919 resultados para post graduate studies


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Higher education is a distribution center of knowledge and economic, social, and cultural power (Cervero & Wilson, 2001). A critical approach to understanding a higher education classroom begins with recognizing the instructor's position of power and authority (Tisdell, Hanley, & Taylor, 2000). The power instructors wield exists mostly unquestioned, allowing for teaching practices that reproduce the existing societal patterns of inequity in the classroom (Brookfield, 2000). ^ The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore students' experiences with the power of their instructors in a higher education classroom. A hermeneutic phenomenological study intertwines the interpretations of both the participants and the researcher about a lived experience to uncover layers of meaning because the meanings of lived experiences are usually not readily apparent (van Manen, 1990). Fifteen participants were selected using criterion, convenience, and snowball sampling. The primary data gathering method were semi-structured interviews guided by an interview protocol (Creswell, 2003). Data were interpreted using thematic reflection (van Manen, 1990). ^ Three themes emerged from data interpretation: (a) structuring of instructor-student relationships, (b) connecting power to instructor personality, and (c) learning to navigate the terrains of higher education. How interpersonal relationships were structured in a higher education classroom shaped how students perceived power in that higher education classroom. Positive relationships were described using the metaphor of family and a perceived ethic of caring and nurturing by the instructor. As participants were consistently exposed to exercises of instructor power in a higher education classroom, they attributed those exercises of power to particular instructor traits rather than systemic exercises of power. As participants progressed from undergraduate to graduate studies, they perceived the benefits of expertise in content or knowledge development as secondary to expertise in successfully navigating the social, cultural, political, and interpersonal terrains of higher education. Ultimately, participants expressed that higher education is not about what you know; it is about learning how to play the game. Implications for teaching in higher education and considerations for future research conclude the study.^


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The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of the study experience of non-American graduate students living outside of the United States and formally engaged in graduate studies in an American Distance Education (DE) Program. These students have been labeled “culturally sensitive.” The nature of this study dictated a qualitative case study methodology using in-depth interviews to collect the data and the hermeneutic approach to understanding and description. This study aims at generating questions and hypotheses that will lead to further investigations that explore the need for cultural and contextual sensitivity in order to provide more equitable and accessible higher education for all. ^ The study attempted to answer the question: What is the study experience of “culturally sensitive” graduate students in American DE Programs? The underlying issue in this study is whether education designed and provided by educators of different socio-cultural backgrounds from that of the students could be content relevant and instructionally appropriate, resulting in educational enhancement and/or prepare students to function adequately in their own communities. ^ Participants in this study (n = 12) were engaged in Master's level (n = 2) and Doctoral level (n = 10) DE programs at American Universities, and were interviewed by E-mail, face-to-face, or using a combination of the two. Data analysis compared interviews and highlighted repetitive patterns. Interview data was triangulated with recent related literature and data from document reviews of archived E-mail conversations between students and their professors. The patterns that emerged were coded and categorized according to generative themes. The following themes were identified in order to analyze the data and confirmed through participant check-back: program benefits, communication, technology, culture and methodology, and reflectivity. ^ Major findings in this study indicate that culture plays an important role in cross-cultural encounters for students in American DE programs vis-à-vis student perceptions as to whether their study needs were being met. Most notably, it was found that the coupling of cultural perceptual differences with transactional distance created a potential barrier to communication that could affect short-term success in American DE programs. To overcome this barrier, students cited good communication as essential in meeting student's needs, especially those communications that were supportive and full of detail and context and from a primary source (ex. directly from the professor). Evaluation was a particularly sensitive issue, especially when students were unaware of their professor's cultural and contextual intricacies and therefore were uncertain about expectations and intended meaning. CSGS were aware of their position and the American rather than global context in which they were participating. Students appear to have developed “extended identities”, meaning that they acculturated in varying degrees in order to be successful in their program but that their local cultural identity was not compromised in any way. For participants from Venezuela access to higher DE has been a limiting factor to participation, due to the high cost of technology and telephone lines for communication. ^


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The Brazilian CAPES Journal Portal aims to provide Information in Science and Technology (IST) for academic users. Thus, it is considered a relevant instrument for post-graduation dynamics and the country´s Science and Technology (S&T) development. Despite its importance, there are still few studies that focus on the policy analysis and efficiency of these resources. This research aims to fill in this gap once it proposes an analysis of the use of the CAPES Journal Portal done on behalf of the master´s and doctoral alumni of the Post Graduate Program in Management (PPGA) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The operationalization of the research´s main objective was possible through the specific objectives: characterize graduate profile as CAPES Journal Portal users b) identify motivation for the use of CAPES Journal Portal c) detect graduate satisfaction degree in information seeking done at CAPES Journal Portal d) verify graduate satisfaction regarding the use of the CAPES Journal Portal e) verify the use of the information that is obtained by graduates in the development of their academic activities. The research is of descriptive nature employing a mixed methodological strategy in which quantitative approach predominates. Data collection was done through a web survey questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis was made possible through the use of a statistical method. As for qualitative analysis, there was use of the Brenda Dervin´s sense-making approach as well as content analysis in open ended questions. The research samples were composed by 90 graduate students who had defended their dissertation/thesis in the PPGA program at UFRN in the time span of 2010-2013. This represented by 88% of this population. As for user profile, the analysis has made evident that there are no quantitative differences related to gender. There is predominance of male graduates that were aged 26 to 30 years old. As for female graduates, the great majority were 31 o 35 years old. Most graduates had Master´s degree scholarship in order to support their study. It was also seen that the great majority claim to use the Portal during their post graduation studies. The main reasons responsible for non use was: preference for the use of other data bases and lack of knowledge regarding the Portal. It was observed that the most used information resources were theses and dissertations. Data also indicate preference for complete text. Those who have used the Portal also claimed to have used other electronic information fonts in order to fulfill their information needs. The information fonts that were researched outside in the Portal were monographs, dissertations and thesis. Scielo was the most used information font. Results reveal that access and use of the Portal has been done in a regular manner during post graduation studies. But on the other hand, graduates also make use of other electronic information fonts in order to meet their information needs. The study also confirmed the important mission performed by the Portal regarding Brazilian scientific communication production. This was seen even though users have reported the need for improvement in some aspects such as: periodic training in order to promote, encourage and teach more effective use of the portal; investment aiming the expansion of Social Sciences Collection in the Portal as well as the need to implement continuous evaluation process related to user satisfaction in regarding the services provided.


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Mapeamento das dissertações e teses referentes à subárea da comunicação popular, alternativa e comunitária (CPAC) desenvolvidas nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação stricto sensu no Brasil, de 1972 a 2012. Dentre os objetivos estão localizar as pesquisas; os autores; sua distribuição no tempo e espaço; identificar as instituições e orientadores que impulsionam a subárea; definir as abordagens teórico-metodológicas; e apontar autores/conceitos referência. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória e aplicação de quatro filtros, chegou-se a uma amostra final de 102 pesquisas, 87 dissertações e 15 teses, submetidas à análise quantitativa, por meio de Análise de Conteúdo a partir de partes pré-definidas (Resumo, Palavras chave, Introdução, Sumário, Considerações Finais e capítulo metodológico, quando presente), e a uma análise qualitativa do conteúdo completo das 15 teses. O método que orienta esta pesquisa é o histórico dialético, na perspectiva da busca de uma análise de conjunto e atenta às contradições e mudanças que o objeto está implicado; e a pesquisa bibliográfica que a fundamenta se ancora em autores como Jorge González, Cicilia Peruzzo, Regina Festa, Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Gilberto Giménez e Augusto Triviños e foi realizada com o apoio do software NVivo. Resultados quantitativos indicam: a) predominância de pesquisas sobre comunicação comunitária (68%) b) predominância de estudos empíricos (79%); c) a variedade de denominações atribuídas às experiências pelos pesquisadores; d) a constante luta das classes populares por democratização da comunicação e por direitos sociais ao longo dos anos; e) a influência e importância dos intelectuais orgânicos nas experiências estudadas, f) problemas metodológicos; g) UMESP, USP e UFRJ como instituições protagonistas, e, h) Cicilia Peruzzo e Raquel Paiva como as que mais orientam teses e dissertações sobre a temática. Quanto à análise qualitativa verificaram-se alguns critérios que permeiam a CPAC: 1) a definição de classes subalternas; 2) a importância da participação ativa das comunidades nos processos de comunicação; e 3) formas, conteúdos e objetivos que se complementam e dão identidade às experiências


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In spite of tremendous efforts, women are still under-represented in the field of science. Post-graduate education and early tenure track employment are part of the academic career establish-ment in research and development during periods that usually overlap with family formation. Though women tend to leave science mainly after obtaining their PhD, and the timing of mother-hood plays a vital role in a successful research career, qualitative data on this life period are scarce. Our paper focuses on how the normative and institutional contexts shape female PhD engineering students’ family plans. The research was based on intersections of life course and risk and uncertainty theories. Using qualitative interviews we explored how contradicting social norms of childbearing cause tensions in postgraduate students’ lives, and how the different uncer-tainties and risks permeate young researchers’ decisions on early life events. We concluded that, despite the general pattern of delaying motherhood among higher educated women, these students struggle against this postponement, and they hardly have any good options to avoid risk stem-ming from uncertainties and from some characteris-tics of studying and working in engineering. Find-ings of this research may call the attention of stake-holders to possible intervention points.


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The paper investigates the dynamics and volution of issues on the agenda of Baltic environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) since the collapse of communism. The past research on Baltic environment activism suggests that these enjoy high visibility because they tapped the core societal views of natural environment as a crucial asset of a nation. As we demonstrate in this paper, the changes in agendas of Baltic environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) make clear that the rhetorical toolbox of ‘national environment’ is often used to mainly achieve greater financial gains for individual members, rather than for society at large. We illustrate how the dearth of economic opportunities for domestic public has impacted perceptions of ‘nature’ advocated by the environmental activists, focussing specifically on national perceptions of ownership and the resulting actions appropriating ‘nature’ as a source for economic development, only tangentially attaining environmental outcomes on the way. The vision that the ‘environment’ is an economic resource allowed ENGO activists to cooperate with the domestic policymaking, while tapping international networks and donors for funding. Throughout the past decades they worked to secure their own and their members' particularistic economic interests and, as we demonstrate, remained disengaged from the political process and failed to develop broader reproach with publics.


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This paper provides an overview of IDS types and how they work as well as configuration considerations and issues that affect them. Advanced methods of increasing the performance of an IDS are explored such as specification based IDS for protecting Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Cloud networks. Also by providing a review of varied studies ranging from issues in configuration and specific problems to custom techniques and cutting edge studies a reference can be provided to others interested in learning about and developing IDS solutions. Intrusion Detection is an area of much required study to provide solutions to satisfy evolving services and networks and systems that support them. This paper aims to be a reference for IDS technologies other researchers and developers interested in the field of intrusion detection.


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Esta tese foi produzida no Programa de Pós -Graduação em Educação em Ciências : Química da Vida e Saúde , na linha de pesquisa "Educação científica : implicações das práticas científicas na constituição dos sujeitos ". O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a rede de enunciações sobre o sexting em alguns materiais (reportagens, programas televisivos, postagens em blogs e comentários realizados por leitores dos sites) presentes na internet e investigar as condições de emergência da prática do sexting. O sexting é um termo criado nos Estados Unidos da América, que deriva das expressões sex (sexo) e texting (envio de mensagens). Esse conceito descreve uma prática social e cultural que está sendo difundida mundialmente: esta consiste em produzir e enviar fotos e vídeos sexuais, sensuais e eróticos entre conhecidos/as, amigos/as, namorados/as, “ficantes” etc.. Nesta pesquisa, utilizamos como aporte teórico os estudos de Pierre Lévy, André Lemos, Paula Sibilia, Guy Debord, Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault e Zygmunt Bauman. Tais autores ajudam-nos a pensar que o sexting emerge devido a alguns acontecimentos sociais, culturais, históricos etc., que vêm provocando alguns deslocamentos em nossa sociedade. Para proceder com tal pesquisa, utilizamos a internet como campo empírico. Em nossa busca, encontramos 48 artefatos culturais que discutem, de alguma forma, sobre sexting. Dentre estes, 37 comentam sobre vídeos caseiros que mostram relações sexuais, 8 discutem sobre o fenômeno sexting e 3 debatem sobre a produção de fotos sensuais. Para análise dos dados, utilizamos algumas ferramentas foucaultianas, especialmente os conceitos de discurso, dispositivo e enunciado. Ao olharmos os materiais, percebemos que os/os adolescentes vêm se utilizando das tecnologias digitais para visibilizarem a sua sexualidade, o que nos dá indícios de que estas vêm possibilitando a constituição de jornalistas cidadãos/ãs. Além disso, evidenciamos que as fotos e vídeos dos/as adolescentes foram produzidos em comum acordo entre eles/as. Muitos dessas fotos e vídeos, foram disseminados pelos próprios sujeitos que aderiram a essa prática. Assim, a exposição da sexualidade, por meio do sexting, tem sido realizada com o propósito de adquirir visibilidade e de tornar-se a personalidade do momento. Entendemos que essa vontade de escancarar a sexualidade, por meio das tecnologias digitais, está vinculada à sociedade do espetáculo, que manifesta a necessidade de tornar-se visível. Além disso, notamos que essa prática está relacionada à escola, pois muitos dos casos relatados ocorreram no interior dessa instituição ou tiveram uma repercussão nesse ambiente. Em muitos casos, a escola era culpabilizada pelos casos de sexting que envolviam seus/sua alunos/as. No entanto, são os pais o foco de maiores críticas pela mídia massiva, pois, para essa instância, são estes os maiores responsáveis pela disciplinarização desses corpos. Evidenciou-se também que os/as praticantes do sexting sofreram micropenalidades, as quais tinham como objetivo corrigir suas condutas. Nesse sentido, entendemos o sexting como uma atualização do dispositivo da sexualidade, pois este coloca a sexualidade – a qual, durante a modernidade sólida, constituía-se como algo exclusivamente do âmbito privado – em evidência nos espaços públicos. Ao mesmo tempo, verificamos que algumas práticas disciplinares ainda buscam governar e normalizar a sexualidade dos sujeitos. A análise do material empírico possibilitou-nos verificar dois enunciados que fazem parte do discurso do sexting. O primeiro destes é que, na contemporaneidade, aparecer é uma condição de existência; o outro é que a sexualidade é entendida como algo que deve ser regulado, governado e normalizado. Consideramos importante centrarmos os estudos no sexting, pois entendemos que essa prática vem contribuindo para o surgimento de outros modos de viver e entender a sexualidade, pois o sexting enquadra a sexualidade como algo a ser exibido e mostrado para todos/as.


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Acompanha: Teachers thinking together: novas tecnologias aplicadas à formação continuada de professores de língua inglesa


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Música, Programa de Pós-graduação em Música, 2015.


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Esta investigação enquadra-se nos estudos sobre o percurso académico e inserção profissional dos recém-licenciados dos anos letivos de 2007/08, 2008/09 e 2009/10 da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) em colaboração com o Observatório da Empregabilidade da FMH. Tem como principal objetivo a caracterização do emprego dos recém-licenciados pela Faculdade. A metodologia aproveitou e aperfeiçoou uma plataforma eletrónica proprietária (AgonScopio v.1.7.51), para o desenvolvimento de questionários online, no meio Web. O universo do estudo foi representado pelos recém-licenciados dos três (3) anos letivos em estudo, das seguintes Licenciaturas: Ciências do Desporto, Ergonomia, Gestão do Desporto, Reabilitação Psicomotora e Dança. A amostra foi representada pelos resultados obtidos das duzentas e vinte e quatro (224) respostas conseguidas, de um universo de seiscentos e oitenta e seis (686) licenciados, permitindo caracterizar o comportamento dos recém-licenciados, de acordo com nove (9) dimensões estudadas, nomeadamente: dados gerais, enquadramento sociocultural com o objeto da FMH, primeiro emprego, formação, experiência profissional, trabalho e remuneração, expetativas, mobilidade e formação pós licenciatura. Aferimos que os recém-licenciados da FMH têm uma boa emprega-bilidade e o emprego é maioritariamente na sua área de formação. A maioria dos licenciados está empregada ao fim de 12 meses após a conclusão das suas licenciaturas (79,4%).


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A presente investigação enquadra-se nos estudos sobre o percurso académico e inserção profissional dos recém-licenciados dos anos letivos de 2010/11 e 2011/12 da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, em colaboração com o Observatório da Empregabilidade da FMH. Tem como principal objetivo a caraterização do emprego dos recém-licenciados pela Faculdade. A metodologia aproveitou e aperfeiçoou uma plataforma eletrónica proprietária (AgonScopio v.1.7.51), para o desenvolvimento de questionários online, no meio Web. O universo do estudo foi representado pelos recém-licenciados dos dois anos letivos em estudo, das seguintes licenciaturas: Ciências do Desporto, Dança, Ergonomia, Gestão do Desporto e Reabilitação Psicomotora. A amostra foi representada pelos resultados obtidos das 105 respostas conseguidas, de um universo de 334 licenciados, permitindo caraterizar o comportamento dos recém-licenciados, de acordo com nove dimensões estudadas, nomeadamente: dados gerais, enquadramento sociocultural com o objeto da FMH, primeiro emprego, formação, experiência profissional, trabalho e remuneração, expetativas, mobilidade e formação pós licenciatura. Aferimos que os recém-licenciados da FMH possuem um bom índice de empregabilidade e o emprego é maioritariamente na sua área de formação. A maioria dos licenciados obtém emprego até 12 meses após a conclusão das respetivas licenciaturas (71%).


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The objective of this research was to determine the student’s attitudes towards Mathematics at the beginning of their graduate studies in Business Administration. The study used an exploratory, non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The instrument used was a questionnaire based on willingness, confidence, utility, motivation and anxiety with Likert questions. The study concluded that students have a negative attitude towards Mathematics; it is considered as a useful but difficult discipline and, for that reason, students show anxiety and lack of confidence when applying mathematical procedures.


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Action research proved a useful strategy for monitoring the evolution of microteaching task as an authentic assessment for post-graduate pre-service teachers. Through four iterations of continually reflecting on the structure, purpose and outcomes of utilising microteaching as assessment, unit coordinators implemented an authentic assessment task that simulated real world experience.


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This study examined pre-service teachers’ efficacy in relation to the utilisation of microteaching as an assessment tool for postgraduate education students in Australia. Three hundred and fifteen pre-service teachers completed the teacher efficacy survey and additional qualitative questions at Time 1 and 208 completed the survey and questions at Time 2. A principal components analysis conducted on the Time 1 survey data revealed teacher efficacy to be comprised of two components: ‘teacher efficacy in classroom management’ and ‘personal teacher efficacy’. Repeated measures ANOVAs conducted on the 208 participants who completed the survey at Time 1 and 2 revealed that efficacy on both components increased significantly over time, and that internet students had higher efficacy levels than internal students. The qualitative data revealed that pre-service teachers enter teaching in order to positively impact on children, yet are concerned about behaviour management in the classroom. In addition, this data highlighted the positive impact that microteaching had on their developing teacher identity.