833 resultados para mathematical resolution


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This paper describes a high-resolution stratigraphic correlation scheme for the early to middle Miocene Lagos-Portimão Formation of central Algarve, southern Portugal. The Lagos Portimão-Formation of central Algarve is a 60 m thick package of horizontally bedded siliciclastics and carbonates. The bryozoan and mollusc dominated biofacies is typical of a shallow marine, warm-temperate climatic environment. We define four stratigraphic marker beds based on biofacies, lithology, and gamma-ray signatures. Marker bed 1 is a reddish shell bed composed predominantly of bivalve shells in various stages of fragmentation. Marker bed 2 is a fossiliferous sandstone / sandy rudstone characterized by bryozoan masses. Marker bed 3 is also a fossiliferous sandstone with abundant larger foraminifers and foliate bryozoans. Marker bed 4 is composed of three distinct layers; two fossiliferous sandstones with an intercalated shell bed. The upper sandstone unit displays thickets of the bryozoan Celleporaria palmate associated with the coral Culizia parasitica. This stratigraphic framework allows to correlate isolated outcrops within the stratigraphic context of the Lagos-Portimão Formation and to establish high resolution chronostratigraphic Sr-isotopic dating.


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The mineral content (phosphorous (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu)) of eight ready-to-eat baby leaf vegetables was determined. The samples were subjected to microwave-assisted digestion and the minerals were quantified by High-Resolution Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) with flame and electrothermal atomisation. The methods were optimised and validated producing low LOQs, good repeatability and linearity, and recoveries, ranging from 91% to 110% for the minerals analysed. Phosphorous was determined by a standard colorimetric method. The accuracy of the method was checked by analysing a certified reference material; results were in agreement with the quantified value. The samples had a high content of potassium and calcium, but the principal mineral was iron. The mineral content was stable during storage and baby leaf vegetables could represent a good source of minerals in a balanced diet. A linear discriminant analysis was performed to compare the mineral profile obtained and showed, as expected, that the mineral content was similar between samples from the same family. The Linear Discriminant Analysis was able to discriminate different samples based on their mineral profile.


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In this paper we study a delay mathematical model for the dynamics of HIV in HIV-specific CD4 + T helper cells. We modify the model presented by Roy and Wodarz in 2012, where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a single CD4 + T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative target cell population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. In this paper, we include two types of delay: (1) a latent period between the time target cells are contacted by the virus particles and the time the virions enter the cells and; (2) virus production period for new virions to be produced within and released from the infected cells. We compute the reproduction number of the model, R0, and the local stability of the disease free equilibrium and of the endemic equilibrium. We find that for values of R0<1, the model approaches asymptotically the disease free equilibrium. For values of R0>1, the model approximates asymptotically the endemic equilibrium. We observe numerically the phenomenon of backward bifurcation for values of R0⪅1. This statement will be proved in future work. We also vary the values of the latent period and the production period of infected cells and free virus. We conclude that increasing these values translates in a decrease of the reproduction number. Thus, a good strategy to control the HIV virus should focus on drugs to prolong the latent period and/or slow down the virus production. These results suggest that the model is mathematically and epidemiologically well-posed.


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Gamma radiations measurements were carried out in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Two different gamma detectors were used to assess the environmental radiation within a circular area of 20 km centred in the coal plant: a scintillometer (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a high purity germanium detector (HPGe, Canberra). Fifty urban and suburban measurements locations were established within the defined area and two measurements campaigns were carried out. The results of the total gamma radiation ranged from 20.83 to 98.33 counts per second (c.p.s.) for both measurement campaigns and outdoor doses rates ranged from 77.65 to 366.51 Gy/h. Natural emitting nuclides from the U-238 and Th-232 decay series were identified as well as the natural emitting nuclide K-40. The radionuclide concentration from the uranium and thorium series determined by gamma spectrometry ranged from 0.93 to 73.68 Bq/kg, while for K-40 the concentration ranged from 84.14 to 904.38 Bq/kg. The obtained results were used primarily to define the variability in measured environmental radiation and to determine the coal plant’s influence in the measured radiation levels. The highest values were measured at two locations near the power plant and at locations between the distance of 6 and 20 km away from the stacks, mainly in the prevailing wind direction. The results showed an increase or at least an influence from the coal-fired plant operations, both qualitatively and quantitatively.


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Order picking consists in retrieving products from storage locations to satisfy independent orders from multiple customers. It is generally recognized as one of the most significant activities in a warehouse (Koster et al, 2007). In fact, order picking accounts up to 50% (Frazelle, 2001) or even 80% (Van den Berg, 1999) of the total warehouse operating costs. The critical issue in today’s business environment is to simultaneously reduce the cost and increase the speed of order picking. In this paper, we address the order picking process in one of the Portuguese largest companies in the grocery business. This problem was proposed at the 92nd European Study Group with Industry (ESGI92). In this setting, each operator steers a trolley on the shop floor in order to select items for multiple customers. The objective is to improve their grocery e-commerce and bring it up to the level of the best international practices. In particular, the company wants to improve the routing tasks in order to decrease distances. For this purpose, a mathematical model for a faster open shop picking was developed. In this paper, we describe the problem, our proposed solution as well as some preliminary results and conclusions.


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In this talk, we discuss a scheduling problem that originated at TAP - Maintenance & Engineering - the maintenance, repair and overhaul organization of Portugal’s leading airline. In the repair process of aircrafts’ engines, the operations to be scheduled may be executed on a certain workstation by any processor of a given set, and the objective is to minimize the total weighted tardiness. A mixed integer linear programming formulation, based on the flexible job shop scheduling, is presented here, along with computational experiment on a real instance, provided by TAP-ME, from a regular working week. The model was also tested using benchmarking instances available in literature.


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Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36(10) 1605–16


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Na presente dissertação é proposto o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de calibração de roscados de exteriores através de visão computacional. A calibração de roscados de exterior consiste na obtenção do diâmetro efectivo, do diâmetro exterior e do passo, e no cálculo da incerteza expandida correspondente. Actualmente, a calibração é efectuada com o auxílio de máquinas universais (SIP), na qual o diâmetro efectivo é obtido através de um modelo matemático, pois não se consegue obtê-lo directamente. O sistema de calibração por visão computacional tem como objectivo obter-se o diâmetro efectivo directamente, assim como as restantes características. A vantagem deste novo sistema será para roscados com dimensões inferiores a 2 mm, que não se conseguem medir utilizando a SIP. A desvantagem é referente a diâmetros superiores a 2 mm, devido à resolução obtida com a câmara utilizada. Este sistema foi validado por comparação com a calibração utilizando como equipamento calibrador a SIP. Ao longo da dissertação irão ser explicados todos os passos dados para a calibração de roscados de exterior.


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In this paper, a module for homograph disambiguation in Portuguese Text-to-Speech (TTS) is proposed. This module works with a part-of-speech (POS) parser, used to disambiguate homographs that belong to different parts-of-speech, and a semantic analyzer, used to disambiguate homographs which belong to the same part-of-speech. The proposed algorithms are meant to solve a significant part of homograph ambiguity in European Portuguese (EP) (106 homograph pairs so far). This system is ready to be integrated in a Letter-to-Sound (LTS) converter. The algorithms were trained and tested with different corpora. The obtained experimental results gave rise to 97.8% of accuracy rate. This methodology is also valid for Brazilian Portuguese (BP), since 95 homographs pairs are exactly the same as in EP. A comparison with a probabilistic approach was also done and results were discussed.


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We report a case of a 42 year-old female, who came to a leishmaniasis reference center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, presenting a cutaneous leishmaniasis lesion in the right forearm. Treatment with low-dose intramuscular meglumine antimoniate (MA) (5 mg Sb5+/kg/day) was initiated, with improvement after 28 days, although with the development of generalized eczema. After 87 days, the lesion worsened. Patient refused treatment with amphotericin B. MA was then infiltrated in the lesion, in two sessions, resulting in local eczema, with bullae formation; however, twenty days after, both the ulcer and eczema receded. Intralesional administration of MA should be used carefully when previous cutaneous hypersensitivity is detected.


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In the context of focal epilepsy, the simultaneous combination of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) holds a great promise as a technique by which the hemodynamic correlates of interictal spikes detected on scalp EEG can be identified. The fact that traditional EEG recordings have not been able to overcome the difficulty in correlating the ictal clinical symptoms to the onset in particular areas of the lobes, brings the need of mapping with more precision the epileptogenic cortical regions. On the other hand, fMRI suggested localizations more consistent with the ictal clinical manifestations detected. This study was developed in order to improve the knowledge about the way parameters involved in the physical and mathematical data, produced by the EEG/fMRI technique processing, would influence the final results. The evaluation of the accuracy was made by comparing the BOLD results with: the high resolution EEG maps; the malformative lesions detected in the T1 weighted MR images; and the anatomical localizations of the diagnosed symptomatology of each studied patient. The optimization of the set of parameters used, will provide an important contribution to the diagnosis of epileptogenic focuses, in patients included on an epilepsy surgery evaluation program. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that: by associating the BOLD effect with interictal spikes, the epileptogenic areas are mapped to localizations different from those obtained by the EEG maps representing the electrical potential distribution across the scalp (EEG); there is an important and solid bond between the variation of particular parameters (manipulated during the fMRI data processing) and the optimization of the final results, from which smoothing, deleted volumes, HRF (used to convolve with the activation design), and the shape of the Gamma function can be certainly emphasized.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica