972 resultados para quantum open system


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IODP Hole U1309D (Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N) is the second deepest hole drilled into slow spread gabbroic lithosphere. It comprises 5.4% of olivine-rich troctolites (~ > 70% olivine), possibly the most primitive gabbroic rocks ever drilled at mid-ocean ridges. We present the result of an in situ trace element study carried out on a series of olivine-rich troctolites, and neighbouring troctolites and gabbros, from olivine-rich intervals in Hole U1309D. Olivine-rich troctolites display poikilitic textures; coarse-grained subhedral to medium-grained rounded olivine crystals are included into large undeformed clinopyroxene and plagioclase poikiloblasts. In contrast, gabbros and troctolites have irregularly seriate textures, with highly variable grain sizes, and locally poikilitic clinopyroxene oikocrysts in troctolites. Clinopyroxene is high Mg# augite (Mg# 87 in olivine-rich troctolites to 82 in gabbros), and plagioclase has anorthite contents ranging from 77 in olivine-rich troctolites to 68 in gabbros. Olivine has high forsterite contents (82-88 in olivine-rich troctolites, to 78-83 in gabbros) and is in Mg-Fe equilibrium with clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene cores and plagioclase are depleted in trace elements (e.g., Ybcpx ~ 5-11 * Chondrite), they are in equilibrium with the same MORB-type melt in all studied rock-types. These compositions are not consistent with the progressively more trace element enriched (evolved) compositions expected from olivine rich primitive products to gabbros in a MORB cumulate sequence. They indicate that clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized concurrently, after melts having the same trace element composition, consistent with crystallization in an open system with a buffered magma composition. The slight trace element enrichments and lower Cr contents observed in clinopyroxene rims and interstitial grains results from crystallization of late-stage differentiated melts, probably indicating the closure of the magmatic system. In contrast to clinopyroxene and plagioclase, olivine is not in equilibrium with MORB, but with a highly fractionated depleted melt, similar to that in equilibrium with refractory oceanic peridotites, thus possibly indicating a mantle origin. In addition, textural relationships suggest that olivine was in part assimilated by the basaltic melts after which clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized (impregnation). These observations suggest a complex crystallization history in an open system involving impregnation by MORB-type melt(s) of an olivine-rich rock or mush. The documented magmatic processes suggest that olivine-rich troctolites were formed in a zone with large magmatic transfer and accumulation, similar to the mantle-crust transition zone documented in ophiolites and at fast spreading ridges.


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The isotope-ratios of sulfur-components in several sedimentologically different cores of recent marine sediments from Kiel Bay (Baltic Sea) were investigated. In addition, quantitative determinations were made on total sulfur, sulfate, sulfide, chloride, organic carbon, iron and watercontent in the sediment or in the pore-water solution. The investigations gave the following results: 1. The sulfur in the sediment (about 0.3 -2 % of the dry sample) was for the most part introduced into the sediment after sedimentation. This confirms the results of Kaplan et al. (1963, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(63)90074-7). The yield of Sulfur from organic material is very small (in our samples about 5-10% of the total sulfur in the sediment). 2. The sulfur bound in the sediment is taken from the sulfate of the interstitial water. During normal sedimentation, the exchange of sulfate by diffusion significant for changes in the sulfur-content goes down to a sediment depth of 4-6 cm. In this way the sulfate consumed by reduction and formation of sulfide or pyrite is mostly replaced. The uppermost layer of the sediment is an partly open system for the sulfur. The diagenesis of the sulfur is allochemical. 3. The isotope-values of the sediment-sulfur are largely influenced by the sulfur coming into the sediment by diffusion and being bound by bacteriological reduction. Due to the prevailing reduction of 32S and reverse-diffusion of sulfate into the open sea-water, an 32S enrichment takes place in the uppermost layer of the sediment. delta34S-values in the sediment range between -15 and -35 ? while seawater-sulfate has +20 ?. No relationship could be established between sedimentological or chemical changes and isotope-ratios. In the cores, successive sandy and clayly layers showed no change in the delta-values. The sedimentation rate, however, seems to influence isotope-ratios. In one core with low sedimentationrates the delta34S-values varied between -29 and -33 ?, while cores with higher sedimentationrates showed values between -17 and -24 ?. 4. As sediment depth increases, the pore-water sulfate shows decreasing concentrations (in a depth of 30-40 cm we found between 20 and 70 % of the seawater-values), and increasing delta 34S-values (in one case reaching more than +60 ?). The concentration of sulfide in the pore-water increases with sediment-depth (reaching 80 mg S/l in one case). The (delta34S-values of the pore-water-sulfide in all cores show increases paralleling the sulfate sulfur, with a nearly constant delta-distance of 50-60 ? in all cores. This seems to confirm the genetic relationship between the two components.


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Specimens of two species of planktic foraminifera, Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinella siphonifera, were grown under controlled laboratory conditions at a range of temperatures (18-31 °C), salinities (32-44 psu) and pH levels (7.9-8.4). The shells were examined for their calcium isotope compositions (d44/40Ca) and strontium to calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Although the total variation in d44/40Ca (~0.3 per mill) in the studied species is on the same order as the external reproducibility, the data set reveals some apparent trends that are controlled by more than one environmental parameter. There is a well-defined inverse linear relationship between d44/40Ca and Sr/Ca in all experiments, suggesting similar controls on these proxies in foraminiferal calcite independent of species. Analogous to recent results from inorganically precipitated calcite, we suggest that Ca isotope fractionation and Sr partitioning in planktic foraminifera are mainly controlled by precipitation kinetics. This postulation provides us with a unique tool to calculate precipitation rates and draws support from the observation that Sr/Ca ratios are positively correlated with average growth rates. At 25 °C water temperature, precipitation rates in G. siphonifera and G. ruber are calculated to be on the order of 2000 and 3000 µmol/m**2/h, respectively. The lower d44/40Ca observed at 29 °C in both species is consistent with increased precipitation rates at high water temperatures. Salinity response of d44/40Ca (and Sr/Ca) in G. siphonifera implies that this species has the highest precipitation rates at the salinity of its natural habitat, whereas increasing salinities appear to trigger higher precipitation rates in G. ruber. Isotope effects that cannot be explained by precipitation rate in planktic foraminifera can be explained by a biological control, related to a vacuolar pathway for supply of ions during biomineralization and a pH regulation mechanism in these vacuoles. In case of an additional pathway via cross-membrane transport, supplying light Ca for calcification, the d44/40Ca of the reservoir is constrained as -0.2 per mill relative to seawater. Using a Rayleigh distillation model, we calculate that calcification occurs in a semi-open system, where less than half of the Ca supplied by vacuolization is utilized for calcite precipitation. Our findings are relevant for interpreting paleo-proxy data on d44/40Ca and Sr/Ca in foraminifera as well as understanding their biomineralization processes.


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Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of authigenic carbonate nodules or layers reflect the diagenetic conditions at the time of nodule growth. The shallowest samples of carbonate nodules and dissolved inorganic carbon of pore water samples beneath the sulfate reduction zone (0-160 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) at Site 1165 have extremely negative d13C values (-50 per mil and -62 per mil, respectively). These negative d13C values indicate nodule formation in association with anaerobic methane oxidation coupled with sulfate reduction. The 34S of residual sulfate at Site 1165 shows only minor 34S enrichment (+6 per mil), even with complete sulfate reduction. This small degree of apparent 34S enrichment is due to extreme "open-system" sulfate reduction, with sulfate abundantly resupplied by diffusion from overlying seawater. Ten calcite nodules from Site 1165 contain minor quartz and feldspar and have d13C values ranging from -49.7 per mil to -8.2 per mil. The nodules with the most negative d13C values currently are at depths of 273 to 350 mbsf and must have precipitated from carbonate largely derived from subsurface anaerobic methane oxidation. The processes of sulfate reduction coupled with methane oxidation in sediments of Hole 1165B are indicated by characteristic concentration and isotopic (d34S and d13C) profiles of dissolved sulfate and bicarbonate. Three siderite nodules from Site 1166 contain feldspar and mica and one has significant carbonate-apatite. The siderite has d13C values ranging from -15.3 per mil to -7.6 per mil. These siderite nodules probably represent early diagenetic carbonate precipitation during microbial methanogenesis.


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Massive sulfide samples from the Bent Hill area were analyzed for 230Th/234U and 231Pa/235U disequilibria. Apparent ages calculated from these ratios are between 8.2 and >300 ka. Concordant ages were found for only three samples that originate near the surface from the clastic sulfide zone and suggest "true" ages of between 8.5 and 16.0 ka (mean of 230Th and 231Pa ages). The uranium vs. depth distribution in the Bent Hill Massive Sulfide deposit suggests an open system for uranium for the deeper part of the deposit, which was probably caused by extensive recrystallization processes inhibiting true age determinations.


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As a result of the variscan collision, several allochtonous complexes were emplaced on the Iberian margin in Devonian times, among them the Cabo Ortegal Complex comprising the Moeche ophiolitic sequence. Copper has been won from several mines (Piquitos I & II, Barqueira, Maruxa) from disseminated ores and thin massive sulphide layers in the Moeche Unit, a strongly deformed meta-volcanic sequence comprising mainly quartz-chlorite schists and mylonites, which defines the top of the ophiolite. The ores were metamorphosed and strongly deformed under brittle conditions (for pyrite), but their textures are often apparently post-deformational, due to very common solution-transfer processes; they are composed mostly of pyrite and chalcopyrite, with minor sphalerite, pyrrhotite, etc., and with traces of native gold and PGE. The geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the orebodies relate closely to VMS of the Cu-Zn (Cyprus) type. Fluid inclusion studies allowed an estimation of metamorphic conditions at pressures of 2/2’5 kb and T 325/350ºC. New determinations using the chlorite geothermometer yield temperatures around 320 ºC, corresponding to pressures near 2 kb according to the isochores deduced from the fluid inclusion study, although in the Barqueira mine higher temperatures, up to 350 ºC, are found, corresponding to presssures up to 2’5 kb. Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite point to a double source of Pb, i.e. a main mantle and a subordinate crustal source. The values for 87SR/86Sr in pyrite support this interpretation, but some results suggest later mobilization in an open system, corresponding to solution-transfer. Age determinations of pyrite deduced from the Pb isotope uranogenic graph, ≈ 480 Ma, do not fit with the metamorphic ages published for the Moeche Unit, and might point to the age of Pb extraction from the mantle.


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The purpose of this report is to build a model that represents, as best as possible, the seismic behavior of a pile cap bridge foundation by a nonlinear static (analysis) procedure. It will consist of a reproduction of a specimen already built in the laboratory. This model will carry out a pseudo static lateral and horizontal pushover test that will be applied onto the pile cap until the failure of the structure, the formation of a plastic hinge in the piles due to the horizontal deformation, occurs. The pushover test consists of increasing the horizontal load over the pile cap until the horizontal displacement wanted at the height of the pile cap is reached. The output of this model will be a Skeleton curve that will plot the lateral load (kN) over the displacement (m), so that the maximum movement the pile cap foundation can reach before its failure can be calculated. This failure will be achieved when the load at that specific shift is equal to 85% of the maximum. The pile cap foundation finite element model was based on pile cap built for a laboratory experiment already carried out by the Master student Deming Zhang at Tongji University. Two different pile caps were tested with a difference in height above the ground level. While one has 0:3m, the other rises 0:8m above the ground level. The computer model was calibrated using the experimental results. The pile cap foundation will be programmed in a finite element environment called OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation [28]). This environment is a free software developed by Berkeley University specialized, as it name says, in the study of earthquakes and its effects on structures. This specialization is the main reason why it is being used for building this model as it makes it possible to build any finite element model, and perform several analysis in order to get the results wanted. The development of OpenSees is sponsored by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center through the National Science Foundation engineering and education centers program. OpenSees uses Tcl language to program it, which is a language similar to C++.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de las actividades del GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) con las Smart Grids. En la investigación actual sobre Smart Grids se pretenden alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: . Integrar fuentes de energías renovables de manera efectiva. . Aumentar la eficiencia en la gestión de la demanda y suministro de forma dinámica. . Reducir las emisiones de CO2 dando prioridad a fuentes de energía verdes. . Concienciar del consumo de energía mediante la monitorización de dispositivos y servicios. . Estimular el desarrollo de un mercado vanguardista de tecnologías energéticamente eficientes con nuevos modelos de negocio. Dentro del contexto de las Smart Grids, el interés del GRyS se extiende básicamente a la creación de middlewares semánticos y tecnologías afines, como las ontologías de servicios y las bases de datos semánticas. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado ha sido diseñar y desarrollar una aplicación para dispositivos con sistema operativo Android, que implementa una interfaz gráfica y los métodos necesarios para obtener y representar información de registro de servicios de una plataforma SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). La aplicación permite: . Representar información relativa a los servicios y dispositivos registrados en una Smart Grid. . Guardar, cargar y compartir por correo electrónico ficheros HTML con la información anterior. . Representar en un mapa la ubicación de los dispositivos. . Representar medidas (voltaje, temperatura, etc.) en tiempo real. . Aplicar filtros por identificador de dispositivo, modelo o fabricante. . Realizar consultas SPARQL a bases de datos semánticas. . Guardar y cagar consultas SPARQL en ficheros de texto almacenados en la tarjeta SD. La aplicación, desarrollada en Java, es de código libre y hace uso de tecnologías estándar y abiertas como HTML, XML, SPARQL y servicios RESTful. Se ha tenido ocasión de probarla con la infraestructura del proyecto europeo e-Gotham (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), en el que participan 17 socios de 5 países: España, Italia, Estonia, Finlandia y Noruega. En esta memoria se detalla el estudio realizado sobre el Estado del arte y las tecnologías utilizadas en el desarrollo del proyecto, la implementación, diseño y arquitectura de la aplicación, así como las pruebas realizadas y los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT. This Final Degree Project is framed within the activities of the GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) with the Smart Grids. Current research on Smart Grids aims to achieve the following objectives: . To effectively integrate renewable energy sources. . To increase management efficiency by dynamically matching demand and supply. . To reduce carbon emissions by giving priority to green energy sources. . To raise energy consumption awareness by monitoring products and services. . To stimulate the development of a leading-edge market for energy-efficient technologies with new business models. Within the context of the Smart Grids, the interest of the GRyS basically extends to the creation of semantic middleware and related technologies, such as service ontologies and semantic data bases. The objective of this Final Degree Project has been to design and develop an application for devices with Android operating system, which implements a graphical interface and methods to obtain and represent services registry information in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform. The application allows users to: . Represent information related to services and devices registered in a Smart Grid. . Save, load and share HTML files with the above information by email. . Represent the location of devices on a map. . Represent measures (voltage, temperature, etc.) in real time. . Apply filters by device id, model or manufacturer. . SPARQL query semantic database. . Save and load SPARQL queries in text files stored on the SD card. The application, developed in Java, is open source and uses open standards such as HTML, XML, SPARQL and RESTful services technologies. It has been tested in a real environment using the e-Gotham European project infrastructure (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), which is participated by 17 partners from 5 countries: Spain, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Norway. This report details the study on the State of the art and the technologies used in the development of the project, implementation, design and architecture of the application, as well as the tests performed and the results obtained.


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El objetivo fundamental de la investigación es el estudio de los fundamentos constructivos de las fábricas históricas de tapia de tierra y mampostería encofrada de las fortificaciones bajomedievales. Ante las incertidumbres detectadas en la datación de estas estructuras y frente al excesivo número de excepciones que quedan fuera de las clasificaciones tradicionalmente empleadas para estudiar este tipo de técnicas, el artículo desarrolla una propuesta de tipología o taxonomía constructiva basada en un sistema abierto. Este sistema nace del análisis de un número significativo de fábricas y atiende a diversos parámetros de control para la completa caracterización de cada fábrica: material, grado de compactación, función constructiva, encofrado, acabado superficial, combinación de materiales y situación, profundidad, formación y sección de los agujales. Cada fábrica se clasifica mediante una etiqueta alfanumérica. El sistema permite establecer tipos constructivos con los que se genera una clasificación cronotipológica constructiva. ABSTRACT The principal aim of the research is the study of the constructive reasons of the historical masonries built with rammed earth and formwork masonry, belonging to late medieval fortifications. Uncertainties have been warned about dating the historical masonries and there are excessive exceptions that do not fall in the rankings traditionally employed to study these techniques. Due to these reasons, the article develops a proposal of constructive typology or taxonomy based in an open system that comes from the analysis of a representative number of masonries and that attends to several control parameters tor the complete characterization of each masonry: material, compaction degree, constructive function, formwork, rendering, combination of materials and, last, the situation, deepness, formation and section of the putlogholes. Each masonry is classified through an alphanumeric label. The system allows establishing several constructive types which it is possible to do a cronotypological and constructive classification.


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In an open system, each disequilibrium causes a force. Each force causes a flow process, these being represented by a flow variable formally written as an equation called flow equation, and if each flow tends to equilibrate the system, these equations mathematically represent the tendency to that equilibrium. In this paper, the authors, based on the concepts of forces and conjugated fluxes and dissipation function developed by Onsager and Prigogine, they expose the following hypothesis: Is replaced in Prigogine’s Theorem the flow by its equation or by a flow orbital considering conjugate force as a gradient. This allows to obtain a dissipation function for each flow equation and a function of orbital dissipation.


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Para analizar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en escalada se diseñó una práctica de escalada en muro (sistema abierto estilo americano) a través de un estudio comparativo entre estudiantes de dos asignaturas correlativas (Deportes Regionales Estivales 1 y 2). El objetivo es conocer la forma de resolución de problemas corporales y motrices en la escalada en el marco del mini muro como dispositivo de enseñanza. Se realizó a mitad del año académico en cada asignatura y para ello se elaboró una planilla de cotejo para registrar y comparar los resultados alcanzados. Se realizó un procesamiento cuantitativo sobre la cantidad de problemas resueltos por grupo. Se trabajó con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo para analizar las formas de resolución de los problemas motrices de los estudiantes. Se observa que los estudiantes de DRE 2 resuelven mayor cantidad de problemas en el muro que los estudiantes de DRE 1. La hipótesis que se sostiene tiene que ver con que los estudiantes más avanzados disponen de una mayor experiencia traducida en inteligencia motriz o disponibilidad corporal y motriz, que los estudiantes de la asignatura previa. Esta comunicación es parte del proyecto 04-B169 "El Andinismo en la Educación Física: Seguridad, enseñanza y formación docente". CRUB-UNCo


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Para analizar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en escalada se diseñó una práctica de escalada en muro (sistema abierto estilo americano) a través de un estudio comparativo entre estudiantes de dos asignaturas correlativas (Deportes Regionales Estivales 1 y 2). El objetivo es conocer la forma de resolución de problemas corporales y motrices en la escalada en el marco del mini muro como dispositivo de enseñanza. Se realizó a mitad del año académico en cada asignatura y para ello se elaboró una planilla de cotejo para registrar y comparar los resultados alcanzados. Se realizó un procesamiento cuantitativo sobre la cantidad de problemas resueltos por grupo. Se trabajó con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo para analizar las formas de resolución de los problemas motrices de los estudiantes. Se observa que los estudiantes de DRE 2 resuelven mayor cantidad de problemas en el muro que los estudiantes de DRE 1. La hipótesis que se sostiene tiene que ver con que los estudiantes más avanzados disponen de una mayor experiencia traducida en inteligencia motriz o disponibilidad corporal y motriz, que los estudiantes de la asignatura previa. Esta comunicación es parte del proyecto 04-B169 "El Andinismo en la Educación Física: Seguridad, enseñanza y formación docente". CRUB-UNCo


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Low temperature alteration of oceanic basement rocks is characterized by net gain of sulfur, which commonly yields low d34S values, suggesting involvement of microbial sulfate reduction. In order to test whether secondary sulfide minerals are consistent with a biogenic source, we apply high precision multiple sulfur isotope analysis to bulk rock sulfide and pyrite isolates from two contrasting types of altered oceanic basement rocks, namely serpentinized peridotites and altered basalts. Samples from two peridotite sites (Iberian Margin and Hess Deep) and from a basalt site on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge yield overlapping d34S values ranging from 0 per mil to -44 per mil. In contrast, sulfides in the basalt site are characterized by relatively low D33S values ranging from -0.06 per mil to 0.04 per mil, compared to those from peridotite sites (0.00 per mil to 0.16 per mil). The observed D33S signal is significant considering the analytical precision of 0.014 per mil (2 sigma). We present a batch reaction model that uses observed d34S and D33S relationships to quantify the effect of closed system processes and constrain the isotope enrichment factor intrinsic to sulfate reduction. The estimated enrichment factors as large as 61 per mil and 53 per mil, for peridotite and basalt sites respectively, suggest the involvement of microbial sulfate reduction. The relatively high D33S values in the peridotite sites are due to sulfate reduction in a closed system environment, whereas negative D33S values in the basalt site reflect open system sulfate reduction. A larger extent of sulfate reduction during alteration of peridotite to serpentinite is consistent with its higher H2 production capacity compared to basalt alteration, and further supports in-situ microbial sulfate reduction coupled with H2 production during serpentinization reactions.


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A new chemical procedure for cleaning marine carbonates was applied to remove detritus as well as metaloxide contaminations of marine shells from Eemian deposits and adjoining succession of a sediment core from Dagebüll, Schleswig- Holstein. Hence, one can significantly reduce the contamination with detrital uranium and thorium. Thermal ionisation mass spectrometry was applied to determine the uranium and thorium activities used for 230Th/U dating of these shells. At least ten samples of marine bivalves of five different core sections were analysed. Samples located below a five meter thick clay layer at 19-24 m yielded an average age of 132±18 ka. Shells located above the clays at 15-20 m depth were strongly influenced by percolating groundwaters of an open system. Therefore, a reliable dating of these samples was not possible.