273 resultados para otherness - nomadism


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We discuss Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer based on the concept of nomadism, as coined by Deleuze and Guattari. The relation between philosophy and literature is very productive for both. A phenomenon of dual capture between these two areas that is characteristic of a nomadic thinking: literature that engenders philosophy which, in turn, engenders literature, establishing connections, new relations between terms in a distinct nomad variation that dismisses the classical image of thought of its eminence: a perspective between philosophy and literature as form of discussing the nomadism in Miller's novel. Thus, the linkage between philosophy and literature aims to capture the Millerian paths on this new space of thought, which is achieved by giving up any origin, human or divine, and stands as productive thought that affirms the real in a combat waged against the faculty of judgment, or simply of Judgment, in all its forms.


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Bakhtin, during the development of his theories, focused matters concerned to language, also taking account of the vital importance of its role in the formation of men. Thus, he was concerned in treating language not only as a simple mean of communication among people, but also as a social and crucial activity for the development of human beings. According to that and regarding the Bakhtinian concepts of alterity and dialogism in this paper, we intend to verify some aspects related to Macabéa, the protagonist of the novel entitled A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector, as well as her communication with the outside world, via language, trying to clarify, into that process, elucidative elements which attest her diffi culty in interacting with the world that surrounds her, besides the consequent de(constitution) of her own identity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The concept of region raises two related historical problems. First of all, it concerns the epistemological accomplishment of regional history, since the need to provide a total history, one of the main challenges of the Annales movement, undergoes an impact with the notion of local, so that the overflight of the historic totality becomes nowadays an intensive totality. The historian who overflies the reality is replaced by the wanderer historian. In addition to this epistemological question, we can think about the historical feature of spaces. From an ontological point of view, according to the modes of its composition, as well as from the standpoint of its practical constitution, space can be either smooth or striated. These types of space belong to the Gilles Deleuze s nomadology and their definition might improve the characterization and description of historical spaces with regard to a certain contemporary historiographical movement known as the New Cultural History.Key Words: history;space;nomadism.


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This intervention research was developed with adolescents of an establishment of care for children and adolescents considered at personal and social risk, in a city located in the state of São Paulo. The care practices found in the mentioned establishment are aimed at “prevention” of children and adolescents who could become offenders or future criminals, since they are selected from the poorest families in the outskirts of the city where the institution is located. Our psychological practice reported here, however, was conceived and put into practice from the discussion on Human Rights and Citizenship which aims to afirm what is considered deviation from the norm, opening spaces for the difference in relation to otherness and to the policy statement of these bodies in the urban setting within which they are inserted.


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This paper focuses on the practice of writing in the initial training. The research was conducted from an autobiographical perspective. The instruments used for data collection were the writings produced by me during my participation in the Institutional Scholarship Project Introduction to Teaching (Pibid) and my participation in the extension project Training Group: Dialogue and Otherness, those writings that bring my formative experience as a future teacher. The objectives was to analyze the writings produced by me in these contexts and through this analysis, understand what the issues that I problematized and what knowledge I was building from the experiences lived in the school context and in the university context. In view of understand the writing practices promoted in initial training, I have developed a literature search in the Annals of ENDIPE (National Meeting of Teaching and Teaching Practice) 2008, 2010 and 2012. This research seeks to contribute to the recognition of the training capability of autobiographical teaching writing


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Article presents the concept of subjectivity in the theory of Jean Laplanche from his questioning of metapsychology´s drive theory which led to the proposal of the theory of generalized seduction. The objective is to show how in this conception otherness is presented in a traumatic way in the primary constitution of subjectivity, endorsing certain positions in the psychoanalytic literature that advocate symbolic violence as a fundamental aspect of the subject of psychoanalysis.


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This research focuses on the practice of writing in the initial formation of teachers. My interest for this thematic arose from my participation in the extension project Formation Group: Dialog and Otherness and the extension course School: local for teacher formation, both coordinated by my supervisor. After all, I had the possibility of experimenting the exercise of writing and acknowledging the relevance of it in these contexts, in my condition of teacher-in-training. This thematic has involved me, which is why I conducted an autobiographical investigation. As data gathering tools, I used papers that I produced, as participant of the aforementioned extension project and extension course. Those papers were file records I made from the meetings, monthly papers produced from a thematic that was chosen by the graduating students that attended the extension project and, furthermore, I bring a self-assessments I developed inspired by the experiences I had in these two formative gaps. All these experiences provided pieces of my formative experience as a future teacher. The research aimed to understand which act of writing mobilized knowledge and triggered reflections in the aforementioned contexts, based on paper analysis, seeking to legitimate the importance of this practice in my formative process. Furthermore, a bibliographical research of qualitative nature was developed, achieved from the statement and analysis of articles located in the Annals of International Congress of (Auto) Biography Research (CIPA, in Portuguese acronym), from 2006 to 2012, and in the Annals of National Conference of Didactic and Teaching Techniques (ENDIPE, in Portuguese acronym), in the period from 2006 to 2012. This bibliographical research aimed to increase the understanding of the formative dimension of the practice of writing in the initial training in Pedagogy. I sought to distinguish the writing practices promoted in the context of initial...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o conceito de subjetividade em sua relação com a alteridade em educação, com base no pensamento filosófico de Emanuel Levinas. Inicialmente, apresenta a discussão da subjetividade na filosofia moderna e sua forma de concebê-la como ideal de sujeito livre e soberano. Em seguida, desenvolve uma análise crítica que problematiza a pretensa soberania do sujeito e reconstrói uma nova subjetividade ética, situada na condição de refém, capaz de acolher a irredutível alteridade do Outro enquanto ideia do infinito. No contexto de reconstrução da subjetividade, o estudo estabelece aproximações com o campo da educação, destacando a experiência educativa como um acontecimento ético por excelência.


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O artigo toma as figuras da legenda e da dublagem como pontos de partida para a exploração das várias formas de estrangeirice no audiovisual. Tais figuras são apenas as marcas mais visíveis e impositivas da maneira como os filmes envolvem questões relacionadas com a diferença, a alteridade e a tradução. Em seguida, o artigo também discute o que pode ser um filme estrangeiro no contexto da globalização e da internacionalização da produção cinematográfica. Enfim, ele invoca o conceito de «cinema com sotaque», ou seja, o cinema criado ao mesmo tempo nos interstícios das formações sociais e das práticas cinematográficas, especialmente nas comunidades exílicas e em situações de diáspora.


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[ES]Thomas Merton (1915-1968) escritor y monje contemplativo de la Abadía de Getsemaní, del estado norteamericano de Kentucky, abandona temporalmente su comunidad monástica para emprender un gran viaje; un experimento que fundamentalmente tiene que ver con la fascinación de los secretos que Oriente custodiaba y que culminará siendo la asombrosa síntesis de su vida. Esa tensión hacia lo otro que se llama sed pero también se llama curiositas, le conducirá por una secuencia de caminos por Asia, hasta llegar a perderse en el laberinto de los colosos de Gal Vihara, una sucesión de estatuas gigantes de Buda, que aunque no pudieron redimirle de su trágico destino, consuma el inicio de una total transformación, de una total disolución en su percepción del mundo. Recorrer, aunque sólo sea de forma indicativa, las páginas de su admirable Diario es la intención de este estudio.


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La ricerca si pone come obbiettivo principale quello di individuare gli strumenti in grado di controllare la qualità di una progettazione specifica che risponde alle forti richieste della domanda turistica di un territorio. Parte dalle più semplici teorie che inquadrano una costante condizione dell’uomo, “il VIAGGIARE”. La ricerca si pone come primo interrogativo quello definire una “dimensione” in cui le persone viaggiano, dove il concetto fisico di spazio dedicato alla vita si è spostato come e quanto si sposta la gente. Esiste una sorta di macroluogo (destinazione) che comprende tutti gli spazi dove la gente arriva e da cui spesso riparte. Pensare all'architettura dell’ospitalità significa indagare e comprendere come la casa non è più il solo luogo dove la gente abita. La ricerca affonda le proprie tesi sull’importanza dei “luoghi” appartenenti ad un territorio e come essi debbano riappropriarsi, attraverso un percorso progettuale, della loro più stretta vocazione attrattiva. Così come si sviluppa un’architettura dello stare, si manifesta un’architettura dello spostarsi e tali architetture si confondono e si integrano ad un territorio che per sua natura è esso stesso attrattivo. L’origine terminologica di nomadismo è passaggio necessario per la comprensione di una nuova dimensione architettonica legata a concetti quali mobilità e abitare. Si indaga pertanto all’interno della letteratura “diasporica”, in cui compaiono le prime configurazioni legate alla provvisorietà e alle costruzioni “erranti”. In sintesi, dopo aver posizionato e classificato il fenomeno turistico come nuova forma dell’abitare, senza il quale non si potrebbe svolgere una completa programmazione territoriale in quanto fenomeno oramai imprescindibile, la ricerca procede con l’individuazione di un ambito inteso come strumento di indagine sulle relazioni tra le diverse categorie e “tipologie” turistiche. La Riviera Romagnola è sicuramente molto famosa per la sua ospitalità e per le imponenti infrastrutture turistiche ma a livello industriale non è meno famosa per il porto di Ravenna che costituisce un punto di riferimento logistico per lo scambio di merci e materie prime via mare, oltre che essere, in tutta la sua estensione, caso di eccellenza. La provincia di Ravenna mette insieme tutti i fattori che servono a soddisfare le Total Leisure Experience, cioè esperienze di totale appagamento durante la vacanza. Quello che emerge dalle considerazioni svolte sul territorio ravennate è che il turista moderno non va più in cerca di una vacanza monotematica, in cui stare solo in spiaggia o occuparsi esclusivamente di monumenti e cultura. La richiesta è quella di un piacere procurato da una molteplicità di elementi. Pensiamo ad un distretto turistico dove l’offerta, oltre alla spiaggia o gli itinerari culturali, è anche occasione per fare sport o fitness, per rilassarsi in luoghi sereni, per gustare o acquistare cibi tipici e, allo stesso tempo, godere degli stessi servizi che una persona può avere a disposizione nella propria casa. Il percorso, finalizzato a definire un metodo di progettazione dell’ospitalità, parte dalla acquisizione delle esperienze nazionali ed internazionali avvenute negli ultimi dieci anni. La suddetta fase di ricerca “tipologica” si è conclusa in una valutazione critica che mette in evidenza punti di forza e punti di debolezza delle esperienze prese in esame. La conclusione di questa esplorazione ha prodotto una prima stesura degli “obbiettivi concettuali” legati alla elaborazione di un modello architettonico. Il progetto di ricerca in oggetto converge sul percorso tracciato dai Fiumi Uniti in Ravenna. Tale scelta consente di prendere in considerazione un parametro che mostri fattori di continuità tra costa e città, tra turismo balneare e turismo culturale, considerato quindi come potenziale strumento di connessione tra realtà spesso omologhe o complementari, in vista di una implementazione turistica che il progetto di ricerca ha come primo tra i suoi obiettivi. Il tema dell’architettura dell’ospitalità, che in questo caso si concretizza nell’idea di sperimentare l’ALBERGO DIFFUSO, è quello che permette di evidenziare al meglio la forma specifica della cultura locale, salvandone la vocazione universale. La proposta progettuale si articola in uno studio consequenziale ed organico in grado di promuovere una riflessione originale sul tema del modulo “abitativo” nei luoghi di prossimità delle emergenze territoriali di specifico interesse, attorno alle quali la crescente affluenza di un’utenza fortemente differenziata evidenzia la necessità di nodi singolari che si prestino a soddisfare una molteplicità di usi in contesti di grande pregio.


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The elusive fiction of J. M. Coetzee is not a work in which you can read fixed ethical stances. I suggest testing the potentialities of a logic based on frames and double binds in Coetzee's novels. A double bind is a dilemma in communication which consists on tho conflicting messages, with the result that you can’t successfully respond to neither. Jacques Derrida highlighted the strategic value of a way of thinking based on the double bind (but on frames as well), which enables to escape binary thinking and so it opens an ethical space, where you can make a choice out of a set of fixed rules and take responsibility for it. In Coetzee’s fiction the author himself can be considered in a double bind, seeing that he is a white South African writer who feels that his “task” can’t be as simply as choosing to represent faithfully the violence and the racism of the apartheid or of choosing to give a voice to the oppressed. Good intentions alone do not ensure protection against entering unwittingly into complicity with the dominant discourse, and this is why is important to make the frame in which one is always situated clearly visible and explicit. The logic of the double bind becomes the way in which moral problem are staged in Coetzee’s fiction as well: the opportunity to give a voice to the oppressed through the same language which co-opted to serve the cause of oppression, a relation with the otherness never completed, or the representability of evil in literature, of the secret and of the paradoxical implications of confession and forgiveness.