964 resultados para non profit, linked open data, web scraping, web crawling


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In order to reconstruct regional vegetation changes and local conditions during the fen-bog transition in the Borsteler Moor (northwestern Germany), a sediment core covering the period between 7.1 and 4.5 cal kyrs BP was palynologically in vestigated. The pollen diagram demonstrates the dominance of oak forests and a gradual replacement of trees by raised bog vegetation with the wetter conditions in the Late Atlantic. At ~ 6 cal kyrs BP, the non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) demonstrate the succession from mesotrophic conditions, clearly indicated by a number of fungal spore types, to oligotrophic conditions, indicated by Sphagnum spores, Bryophytomyces sphagni, and testate amoebae Amphitrema, Assulina and Arcella, etc. Four relatively dry phases during the transition from fen to bog are clearly indicated by the dominance of Calluna and associated fungi as well as by the increase of microcharcoal. Several new NPP types are described and known NPP types are identified. All NPP are discussed in the context of their palaeoecological indicator values.


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© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.


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All A’s was designed to support of the agency’s family strengthening initiatives in South Florida. All A’s uses evidence informed strategies poised to be an inclusive curriculum that teaches self-determination and adaptive behavior skills. The framework incorporates problem based learning and adult learning theory and follows the Universal Design for Learning. Since 2012, the agency has served over 8500 youth and 4,000 adults using the framework. The framework addresses educational underachievement and career readiness in at risk populations. It is used to enhance participants AWARENESS of setting SMART goals to achieve future goals and career aspirations. Participants are provided with ACCESS to resources and opportunities for creating and implementing an ACTION plan as they pursue and ACHIEVE their goals. All A’s promotes protective factors and expose youth to career pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related fields. Youth participate in college tours, job site visits, job shadowing, high school visits, online college and career preparation assistance, service learning projects, STEM projects, and the Winning Futures© mentoring program. Adults are assisted with résumé development; learn job search strategies, interview techniques, job shadowing experiences, computer and financial literacy programs. Adults and youth are also given the opportunity to complete industry-recognized certifications in high demand industries (food service, general labor, and construction), and test preparation for the General Educational Development Test.


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El movimiento de datos abiertos es relativamente nuevo, ofrece beneficios significativos a la sociedad y a la economía, promueve la democracia y la responsabilidad de los gobiernos públicos fomentando la transparencia, participación y colaboración de los ciudadanos. Por ser un movimiento relativamente nuevo, son los países que lideran el desarrollo quienes ya han implementado políticas de datos abiertos y ya disfrutan de sus beneficios; sin embargo, hay países en los que aún ni siquiera hay iniciativas de datos abiertos o aún están comenzando. En este trabajo se estudia el uso adecuado de buenas prácticas, normas, métricas y estándares para la implantación de datos abiertos de manera sostenible, automatizable y en formatos accesibles que garanticen la reutilización de los datos con el fin de generar valor a través de ellos, al crear nuevos productos y servicios que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. En ese sentido, se realiza un análisis exploratorio de los principios de datos abiertos, se realiza un análisis sobre la situación actual de iniciativas de datos abiertos, y con el fin de que el proyecto sea de máxima aplicabilidad, se realizan pruebas de la métrica Meloda 4.0 sobre conjuntos de datos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Se realiza un análisis y evaluación de los portales de datos abiertos de los Ayuntamientos de Madrid, Zaragoza y Barcelona basándose en la Norma UNE 178301:2015. En concordancia con la filosofía de datos abiertos, se estudia y sugiere el uso de tecnologías de código abierto para la publicación de datos abiertos. Finalmente, como resultado y aplicabilidad de todo lo aprendido, se propone el diseño de una metodología para publicación de datos abiertos orientada a entidades públicas que aún no tienen iniciativas o están comenzando a implementar políticas de datos abiertos.


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Double Degree


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Slides for my talk at the CHEAD Membership & Networking Meeting


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A quantidade e variedade de conteúdos multimédia actualmente disponíveis cons- tituem um desafio para os utilizadores dado que o espaço de procura e escolha de fontes e conteúdos excede o tempo e a capacidade de processamento dos utilizado- res. Este problema da selecção, em função do perfil do utilizador, de informação em grandes conjuntos heterogéneos de dados é complexo e requer ferramentas específicas. Os Sistemas de Recomendação surgem neste contexto e são capazes de sugerir ao utilizador itens que se coadunam com os seus gostos, interesses ou necessidades, i.e., o seu perfil, recorrendo a metodologias de inteligência artificial. O principal objectivo desta tese é demonstrar que é possível recomendar em tempo útil conteúdos multimédia a partir do perfil pessoal e social do utilizador, recorrendo exclusivamente a fontes públicas e heterogéneas de dados. Neste sen- tido, concebeu-se e desenvolveu-se um Sistema de Recomendação de conteúdos multimédia baseado no conteúdo, i.e., nas características dos itens, no historial e preferências pessoais e nas interacções sociais do utilizador. Os conteúdos mul- timédia recomendados, i.e., os itens sugeridos ao utilizador, são provenientes da estação televisiva britânica, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), e estão classificados de acordo com as categorias dos programas da BBC. O perfil do utilizador é construído levando em conta o historial, o contexto, as preferências pessoais e as actividades sociais. O YouTube é a fonte do histo- rial pessoal utilizada, permitindo simular a principal fonte deste tipo de dados - a Set-Top Box (STB). O historial do utilizador é constituído pelo conjunto de vídeos YouTube e programas da BBC vistos pelo utilizador. O conteúdo dos vídeos do YouTube está classificado segundo as categorias de vídeo do próprio YouTube, sendo efectuado o mapeamento para as categorias dos programas da BBC. A informação social, que é proveniente das redes sociais Facebook e Twit- ter, é recolhida através da plataforma Beancounter. As actividades sociais do utilizador obtidas são filtradas para extrair os filmes e séries que são, por sua vez, enriquecidos semanticamente através do recurso a repositórios abertos de dados interligados. Neste caso, os filmes e séries são classificados através dos géneros da IMDb e, posteriormente, mapeados para as categorias de programas da BBC. Por último, a informação do contexto e das preferências explícitas, através da classificação dos itens recomendados, do utilizador são também contempladas. O sistema desenvolvido efectua recomendações em tempo real baseado nas actividades das redes sociais Facebook e Twitter, no historial de vídeos Youtube e de programas da BBC vistos e preferências explícitas. Foram realizados testes com cinco utilizadores e o tempo médio de resposta do sistema para criar o conjunto inicial de recomendações foi 30 s. As recomendações personalizadas são geradas e actualizadas mediante pedido expresso do utilizador.


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Questa tesi presenta una rassegna delle principali tecnologie informatiche per la gestione efficace ed efficiente delle librerie digitali. Viene posto l'accento sull'analisi comparativa delle tecnologie e dei modelli di rappresentazione del dato bibliografico presenti allo stato dell'arte.


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In his famous children’s book, “Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver”, Michael Ende describes a curious character: A phantom giant. Clothed in rags and with a long beard, the phantom giant appears enormous from far away, but shrinks to normal size as one gets closer. Most people avoid the poor creature, but the ones that dare approach it encounter a gentle, lonely being called Mr. Tur Tur. Chemical ecology is just the opposite of Mr. Tur Tur: A phantom dwarf. Or, in other words, an inverted phantom giant. From a distance, chemical ecology appears like a slightly odd, marginal section of biology and chemistry. But, as the interested scholar approaches, it starts growing and very quickly reaches gigantic dimensions, because all life is explained by chemistry, and all biological chemistry is guided by ecological principles. Herein lies the difficulty with chemical ecology: As it is not perceived well by biologists and chemists, few approach it to understand its significance, and the ones that do find themselves in front of a giant that defies their attempts to define and contain it. This is where the Journal of Chemical Ecology comes in: It invites us to take a closer look at an underestimated discipline and supports us to explore it and deal with its multidimensionality through the promotion of knowledge and methods. These services are unique and make the journal stand out of the crowd of scientific journals. Writing children’s books has become difficult in the era of information technology. And, so has the job of the Journal of Chemical Ecology. Young scientists gather information through accessible, dynamic websites and social platforms. They want articles that are available through a single mouse click, anywhere, anytime. They prefer advanced interactive hypertext protocols over clumsy pdf files. They care about transparency, non-profit and open access just as much as about traditional journal properties. In my view, reaching “the kids” is the major challenge of the Journal over the next years. Promoting an inverted phantom giant in the 21st century requires a combination of high-quality information and boosted visibility. In Michael Ende’s book, Jim and Luke follow exactly this strategy with Mr. Tur Tur: They become friends and offer him a job as a living lighthouse to protect their small island. They combine a quality relationship with high visibility, et voilà, the story ends well! I am looking forward to seeing if the Journal of Chemical Ecology will follow a similar path to reach the next generation of biologists and chemists. If yes, there is a good chance that in 40 years from now, somebody will write a laudation and refer to another famous book by Michael Ende: “The Neverending Story”.


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In this paper, we first overview the French project on heritage called PATRIMA, launched in 2011 as one of the Projets d'investissement pour l'avenir, a French funding program meant to last for the next ten years. The overall purpose of the PATRIMA project is to promote and fund research on various aspects of heritage presentation and preservation. Such research being interdisciplinary, research groups in history, physics, chemistry, biology and computer science are involved in this project. The PATRIMA consortium involves research groups from universities and from the main museums or cultural heritage institutions in Paris and surroundings. More specifically, the main members of the consortium are the two universities of Cergy-Pontoise and Versailles Saint-Quentin and the following famous museums or cultural institutions: Musée du Louvre, Château de Versailles, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musée du Quai Branly, Musée Rodin. In the second part of the paper, we focus on two projects funded by PATRIMA named EDOP and Parcours and dealing with data integration. The goal of the EDOP project is to provide users with a data space for the integration of heterogeneous information about heritage; Linked Open Data are considered for an effective access to the corresponding data sources. On the other hand, the Parcours project aims at building an ontology on the terminology about the techniques dealing with restoration and/or conservation. Such an ontology is meant to provide a common terminology to researchers using different databases and different vocabularies.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.


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In spite of the increasing presence of Semantic Web Facilities, only a limited amount of the available resources in the Internet provide a semantic access. Recent initiatives such as the emerging Linked Data Web are providing semantic access to available data by porting existing resources to the semantic web using different technologies, such as database-semantic mapping and scraping. Nevertheless, existing scraping solutions are based on ad-hoc solutions complemented with graphical interfaces for speeding up the scraper development. This article proposes a generic framework for web scraping based on semantic technologies. This framework is structured in three levels: scraping services, semantic scraping model and syntactic scraping. The first level provides an interface to generic applications or intelligent agents for gathering information from the web at a high level. The second level defines a semantic RDF model of the scraping process, in order to provide a declarative approach to the scraping task. Finally, the third level provides an implementation of the RDF scraping model for specific technologies. The work has been validated in a scenario that illustrates its application to mashup technologies


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