952 resultados para potassium fertilization


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Polarisation characters of the Raman lines of calcium fluoride (fluorspar) and potassium aluminium sulphate (alum) were investigated under the following conditions. Unpolarised light was incident normally on a face of the crystal making an angle 22.5° with a cubic face and the light scattered transversely along a cubic axis was analysed by a double image prism kept with its principal axes inclined at 45° to the vertical. Under these conditions the depolarisation factors of the Raman lines belonging to the totally symmetric (A), the doubly degenerate (E) and the triply degenerate (F) modes should be respectively =1, >1 and <1. The characteristic Raman line of CaF2 at 322 cm-1 exhibited a depolarisation value less than 1, showing thereby that the corresponding mode is a triply degenerate one (F). The Raman lines observed in the spectrum of K-alum were also classified and the results were compared with those given by previous investigators using standard crystal orientations.


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Lihaluujauho muodostaa maatilojen myytävien kasvi- ja eläinperäisten tuotteiden jälkeen tärkeimmän agroekosysteemeistä poispäin suuntautuvan ravinnevirran. Se sisältää runsaasti pääkasvinravinteita typpeä, fosforia ja kalsiumia (N ~8%, P ~5%, Ca yleensä ~10-15% luuaineksen määrästä riippuen), sekä kaliumia n.1% tai alle. Lihaluujauho on todettu tehokkaaksi lannoitteeksi useilla viljelykasveilla ja sen käyttö on sallittu myös luomuviljelyssä EU-alueella. Lihaluujauhoon ja erityisesti sen rehukäyttöön liittyvistä riskeistä merkittävin on TSE-tautien riski (naudan BSE-, lampaiden ja vuohien scrapie-, sekä ihmisen vCJD-taudit). Rehukäyttöä on monissa maissa rajoitettu 1980-luvulla puhjenneen BSE-kriisin myötä. BSE-taudin leviäminen yhdistettiin tilanteeseen, jossa nautaperäistä lihaluujauhoa käytettiin nautaeläinten rehun ainesosana. Myös lihaluujauhon käytössä turkiseläinrehuna saattaa piillä BSE:n tai muun TSE-taudin riski. Oikein käsitellyn lihaluujauhon lannoitekäyttöön ei kuitenkaan näytä tarkastelemieni tutkimusten perusteella sisältyvän huomattavaa TSEriskiä, jos huolehditaan asianmukaisista varotoimista ja menettelyistä sekä tuotteen valmistusprosessissa, että käytettäessä lannoitetta. Lihaluujauhon lannoitekäytön lisääminen edistäisi ruokajärjestelmämme ravinnekierron sulkemista etenkin fosforin osalta. Lihaluujauho on uusiutuva luonnonvara, jonka lannoitekäytöllä voitaisiin korvata huomattava osa lannoiteaineena kulutettavista fosforipitoisista kiviaineista. Sokerijuurikkaan lannoituskokeissa Varsinais-Suomen Kaarinassa vuosina 2008 ja 2009 lihaluujauhokäsittelyt eivät menestyneet aivan yhtä hyvin satotasovertailussa kuin kontrollikäsittelyiden NPK-väkilannoitteet, mutta laatuominaisuuksiltaan (sokeripitoisuus, amino-N, K, ja Na-pitoisuudet) joiltakin osin kontrollikäsittelyjä paremmin. Kokeissa käytetyt lajikkeet olivat ’Jesper’ vuonna 2008 ja ’Lincoln’ vuonna 2009. Käytetty lihaluujauholannoite oli Honkajoki Oy:n Viljo Yleislannoite 8-4-3, joka sisälsi noin 10% kaliumsulfaatin ja kasviperäisten sivutuotteiden seosta. Viljo-lannoitetta käytettiin sekä yksistään, että yhdistettynä 10-25%:iin väkilannoitetta. Vuoden 2009 Viljo-koejäseniin vielä lisättiin kaliumsulfaattilannoitetta (42% K, 18% S), jotta päästiin annetun kaliumin määrässä päästiin lannoitussuosituksen (60 kg K/ha) tasolle. Pelkkä Viljo-lannoite tuotti merkitsevästi alhaisemmat sadot kuin kontrollikäsittelyt molempina vuosina. Kuitenkin kun Viljolannoitteen ohella käytettiin väkilannoitetta (10-25% kasvin typentarpeesta) päästiin varsin lähelle kontrollikäsittelyiden satotasoja. Myös pelkän LLJ-lannoitteen tuottamat satotasot olivat kuitenkin selvästi paremmat kuin Suomen keskimääräiset juurikassadot. Viljo-käsittelyillä oli selvästi positiivinen vaikutus laatutekijöihin amino-N, K ja Na vuonna 2008, mutta vuonna 2009 näiden pitoisuudet jäivät kontrollikäsittelyjen tasolle. Viljo-käsittelyiden sokeripitoisuudet olivat vuonna 2008 kontrollikäsittelyn luokkaa ja Viljo77%+NK1:n osalta kontrollia merkitsevästi paremmat. Vuoden 2009 sokeripitoisuudet olivat kaikilla koejäsenillä erinomaiset, ja käsittelyiden välillä ei ilmennyt merkitseviä eroja. Kokeiden perusteella kaliumsulfaatilla täydennetty lihaluujauho on hyvin toimiva lannoite sokerijuurikkaalla Suomen olosuhteissa, etenkin yhdistettynä väkilannoitteeseen.


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Previous attempts for the quantitative estimation of lithium as orthophosphate, employing an alkali metal phosphate, have not been successful. A method, is described for the estimation of lithium as trilithium phosphate from 60% ethyl alcohol solution at 65° to 70° C., employing potassium phosphate reagent, at pH 9.5. The method is applicable in the presence of varying amounts of sodium and/or potassium cations and chloride, sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate anions.


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The potassium salt of 3-methoxy and 3,5-dimethoxy benzoic acids undergoes deprotonation at the position para to the carboxylate group selectively when treated with LIC-KOR in THF at -78 degrees C and it has been extended to the synthesis of 3,5-dimethoxy-4-methyl benzoic acid. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A.C. electrical conductivity of potassium perchlorate (KP) has been measured in the temperature range 25�325°C at frequencies ranging from 50�500 Hz using an automated technique. The results are interpreted in terms of a novel mechanism involving Schottky defects in the anion sublattice and Frenkel defects in the cation sublattice. Theconductivity behavior of KP is compared with literature data on similar low-symmetry systems containing polyatomic ions.


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The activity of K sub 2 O in a mixture of alpha -alumina and potassium beta -alumina has been determined using a solid state galvanic cell in the temperature range 600-1000K. The cell is written such that the right hand electrode is positive. The solid electrolyte consisted of a dispersion of alpha -alumina ( approx 15 vol.%) in a matrix of K beta -alumina. The emf of the cell was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf and auxiliary data on In sub 2 O sub 3 and K sub 2 O from the literature, the activity of K sub 2 O in the two-phase mixture is obtained. The standard free energy of formation of K beta -alumina from component oxides is given. Graphs.


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Addition of trimethylammonium perchlorate to potassium perchlorate (KP) catalyzes its thermal decomposition. However, although the additive sensitises KP-PU propellant decomposition, its combustion is desensitised. The observed effects have been explained in terms of the role played by the early formation of potassium chloride.


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It has been suggested that materials with interesting and useful bulk non-linear optical properties might result by substituting vanadium, the lightest element in the group V of periodic table, for Nb or Ta atoms along with Li and three oxygens. It is with this motivation that we have been making attempts to grow single crystals of LiNbO3 doped with various concentrations of V2O5. Unfortunately the results obtained on the ceramic samples of this material have not been very encouraging, owing to their hygroscopic nature. However, our attempts to prepare both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of potassium lithium niobate (K3Li2Nb5O15; KLN) doped V2O5 were successful. In this letter we report the preliminary results concerning our studies on the effect of V2O5 doping on the structural as well as topographic features of both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of KLN.


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The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to record potassium currents in mouse fetal hypothalamic neurons developing in culture medium from days 1 to 17. The neurons were derived from fetuses of IOPS/OF1 mice on the 14th day of gestation. The mature neurons (>six days in culture) showed both a transient potassium current and a non-inactivating delayed rectifier potassium current. These were identified pharmacologically by using the potassium channel blockers tetraethyl ammonium chloride and 4-aminopyridine, and on the basis of their kinetics and voltage sensitivities. The delayed rectifier potassium current had a threshold of −20 mV, a slow time-course of activation, and was sustained during the voltage pulse. The 4-aminopyridine-sensitive current was transient, and was activated from a holding potential more negative (−80 mV) than that required for evoking the delayed rectifier potassium current (−40 mV). The delayed rectifier potassium current was detectable from day 1 onwards, while the transient potassium current showed a distinct developmental trend. The time-constant of inactivation became faster with age in culture. The half steady-state inactivation potential showed a shift towards less negative membrane potentials with age, and the relationship was best described by a logarithmic regression equation.The developmental trend of the transient potassium current may relate functionally to the progressive morphological changes, and the appearance of synaptic connections during ontogenesis.


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Measurements of the electrical resistivity of thin potassium wires at temperatures near 1 K have revealed a minimum in the resistivity as a function of temperature. By proposing that the electrons in these wires have undergone localization, albeit with large localization length, and that inelastic-scattering events destroy the coherence of that state, we can explain both the magnitude and shape of the temperature-dependent resistivity data. Localization of electrons in these wires is to be expected because, due to the high purity of the potassium, the elastic mean free path is comparable to the diameters of the thinnest samples, making the Thouless length lT (or inelastic diffusion length) much larger than the diameter, so that the wire is effectively one dimensional. The inelastic events effectively break the wire into a series of localized segments, whose resistances can be added to obtain the total resistance of the wire. The ensemble-averaged resistance for all possible segmented wires, weighted with a Poisson distribution of inelastic-scattering lengths along the wire, yields a length dependence for the resistance that is proportional to [L3/lin(T)], provided that lin(T)?L, where L is the sample length and lin(T) is some effective temperature-dependent one-dimensional inelastic-scattering length. A more sophisticated approach using a Poisson distribution in inelastic-scattering times, which takes into account the diffusive motion of the electrons along the wire through the Thouless length, yields a length- and temperature-dependent resistivity proportional to (L/lT)4 under appropriate conditions. Inelastic-scattering lifetimes are inferred from the temperature-dependent bulk resistivities (i.e., those of thicker, effectively three-dimensional samples), assuming that a minimum amount of energy must be exchanged for a collision to be effective in destroying the phase coherence of the localized state. If the dominant inelastic mechanism is electron-electron scattering, then our result, given the appropriate choice of the channel number parameter, is consistent with the data. If electron-phason scattering were of comparable importance, then our results would remain consistent. However, the inelastic-scattering lifetime inferred from bulk resistivity data is too short. This is because the electron-phason mechanism dominates in the inelastic-scattering rate, although the two mechanisms may be of comparable importance for the bulk resistivity. Possible reasons why the electron-phason mechanism might be less effective in thin wires than in bulk are discussed.


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Coupled substitution of Nb(V) and Si(IV) for Ti(IV) and P(V)/As(V) in KTiOP04 (KTP) and KTiOAsO4 (KTA) giving new series of nonlinear optical materials, KTi1-xNbxOX1-xSixO4 (X=P,As), has been investigated. Substitution up to x = 0.40 readily occurs, the members retaining the orthorhombic (Pna2(1)) structure of KTP. The second harmonic generation (SHG) property of the parent KTP and KTA is not adversely affected by the coupled substitution. SHG intensity of the powder samples of the X = P series shows a slight increase with x up to x = 0.15; for 0.15 < x less-than-or-equal-to 0.40, there is a decrease in SHG intensity as compared to that for KTP. A similar trend in SHG intensity is seen for the arsenic analogs.