values of higher-order aberrations and spherical aberration with 5- and 6-mm pupils compared with the Akreos Fit group (P < .05). There was no significant difference in distance-corrected near and intermediate visual acuity between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Aspherical aberration-free Akreos AO IOL induced significantly less higher-order aberrations and spherical aberration than the Akreos Fit. Contrast sensitivity was better under mesopic conditions with the Akreos AO with similar results of depth of focus. (Am J Ophthalmol 2010;149:383-389. (C) 2010 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)


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PURPOSE: To evaluate laser combined with intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) for the management of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and clinically significant macular edema (CSME). DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. METHODS: SETTINGS: Single center. STUDY POPULATION: Twenty-two patients with bilateral treatment,naive moderate PDR and CSME. INTERVENTION: Laser (panretinal and macular) photocoagulation was performed in each eye, followed by IVTA in one randomly assigned eye. Best,corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fundus photography, and optical coherence tomography were performed at baseline and at months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:. Changes in BCVA, central macular thickness (CMT), and total macular volume (TMV). RESULTS: The mean logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) BCVA improved significantly, and mean CMT and TMV were significantly reduced in the IVTA group compared with the laser,only group (controls) at all study follow-up visits (P < .001). The mean logMAR BCVA (Snellen equivalent) was 0.44 (20/50(-2)) for the IVTA group and 0.38 (20/50(+1)) for the controls at baseline, and 0.12 (20/25(-1)) for the IVTA group and 0.32 (20/40(-1)) for the controls at 12 months (P < .001.). The mean CMT and TMV were, respectively, 360 mu m and 8.59 mm(3) for the IVTA group and 331 mu m and 8.44 mm(3) for the controls at baseline, and 236 mu m and 7.32 mm(3) for the IVTA group and 266 mu m and 7.78 mm(3) for the controls at 12 months (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The combination of laser photocoagulation with IVTA was associated with improved BCVA and decreased CMT and TMV when compared with laser photocoagulation alone for the treatment of moderate PDR with CSME. (Am J Ophthalmol 2009;147:291-297. (C) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)