165 resultados para prisms
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether stereoacuity can be used as an indicator of prism adaptation. In particular, we wanted to know whether the time required for stereoacuity to return to the initial level after viewing through a prism can be used to determine the degree of adaptation. Materials and Methods: Eighteen subjects participated in this study. Stereoacuity and dissociated phoria were determined using the TNO stereotest and the Maddox rod, respectively. Prism vergences were measured using a prism bar. For each participant, prism power equivalent to the blur point of base-in (BI) and base-out (BO) fusional vergence at 40 cm was divided and placed in front of both eyes. At 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 min after prism introduction, the stereoacuity was measured, and at 0 and 12 min, the heterophoria was measured. Results: The repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between the mean stereoacuity for BI and BO prisms at the different measurement times (p < 0.05). For BO prism, the initial value was different between 0 and 3 min after the prism introduction, whereas for BI prism, a difference in stereoacuity was found between the pre-prism value and the value at 0, 3 and 6 min. The size of the heterophoria with BO and BI prisms was different from 0 to 12 min (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The time required for stereoacuity to return to baseline level was more than 3 min for BO, and more than 6 min for BI prism. In addition, the time required to return to baseline values was not similar for the stereoacuity and heterophoria. The recovery of stereoacuity is slower when adapting to divergence, as when looking from near to far. This implies that stereopsis responds faster to near targets than to distant one, and may precede complete phoria adaptation. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
Methyl tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranuronate (1) and methyl tetra-O-acetyl-α-d-glucopyranuronate (3) were isolated as crystalline solids and their crystal structures were obtained. That of the β anomer (1) was the same as that reported by Root et al., while anomer (3) was found to crystallise in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. No other crystal forms were found for either compound upon recrystallisation from a range of solvents. The α anomer (3) was found to be an impurity in initially precipitated batches of β-anomer (1) in quantities <3%; however, it was possible to remove the α impurity either by recrystallisation or by efficient washing, i.e. the α anomer is not incorporated inside the β anomer crystals. The β anomer (1) was found to grow as prisms or needles elongated in the a crystallographic direction in the absence of the α impurity, while the presence of the α anomer (3) enhanced this elongation.
Magnetotactic bacteria biomineralize magnetic minerals with precisely controlled size, morphology, and stoichiometry. These cosmopolitan bacteria are widely observed in aquatic environments. If preserved after burial, the inorganic remains of magnetotactic bacteria act as magnetofossils that record ancient geomagnetic field variations. They also have potential to provide paleoenvironmental information. In contrast to conventional magnetofossils, giant magnetofossils (most likely produced by eukaryotic organisms) have only been reported once before from Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; 55.8 Ma) sediments on the New Jersey coastal plain. Here, using transmission electron microscopic observations, we present evidence for abundant giant magnetofossils, including previously reported elongated prisms and spindles, and new giant bullet-shaped magnetite crystals, in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, not only during the PETM, but also shortly before and after the PETM. Moreover, we have discovered giant bullet-shaped magnetite crystals from the equatorial Indian Ocean during the Mid-Eocene Climatic Optimum (~40 Ma). Our results indicate a more widespread geographic, environmental, and temporal distribution of giant magnetofossils in the geological record with a link to "hyperthermal" events. Enhanced global weathering during hyperthermals, and expanded suboxic diagenetic environments, probably provided more bioavailable iron that enabled biomineralization of giant magnetofossils. Our micromagnetic modelling indicates the presence of magnetic multi-domain (i.e., not ideal for navigation) and single domain (i.e., ideal for navigation) structures in the giant magnetite particles depending on their size, morphology and spatial arrangement. Different giant magnetite crystal morphologies appear to have had different biological functions, including magnetotaxis and other non-navigational purposes. Our observations suggest that hyperthermals provided ideal conditions for giant magnetofossils, and that these organisms were globally distributed. Much more work is needed to understand the interplay between magnetofossil morphology, climate, nutrient availability, and environmental variability.
El carácter innovador y feminista del mediometraje Margarita y el lobo (1969) supuso la censura total de la película y el ostracismo hacia su directora, la entonces estudiante de la EOC, Cecilia Bartolomé. En este artículo repasamos sus anteriores cortometrajes para desgranar los primeros matices de protesta así como la utilización de la expresión musical como vehículo del discurso feminista en Margarita y el lobo. A través de los planteamientos de la musicóloga Susan McClary que abordan sexualidad, género y feminismo concluimos con una visión del análisis de género en las obras musicales, al vincular sus estudios al film de Bartolomé. Del mismo modo, analizamos la función que cumple la música en el mediometraje. Para ello, examinamos el repertorio de canciones presente en Margarita y el lobo para terminar reconociendo la función discursiva y referencial como piezas claves en la película de la directora.
This article proposes a reflection on what the historian Saul Friedlander called “the limits of representation” of the massacres and genocides, in order to provide evidence to help settle the old debate about the Holocaust unrepresentability. To achieve this, we will carry out a textual analysis of five of the most painful images that the American photographer Lee Miller realized in the Nazi concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau, in April 1945. The war correspondent, who had been Man Ray’s assistant photographer, muse and lover, witnessed the horror, and if she knew how to represent it, that was, in a great extent, thanks to its surreal look.
Introduction - No validated protocol exists for the measurement of the prism fusion ranges. Many studies report on how fusional vergence ranges can be measured using different techniques (rotary prism, prism bar, loose prisms and synoptophore) and stimuli, leading to different ranges being reported in the literature. Repeatability of the different methods available and the equivalence between them it is also important. In addition, some studies available do not agree in what order fusional vergence should be measured to provide the essential information on which to base clinical judgements on compensation of deviations. When performing fusional vergence testing the most commonly accepted clinical technique is to first measure negative fusional vergence followed by a measurement of positive fusional vergence to avoid affecting the value of vergence recovery because of excessive stimulation of convergence. Von Noorden recommend using vertical fusion amplitudes in between horizontal amplitudes (base-out, base-up, base-in, and base down) to prevent vergence adaptation. Others place the base of the prism in the direction opposite to that used to measure the deviation to increase the vergence demand. Objectives - The purpose of this review is to assess and compare the accuracy of tests for measurement of fusional vergence. Secondary objectives are to investigate sources of heterogeneity of diagnostic accuracy including: age; variation in method of assessment; study design; study size; type of strabismus (convergent, divergent, vertical, cycle); severity of strabismus (constant/intermittent/latent).
Purpose: It is important to establish a differential diagnosis between the different types of nystagmus, in order to give the appropriate clinical approach to every situation and to improve visual acuity. The nystagmus is normally blocked when the eyes are positioned in a particular way. This makes the child adopt a posture of ocular torticollis that reduces the nistagmiformes movements, improving the vision in this position. A way to promote the blocking of the nystagmic movements is by using prismatic lenses with opposite bases, to block or minimize the oscillatory movements. This results in a vision improvement and it reduces the anomalous head position. There is limited research on the visual results in children with nystagmus after using prisms with opposing bases. Our aim is to describe the impact on the visual acuity (VA ) of theprescription prism lenses in a nystagmus patient starting at 3 months of age. Methods: Case report on thirty month old caucasian male infant, with normal growth and development for their age, with an early onset of horizontal nystagmus at 3 months of age. Ophthalmic examination included slit lamp examination, fundus, refractive study, electrophysiological and magnetic resonance tests, measurement of VA over time with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC ) in the distance agreed for the age. At age ten months, the mother noted a persistent turn to the right of the child’s head, which became increasingly more severe along the months. There’s no oscillopcia. At 24 months, an atropine refraction showed the following refractive error: 0D.: -1,50, OS: -0,50 and prismatic lens adapting OD 8 Δ nasal base and OE 8 Δ temporal base. Results: Thirty month old child, with adequate development for their age, with onset of idiopatic horizontal nystagmus, at 3 months of age. Normal ocular fundus and magnetic ressoance without alterations, sub-normal results in electrophysiological tests and VA with values below normal for age. At 6 months OD 20/300; OE 20/400; OU 20/300. At 9 months OD 20/250; OE 20/300; OU 20/150 (TAC a 38 cm). At 18 months OD 20/200; OE 20/100; OU 20/80 (TAC at 38 cm), when the head is turned to the right and the eyes in levoversão, the nystagmus decreases in a “neutral” area. At 24 month, with the prismatic glasses, OD 20/200 OE 20/100, OU20/80 (TAC at 54 cm, reference value is 20/30 – 20/100 para OU e 20/40 – 20/100 monocular), there was an increase in the visual acuity. The child did visual stimulation with multimedia devices and using glasses. After adaptation of prisms: at 30 months VA (with Cambridge cards) OD e OE = 6/18. The child improved the VA and reduced the anomalous head position. There is also improvement in mobility and fine motricity. Conclusion: Prisms with opposing bases., were used in the treatment of idiopathic nystagmus. Said prisms were adapted to reduce the skewed position of the head, and to improve VA and binocular function. Monitoring of visual acuity and visual stimulation was done using electronic devices. Following the use of prismatic, the patient improved significantly VA and the anomalous head position was reduced.
O bin picking é um processo de grande interesse na indústria, uma vez que permite maior automatização, aumento da capacidade de produção e redução dos custos. Este tem vindo a evoluir bastante ao longo dos anos e essa evolução fez com que sistemas de perceção 3D começassem a ser implementados. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo desenvolver um sistema de bin picking usando apenas perceção 3D. O sistema deve ser capaz de determinar a posição e orientação de objetos com diferentes formas e tamanhos, posicionados aleatoriamente numa superfície de trabalho. Os objetos utilizados para fazer os testes experimentais, são esferas, cilindros e prismas, uma vez que abrangem as formas geométricas existentes em muitos produtos submetidos a bin picking. Após a identi cação e seleção do objeto a apanhar, o manipulador deve autonomamente posicionar-se para fazer a aproximação e recolha do mesmo. A aquisição de dados é feita através de uma câmara Kinect. Dos dados recebidos apenas são trabalhados os referentes à profundidade, centrando-se assim este trabalho na análise e tratamento de nuvem de pontos. O sistema desenvolvido cumpre com os objetivos estabelecidos. Consegue localizar e apanhar objetos em várias posições e orientações. Além disso apresenta uma velocidade de processamento compatível com a aplicação em causa.
Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso sugere uma sequência de atividades para desenvolver conteúdos de Geometria Espacial, particularmente prismas e pirâmides, com alunos do Ensino Médio, priorizando a visualização dos sólidos no espaço, identificando as diferenças quanto ao formato e às características de seus elementos, sem a necessidade de memorização de fórmulas. Enfatiza-se também a importância da recapitulação de conceitos da Geometria Plana e da forma de avaliar a aprendizagem. A cada ano que passa, os alunos estão encontrando cada vez mais dificuldades na Matemática Básica e isto tem consequência direta na aprendizagem por parte desses alunos nos conteúdos relativos ao Ensino Médio. Muitas vezes os alunos conseguem entender o que o professor explica, mas não conseguem resolver os exercícios. Para verificar a veracidade desta afirmação, foi realizada uma pesquisa através de um questionário com professores que trabalham com Geometria Espacial em sete escolas de Ensino Médio da cidade de Rio Grande, RS. Este trabalho pretende sugerir atividades simples que introduzem e complementam o conteúdo que encontra-se nos livros didáticos tradicionais, que os professores, mesmo com poucos recursos, podem realizar com seus alunos no sentido de tentar contornar essas dificuldades. Pretende-se também ressaltar a importância da exigência por parte dos professores por ocasião de suas avaliações, a fim de que seja preservada a qualidade do ensino.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Pós-graduação em Estruturas e Construção Civil, 2015.
The job security issue is crucial for the development of construction due to the need to ensure the health of workers, which is done by means of laws and production management. Thus, among various other laws, was enacted NR-18, in order to ensure the worker's minimum conditions for the development work. Despite legislative developments on the subject, they have become ineffective against the excessive number of accidents in the construction industry, bringing the company to greater in ensuring the health and safety of its workers. In view of this need for improvement of working environment in a general appearance, both for purposes of ensuring the law obedience as comfort for workers and quality of the organization, the System Health Management and Safety (OHSMS) is a valid tool demonstrates the evolution of business management, as well as OHSAS 18001 which proposes to ensure the efficiency and integration of a system geared to safety and health at work by means of implements and adaptations of it, in order to bring significant improvements to conditions of work, especially in the form of a new culture to be adopted by the company. Addressing the problem, this paper aims to develop a management system by OHSAS 18001 which is consistent with the terms of NR-18 as it is this integration of OHSMS Management System of the company as a usual practice of that aims at an improvement of work safety in the business of Buildings.
Hollow, cylindrical, prismatic light guides (CPLGs) are optical components that, using total internal reflection (TIR), are able to transmit high-diameter light beams in daylight and artificial lighting applications without relevant losses. It is necessary to study the prism defects of their surfaces to quantify the behavior of these optical components. In this Letter, we analyze a CPLG made of a transparent dielectric material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the topographic optical profilometry by absorption in fluids (TOPAF) imaging technique are conducted to determine if there are defects in the corners of the prisms. A model for light guide transmittance that is dependent on prism defects is proposed. Finally, a simulation and an experimental study are carried out to check the validity of the proposed model.
This work focuses on the creation and applications of a dynamic simulation software in order to study the hard metal structure (WC-Co). The technological ground used to increase the GPU hardware capacity was Geforce 9600 GT along with the PhysX chip created to make games more realistic. The software simulates the three-dimensional carbide structure to the shape of a cubic box where tungsten carbide (WC) are modeled as triangular prisms and truncated triangular prisms. The program was proven effective regarding checking testes, ranging from calculations of parameter measures such as the capacity to increase the number of particles simulated dynamically. It was possible to make an investigation of both the mean parameters and distributions stereological parameters used to characterize the carbide structure through cutting plans. Grounded on the cutting plans concerning the analyzed structures, we have investigated the linear intercepts, the intercepts to the area, and the perimeter section of the intercepted grains as well as the binder phase to the structure by calculating the mean value and distribution of the free path. As literature shows almost consensually that the distribution of the linear intercepts is lognormal, this suggests that the grain distribution is also lognormal. Thus, a routine was developed regarding the program which made possible a more detailed research on this issue. We have observed that it is possible, under certain values for the parameters which define the shape and size of the Prismatic grain to find out the distribution to the linear intercepts that approach the lognormal shape. Regarding a number of developed simulations, we have observed that the distribution curves of the linear and area intercepts as well as the perimeter section are consistent with studies on static computer simulation to these parameters.
De tradição oral e de origem remota, os provérbios circunscrevem a realidade cultural dos seus criadores e utilizadores. A sua riqueza reside, por um lado, na mensagem sintética e por isso, também, pragmática, ao ser utilizada como âncora em contextos específicos; reside, por outro lado, na construção de metáforas conceptuais, tradutoras de verdades e generalizações sedimentadas na observação empírica. É nestas que a língua portuguesa (LP) germina a dimensão cultural e permite a exploração de mundividências partilhadas, transparentes, translúcidas ou opacas. O trabalho que propomos apresentar descreve um conjunto de atividades realizadas com alunos do 5.o ao 8.o ano de escolaridade, no âmbito de um programa desenvolvido por um agrupamento de escolas da região de Viseu e uma instituição de ensino superior durante o ano letivo de 2013-2014. As atividades que propusemos implicaram considerar a LP a partir de diferentes prismas, perspetivando-a não só como código verbal, como herança cultural, mas também como espaço de criação e criatividade. Assim, a sedimentação de significados que foram construindo a LP é apresentada aos alunos como enigma a desvelar. Neste sentido, propomos a) analisar a representação gráfica de provérbios feita por alunos do ensino básico; b) refletir sobre a influência da LP na formação de provérbios em países de expressão portuguesa. A sua interpretação é padronizada, mas permeável a ambiguidades. Neste caso, e a partir da comparação de um exercício de equivalência entre provérbios representados pela variedade do português, revelamos a seleção dos alunos.
PRISM (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) was proposed to ESA in May 2013 as a large-class mission for investigating within the framework of the ESA Cosmic Vision program a set of important scientific questions that require high res- olution, high sensitivity, full-sky observations of the sky emission at wavelengths ranging from millimeter-wave to the far-infrared. PRISM’s main objective is to explore the distant universe, probing cosmic history from very early times until now as well as the structures, distribution of matter, and velocity flows throughout our Hubble volume. PRISM will survey the full sky in a large number of frequency bands in both intensity and polarization and will measure the absolute spectrum of sky emission more than three orders of magnitude bet- ter than COBE FIRAS. The data obtained will allow us to precisely measure the absolute sky brightness and polarization of all the components of the sky emission in the observed frequency range, separating the primordial and extragalactic components cleanly from the galactic and zodiacal light emissions. The aim of this Extended White Paper is to provide a more detailed overview of the highlights of the new science that will be made possible by PRISM, which include: (1) the ultimate galaxy cluster survey using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) e↵ect, detecting approximately 106 clusters extending to large redshift, including a char- acterization of the gas temperature of the brightest ones (through the relativistic corrections to the classic SZ template) as well as a peculiar velocity survey using the kinetic SZ e↵ect that comprises our entire Hubble volume; (2) a detailed characterization of the properties and evolution of dusty galaxies, where the most of the star formation in the universe took place, the faintest population of which constitute the di↵use CIB (Cosmic Infrared Background); (3) a characterization of the B modes from primordial gravity waves generated during inflation and from gravitational lensing, as well as the ultimate search for primordial non-Gaussianity using CMB polarization, which is less contaminated by foregrounds on small scales than thetemperature anisotropies; (4) a search for distortions from a perfect blackbody spectrum, which include some nearly certain signals and others that are more speculative but more informative; and (5) a study of the role of the magnetic field in star formation and its inter- action with other components of the interstellar medium of our Galaxy. These are but a few of the highlights presented here along with a description of the proposed instrument.