1000 resultados para parâmetros hematológicos


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the anesthetic effect of clove oil and benzocaine on the hematology and osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Thirty adult fish were evaluated in three treatments: a control, without anesthetic; anesthesia with clove oil at 50 mg L-1; and anesthesia with benzocaine at 100 mg L-1. Blood was collected for hemogram determination, and a test for the erithrocyte osmotic-fragility was applied. The utilized doses of clove oil and benzocaine are not appropriate for hematologic studies to establish reference values for tambaqui because they cause significant changes of the hematologic parameters, such as leukocytosis and iatrogenic hemolysis.


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O conhecimento da dinâmica das alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos e na cinética das proteínas de fase aguda em animais saudáveis nas primeiras semanas de vida é essencial para a interpretação correta dessas avaliações em situações de morbidez e para diferenciar animais sadios e enfermos de forma confiável. Com o intuito de avaliar a cinética desses parâmetros no primeiro mês de vida de bezerros de corte sadios, filhos de vacas primíparas ou pluríparas, amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da ingestão de colostro e 1, 2, 7, 15 e 30 dias após o nascimento. Os parâmetros eritrocitários foram influenciados pelo número de partos das vacas e o leucograma mostrou alterações características de influência do cortisol fetal liberado por ocasião do nascimento. O teor sérico de proteína total aumentou significativamente após a ingestão do colostro. As concentrações de ceruloplasmina, haptoglobina e proteínas de pesos moleculares 33 kDa e 23 kDa aumentaram significativamente no primeiro dia de vida, seja pela resposta ao nascimento ou pela ingestão do colostro, enquanto os teores de transferrina, albumina e α1-glicoproteína ácida mantiveram-se relativamente estáveis nos primeiros dias de vida, aumentando gradualmente até os 30 dias de idade.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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The leukocyte count interpretation on the blood helps on understanding about the possible dysfunction showed by the animal. In general, an abnormal leukogram allows the identification of pathological process. A lot of events lead to an increase in the number of neutrophils, among then, inflammatory process, infection and stress. Dependent on the stress mediator that the animal is submited, the leukocyte alteration will be different. Is important to know how the stress acts on the animal organism, changing the hematological parameters, in order to avoid mistakes on diseases‟ diagnosis. It‟s known that after a stress situation, it‟s expected that stress leukogram appears on the hemogram of the animal. However there are different kinds of stress with different responses. It‟s believed that when the animal is under an acute stress situation, a clinical picture of physiologic leukocytosis occurs which is mediated by the epinephrine. This is characterized by neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, monocytosis and eosinofilia. The physiologic leukocytosis is a transient alteration in the leukogram that occurs within minutes of the stimulus and due to fleeting effect of catecolamines it resolves within 20 to 30 minutes. However, if the animal is under chronicle stress, as solitude, it „s expected to find the stress leukogram on the leukogram, that can be noted especially in dogs. The stress leukogram is characterized by leukocytosis, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytosis and eosinopenia. This kind of stress is induced by the glucocorticoids. It´s important to understand that stress leukogram takes time to occur. The variation on time depends on the animal species, although, in general, the glucocorticoides have a peak effects among 4 to 8 hours, which can last from 24 hours to 2 or 3 days


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Os estudos hematológicos das diferentes espécies de peixes são de interesse ecológico e fisiológico, auxiliando na compreensão da relação entre as características sanguíneas, a filogenia, a atividade física, o hábitat e a adaptabilidade dos peixes ao ambiente. No experimento realizado foram testados os efeitos de águas contaminadas em parâmetros hematológicos de peixes da espécie Prochilodus lineatus, em períodos de coleta de 7 e 20 dias, nos quais o sangue foi coletado com seringas heparinizadas, foram montadas lâminas de esfregaço , as quais foram coradas pelo corante de Leishman. Estas lâminas foram analisadas e fotografadas com o auxílio de um microscópio óptico Leica, no qual foram feitas contagens totais de células brancas e contagens diferenciais de trombócitos e leucócitos, para a análise estatística. O grupo exposto ao Lago Azul apresentou uma elevação no número de leucócitos e no total de células brancas, evidenciando que os contaminantes químicos do ambiente estavam atuando de forma semelhante a um antígeno no corpo do animal fazendo com que suas células de defesa se proliferassem. Quanto ao grupo exposto ao detergente, observou-se que após os vinte dias de experimento ocorreu uma diminuição no número de trombócitos. Tais resultados evidenciam que a variação no número de leucócitos apresentou-se como um indicador de poluição ambiental e que os detergentes biodegradáveis podem em certo tempo de exposição ocasionar um déficit em funções vitais de peixes como à coagulação e a prevenção contra infecções, eventos ligados diretamente com os trombócitos. A maioria dos vertebrados aquáticos possui brânquias, estruturas especializadas nas trocas gasosas e responsáveis por grande parte das trocas iônicas. Este órgão acaba por absorver grande parte das substâncias presentes na água, que ao caírem na...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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A study was conducted to evaluate the s of dietary inorganic and organic trace minerals in two levels of supplementation regarding performance, diarrhea occurrence, hematological parameters, fecal mineral excretion and mineral retention in metacarpals and liver of weanling pigs. Seventy piglets weaned at 21 days of age with an average initial body weight of 6.70 ± 0.38 kg were allotted in five treatments: control diet (no added trace mineral premix); 50% ITMP (control diet with inorganic trace mineral premix supplying only 50% of trace mineral requirements); 50% OTMP (control diet with organic trace mineral premix supplying only 50% of trace mineral requirements); 100% ITMP (control diet with inorganic trace mineral premix supplying 100% of trace mineral requirements); and 100% OTMP (control diet with organic trace mineral premix supplying 100% of trace mineral requirements). Feed intake and daily weight gain were not affected by treatments, however, piglets supplemented by trace minerals presented better gain:feed ratio. No differences were observed at calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and sulfur excreted in feces per kilogram of feed intake. Treatments did not affect calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and iron content in metacarpals. Trace mineral supplementation, regardless of level and source, improved the performance of piglets.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The goal of this paper was to determine the effects of seven diets with differents fatty acids sources in hematology of Nile tilapia before and after cold stimulus. Seven diets, with 3% of fatty acid source, were formulated: soybean oil (OS); fish oil (OP); beef tallow (SB) and mixtures of OS+OP; OS+SB; OP+SB e OS+OP+SB. Fish (112 male of Nile tilapia of 30,0 +/- 2,65g) were totally randomly distributed, with four replicates, into 28 plastic aquaria (40 L; 4 fish per aquarium). Fish were fed four times per day for 35 days. At 35th day and also after seven days cold stimulus blood was collected and the profile hematological was evaluated. Leucocytes numbers were reduced in fish fed a SB and fish oil combination diet and were highest in fish fed SB diet before cold stimulus. Plasma protein was reduced in fish fed soybean oil diets and highest in fishes fed a combination of soybean oil, fish oil and SB diets. Anything fatty acids source promotes effective changes in fish health and cold tolerance promotion. Cold don't drastically reduced fish general health status.


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The aim of this study was to determine the influence of climatic conditions on the hematological profile of Saanen and mixed-breed (1/2 Saanen x 1/2 Anglo-Nubian) goats, as well as to define reference values for these animals bred in Ceara, Brazil. Thirty goats were utilized and blood samples were collected monthly during the rainy (February to May) and dry (August to November) periods to obtain an erythrogram a leukogram. The averange were compared by the t-Student test and Mann Whitney test, with parametric and non-parametric distribution of the data, respectively, where p<0.05 was considered significant. A study was carried out of simple Pearson correlations of the hematological parameters with environmental and physiological variables. The number of red blood cells (RBCs) was higher in the Saanen goats and in the rainy period, while the hematocrit was higher in the dry period (p<0.05). The leukocytes and lymphocytes were higher in the 1/2S1/2 AN goats in the two periods (p<0.05). In the two genotypes, the leukocytes and lymphocytes were higher in the dry season and the segmented neutrophils higher in the rainy season (p<0.05). The other parameters did not differ (p>0.05). The RBCs and segmented neutrophils displayed a negative correlation with air temperature, but positive with relative humidity and rectal temperature (p<0.05). The hematocrit positively correlated with air temperature and respiratory rate (p<0.05). The leukocytes and lymphocytes showed a negative correlation with rectal temperature (p<0.05). It was therefore concluded that Saanen females are more affected by climatic variations and that the rainy season has a greater negative impact on hematological parameters. The values obtained could serve as a reference for these genotypes in Ceara.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)