816 resultados para non-English speaking


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Chinese media in the context of China's rise have puzzled many scholars who used to understand media and communications phenomena by employing the theories generated from a few affluent Western democracies, notably the US. As a result, a complex but more accurate picture has been ignored. Under numerous theoretical polarizations, the contemporary social world seems little changed but polarized. This thesis aims to propose a different approach endeavoring to 'de-Westernize' or 'internationalize' media and communications studies. As a starting point, this study focuses on the globalization debate, Chinese media and news agency studies. The thesis has investigated the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, by employing Fuzzy Logic which captures the complexity of the change in the agency's business structure and journalistic practices over last 25 years. The change is also examined by scrutinizing the role of journalists in the interrelations of Xinhua with its news sources, media and nonmedia clients, and other news agencies. A combination of archive study and 94 semistructured interviews conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and London provides an inclusive account of the Chinese news institution. The key research findings drawn from the empirical research into Xinhua have justified the central argument of this thesis: Crisp Logic or the 'either/or' approach has failed to explain the dynamics of the change to the media system based in a 'non-Western' society. The numerous theoretical polarizations generated by Crisp Logic to a large extent have distorted the understanding of the contemporary social world by polarizing it. Fuzzy Logic serves better(though it is not the only choice)than the traditional approach to reflect on the set of variables existing between the two poles created by Crisp Logic. This thesis is the first doctorate research in the UK and other English-speaking countries to investigate Xinhua by 'going inside' the news institution's headquarters, local branches and overseas bureaus. This is the first comprehensive academic study of the agency, which not only examines the agency's recent change in business structure and journalistic practices, but also provides a historical account of the agency and its relationship with other social institutions. This is the first media study that employs Fuzzy Logic to understand the globalization theory, Chinese media and news agencies.


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In order to cater for an extended readership, crime fiction, like most popular genres, is based on the repetition of a formula allowing for the reader's immediate identification. This first domestication is followed, at the time of its translation, by a second process, which wipes out those characteristics of the source text that may come into conflict with the dominant values of the target culture. An analysis of the textual and paratextual strategies used in the English translation of José Carlos Somoza's La caverna de las ideas (2000) shows the efforts to make the novel more easily marketable in the English-speaking world through the elimination of most of the obstacles to easy readability.


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The purpose of this study was to develop a new English assessment system to evaluate Chinese students' English communicative capacities. Since there is more interaction with people from English-speaking countries, Chinese people attach more importance to English oral skills, and a lot of Western English teaching methods were introduced into China to improve students' English communicative capacities. However, traditional paper-written examinations, like the English test of higher education entry examination, cannot evaluate it effectively. This study explored the perceptions of two Chinese English-language teachers and two Chinese students about English assessment system. A qualitative research method using telephone interviews was conducted in this study. The findings showed that the most possible ways to assess Chinese students' English communicative capacities were paper-written examination and person-machine conversations, although measures should be taken to improve these two models. On the other hand, the model of person-person conversation was the ideal assessment tool but was hard to achieve at the current stage.


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RÉSUMÉ L’étiologie de la schizophrénie est complexe et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress (Nuechterlein & Dawson, 1984) propose que des facteurs de vulnérabilité d’ordre génétique combinés à une histoire environnementale de stress particulier pousseraient l’individu vers un état clinique de psychose. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre la réaction physiologique des personnes schizophrènes face à un stress psychologique, tout en conceptualisant les symptômes psychotiques comme faisant partie d’un continuum, plutôt que de les restreindre sur un plan catégoriel. Afin de faire la différence entre les patients schizophrènes et les individus de la population générale, au-delà de la sévérité de leurs symptômes psychotiques, leur réaction au stress est comparée et le phénomène de seuil critique dans la réaction de cortisol est exploré en tant que point décisif pouvant distinguer entre les deux groupes. La première étude de cette thèse (Brenner et al., 2007) examine la fiabilité, la validité et la structure factorielle du Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) (Stefanis et al., 2002), avec un échantillon francophone et anglophone de la population nord américaine, un questionnaire auto-administré de 42 items qui évalue les expériences quasi-psychotiques présentes dans la population générale : des symptômes positifs (ou psychotiques), négatifs (ou végétatifs) et dépressifs. Ce questionnaire a été complété par un échantillon de 2 275 personnes de la population montréalaise. Les résultats appuient la consistance interne des 3 sous-échelles originales. De plus, l’analyse factorielle exploratoire suggère des solutions de 3-5 facteurs, où les solutions à 4 et 5 facteurs proposent de séparer les symptômes positifs en sous-catégories plus spécifiques. Finalement, cette étude suggère une version plus courte du CAPE, avec seulement 23 items, tout en préservant les mêmes trois échelles originales. La toile de fond de cet article confirme l’existence du phénomène du continuum de la psychose, où une variation de symptômes psychotiques peut se retrouver aussi bien dans la population générale que dans la population clinique. Dans une deuxième étude (Brenner et al., 2009), cette thèse examine à quel point la réponse de l’hormone de stress, le cortisol, à un test de stress psychosocial nommé le Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) (Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993), peut établir une différence entre les sujets témoins et les patients schizophrènes, tout en contrôlant des variables importantes. Un groupe de 30 personnes schizophrènes et un groupe de 30 sujets de la population générale, recrutés lors de la première étude de cette thèse, ont participé à cette recherche qui est construite selon un plan expérimental. Le groupe témoin inclut des personnes légèrement symptomatiques et un chevauchement des scores psychotiques existe entre les deux groupes. Suite au stresseur, les deux groupes démontrent une augmentation significative de leur rythme cardiaque et de leur pression artérielle. Cependant, leur réponse de cortisol a tendance à différer : les patients schizophrènes présentent une réponse de cortisol plus petite que celle des témoins, mais en atteignant un seuil statistique significatif seulement à la mesure qui suit immédiatement le stresseur. Ces résultats significatifs sont obtenus en contrôlant pour la sévérité des symptômes positifs, un facteur discriminant significatif entre les deux groupes. Ainsi, le niveau de cortisol mesuré immédiatement après le stresseur se révèle être un marqueur de seuil critique pouvant établir une distinction entre les deux groupes. Aussi, leur réponse de cortisol maximale a tendance à apparaître plus tard que chez les sujets témoins. De façon générale, la réaction au stress des deux groupes étudiés est un autre moyen d’observer la continuité d’un comportement présent chez les individus, jusqu’à ce qu’un seuil critique soit atteint. Ainsi, il est possible de trancher, à un moment donné, entre psychose clinique ou absence de diagnostic.


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Cette recherche vise à examiner les relations entre la perception que des membres du personnel enseignant ont des pratiques du leadership transformationnel de la direction d’école, du contexte scolaire et des conditions favorisant leur engagement à implanter le renouveau pédagogique dans leur école. Le schéma conceptuel et le questionnaire qui sous-tendent cette recherche sont une adaptation de ceux élaborés par Yu, Leithwood et Jantzi (2002). Le questionnaire a été complété par 31 membres du personnel enseignant de quatre écoles primaires montréalaises appartenant à des commissions scolaires anglophones et francophones. À partir de ces données, nous avons calculé des moyennes et nous avons comparé les écoles, à l’aide des tests Mann-Whitney, selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique, leur niveau socioéconomique et la langue de la commission scolaire d’appartenance. De plus, pour compléter nos données quantitatives, nous avons repris quelques citations des entrevues faites auprès des directions de ces écoles que les professeurs du département d’Administration et fondements de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal, qui font partie du Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD), ont effectuées dans le cadre d’une autre étude. Les comparaisons des écoles selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique révèlent que le personnel enseignant des deux écoles en changement se distingue de celui des deux écoles peu engagées dans le changement sur un seul point majeur : il a évalué moins positivement le contexte scolaire, un résultat appuyé par les analyses non paramétriques. Il semble que, dans les écoles qui ont participé à notre étude, le fait de soutenir l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique serait associé à une évaluation plus faible du contexte scolaire ; la culture de l’école et l’environnement étant les conditions les plus touchées. Un autre résultat de cette recherche est le fait que les enseignantes de l’école favorisée ont évalué le contexte scolaire, notamment la culture, l’environnement et les stratégies pour le changement, moins positivement que les enseignantes des écoles défavorisées. Enfin, les comparaisons des écoles en fonction de la langue de la commission scolaire indiquent qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative dans les évaluations faites des trois variables, que les enseignantes travaillent dans une école appartenant à une commission scolaire anglophone ou francophone. Étant donné que l’échantillon d’enseignantes qui a participé à notre étude est modeste, les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent pas être généralisés, cependant ils pourraient constituer une base pour des recherches ultérieures dans ce domaine.


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Ausgehend von dem von Friedrich Edding geprägten Begriff der Schlüsselfähigkeit entwickelte Dieter Mertens Anfang der 1970er Jahre sein Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen. Damit suchte er Wege, Menschen so zu qualifizieren, dass sie ihnen übertragene berufliche Aufgaben, auch in einem sich rasch verändernden Umfeld, bewältigen können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Rezeption des Begriffs in verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten und Resultaten verlief. Am folgenreichsten war die Rezeption in der Berufsbildung. Von wenigen skeptischen Stimmen abgesehen, stieß das Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen auf positive Zustimmung und mehrere Umsetzungsversuche wurden unternommen. Diese führten allerdings zu einer Verlängerung der Liste der Schlüsselqualifikationen (die ursprünglich von Mertens als abschließbar angedacht war). Ein Konsens, was in der Berufsbildung als Schlüsselqualifikationen zu gelten hat, ist immer noch nicht in Sicht. In den allgemeinbildenden Schulen hingegen fand das Konzept keine große Beachtung. Zwar wurde hin und wieder auf den Begriff zurückgegriffen, um beispielsweise allgemein verbindliche Standards in der Schule zu thematisieren oder neuen Inhalten eine Legitimation zu verschaffen, dennoch griff die Debatte in der Schulpädagogik nicht nachhaltig. Gründe dafür liegen zum einen in der dem Konzept inhärenten berufsvorbereitenden Funktion, die der Idealvorstellung einer zweckfreien Bildung widerspricht, zum anderen in der relativ straffen und zentralisierten Gestaltung der Lehrpläne. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Konzept der Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich auseinander. Eine Untersuchung von ca. 130 deutsch- und englischsprachigen Arbeiten, die Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich zum Thema haben, belegt eine sehr große Heterogenität der zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen und konkreten Modelle. Es wird gezeigt, dass die zwei wichtigsten Ordnungsschemata, die gelegentlich zur Abgrenzung der Schlüsselqualifikationen gegenüber anderen Bildungskomponenten herangezogen werden (nämlich die Taxonomie der Lernziele von Bloom und das Handlungskompetenzmodell von Roth in der Weiterentwicklung von Reetz) mit keinem kohärenten Rahmenwerk, das der Fülle der Modelle von Schlüsselqualifikationen im Hochschulbereich gerecht wäre, aufwarten können. Eine Alternative bietet eine diskursanalytische Perspektive foucaultscher Prägung. Begriffen als eine diskursive Formation, haben Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen ihre Gemeinsamkeit nicht in dem vermeintlich gemeinsamen Gegenstand. Demnach sind Schlüsselqualifikationen in der heutigen Hochschuldebatte keine Qualifikationen suis generis, die eine eigene Kategorie bilden, sondern eine Antwort auf die Herausforderungen, die die verschiedenartigen Veränderungen in und um Hochschulen mit sich bringen. Es lassen sich drei Kontexte identifizieren, in denen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen der Herausforderung zu begegnen versuchen: in der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen, in der vor-universitären Bildung sowie in der Hochschulbildung und in der Berufswelt. In diesen Kontexten artikulieren die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen verschiedene Dimensionen, um Gesellschafts-, Studier und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Studierenden zu fördern. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Debatten und Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in der BRD und in England zeigt, dass diese drei Kontexte in beiden Ländern vorfindbar sind, jedoch deren inhaltliche Vorstellung und konkrete Umsetzung aufgrund der Partikularitäten des jeweiligen Hochschulsystems unterschiedliche Akzentuierungen erfahren. Anders als in der BRD betonen die Modelle der Förderung der Studierfähigkeit in England die Brückenkurse als Hilfestellung bei der Vorbereitung auf das Studium. Das hängt mit den uneinheitlichen Zugangsregelungen zum Hochschulstudium und der hierarchischen Struktur im englischen Hochschulsystem zusammen. Bei der Förderung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit setzen die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen in Deutschland, wo traditionell ein Hochschulstudium als berufsvorbereitend angesehen wird, den Akzent auf Praxisbezug des Studiums und auf Flexibilität. In England hingegen, wo sich das Studium per se nicht als berufsqualifizierend versteht, rücken die Modelle der Schlüsselqualifikationen den Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt und das Karrieremanagement - subsumiert unter dem Konzept der employability - in den Vordergrund.


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This paper explores student and teacher perspectives of challenges relating to the levels of competence in English of Chinese students studying overseas from the perspective of critical pedagogy. It draws on two complementary studies undertaken by colleagues at the University of Reading. The first—a research seminar attended by representatives from a wide range of UK universities—presents the views of teachers and administrators; the second draws on four case studies of the language learning of Chinese postgraduate students during their first year of study in the UK, and offers the student voice. Interview and focus group data highlight the limitations of current tests of English used as part of the requirements for university admission. In particular, university teachers expressed uncertainty about whether the acceptance of levels of written English which fall far short of native-speaker competence is an ill-advised lowering of standards or a necessary and pragmatic response to the realities of an otherwise uneven playing field. In spite of this ambivalence, there is evidence of a growing willingness on the part of university teachers and support staff to find solutions to the language issues facing Chinese students, some of which require a more strategic institutional approach, while others rely on greater flexibility on the part of individuals. Although the studies reported in this paper were based on British universities, the findings will also be of interest to those involved in tertiary education in other English-speaking countries which are currently attracting large numbers of Chinese students.


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This article is a case study of how English teachers in England have coped with the paradigm shift from print to digital literacy. It reviews a large scale national initiative that was intended to upskill all teachers, considers its weak impact and explores the author’s involvement in the evaluation of the project’s direct value to English teachers. It explores how this latter evaluation revealed how best practice in English using ICT was developing in a variable manner. It then reports on a recent small scale research project that investigated how very good teachers have adapted ICT successfully into their teaching. It focuses on how the English teachers studied in the project are developing a powerful new pedagogy situated in the life worlds of their students and suggests that this model may be of benefit to many teachers. The issues this article reports on have resonance in all English speaking countries. This article is also a personal story of the author’s close involvement with ICT and English over 20 years, and provides evidence for his conviction that digital technologies will eventually transform English teaching.


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Although the curriculum subject of English is continually reviewed and revised in all English speaking countries, the status of literature is rarely questioned i.e. that it is of high cultural value and all students should be taught about it. The concerns of any review, in any country, are typically about what counts as literature, especially in terms of national heritage and then how much of the curriculum should it occupy. This article reports on three inter-related pieces of research that examine the views of in-service, and pre-service, English teachers about their experiences of teaching literature and their perceptions of its ‘status’ and significance at official level and in the actual classroom; it draws attention to how England compares to some other English speaking countries and draws attention to the need to learn from the negative outcomes of political policy in England. The findings suggest that the nature of engagement with literature for teachers and their students has been distorted by official rhetorics and assessment regimes and that English teachers are deeply concerned to reverse this pattern.


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Sorace (2000, 2005) has claimed that while L2 learners can easily acquire properties of L2 narrow syntax they have significant difficulty with regard to interpretation and the discourse distribution of related properties, resulting in so-called residual optionality. However, there is no consensus as to what this difficulty indicates. Is it related to an insurmountable grammatical representational deficit (in the sense of representation deficit approaches; e.g. Beck 1998, Franceschina 2001, Hawkins 2005), is it due to cross-linguistic interference, or is it just a delay due to a greater complexity involved in the acquisition of interface-conditioned properties? In this article, I explore the L2 distribution of null and overt subject pronouns of English speaking learners of L2 Spanish. While intermediate learners clearly have knowledge of the syntax of Spanish null subjects, they do not have target-like pragmatic knowledge of their distribution with overt subjects. The present data demonstrate, however, that this difficulty is overcome at highly advanced stages of L2 development, thus suggesting that properties at the syntax-pragmatics interface are not destined for inevitable fossilization.


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This article explores the use of Bourdieusian analysis for examining how policy and practice interact in the teaching of English and therefore in the development of children’s language and literacy; in particular how Bourdieusian analysis uncovers the ways in which teachers’ practice has been influenced unconsciously by centralised shaping of the curriculum for English in England while the pupil demographic in schools has become more linguistically diverse. Data were collected from interviews with both newly qualified and very experienced primary school (pupil ages 5 – 11) teachers, whose pedagogical norms for the teaching of English were challenged by the arrival of non-English speakers in their classrooms. The discussion highlights how the use of Bourdieusian constructs of field, habitus and capital can disambiguate teachers’ practical classroom decisions from the influences of policy expectations.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate the developmental profile of three aspects of prosody function, i.e. affect, focus and turn-endings in children with Williams and in those with Down’s syndrome compared to typically developing English speaking children. The tasks used were part of the computer-based battery, Profiling Elements of Prosody for Speech Communication (Peppe, McCann & Gibon, 2003). Cross-sectional developmental trajectories linking chronological and non-verbal mental age and affects and turn-ending functions of prosody were constructed. The results showed an atypical profile in both clinical populations. More interestingly, the profiles were atypical for different reasons, suggesting multiple and possibly different developmental pathways to the acquisition of prosody in these two populations.


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The linguistic situation in Australia today presents an intriguing case for sociolinguistic inquiries. Despite the recent waves of migration from non Anglo-Celtic regions, the majority of Australians today are primarily monolingual with English being the dominant language. More critical, perhaps, is the diminishing appeal of second language learning even among second generation speakers of the large ethnic communities. This is indeed ironic giving that prior to white settlement in Australia, the Aboriginal inhabitants were predominantly multilingual with more than 250 languages (and many of their dialects) spoken by the 300 000 original inhabitants at the time when Captain James Cook's ship reached Botany Bay in Sydney in 1770. Given the size of the post-War migration, it was not until 1987 that the Australian government adopted a formal national policy on languages becoming 'the first English-speaking country to have such a policy and the first in the world to have a multilingual languages policy' (Australian Alliance for Languages 2001: 2). This paper will discuss the historical context for multilingualism in Australia and the current trend in government policy and funding. It will provide insights into community language programs and the challenges of remaining viable and relevant in the current social and political climate. Statistical analyses will be used to highlight emerging trends and future prospects.


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While applied broadly within the setting of accounting and some other occupations, “a profession” is a particularly Western concept with peculiarly British origins. Additionally, the significance of such status and the process of “professionalisation” by which it is acquired remain beset by lingering uncertainties. Examination of the sociology of the accounting occupation within non-Western locations can contribute to exposing and clarifying these problematic and contingent aspects of occupational stratification, as well as assist in redressing the bias towards English-speaking and European countries within the accounting history literature. Proceeding from these theoretical premises, a historical and comparative study of the accounting occupation within China is undertaken. This seeks to integrate the world’s most populous nation into the historical narrative of the professionalisation of accounting, and reinforces – often vividly – that accountants’ work status is not bound to any predetermined trajectory which is innate to the occupation. Instead, the variety of localised and time-specific variables which constitute the occupational context are shown to exert a dominating influence.