961 resultados para nuclear powerplant


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As experiencias demonstram que a conducção nuclear tambem se processa nos systemas praticamente impolizaveis, (metal/sol. do mesmo metal), onde é bem determinada e caracteristica. O estudo destes systemas pode fornecer dados seguros para a analyse do phenomeno da polarização, assim como do electrotonus physico do nervo. Na proxima nota analizaremos o phenomeno quantitativamente e esboçaremos sua theoria. Desejamos deixar expresso os nossos agradecimentos aos Professores Miguel Osorio de Almeida e José Felippe, pela attenção com que acompanham nossos trabalhos, assim como pelas suggestões que nos foram feitas, e ao Professor Evandro Chagas o nos ter facilitado o uso do Electrocardiographo.


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Surgical removal of large amounts of hepatic tissue in male albino rats results in a rapid and conspicuous raise in cellular nuclear volumes. Measurements were made exclusively in resting nuclei. This volume variation is transitory. Nuclear volumes return to the normal value withins 6 days of restoration. The higher value are abserved 48 hours after the hepatic removal, indicating probably that this effect is due to hydration of the nucei, as occurs in the cytoplasm. This hydration could be correlated to the mitotic activity of the renmant tissue since a peak of mitoses parallels the changes in the nuclear volumes.


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Throughout history, nuclear weapons have been considered to be the ultimate weapons. This understanding largely detached them from the portfolio of conventional military means and assigned them a symbolic meaning that influenced the identity and norms creation of nations. In most countries today, the development of nuclear weapons is considered morally prohibitive, incompatible with a country’s identity and international outlook. In some states, however, these negative norms are overridden by a positive set of norms, causing nuclear weapons to become either symbols of invulnerability to perceived threats or the regalia of major power status. Main purpose of this paper is to explore on the conditions that cause most states to develop a moral aversion to nuclear weapons, yet effectively lead to their glorification in others. Many studies on the normative understanding of nuclear weapons consider the existence of a negative normative predisposition, often referred to as ‘nuclear taboo’, as a major factor in preventing their acquisition and use. Other studies acknowledge the existence of a nuclear taboo inhibiting the use of nuclear weapons, but point to the existence of the opposing effect of norms, frequently referred to as the ‘nuclear myth’, when it comes to the acquisition of nuclear weapons. This myth emerges when certain symbolic meanings are attached to nuclear weapons, such as a state’s identity, self-image, and its desired position in the international system. With 180 odd countries in the world abstaining from the acquisition of nuclear weapons and 8 countries in possession of them (with two further countries assumed to have pursued their acquisition), one might consider the dominance of the nuclear taboo over the nuclear myth to be the rule. The core question is thus why and how this relationship reversed in the case of defectors.


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El presente proyecto planteaba el paso siguiente a la construcción, por nosotros mismos, de la Colección Nuclear de Cebadas Españolas, que es una representación esquemática de la variabilidad genética de las cebadas ancestralmente cultivadas en nuestro país. Para la explotación completa de estos materiales autóctonos en el Programa Nacional de Mejora de Cebadas, que estamos llevando a cabo los grupos integrantes de este proyecto, se realizó el mismo, que ha comprendido los objetivos siguientes: - Caracterización agronómica, mediante ensayos de campo en ambientes contrastantes y representativos, incluyendo la evaluación de respuestas a factores productores de estreses bióticos y abióticos. - Caracterización fenológica, mediante ensayos en invernadero con protocolos desarrollados por nosotros, para identificar la respuesta de estos genotipos a la vernalización y el fotoperiodo. - Caracterización maltero-cervecera/pienso, mediante análisis de cebada y malta. - Caracterización molecular, mediante el uso de marcadores SSRs y STS.


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Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGFAlpha) play a central role in tissue morphogenesis and repair, but their interplay remain poorly understood. The nuclear factor I C (NFI-C) transcription factor has been implicated in TGF-beta signaling, extracellular matrix deposition, and skin appendage pathologies, but a potential role in skin morphogenesis or healing had not been assessed. To evaluate this possibility, we performed a global gene expression analysis in NFI-C(-/-) and wild-type embryonic primary murine fibroblasts. This indicated that NFI-C acts mostly to repress gene expression in response to TGF-beta1. Misregulated genes were prominently overrepresented by regulators of connective tissue inflammation and repair. In vivo skin healing revealed a faster inflammatory stage and wound closure in NFI-C(-/-) mice. Expression of PDGFA and PDGF-receptor alpha were increased in wounds of NFI-C(-/-) mice, explaining the early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts. Differentiation of fibroblasts to contractile myofibroblasts was also elevated, providing a rationale for faster wound closure. Taken together with the role of TGF-beta in myofibroblast differentiation, our results imply a central role of NFI-C in the interplay of the two signaling pathways and in regulation of the progression of tissue regeneration.


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Eukaryotic cells generate energy in the form of ATP, through a network of mitochondrial complexes and electron carriers known as the oxidative phosphorylation system. In mammals, mitochondrial complex I (CI) is the largest component of this system, comprising 45 different subunits encoded by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Humans diagnosed with mutations in the gene NDUFS4, encoding a nuclear DNA-encoded subunit of CI (NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone Fe-S protein 4), typically suffer from Leigh syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease with onset in infancy or early childhood. Mitochondria from NDUFS4 patients usually lack detectable NDUFS4 protein and show a CI stability/assembly defect. Here, we describe a recessive mouse phenotype caused by the insertion of a transposable element into Ndufs4, identified by a novel combined linkage and expression analysis. Designated Ndufs4(fky), the mutation leads to aberrant transcript splicing and absence of NDUFS4 protein in all tissues tested of homozygous mice. Physical and behavioral symptoms displayed by Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice include temporary fur loss, growth retardation, unsteady gait, and abnormal body posture when suspended by the tail. Analysis of CI in Ndufs4(fky/fky) mice using blue native PAGE revealed the presence of a faster migrating crippled complex. This crippled CI was shown to lack subunits of the "N assembly module", which contains the NADH binding site, but contained two assembly factors not present in intact CI. Metabolomic analysis of the blood by tandem mass spectrometry showed increased hydroxyacylcarnitine species, implying that the CI defect leads to an imbalanced NADH/NAD(+) ratio that inhibits mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation.


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The majority of diseases in the retina are caused by genetic mutations affecting the development and function of photoreceptor cells. The transcriptional networks directing these processes are regulated by genes such as nuclear hormone receptors. The nuclear hormone receptor gene Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 has been widely studied for its role in the circadian cycle and cell metabolism, however its role in the retina is unknown. In order to understand the role of Rev-erb alpha/Nr1d1 in the retina, we evaluated the effects of loss of Nr1d1 to the developing retina and its co-regulation with the photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor gene Nr2e3 in the developing and mature retina. Knock-down of Nr1d1 expression in the developing retina results in pan-retinal spotting and reduced retinal function by electroretinogram. Our studies show that NR1D1 protein is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer neuroblastic layer of the developing mouse retina. In the adult retina, NR1D1 is expressed in the ganglion cell layer and is co-expressed with NR2E3 in the outer nuclear layer, within rods and cones. Several genes co-targeted by NR2E3 and NR1D1 were identified that include: Nr2c1, Recoverin, Rgr, Rarres2, Pde8a, and Nupr1. We examined the cyclic expression of Nr1d1 and Nr2e3 over a twenty-four hour period and observed that both nuclear receptors cycle in a similar manner. Taken together, these studies reveal a novel role for Nr1d1, in conjunction with its cofactor Nr2e3, in regulating transcriptional networks critical for photoreceptor development and function.


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Hybridization has played a central role in the evolutionary history of domesticated plants. Notably, several breeding programs relying on gene introgression from the wild compartment have been performed in fruit tree species within the genus Prunus but few studies investigated spontaneous gene flow among wild and domesticated Prunus species. Consequently, a comprehensive understanding of genetic relationships and levels of gene flow between domesticated and wild Prunus species is needed. Combining nuclear and chloroplastic microsatellites, we investigated the gene flow and hybridization among two key almond tree species, the cultivated Prunus dulcis and one of the most widespread wild relative Prunus orientalis in the Fertile Crescent. We detected high genetic diversity levels in both species along with substantial and symmetric gene flow between the domesticated P. dulcis and the wild P. orientalis. These results were discussed in light of the cultivated species diversity, by outlining the frequent spontaneous genetic contributions of wild species to the domesticated compartment. In addition, crop-to-wild gene flow suggests that ad hoc transgene containment strategies would be required if genetically modified cultivars were introduced in the northwestern Mediterranean.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), a França, entre 2006 i 2008. En el ultims anys, estudis realitzats en diferents tipus cel•lulars han pogut determinar l’importància de l’organització nuclear en el control i regulació gènica. S’han realizat diferents experiments per tal de determinar si la posició dels gens de les proteïnes làcties en el nucli interfàsic de cel•lules epitelials mamaries és important per regular la seva expressió. Els gens de les proteïnes de la llet s’expressen a la glàndula mamaria durant la lactació en resposta a les hormones lactogèniques (majoritàriament prolactina i glucocorticoids). Mitjançant la tècnica de FISH (fluorescent in situ hibridization) en 3D s’ha caracteritzat la localització nuclear del gens WAP (whey acidic protein) i les caseïnes en cèl•lules epitelials mamaries de ratolí (HC11) cultivades en l’absència i presencia d’hormones lactogèniques. En absència d’hormones, els dos gens estan distribuïts dins del nucli de forma no aleatòria, el gen WAP es troba localitzat en l’interior del nucli, mentre que les caseïnes es troben localitzades prop de la perifèria nuclear. L’estimulació hormonal indueix un canvi significatiu en la distància dels dos gens a la perifèria nuclear. Així mateix, la posició del locus de la caseïna en relació al seu territori cromosòmic (CT) 5 està correlacionada amb la inducció hormonal i per tant amb la seva activació transcripcional, mentre que la posició del gen WAP amb relació al seu CT11 sembla més determinada pel context cromosòmic del gen. Per últim, no s’han trobat diferencies en la localització dels gens en relació a l'heterocromatina del centròmer, descrit com a compartiment repressiu, entre les cèl•lules estimulades amb hormones i les que no. En els dos casos s’ha trobat un gran percentatge de gens que no estan associats als centròmers.


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Workers performing preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals in NM departments are likely to receive high local skin doses to the hands which may even surpass the dose limit of 500 mSv whenever radiation protection standards are insufficient. A large measurement campaign was organised within the framework of the ORAMED project to determine the dose distribution across the hands received during preparation and administration of 18F- and 99mTc-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. The final data, collected over almost 3 years, include 641 measurements from 96 workers in 30 NM departments from 6 European countries. Results have provided levels of reference doses for the considered standard NM diagnostic procedures (mean maximum normalised skin dose of 230 μSv/GBq, 430 μSv/GBq, 930 μSv/GBq and 1200 μSv/GBq for the administration of 99mTc, preparation of 99mTc, administration of 18F and preparation of 18F, respectively). Finger dose was analysed as a function of the potential parameters of influence showing that shielding is the most efficient means of radiation protection to reduce skin dose. An appropriate method for routine monitoring of the extremities is also proposed: the base of the index finger of the non-dominant hand is a suitable position to place the ring dosemeter, with its sensitive part oriented towards the palm side; its reading may be multiplied by a factor of 6 to estimate the maximum local skin dose. Finally, results were compared to earlier published data, which correspond mostly to individual works with a reduced number of workers and measurements.


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The nuclear hormone receptor superfamily is characterized by an impressive functional diversity of its members despite a remarkable overall structural unity. A variety of ligands bind specifically to them and these receptors control gene networks that have profound effects on growth, development, and homeostasis. The ligand-receptor complexes recognize transcriptional enhancer DNA sequences, the hormone response elements, resulting in induction or repression of gene activity. The similarity between all these hormone response enhancer elements, as well as between the receptors themselves, indicates a conserved general strategy for the hormonal control of transcription by steroids. The activated receptors bind to responsive promoters and most likely mediate the assembly of stage- and tissue-specific transcription factor complexes that stimulate or inhibit gene expression.


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We have developed and tested a new way of typing Trypanosoma cruzi, mamely the use of cloned nuclear DNA fragments as genetic markers. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were verified on Soutern blots hybridized to random probes. Fragment patterns were analyzed and dendrograms constructed. Our results on well characterized laboratory strains correlate well to published isoenzyme studies. Some of the probes were also hybridized to chromosomes separated by pulse field gel electrophoresis a higher degree of heterogeneity was observed at this level.


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BACKGROUND: The Nuclear Factor I (NFI) family of DNA binding proteins (also called CCAAT box transcription factors or CTF) is involved in both DNA replication and gene expression regulation. Using chromatin immuno-precipitation and high throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq), we performed a genome-wide mapping of NFI DNA binding sites in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS: We found that in vivo and in vitro NFI DNA binding specificities are indistinguishable, as in vivo ChIP-Seq NFI binding sites matched predictions based on previously established position weight matrix models of its in vitro binding specificity. Combining ChIP-Seq with mRNA profiling data, we found that NFI preferentially associates with highly expressed genes that it up-regulates, while binding sites were under-represented at expressed but unregulated genes. Genomic binding also correlated with markers of transcribed genes such as histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K36me3, even outside of annotated transcribed loci, implying NFI in the control of the deposition of these modifications. Positional correlation between + and - strand ChIP-Seq tags revealed that, in contrast to other transcription factors, NFI associates with a nucleosomal length of cleavage-resistant DNA, suggesting an interaction with positioned nucleosomes. In addition, NFI binding prominently occurred at boundaries displaying discontinuities in histone modifications specific of expressed and silent chromatin, such as loci submitted to parental allele-specific imprinted expression. CONCLUSIONS: Our data thus suggest that NFI nucleosomal interaction may contribute to the partitioning of distinct chromatin domains and to epigenetic gene expression regulation.NFI ChIP-Seq and input control DNA data were deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository under accession number GSE15844. Gene expression microarray data for mouse embryonic fibroblasts are on GEO accession number GSE15871.