998 resultados para pesquero


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Programa emitido el 8 de febrero de 1995


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Esta innovación obtuvo Mención honorífica en los Premios Nacionales de Investigación e Innovación Educativas 1994


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Estudiar las posibilidades que presenta el ordenador y, en concreto el lenguaje LOGO, como elemento motivador en el aprendizaje escolar para una población constituida principalmente por niños con problemas de adaptación y bajo rendimiento escolar. Realizar un estudio psicológico, de antecedentes sociales y académicos de la población de la experiencia. Averiguar sus conocimientos iniciales que tienen sobre Informática. Sembrar conceptos pre-informáticos básicos. Proponer una metodología de trabajo para la introducción de la informática en los primeros niveles de la Enseñanza Obligatoria. Niños del Centro San Juan Bautista, comprendidos entre 10 y 13 años, pertenecientes a los ciclos inicial y medio de EGB. Los niños se situan en los cursos por niveles de conocimiento, no por edad cronológica. Se parte de la siguiente hipótesis: el ordenador y concretamente el LOGO motiva el aprendizaje escolar en poblaciones constituidas por niños con problemas de adaptación y bajo rendimiento escolar. Tras varias reuniones, se tomaron unas decisiones: puesta al día de profesorado sobre el funcionamiento del aula piloto de Informática con un seminario de LOGO. Se pasaron a los alumnos unas pruebas de conocimientos informáticos básicos, una prueba de actitud frente a la clase, y un estudio psicológico de los niños. A partir de aquí se formó un grupo de alumnos con bajo rendimiento escolar, se programaron un conjunto de juegos, se analizaron varios modelos de robots, y se plantearon actividades y situaciones de trabajo, todo ello en cuatro fases: 1.-Previa en la que se reformarían los conceptos en los que los niños estaban más flojos. 2.-Vivencial: el niño con su propio cuerpo, realizó un conjunto de movimientos para establecer e interiorizar sus propios ejes. 3.-Intermedia: el niño tuvo que proyectar sus ejes sobre objetos concretos: los robots electrónicos. 4.-Simulación: el niño proyecto ya sus ejes sobre objetos abstractos: la tortuga de luz del ordenador, simulada por un triángulo. Del estudio psicológico se detectan mejoras en la inteligencia y en aspectos como: comprensión del lenguaje, conceptos fundamentales, asimilación de los conceptos relativos al tiempo, pero no obteniendo mejoras significativas en aspectos como la interiorización de los conceptos de lateralidad y la proyección de ejes sobre objetos orientados. Los conocimientos informáticos de los alumnos eran prácticamente inexistentes. La dramatización sobre el funcionamiento del ordenador les acercó a su comprensión, pasando a ser éste un elemento más familiar al saber ya como funcionaba. Se apreció una gran motivación hacia la lectura y escritura.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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The exhaust emission of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered toxic to human health were investigated on two spark ignition light duty vehicles, one being gasohol (Gasohol, in Brazil, is the generic denomination for mixtures of pure gasoline plus 20-25% of anhydrous ethyl alcohol fuel (AEAF).)-fuelled and the other a flexible-fuel vehicle fuelled with hydrated ethanol. The influence of fuel type and quality, aged lubricant oil type and use of fuel additives on the formation of these compounds was tested using standardized tests identical to US FTP-75 cycle. PAH sampling and chemical analysis followed the basic recommendations of method TO-13 (United States. Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. Compendium Method TO-13A - Determination of polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Ambient Air Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (CG/MS). Center for environmental research information, Cincinnati, p. 78), with the necessary modification for this particular application. Results showed that the total PAH emission factor varied from 41.9 mu g km(-1) to 612 mu g km(-1) in the gasohol vehicle, and from 11.7 mu g km(-1) to 27.4 mu g km(-1) in the ethanol-fuelled vehicle, a significant difference in favor of the ethanol vehicle. Generally, emission of light molecular weight PAHs was predominant, while high molecular weights PAHs were not detected. In terms of benzo(a)pyrene toxicity equivalence, emission factors varied from 0.00984 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 4.61 mu g TEQ km(-1) for the gasohol vehicle and from 0.0117 mu g TEQ km(-1) to 0.0218 mu g TEQ km(-1) in the ethanol vehicle. For the gasohol vehicle, results showed that the use of fuel additive causes a significant increase in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at a confidence level of 90% or higher; the use of rubber solvent on gasohol showed a reduction in the emission of naphthalene and phenanthrene at the same confidence level; the use of synthetic oil instead of mineral oil also contributed significantly to a decrease in the emission of naphthalene and fluorene. In relation to the ethanol vehicle, the same factors were tested and showed no statistically significant influence on PAH emission. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Emission of fine particles by mobile sources has been a matter of great concern due to its potential risk both to human health and the environment. Although there is no evidence that one sole component may be responsible for the adverse health outcomes, it is postulated that the metal particle content is one of the most important factors, mainly in relation to oxidative stress. Data concerning the amount and type of metal particles emitted by automotive vehicles using Brazilian fuels are limited. The aim of this study was to identify inhalable particles (PM10) and their trace metal content in two light-duty vehicles where one was fueled with ethanol while the other was fueled with gasoline mixed with 22% of anhydrous ethanol (gasohol); these engines were tested on a chassis dynamometer. The elementary composition of the samples was evaluated by the particle-induced x-ray emission technique. The experiment showed that total emission factors ranged from 2.5 to 11.8 mg/km in the gasohol vehicle, and from 1.2 to 3 mg/km in the ethanol vehicle. The majority of particles emitted were in the fine fraction (PM2.5), in which Al, Si, Ca, and Fe corresponded to 80% of the total weight. PM10 emissions from the ethanol vehicle were about threefold lower than those of gasohol. The elevated amount of fine particulate matter is an aggravating factor, considering that these particles, and consequently associated metals, readily penetrate deeply into the respiratory tract, producing damage to lungs and other tissues.


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Relaxing action of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was significantly reduced in the stomach fundus of mice lacking the kinin B(1) receptor (B(1)(-/-)). Increased basal cGMP accumulation was correlated with attenuated SNP induced dose-dependent relaxation in B(1)(-/-) when compared with wild type (WT) control mice. These responses to SNP were completely blocked by the guanylate cyclase inhibitor ODQ(10 mu M). It was also found that Ca(2+)-dependent, constitutive nitric oxide synthase (cNOS) activity was unchanged but the Ca(2+)-independent inducible NOS (iNOS) activity was greater in B(1)(-/-) mice than in WT animals. Zaprinast (100 mu M), a specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, increased the nitrergic relaxations and the accumulation of the basal as well as the SNP-stimulated cGMP in WT but not in B(1)(-/-) stomach fundus. From these findings it is concluded that the inhibited phosphodiesterase activity and high level of cGMP reduced the resting muscle tone, impairing the relaxant responses of the stomach in B(1)(-/-) mice. In addition, it can be suggested that functional B(2) receptor might be involved in the NO compensatory mechanism associated with the deficiency of kinin B(1) receptor in the gastric tissue of the transgenic mice. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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open reading frame expressed sequences tags (ORESTES) differ from conventional ESTs by providing sequence data from the central protein coding portion of transcripts. We generated a total of 696,745 ORESTES sequences from 24 human tissues and used a subset of the data that correspond to a set of 15,095 full-length mRNAs as a means of assessing the efficiency of the strategy and its potential contribution to the definition of the human transcriptome. We estimate that ORESTES sampled over 80% of all highly and moderately expressed, and between 40% and 50% of rarely expressed, human genes. In our most thoroughly sequenced tissue, the breast, the 130,000 ORESTES generated are derived from transcripts from an estimated 70% of all genes expressed in that tissue, with an equally efficient representation of both highly and poorly expressed genes. In this respect, we find that the capacity of the ORESTES strategy both for gene discovery and shotgun transcript sequence generation significantly exceeds that of conventional ESTs. The distribution of ORESTES is such that many human transcripts are now represented by a scaffold of partial sequences distributed along the length of each gene product. The experimental joining of the scaffold components, by reverse transcription-PCR, represents a direct route to transcript finishing that may represent a useful alternative to full-length cDNA cloning.


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Esta revisão visa ser uma introdução à aplicação de materiais cerâmicos em dispositivos de armazenamento de energia, em especial baterias secundárias de íons lítio, dispositivos nos quais os materiais cerâmicos, especialmente óxidos, são muito importantes em todas as partes do dispositivo. A revisão está focada nos materiais cerâmicos para catodos e anodos, partes chaves destes dispositivos. Ela tem por principal finalidade ser uma fonte de informação para aqueles que desejem trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos para tais tipos de dispositivos. Aspectos relacionados à nanotecnologia e materiais óxidos nanoestruturados para esta área são discutidos ao final do artigo.


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Transcribed sequences in the human genome can be identified with confidence only by alignment with sequences derived from cDNAs synthesized from naturally occurring mRNAs. We constructed a set of 250,000 cDNAs that represent partial expressed gene sequences and that are biased toward the central coding regions of the resulting transcripts. They are termed ORF expressed sequence tags (ORESTES). The 250,000 ORESTEs were assembled into 81,429 contigs. of these, 1,181 (1.45%) were found to match sequences in chromosome 22 with at least one ORESTES contig for 162 (65.6%) of the 247 known genes, for 67 (44.6%) of the 150 related genes, and for 45 of the 148 (30.4%) EST-predicted genes on this chromosome. Using a set of stringent criteria to validate our sequences, we identified a further 219 previously unannotated transcribed sequences on chromosome 22. of these, 171 were in fact also defined by EST or full length cDNA sequences available in GenBank but not utilized in the initial annotation of the first human chromosome sequence. Thus despite representing less than 15% of all expressed human sequences in the public databases at the time of the present analysis, ORESTEs sequences defined 48 transcribed sequences on chromosome 22 not defined by other sequences. All of the transcribed sequences defined by ORESTEs coincided with DNA regions predicted as encoding exons by GENSCAN.


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We report the results of a transcript finishing initiative, undertaken for the purpose of identifying and characterizing novel human transcripts, in which RT-PCR was used to bridge gaps between paired EST Clusters, mapped against the genomic sequence. Each pair of EST Clusters selected for experimental validation was designated a transcript finishing unit (TFU). A total of 489 TFUs were selected for validation, and an overall efficiency of 43.1% was achieved. We generated a total of 59,975 bp of transcribed sequences organized into 432 exons, contributing to the definition of the structure of 211 human transcripts. The structure of several transcripts reported here was confirmed during the course of this project, through the generation of their corresponding full-length cDNA sequences. Nevertheless, for 21% of the validated TFUs, a full-length cDNA sequence is not yet available in public databases, and the structure of 69.2% of these TFUs was not correctly predicted by computer programs. The TF strategy provides a significant contribution to the definition of the complete catalog of human genes and transcripts, because it appears to be particularly useful for identification of low abundance transcripts expressed in a restricted Set of tissues as well as for the delineation of gene boundaries and alternatively spliced isoforms.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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After exposure of Solenopsis saevissima colonies maintained in plastic trays to phorid attack in the field, and subsequent transfer of colonies to covered plastic buckets, we confirmed that P. wasmanni and P. litoralis are indeed parasitoids of fire ant workers. The period from attack to emergence of phorid adults ranged from 35 to 46 days. Adult phorids were maintained live in glass vials with sugar water as a food source for 5 days. These results indicate that Pseudaceton can be reared for biological control release programs with minimal difficulty. Furthermore, parasitized workers could be easily transferred from South America to quarantine laboratories within the egg to adult emergence time period.