987 resultados para plant genome
Genomic selection (GS) has recently been proposed as a new selection strategy which represents an innovative paradigm in crop improvement, now widely adopted in animal breeding. Genomic selection relies on phenotyping and high-density genotyping of a sufficiently large and representative sample of the target breeding population, so that the majority of loci that regulate a quantitative trait are in linkage disequilibrium with one or more molecular markers and can thus be captured by selection. In this study we address genomic selection in a practical fruit breeding context applying it to a breeding population of table grape obtained from a cross between the hybrid genotype D8909-15 (Vitis rupestris × Vitis arizonica/girdiana), which is resistant to dagger nematode and Pierce?s disease (PD), and ?B90-116?, a susceptible Vitis vinifera cultivar with desirable fruit characteristics. Our aim was to enhance the knowledge on the genomic variation of agronomical traits in table grape populations for future use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) and GS, by discovering a set of molecular markers associated with genomic regions involved in this variation. A number of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) were discovered but this method is inaccurate and the genetic architecture of the studied population was better captured by the BLasso method of genomic selection, which allowed for efficient inference about the genetic contribution of the various marker loci. The technology of genomic selection afforded greater efficiency than QTL analysis and can be very useful in speeding up the selection procedures for agronomic traits in table grapes.
The apparent simplicity of viruses hides the complexity of their interactions with their hosts. Viruses are masters at circumventing host defenses and manipulating the cellular environment for their own benefit. The replication of the largest known family of single-stranded DNA viruses, Geminiviridae, is impaired by DNA methylation and Arabidopsis mutants affected in cytosine methylation are hypersusceptible to geminivirus infection. This implies that plants might use methylation as a defense against geminiviruses and that the viral genome is a target for plant DNA methyltransferases. We have found a novel counter-defense strategy used by geminiviruses, that reduces the expression of the plant maintenance DNA methyltransferases, MET1 and CMT3, in both, locally and systemically infected tissues. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the virus-mediated repression of these two maintenance DNA methyltransferases is widely spread among different geminivirus species. Additionally, we identified Rep as the geminiviral protein responsible for the repression of MET1 and CMT3, and another viral protein, C4, as an ancillary player in MET1 downregulation. The presence of Rep, suppresses TGS of an Arabidopsis transgene and of host loci whose expression is strongly controlled by CG methylation. Bisulfite sequencing analyses showed that the expression of Rep caused a substantial reduction in the levels of DNA methylation at CG sites. Our findings suggest that Rep, the only viral protein essential for geminiviral replication, displays TGS suppressor activity through a mechanism distinct from the one thus far described for geminiviruses.
We have previously identified two secreted glutathione S-transferases (GST) expressed in the pharyngeal gland cell of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which are upregulated post infection of the host. This study examines the functional role of GSTs in B. xylophilus biology. We analysed the expression profiles of all predicted GSTs in the genome and the results showed that they belong to kappa and cytosolic subfamilies and the majority are upregulated post infection of the host. A small percentage is potentially secreted and none is downregulated post infection of the host. One secreted protein was confirmed as a functional GST and is within a cluster that showed the highest expression fold change in infection. This enzyme has a protective activity that may involve host defences, namely in the presence of terpenoid compounds and peroxide products. These results suggest that GSTs secreted into the host participate in the detoxification of host-derived defence compounds and enable successful parasitism.
Rapid Alkalinization Factor (RALF) are cysteins-rich peptides ubiquitous in plant kingdom. They play multiple roles as hormone signals and recently their involvement in host-pathogen crosstalk as negative regulator of immunity in Arabidopsis has also been recognized. In addition, RALF homologue peptides are secreted by different fungal pathogens as effectors during early stages of infections. The aim of this work was to characterize RALF genes as susceptibility factors during plant pathogen interaction in strawberry. For this, the genomic organization of the RALF gene families in the octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and the re-annotated genome of Fragaria vesca were described , identifying 13 member in F. vesca (FvRALF) and 50 members in F. x ananassa (FaRALF). The changes in expression of fruit FaRALF genes was investigated upon infection with C.acutatum and B. cinerea showing that, among RALF genes expressed in fruit, FaRALF3 was the only one upregulated by fungal infection in the ripe stage. A role of FaRALF3 as susceptibility gene was then assessed trough Agrobacterium-mediated transient FaRALF3 overexpression and silencing in fruits, revealing that FaRALF3 expression promotes fungal growth and hyphae penetration in host tissues. In silico analysis was used to identify distinct pathogen inducible elements upstream of the FaRALF3 gene. Agroinfiltration of strawberry fruit with deletion constructs of the FaRALF3 promoter identified a 5’ region required for FaRALF3 expression in fruit, but failed to identify a region responsible for fungal induced expression. Furthermore, FaRALF3 and strawberry receptor FERONIA (FaMRLK47) were heterologously expressed in E. coli in order to purify active proteins forms and study RALF-FERONIA interaction in strawberry. However, it was not possible to obtain pure and active proteins. Finally RNAi transgenic plants silenced for the FvRALF13 gene were genotypically and phenotypically characterized suggesting a role of FvRALF13 in flowering time regulation and reproductive organs development.
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is an important soft fruit but easily to be infected by pathogens. Anthracnose and gray mold are two of the most destructive diseases of strawberry which lead to serious fruit rot. The first chapter introduced strawberry anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. The infection strategy, disease cycle and management of C. acutatum on strawberry were reported. Likewise, the second chapter summarized the infection strategy of Botrytis cinerea and the defense responses of strawberry. As we already know white unripe strawberry fruits are more resistant to C. acutatum than red ripe fruits. During the interaction between strawberry white/red fruit and C. acutaum, a mannose binding lectin gene, FaMBL1, was found to be the most up-regulated gene and induced exclusively in white fruit. FaMBL1 belongs to the G-type lectin family which has important roles in plant development and defense process. To get insight into the role of FaMBL1, genome-wide identification was carried out on G-type lectin gene family in Fragaria vesca and the results were showed in chapter 3. G-type lectin genes make up a large family in F. vesca. Active expression upon biotic/abiotic stresses suggested a potential role of G-lectin genes in strawberry defenses. Hence, stable transgenic strawberry plants with FaMBL1 gene overexpressed were generated. Transformed strawberry plants were screened and identified. The results were showed in chapter 4, content of disease-related phytohormone, jasmonic acid, was found decreased in overexpressing lines compared with wild type (WT). Petioles inoculated by C. fioriniae of overexpressing lines had lower disease incidence than WT. Leaves of overexpressing lines challenged by B. cinerea showed remarkably smaller lesion diameters compared with WT. The chitinase 2-1 (FaChi2-1) showed higher expression in overexpressing lines than in WT during the interaction with B. cinerea, which could be related with the lower susceptibility of overexpressing lines.
The actinobacterium Streptomyces wadayamensis A23 is an endophyte of Citrus reticulata that produces the antimycin and mannopeptimycin antibiotics, among others. The strain has the capability to inhibit Xylella fastidiosa growth. The draft genome of S. wadayamensis A23 has ~7.0 Mb and 6,006 protein-coding sequences, with a 73.5% G+C content.
Bacillus safensis is a microorganism recognized for its biotechnological and industrial potential due to its interesting enzymatic portfolio. Here, as a means of gathering information about the importance of this species in oil biodegradation, we report a draft genome sequence of a strain isolated from petroleum.
Purified genomic DNA can be difficult to obtain from some plant species because of the presence of impurities such as polysaccharides, which are often co-extracted with DNA. In this study, we developed a fast, simple, and low-cost protocol for extracting DNA from plants containing high levels of secondary metabolites. This protocol does not require the use of volatile toxic reagents such as mercaptoethanol, chloroform, or phenol and allows the extraction of high-quality DNA from wild and cultivated tropical species.
A Bacillus cereus strain, FT9, isolated from a hot spring in the midwest region of Brazil, had its entire genome sequenced.
Witches' broom disease (WBD) of cacao differs from other typical hemibiotrophic plant diseases by its unusually long biotrophic phase. Plant carbon sources have been proposed to regulate WBD developmental transitions; however, nothing is known about their availability at the plant-fungus interface, the apoplastic fluid of cacao. Data are provided supporting a role for the dynamics of soluble carbon in the apoplastic fluid in prompting the end of the biotrophic phase of infection. Carbon depletion and the consequent fungal sensing of starvation were identified as key signalling factors at the apoplast. MpNEP2, a fungal effector of host necrosis, was found to be up-regulated in an autophagic-like response to carbon starvation in vitro. In addition, the in vivo artificial manipulation of carbon availability in the apoplastic fluid considerably modulated both its expression and plant necrosis rate. Strikingly, infected cacao tissues accumulated intracellular hexoses, and showed stunted photosynthesis and the up-regulation of senescence markers immediately prior to the transition to the necrotrophic phase. These opposite findings of carbon depletion and accumulation in different host cell compartments are discussed within the frame of WBD development. A model is suggested to explain phase transition as a synergic outcome of fungal-related factors released upon sensing of extracellular carbon starvation, and an early senescence of infected tissues probably triggered by intracellular sugar accumulation.
Silver nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention due to their beneficial properties. But toxicity issues associated with them are also rising. The reports in the past suggested health hazards of silver nanoparticles at the cellular, molecular, or whole organismal level in eukaryotes. Whereas, there is also need to examine the exposure effects of silver nanoparticle to the microbes, which are beneficial to humans as well as environment. The available literature suggests the harmful effects of physically and chemically synthesised silver nanoparticles. The toxicity of biogenically synthesized nanoparticles has been less studied than physically and chemically synthesised nanoparticles. Hence, there is a greater need to study the toxic effects of biologically synthesised silver nanoparticles in general and mycosynthesized nanoparticles in particular. In the present study, attempts have been made to assess the risk associated with the exposure of mycosynthesized silver nanoparticles on a beneficial soil microbe Pseudomonas putida. KT2440. The study demonstrates mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their characterisation by UV-vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, X-ray diffraction, nanosight LM20 - a particle size distribution analyzer and TEM. Silver nanoparticles obtained herein were found to exert the hazardous effect at the concentration of 0.4μg/ml, which warrants further detailed investigations concerning toxicity.
Human land use tends to decrease the diversity of native plant species and facilitate the invasion and establishment of exotic ones. Such changes in land use and plant community composition usually have negative impacts on the assemblages of native herbivorous insects. Highly specialized herbivores are expected to be especially sensitive to land use intensification and the presence of exotic plant species because they are neither capable of consuming alternative plant species of the native flora nor exotic plant species. Therefore, higher levels of land use intensity might reduce the proportion of highly specialized herbivores, which ultimately would lead to changes in the specialization of interactions in plant-herbivore networks. This study investigates the community-wide effects of land use intensity on the degree of specialization of 72 plant-herbivore networks, including effects mediated by the increase in the proportion of exotic plant species. Contrary to our expectation, the net effect of land use intensity on network specialization was positive. However, this positive effect of land use intensity was partially canceled by an opposite effect of the proportion of exotic plant species on network specialization. When we analyzed networks composed exclusively of endophagous herbivores separately from those composed exclusively of exophagous herbivores, we found that only endophages showed a consistent change in network specialization at higher land use levels. Altogether, these results indicate that land use intensity is an important ecological driver of network specialization, by way of reducing the local host range of herbivore guilds with highly specialized feeding habits. However, because the effect of land use intensity is offset by an opposite effect owing to the proportion of exotic host species, the net effect of land use in a given herbivore assemblage will likely depend on the extent of the replacement of native host species with exotic ones.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been widely used for the identification and classification of microorganisms based on their proteomic fingerprints. However, the use of MALDI-TOF MS in plant research has been very limited. In the present study, a first protocol is proposed for metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-TOF MS using three different MALDI matrices with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms implemented in the R environment for the taxonomic classification of plants from different genera, families and orders. By merging the data acquired with different matrices, different ionization modes and using careful algorithms and parameter selection, we demonstrate that a close taxonomic classification can be achieved based on plant metabolic fingerprints, with 92% similarity to the taxonomic classifications found in literature. The present work therefore highlights the great potential of applying MALDI-TOF MS for the taxonomic classification of plants and, furthermore, provides a preliminary foundation for future research.
Seasonally dry tropical plant formations (SDTF) are likely to exhibit phylogenetic clustering owing to niche conservatism driven by a strong environmental filter (water stress), but heterogeneous edaphic environments and life histories may result in heterogeneity in degree of phylogenetic clustering. We investigated phylogenetic patterns across ecological gradients related to water availability (edaphic environment and climate) in the Caatinga, a SDTF in Brazil. Caatinga is characterized by semiarid climate and three distinct edaphic environments - sedimentary, crystalline, and inselberg -representing a decreasing gradient in soil water availability. We used two measures of phylogenetic diversity: Net Relatedness Index based on the entire phylogeny among species present in a site, reflecting long-term diversification; and Nearest Taxon Index based on the tips of the phylogeny, reflecting more recent diversification. We also evaluated woody species in contrast to herbaceous species. The main climatic variable influencing phylogenetic pattern was precipitation in the driest quarter, particularly for herbaceous species, suggesting that environmental filtering related to minimal periods of precipitation is an important driver of Caatinga biodiversity, as one might expect for a SDTF. Woody species tended to show phylogenetic clustering whereas herbaceous species tended towards phylogenetic overdispersion. We also found phylogenetic clustering in two edaphic environments (sedimentary and crystalline) in contrast to phylogenetic overdispersion in the third (inselberg). We conclude that while niche conservatism is evident in phylogenetic clustering in the Caatinga, this is not a universal pattern likely due to heterogeneity in the degree of realized environmental filtering across edaphic environments. Thus, SDTF, in spite of a strong shared environmental filter, are potentially heterogeneous in phylogenetic structuring. Our results support the need for scientifically informed conservation strategies in the Caatinga and other SDTF regions that have not previously been prioritized for conservation in order to take into account this heterogeneity.