932 resultados para protein content


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Grenadiers (family Macrouridae) are the most abundant fish on most continental slope areas worldwide. Off California the Pacific grenadier, Coryphaenoides acrolepis, occurs in relatively large numbers and may have marketing potential. This repon provides information on the biology of the species and catch results from a number of scientific cruises. Catch data on several other species found together with Pacific grenadier, panicularly sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, are also given. The fish were caught with a bottom trawl (15 trawls), and with free-vehicle longline gear (117 sets). The latter was a hook and line system in which the gear was dropped to the seafloor untethered to the fishing vessel, and floated to the surface, with the catch, when detachable weights were automatically released. Sablefish dominated longline catches in depths of 200-600fm (334-1,098m), while Pacific grenadier was most abundant between 600 and 1,OOOfm (1,098-1,830m). Best trawl catches of Pacific grenadier were made at depths between 615 and 675fm (1,125 and 1,235 m) and at 760fm (1,391 m). Ripe females were absent from our samples, but spent females were found during the entire year with highest numbers in the spring and early summer. Only one larva was found despite extensive sampling with plankton nets. Pacific grenadier was found to have good edible qualities by a taste-test panel, although the protein content (15 percent) and flesh yield (24 percent) were significantly lower than those of other fishes. A second species, the giant grenadier, Albatrossia pectoralis, was found to have exceptionally poor eating qualities and even lower protein content.


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A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose amplamente distribuída que afeta mais de um terço da população mundial e de grande importância na saúde pública. A maioria das infecções em humanos por Toxoplasma gondii é assintomática. A toxoplasmose é amplamente investigada visto que se apresenta como uma doença grave em pessoas imunodeprimidas (portadores da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA), não tratados, indivíduos transplantados, paciente em tratamento quimioterápico ou em uso de drogas supressoras e gestantes). A toxoplasmose congênita frequentemente pode levar ao aborto espontâneo ou até mesmo resultar na formação de crianças com algum grau de atraso no desenvolvimento mental e/ou físicos, deste modo, a transmissão congênita pode ser muito mais importante do que se pensava, pois os parasitos encontrados na circulação sanguinea são capazes de infectar as células endoteliais dos vasos e os tecidos circunjacentes, podendo resultar no encistamento do T. gondii. Atualmente a toxoplasmose vem sendo investigada devido a sua associação a inúmeras outras doenças, assim, estudos sobre a evolução da infecção por T. gondii em diferentes tipos de células hospedeiras se fazem necessários para uma abordagem terapêutica adequada. Ao invadir a célula hospedeira o parasito possui a capacidade de recrutar as mitocôndrias promovendo mudanças na organização mitocondrial ao longo da progressão da infecção, garantindo um ambiente favorável a sua multiplicação. Diante disso, investigamos se o parasito possui a capacidade de interferir no metabolismo mitocondrial e na resposta apoptótica da célula endotelial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o metabolismo mitocondrial através da respirometria de alta-resolução e da resposta apoptótica através do western blotting das células endoteliais da veia umbilical humana (HUVEC) infectadas por 2, 6 e 20 horas por taquizoítos de T. gondii. A respirometria de alta-resolução revelou que o parasito interfere no metabolismo energético da célula hospedeira. A análise do conteúdo de proteínas da família Bcl-2 por western blotting revelou maior estímulo apoptótico no tempo inicial de infecção, quando comparado aos demais tempos. Os resultados dos conteúdos de caspase 3, proteína efetora da apoptose, não demonstrou diferença nos tempos iniciais de infecção Entretanto, em tempos mais tardios, o conteúdo de caspase 3 mostrou-se significativamente aumentado quando comparado às HUVEC não infectadas. A dinâmica de replicação do parasito foi observada através do monitoramento pelo sistema Time-Lapse Nikon BioStation IMQ em tempo real das células infectadas por T.gondii. Portanto, nossos resultados sugerem que o protozoário ao recrutar as mitocôndrias da célula hospedeira interfere no metabolismo mitocondrial e na modulação da apoptose para garantir um ambiente favorável a sua multiplicação.


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Apesar de diversos estudos sobre nutrição de prematuros terem sido realizados, ainda não existe consenso sobre a melhor estratégia nutricional a ser adotada. Atualmente a taxa de crescimento dessa população não é semelhante àquela encontrada no ambiente intrauterino. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar se o maior aporte proteico enteral durante a internação hospitalar promove melhora dos índices antropométricos na alta hospitalar. Realizou-se um ensaio clínico randomizado com 117 prematuros nascidos entre janeiro de 2009 e julho de 2013 com peso ≤ 1500 gramas e idade gestacional≤32 semanas em uma unidade terciária de saúde, excluídos os nascidos com malformações graves, aferindo-se os índices antropométricos ao nascimento e na alta hospitalar. Randomizou-se os prematuros por meio de sorteio em dois grupos. O grupo 1 (n=53), foi submetido a um aporte protéico enteral diário de 4,5 gramas/kg/dia, enquanto o grupo 2 (n=64), recebeu 3,5 gramas/kg/dia. Avaliou-se se a nutrição enteral com aporte protéico maior que o comumente utilizado em unidades de terapia intensiva neonatais e também descrito na literatura, promove diferenças antropométricas na alta hospitalar. Na análise dos resultados, verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa para retorno ao peso de nascimento (p=0,02), crescimento de escore-Z em relação ao peso de nascimento (p=0,03) e crescimento escore-Z em relação ao comprimento de nascimento (p=0,02) quando comparados o grupo 1 ao 2. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas incidências de enterocolite necrotizante (p=0,70, RR 0,88), déficit ponderal na alta (p=0,27, RR 0,70), restrição de crescimento na alta (p= 0,39, RR 0,82) e déficit de perímetro cefálico na alta (p=0,45, RR 0,67). Concluiu-se, apesar das limitações metodológicas do estudo, que os participantes do grupo 1 apresentaram menor decréscimo de escores-Z em relação ao peso de nascimento e ao comprimento de nascimento quando comparados ao grupo 2, além de necessidade de menor tempo para recuperação do peso de nascimento. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para tempo de internação hospitalar, assim como para intercorrências de interesse (enterocolite necrotizante, déficit ponderal na alta, restrição de crescimento na alta e déficit de perímetro cefálico na alta).


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Changes in proximate composition of soft tissue of rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata inhabiting a polluted station at Bandra (stn. B) and a relatively clean area at Mudh Island (stn. M) were studied. An average protein content of 48.88 plus or minus 3.73 and 53.68 plus or minus 3.59% were recorded respectively for oysters from stns. M and B and the difference was significant. Mean carbohydrate content in oysters from stn. M amounted to 14.69 plus or minus 3.22 whereas at stn. B it was 8.70 plus or minus 1.61 and the difference was found highly significant. However, appreciable variation between stations was not observed in lipid and carbon content in oysters. Suitable periods for harvesting of these organisms are suggested.


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Shell composition of 35 species of molluscs was studied. The shell, calcium and calcium carbonate contents were lowest in the cuttle bone of cuttlefish, while they were highest in shell of Cypraea ocellata. Solen sp. had higher meat and protein content than the pelecypods and lower meat, water and protein content than the cephalopods. Inverse relationships between water and fat, and protein and ash were established.


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Silver belly (Leiognathus Spp.) forms a major fishery in recent years in the Rameswaram island but fetches for the fishermen very low prices ranging from Rs. 0.03 to 0.12/Kg only, there being practically no demand for the fish. The possibilities of utilizing this cheap fish are discussed and the processing method described. During the glut season the cost of production of Silver belly fish meal works out to competitive prices of Rs. 500 to 700/ton. The silver belly fish meal is of high quality with good protein content averaging 57.71% in commercial samples and 61.90% in laboratory samples and with a high pepsin digestibility of 90.0% to 92.5%. The essential amino acid composition of the Silver belly fish meal compares very favorably with other round fish meals, with high contents of lysine, leucine, arginine, isoleucine, methionine, phenyl alanine, threonine and valine. Since there is good demand for fish meal as poultry and cattle food both in the internal and external markets, there is good scope for large scale production and sale of fish meal.


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The paper deals with the investigations carried out on the preparation of odorless fish-starch flakes using partially deodorized trash fish meat and different sources of starch like corn, tapioca, maida and black gram. It has been found that the products using corn and tapioca are better compared to those prepared using other two starches, the product from corn being the best. The product has a protein content of about 20% and has been found to have a storage life of 4 months at 37°c.


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The toxic effects of dimecron on growth, body composition and oxygen consumption of fingerlings of Labeo rohita were studied. Dimecron concentrations of 4 and 8 mg/l were used. Both acute (3-h) and chronic (15- 42 d) exposure schedules were followed. Compared with the control fish, both 4 and 8 mg/l dimecron treatment significantly suppressed weight gained in fish by 9.71% and 30% respectively during a 42 day exposure period. However, the length of fish was suppressed by 11.46% significantly only in fish group exposed to 8 mg/l dimecron. Similarly, the protein content was also significantly reduced in the above group of fish. The oxygen consumption of fish was elevated considerably, but not significantly in both group of treated fish (8.5% and 26.07%) during acute exposure. However, after 15 days of exposure the rate decreased by 18.98% significantly only in fish exposed to 8 mg/l dimecron. The threshold level of DO at low oxygen environment found to be slightly higher in fish at 8 mg/l dimecron. The survival time at the above oxygen condition was reduced during acute exposure (3-h) and that was extended during chronic (15-d) exposure.


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Twenty three small indigenous fish species (SIS) in the size range of 3-18 cm were analyzed for proximate composition and minerals (Ca and P) content to evaluate their nutritive value. The moisture content of different species ranged between 71.00 and 81.94%. In general, small sized fishes showed higher moisture content. The muscle protein content among the species varied widely (16.16-22.28%). In general, the muscle protein content of fishes showed higher value than the whole carcass protein content. The carcass lipid content varied between 1.87 and 9.55% and showed an inverse relationship with the moisture content. The gross energy content ranged from 19.51-27.30 KJ/g on dry matter basis. In the present study, the calcium and phosphorus contents ranged between 0.85-3.20% and 1.01-3.29% respectively. The calcium and phosphorus ratio (Ca/P) varied between 0.44 and 2.00. From the nutritional point of view, it shows that the SIS are good source of protein and minerals especially calcium and phosphorus


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Studies were conducted on biochemical changes in P. monodon and M. rosenbergii during ice storage. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, moisture and protein content of freshwater prawn slightly decreased from 78.34 to '77.35% and 18.46 to 17.10, respectively, while lipid and ash content slightly increased. The moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of one day ice stored tiger shrimp samples were 78.07, 18.06, 1.3 and 1.29% respectively. The protein composition of freshwater prawn immediately after killed were 36.51% sarcoplasmic, 44.63% myofibrillar, 8.12% stroma and 6.44% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, sarcoplasmic and stroma protein slightly decreased while there was little or no changes observed in myofibrillar and alkali soluble protein. In case of one day ice stored tiger shrimp, the composition of protein were 35.32% sarcoplasmic, 46.29% myofibrillar, 7.86% stroma protein and 7.08% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days in ice, sarcoplasmic protein decreased from 35.32% to 32.16% while there was slight change in other protein fractions. The TVB-N value of 1 day ice stored shrimp was 10.5 mg/100g of sample. It increased gradually with the lapse of storage period and at the end of 10 days storage in ice, the value increased up to 60 mg/100g sample. The tiger head on shrimp in ice storage were found organoleptic acceptable condition for 8 days and at that time the TVB-N values were 32.2 mg/100g which is slightly above the recommended limit for TVB-N for export.


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Optimum growth, impaired growth and mortality hi black molly are studied in diluted sea water, sea water and also by introducing laboratory prepared diets. Rapid acclimation in conjunction with enhanced growth capacity was attained at 2‰ concentration of common salt in water, and 2‰ and 5‰ dilutions of sea water. 22‰ protein content in the diet was found to be adequate for growth and fertility of fishes acclimated at a salinity of 2‰. Higher protein content and other nutritive elements were necessary for fishes acclimated at 5‰ and 14‰. Fertility was increased in sea-water dilutions rather than in common salt-water dilutions.


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Haematological and biochemical profiles in a freshwater teleost, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, exposed to sub-lethal toxicity of the insecticide cyhalothrin were studied. During the treatment, erythrocyte count, haemoglobin content and protein content decreased, whereas leucocyte count and glucose level increased. The data are discussed in relation to the significance of haematological and biochemical changes as non-specific biomarkers against anthropogenic stress.


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Morphometric characteristics of Lamellidens lamellatus were studied using a random sample of 138 individuals collected from Bathalagoda reservoir in Kurunegala district. The largest number of individuals in the collection was between 40-50 mm in length. They had a body weight between 60-80 gm. The most abundant bio-chemical component in the adductor and in the foot was protein. Carbohydrate and lipid quantities were almost equal while ash showed the least value. The total protein content ranged from 48.8% to 73.4%; the carbohydrate content from 12.64% to 23.8%; and lipid content from 12.0% to 28.1% of their dry weight. It was found that there were significant relationships between the length and the body weight; and between length and volume.


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The morphometrics and the bio-chemical characteristics of Crassostrea cuculata and Perna perna were studied. In the oyster, the length was found to be positively correlated with breadth and total body weight. There was also a positive relationship between the total body weight and the total muscle weight. In the mytilid the total body weight was positively correlated with length and total muscle weight. The muscle weight was also found to be highly correlated with the length. In both animals the relationship between the length and the total body weight was curvilinear. In the oyster, the protein content was found to increase with the total body weight and the total muscle weight. In the mytilid the protein content increased not only with the total body weight but also with the length. In both animals, the relative content of protein is higher than that of carbohydrates, lipids and ash.


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A quality of survey was conducted at the fish curing yards in a northwest coast and the southern coast in Sri Lanka. A total of 40 samples different varieties of fishes were collected from the market and jaadi curing yards and all were evaluated for the quality, fungal and insect infestation. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition chemical, microbiological and sensory quality. Thirty percent of the total analyzed samples of fish were found to be unfit for consumption. Samples collected from Negombo were found to the infected with maggots. Only 42% samples had dry matter above 50%. All the samples showed a protein content above 20%. The highest protein content was 27.92% in hurulla. Over 90% of the samples had TVN at acceptable quality limits (>40). The TBC for 33% of the samples were in the range 104-105/g range, while 48% were in the range of 107-108/g due to contamination of maggots and fungi. The Survey showed jaadi had a high level of protein in its composition. But defects of curing process such on imperfect cleaning inadequate salting resulted in low (Chemical and microbiological) quality of the product.