960 resultados para overlapping generations


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An explanation of overlapping cusp ion injections is presented using the pulsating cusp model of the effects of magnetopause reconnection. It is shown that two populations of cusp ions, covering separated energy ranges, can be seen simultaneously by low- or mid-altitude satellites because of the combined effect of the acceleration and the straightening of newly-opened field lines as they evolve away from the reconnection site. Observations of such signatures, recently reported in data from the Viking and Freja satellites, are discussed in terms of pulsed and steady reconnection.


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Fish oil supplementation has been shown to improve the cachectic state of tumor-bearing animals and humans. Our previous study showed that fish oil supplementation (1 g per kg body weight per day) for 2 generations had anticancer and anticachetic effects in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats as demonstrated by reduced tumor growth and body weight loss and increased food intake and survival. In this study, the effect of fish oil supplementation for 2 generations on membrane integrity, proliferation capacity, and CD4/CD8 ratio of lymphocytes isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus of Walker 256 tumor-bearing animals was investigated. We also determined fish oil effect on plasma concentration and ex vivo production of cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-6, and IL-10]. Lymphocytes from thymus of tumor-bearing rats presented lower viability, but this change was abolished by fish oil supplementation. Tumor growth increased proliferation of lymphocytes from all lymphoid organs, and fish oil supplementation abolished this effect. Ex vivo production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 was reduced in supplemented animals, but IL-4 and IL-10 secretion was stimulated in both nontumor and tumor-bearing rats. IL-10 and IFN-gamma plasma levels was also decreased in supplemented animals. These results suggest that the anticachetic effects of fish oil supplementation for a long period of time (2 generations) in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats may be associated to a decrease in lymphocyte function as demonstrated by reduced viability, proliferation capacity, and cytokine production.


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There is a family of well-known external clustering validity indexes to measure the degree of compatibility or similarity between two hard partitions of a given data set, including partitions with different numbers of categories. A unified, fully equivalent set-theoretic formulation for an important class of such indexes was derived and extended to the fuzzy domain in a previous work by the author [Campello, R.J.G.B., 2007. A fuzzy extension of the Rand index and other related indexes for clustering and classification assessment. Pattern Recognition Lett., 28, 833-841]. However, the proposed fuzzy set-theoretic formulation is not valid as a general approach for comparing two fuzzy partitions of data. Instead, it is an approach for comparing a fuzzy partition against a hard referential partition of the data into mutually disjoint categories. In this paper, generalized external indexes for comparing two data partitions with overlapping categories are introduced. These indexes can be used as general measures for comparing two partitions of the same data set into overlapping categories. An important issue that is seldom touched in the literature is also addressed in the paper, namely, how to compare two partitions of different subsamples of data. A number of pedagogical examples and three simulation experiments are presented and analyzed in details. A review of recent related work compiled from the literature is also provided. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper an analytical solution of the temperature of an opaque material containing two overlapping and parallel subsurface cylinders, illuminated by a modulated light beam, is presented. The method is based on the expansion of plane and cylindrical thermal waves in series of Bessel and Hankel functions. This model is addressed to the study of heat propagation in composite materials with interconnection between inclusions, as is the case of inverse opals and fiber reinforced composites. Measurements on calibrated samples using lock-in infrared thermography confirm the validity of the model.


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Comparison of issues regarding the policy of Australian and Canadian governments of removing aboriginal children from their families and placing them in institutions - some Canadian claimantThis article provides a comparative overview of issues pertaining to the stolen generation in Canada and Australia. It includes a historical overview of the removal and detaining of aboriginal children in Canada and Australia. As a consequence of the revelations of this past practice, litigation has been undertaken by members of the stolen generations in both Canada and Australia. The article includes a summary of the key cases in Canada and Australia. Unlike in Australia, some Canadian aboriginal claimants have successfully brought actions for compensation against the federal Canadian government for the damages stemming from their experiences in the aboriginal residential schools. In the course of this discussion, the various causes of actions relied upon by the plaintiffs are examined While the plaintiffs in these leading Canadian cases were ultimately successful under at least one of their heads of claim, the approaches in these cases in regard to the Crown's liability for breaching fiduciary duties, the duty of care, and non-delegable duties is inconsistent. Thus even in regard to the Canadian jurisprudence key legal issues pertaining to the Crown's liability for the aboriginal residential school experience continues to be unresolved.


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NGOs have played an important role worldwide in the fight to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS through achieving behaviour change. NGOs have often been at the forefront of innovative changes, influencing government and international programming activities. This paper identifies and analyses the evolution of the HIV/AIDS programmes of one NGO in Thailand over a period of ten years. Three generations of programming are identified both through distinct approaches to this area of work and through the changing jargon used to describe the people the programmes are aimed at.


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The current study presents an overview and content analysis of the "Stolen Generations" inquiry as an example of how structural violence, grounded in the geohistorical context of the invasion of Australia by Europeans, plays itself out in the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. The inquiry, based on testimony received from 777 people and organizations, documented the impact of the government policy, from 1910 to 1970, of removing Aboriginal children of mixed heritage from their families. The consequences of these forced separations are examined and the implications of the inquiry are considered. We critically reflect on the role psychology has played in the past, and suggest roles for peace psychology, particularly in view of theoretical questions related to reconciliation processes.


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This article draws on a collaborative research project entitled Teachers Investigate Unequal Literacy Outcomes: Cross-generational Perspectives, funded by the Australian Research Council 2002-2004 and awarded to Barbara Comber, University of South Australia and Barbara Kamler, Deakin University. The university researchers invited early career teachers in their first five years of teaching, and late career teachers with at least twenty-five years experience, to collaboratively explore the problem of unequal outcomes in literacy. Over a period of three years, the teacher researchers conducted audits of their classroom literacy programs and the effects on different children; case studies of students they were most concerned about; and redesigns of their literacy curriculum and pedagogy.  Bev Maney and Ivan Boyer collaborated as research partners in the context of their work together as English teachers at Portland Secondary College, Victoria. This paper is based on transcripts of their many conversations with one other and the research team and is represented as an interrupted conversation with the university researchers. Here they critique current models of professional development and the effects of standardised testing and argue for the importance of serious teacher conversations and ongoing school-based research.