285 resultados para maths


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This research paper reports on phase one of an investigation of video recorded intensive one-to-one teaching interactions with 6–7-year-old students who were in their second year of schooling in Australia and identified by the their teacher as low attaining in early number. The two-phased study from which this paper emerges was originally conducted in 1998 as part of my Bachelor of Teaching Honours (Research) program at Southern Cross University Lismore, New South Wales. That study identified teaching interactions particularly suited to one-to-one teaching in the Maths Recovery Program, a program designed for these students who were at risk of failure in early number. Since that time a great deal has not changed with limited literature available that comprehensively reports on teaching interactions in intensive one-to-one settings. Revisiting the original study is considered timely given the increasing number of withdrawal and intensive programs now funded and adopted by schools and yet, rarely reported on in terms of the effectiveness of the teaching interactions that occur in such settings. This paper then presents a discussion of a preliminary series of teaching interactions that either positively and or negatively influence an intensive one-to-one teaching and learning setting


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Electricity generation is vital in developed countries to power the many mechanical and electrical devices that people require. Unfortunately electricity generation is costly. Though electricity can be generated it cannot be stored efficiently. Electricity generation is also difficult to manage because exact demand is unknown from one instant to the next. A number of services are required to manage fluctuations in electricity demand, and to protect the system when frequency falls too low. A current approach is called automatic under frequency load shedding (AUFLS). This article proposes new methods for optimising AUFLS in New Zealand’s power system. The core ideas were developed during the 2015 Maths and Industry Study Group (MISG) in Brisbane, Australia. The problem has been motivated by Transpower Limited, a company that manages New Zealand’s power system and transports bulk electricity from where it is generated to where it is needed. The approaches developed in this article can be used in electrical power systems anywhere in the world.


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Bhatnagar and Rathna (Quar. Journ. Mech. Appl. Maths., 1963,16, 329) investigated the flows of Newtonian, Reiner-Rivlin and Rivlin-Ericksen fluids between two rotating coaxial cones. In case of the last two types of fluids, they predicted the breaking of secondary flow field in any meridian plane. We find that such breaking is avoided by the application of a sufficiently strong azimuthal magnetic field arising from a line current along the axis of the cones.


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[eus] Ikerketa honen helburu nagusia Euskal Herriko bi ikastetxe ezberdinetako Lehen Hezkuntzako umeek problema matematiko ez estandarren aurrean ze nolako erantzun mota ematen dituzten aztertzea da. Horretarako, Laura Jiménezek eta Lieven Verschaffelek egindako lanean oinarrituz, umeei 6 problema (4 ez estandarrak eta 2 estandarrak) dituen froga bat egin diet, ondorio hauek lortuz: Ikasleen %3,29k erantzun zuzena eman dio erantzun gabeko problemari, %7,69k erantzun zuzena eman dio erantzun bat baino gehiago duen problemari, %45,05ek erantzun zuzena eman dio erantzuna enuntziatuan duen problemari eta azkenik, ikasleen %46,15ek erantzun zuzena eman dio datuak soberan dituen problemari. Gainera, nahiz eta ikastetxeen metodologia ezberdina izan, ateratako emaitzak antzekoak dira, beraz, metodologiak ez duela eraginik ondorioztatzen da.


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[EUS] Haur Hezkuntzan beharrezkoa da ikasketa prozesuari zentzua ematea, bereziki abstraktuagoak diren edukiei. Historian zehar izan duten loturagatik aproposa gerta daiteke matematika arte munduarekin eta arte munduko hainbat kontzeptuekin lotzea. Lotura honetaz baliatuz, ikasleek, sentimenduak, sormena eta nozio estetikoak landuko dituzte matematikako, bereziki geometriako edukiak barneratzen dituzten bitartean. Azaltzen den proiektua, 5 urteko gelan gauzatu da, hurbiletik-urrunera kontzeptua praktikan jarriz, ohiko objektuetatik hasi eta Tamayoren“Cosmología acrobática” obran bukatuz, 3 dimentsiotik, 2 dimentsiora.


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Early years’ education has increasingly been identified as a mechanism to alleviate educational disadvantage in areas of social exclusion. Early years’ intervention programmes are now a common government social policy for addressing social problems (Reynolds, Mann, Miedel, and Smokowski, 1997). In particular, state provided early years’ programmes such as Head Start in the United States and Early Start in Ireland have been established to combat educational disadvantage for children experiencing poverty and socio-economic inequality. The focus of this research is on the long-term outcomes of an early years’ intervention programme in Ireland. It aims to assess whether participation in the programme enhances the life course of children at-risk of educational disadvantage. It involves an in-depth analysis of one Early Start project which was included in the original eight projects established by the Department of Education and Science in 1994. The study utilises a multi-group design to provide a detailed analysis of both the academic and social progress of programme participants. It examines programme outcomes from a number of perspectives by collecting the views of the three main stakeholders involved in the education process; students who participated in Early Start in 1994/5, their parents and their teachers. To contribute to understanding the impact of the programme from a community perspective interviews were also conducted with local community educators and other local early years’ services. In general, Early Start was perceived by all participants in this study as making a positive contribution to parent involvement in education and to strengthening educational capital in the local area. The study found that parents and primary school teachers identified aspects of school readiness as the main benefit of participation in Early Start and parents and teachers were very positive about the role of Early Start in preparing children for the transition to formal school. In addition to this, participation in Early Start appears to have made a positive contribution to academic attainment in Maths and Science at Junior Certificate level. Students who had participated in Early Start were also rated more highly by their second level teachers in terms of goal-setting and future orientation which are important factors in educational attainment. Early Start then can be viewed as providing a positive contribution to the long-term social and academic outcomes for its participants.


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This research study investigates the image of mathematics held by 5th-year post-primary students in Ireland. For this study, “image of mathematics” is conceptualized as a mental representation or view of mathematics, presumably constructed as a result of past experiences, mediated through school, parents, peers or society. It is also understood to include attitudes, beliefs, emotions, self-concept and motivation in relation to mathematics. This study explores the image of mathematics held by a sample of 356 5th-year students studying ordinary level mathematics. Students were aged between 15 and 18 years. In addition, this study examines the factors influencing students‟ images of mathematics and the possible reasons for students choosing not to study higher level mathematics for the Leaving Certificate. The design for this study is chiefly explorative. A questionnaire survey was created containing both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the research interest. The quantitative aspect incorporated eight pre-established scales to examine students‟ attitudes, beliefs, emotions, self-concept and motivation regarding mathematics. The qualitative element explored students‟ past experiences of mathematics, their causal attributions for success or failure in mathematics and their influences in mathematics. The quantitative and qualitative data was analysed for all students and also for students grouped by gender, prior achievement, type of post-primary school attending, co-educational status of the post-primary school and the attendance of a Project Maths pilot school. Students‟ images of mathematics were seen to be strongly indicated by their attitudes (enjoyment and value), beliefs, motivation, self-concept and anxiety, with each of these elements strongly correlated with each other, particularly self-concept and anxiety. Students‟ current images of mathematics were found to be influenced by their past experiences of mathematics, by their mathematics teachers, parents and peers, and by their prior mathematical achievement. Gender differences occur for students in their images of mathematics, with males having more positive images of mathematics than females and this is most noticeable with regards to anxiety about mathematics. Mathematics anxiety was identified as a possible reason for the low number of students continuing with higher level mathematics for the Leaving Certificate. Some students also expressed low mathematical self-concept with regards to higher level mathematics specifically. Students with low prior achievement in mathematics tended to believe that mathematics requires a natural ability which they do not possess. Rote-learning was found to be common among many students in the sample. The most positive image of mathematics held by students was the “problem-solving image”, with resulting implications for the new Project Maths syllabus in post-primary education. Findings from this research study provide important insights into the image of mathematics held by the sample of Irish post-primary students and make an innovative contribution to mathematics education research. In particular, findings contribute to the current national interest in Ireland in post-primary mathematics education, highlighting issues regarding the low uptake of higher level mathematics for the Leaving Certificate and also making a preliminary comparison between students who took part in the piloting of Project Maths and students who were more recently introduced to the new syllabus. This research study also holds implications for mathematics teachers, parents and the mathematics education community in Ireland, with some suggestions made on improving students‟ images of mathematics.


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This thesis traces a genealogy of the discourse of mathematics education reform in Ireland at the beginning of the twenty first century at a time when the hegemonic political discourse is that of neoliberalism. It draws on the work of Michel Foucault to identify the network of power relations involved in the development of a single case of curriculum reform – in this case Project Maths. It identifies the construction of an apparatus within the fields of politics, economics and education, the elements of which include institutions like the OECD and the Government, the bureaucracy, expert groups and special interest groups, the media, the school, the State, state assessment and international assessment. Five major themes in educational reform emerge from the analysis: the arrival of neoliberal governance in Ireland; the triumph of human capital theory as the hegemonic educational philosophy here; the dominant role of OECD/PISA and its values in the mathematics education discourse in Ireland; the fetishisation of western scientific knowledge and knowledge as commodity; and the formation of a new kind of subjectivity, namely the subjectivity of the young person as a form of human-capital-to-be. In particular, it provides a critical analysis of the influence of OECD/PISA on the development of mathematics education policy here – especially on Project Maths curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. It unpacks the arguments in favour of curriculum change and lays bare their ideological foundations. This discourse contextualises educational change as occurring within a rapidly changing economic environment where the concept of the State’s economic aspirations and developments in science, technology and communications are reshaping both the focus of business and the demands being put on education. Within this discourse, education is to be repurposed and its consequences measured against the paradigm of the Knowledge Economy – usually characterised as the inevitable or necessary future of a carefully defined present.


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A nested heuristic approach that uses route length approximation is proposed to solve the location-routing problem. A new estimation formula for route length approximation is also developed. The heuristic is evaluated empirically against the sequential method and a recently developed nested method for location routing problems. This testing is carried out on a set of problems of 400 customers and around 15 to 25 depots with good results.


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As announced in the November 2000 issue of MathStats&OR [1], one of the projects supported by the Maths, Stats & OR Network funds is an international survey of research into pedagogic issues in statistics and OR. I am taking the lead on this and report here on the progress that has been made during the first year. A paper giving some background to the project and describing initial thinking on how it might be implemented was presented at the 53rd session of the International Statistical Institute in Seoul, Korea, in August 2001 in a session on The future of statistics education research [2]. It sounded easy. I considered that I was something of an expert on surveys having lectured on the topic for many years and having helped students and others who were doing surveys, particularly with the design of their questionnaires. Surely all I had to do was to draft a few questions, send them electronically to colleagues in statistical education who would be only to happy to respond, and summarise their responses? I should have learnt from my experience of advising all those students who thought that doing a survey was easy and to whom I had to explain that their ideas were too ambitious. There are several inter-related stages in survey research and it is important to think about these before rushing into the collection of data. In the case of the survey in question, this planning stage revealed several challenges. Surveys are usually done for a purpose so even before planning how to do them, it is advisable to think about the final product and the dissemination of results. This is the route I followed.


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Within the "Notices" section of BSHM Bulletin 6, short item entitled "Tony Mann writes:" giving details of a sixth-formers' "maths taster day".


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This paper describes how the statistical package Minitab is used in teaching statistics in our undergraduate programmes in Mathematics and Statistics to enhance student learning. How the sophisticated recent versions of Minitab can be used to help students understand statistical concepts, develop their statistical thinking and gain valuable skills in performing statistical analysis are discussed.


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This paper looks at the application of some of the assessment methods in practice with the view to enhance students’ learning in mathematics and statistics. It explores the effective application of assessment methods and highlights the issues or problems, and ways of avoiding them, related to some of the common methods of assessing mathematical and statistical learning. Some observations made by the author on good assessment practice and useful approaches employed at his institution in designing and applying assessment methods are discussed. Successful strategies in implementing assessment methods at different levels are described.


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Previous research has demonstrated that students’ cognitions about statistics are related to their performance in statistics assessments. The purpose of this research is to examine the nature of the relationships between undergraduate psychology students’ previous experiences of maths, statistics and computing; their attitudes toward statistics; and assessment on a statistics course. Of the variables examined, the strongest predictor of assessment outcome was students’ attitude about their intellectual knowledge and skills in relation to statistics at the end of the statistics curriculum. This attitude was related to students’ perceptions of their maths ability at the beginning of the statistics curriculum. Interventions could be designed to change such attitudes with the aim of improving students’ learning of statistics.


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The relationship between components of emotional intelligence (EI) (interpersonal
ability, intrapersonal ability, adaptability and stress management) and academic
performance in English, maths and science was examined in a sample of 86 children
(49 males and 37 females) aged 11–12 years during the primary–secondary school
transition period. Results indicated that for both males and females, intrapersonal
ability had little relationship with academic achievement, while adaptability had the
strongest relationship with achievement in all subjects. Gender differences were particularly
pronounced for science, for which stronger relationships were observed with all
EI components for males. In addition, apparent only for males was a negative
relationship between stress management and science. These findings offer support for
the current inclusion of a personal and emotional element in the primary school curriculum,
and indicate that such training is likely to help males more than females to make
a successful transition from primary to secondary school.