842 resultados para length-weight relationship
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram analisados a relação peso-comprimento e o fator de condição de Oligosarcus hepsetus no Rio Grande do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia, São Paulo. A relação peso-comprimento foi estimada para imaturos, fêmeas e machos, através da expressão P = aCb. Os parâmetros a e b foram estimados após transformação logarítmica dos dados de peso e comprimento e subsequente ajuste de uma linha reta aos pontos pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. Para fêmeas e machos foram obtidas as equações da relação peso-comprimento por período do ano (outono, inverno, primavera e verão), utilizando o peso total e o peso sem as gônadas. O fator de condição dos imaturos foi mais alto do que para machos e fêmeas, possivelmente, devido ao gasto energético com o desenvolvimento dos ovócitos e em menor grau dos espermatozóides. Esta espécie apresentou maiores valores de fator de condição no outono devido ao acúmulo de gordura e nas demais estações estes valores diminuíram devido ao longo período reprodutivo. As condições ambientais da Mata Atlântica parecem ser primordiais para o desenvolvimento das estratégias reprodutivas apresentadas por Oligosarcus hepsetus.
The main purpose of this research was to measure the condition of the fish species Hoplias aff. malabaricus collected in Aguapeu River (black waters) and Branco River (white waters), which belong to Itanhaem River basin, a coastal watershed in São Paulo state, Brazil. Individuals of Hoplias aff. malabaricus were sampled by using gill nets, monthly from March 2001 to February 2002. The Condition Factor was obtained through the length-weight relationship, assuming that the higher the mass for a given length, the better the condition of the fish. The Condition Factor was compared among fishes from both rivers, resulting that Branco River individuals have significantly lower condition. Limnological aspects were studied from May 2001 to November 2002 and some show significant differences between Aguapeu River and Branco River. These were salinity, do and total organic N, which the higher values being observed in Branco River propably due to estuarine waters influence. However, the lower condition of the Branco River fishes should also be an effect of a disturbance due to the sand mining in this river, since this activity cause important alterations to the environment, affecting the whole biota, included aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates and fishes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Populational biology of Imparfinis minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin, eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, São Paulo State. The aim of the work was to analyze biological aspects and distribution of Imparfinis minutus in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin (22[degree]4708[minute]''S, 45[degree]28[minute]17''W), in eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, from July 2001 to April 2002. Among the 37 species sampled, I. minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae), was distributed from the piedmont to the plains of the Vale do Paraiba. The occurrence of this species was associated with the environments of small water volume, bottom with stones and gravel. The amplitude length of I. minutus was 4.75 to 12.75 cm. The length-weight relationship of the population was estimated at W = 0.0052 L3,13. Analyzing the alometric (Ka) and relative (Kr) condition factors, both indexes presented similar values. The lowest value was obtained in July, increasing gradually in October and January, and peaking in April. The analysis of the gonadossomatic relationship (GSR) of females showed higher values in July and January. The reproductive period of I. minutus occurred on spring/summer (October to January), as suggested by the gonadossomatic relationship and condition factor results. Feeding activity was constant, with fat visceral deposition concentrated in April and July. Imparfinis minutus is an aquatic insectivore opportunist species, consuming Diptera and Trichoptera larvae as secondary items. Most ingested food items were autochthonous resources.
There is no agreement among authors that study fish condition by the allometric method (K=W/Lb) with regard to the best procedure for b coefficient calculation. Some authors use a constant coefficient for all sub-samples (seasons of the year, for instance), whilst others calculate b value for each sub-sample. To demonstrate which of these methods fits better, this study verified that the use of one b value for each sub-sample leads to distortion of Condition Factor values. Comparing the two tested methods, it may be concluded that the method which calculates b coefficient from groupings of all individuals and uses b as a constant value for all sub-samples is the most convenient method to study fish condition.
The aim of this paper was to analyze the length-weight relationship and the condition factor of two species of cichlids (Cichla cf. ocellaris and Cichla monoculus) (Perciformes, Cichlidae) that were inducted in Volta Grande Reservoir, Rio Grande. There was no difference in the length-weight relationship between the sexes for Cichla cf. ocellaris and Cichla monoculus. The allometric condition factor showed a fall in the spring and another smaller one in the winter. It happens when these fishes change their feeding activity. In the spring all the reproductive behavior are developed and, in the winter, there is a shortage of prey. The variation of the relative condition factor followed the variation of the allometric condition factor due to the low contribution of the gonads weight and the small amount of accumulated fat in the total weight. The length distribution, length-weight relationship and condition factor of these fishes vary in accordance with the time of introduction into the reservoir, the characteristics of the ecosystem as well as the interactions among the species at these sites.
In this study, the length-weight relationship and the condition factor of Brycon opalinus were analyzed in three rivers within the Santa Virgínia Unit, at Serra do Mar State Park, in São Paulo State. The different conditions in these three environments were evidenced, such as the seasonality, reproductive period, and the differences between females and males according to the parameters which evidenced the best physiological condition of the fish. In this species, the condition factor varied along the seasons at all three collection sites. The length of the first gonadal maturation and the reproductive period were long, with the highest intensity in the spring and summer.
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Salminus hilarii were analyzed in a section of the lower part of the Sorocaba river basin, São Paulo State. By studying male, female and immature individuals separately, different length-weight patterns were found for each. The same happened when distinct seasonal variations of the relationships were compared, related to feeding alterations and to the reproductive period of the species.
The length-weight relationship and condition factor for Cichla kelberi introduced in an artificial lake in southeastern Brazil were analyzed. By studying separately the male, female and immature individuals, different length-weight patterns were found to happen among them. The same happened when distinct seasonal variations were compared. They are related to feeding alterations and me reproductive periods. The length-weight relationship and condition factor for these fishes vary in accordance with the time of introduction, population size, the characteristics of the ecosystem, sexual maturity, as well as the intra- and interspecific interactions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A presente pesquisa tem a finalidade de contribuir para o conhecimento da biologia e ecologia trófica da espécie H. unimaculatus no rio Araguari, na área de influência da UHE Coaracy Nunes, Amapá, Brasil. A região de estudo corresponde a uma porção da bacia do rio Araguari. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente entre Maio de 2009 à Julho de 2010. Foram utilizadas baterias de redes de malhas (2; 2,5; 3; 4; 5; 6; cm entre nós opostos com 10 m de comprimento x 1,5 m de altura) e tarrafa (15 e 20 mm). As malhadeiras ficaram expostas por 17 h, com revistas a cada 3h. Os exemplares capturados foram conservados no gelo e fixados em formalina 10%. Os mesmos foram pesados (PT) e medidos (CT). O sexo foi identificado a partir da análise macroscópica das gônadas, onde foram pesadas e fixadas em formol 10%. Os estômagos foram pesados e conservados em álcool 70%. O ambiente foi caracterizado através de análises multivariadas. A estrutura em comprimento da população, relação peso-comprimento, proporção sexual, abundância e biomassa relativa foram avaliados. O local e período de reprodução, tamanho de primeira maturação e tipo de desova, também foram estudados. A ecologia trófica foi avaliada pela atividade alimentar, e conteúdo com matéria orgânica. Os itens alimentares foram analisados pelos métodos de frequência de ocorrência (Fi), grau de preferência alimentar (GPA) e índice alimentar (IAi). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que na área a jusante da represa e na área lacustre houve maior transparência da água, no reservatório predominou a profundidade e na montante houve valores maiores de pH. O comprimento médio foi 193.74 mm (80-258 mm ± 22.71 mm) e o peso médio foi de 70.90 g (10-160 g ± 23.99 g). Houve diferença significativa do comprimento em relação aos períodos do ano. O crescimento relativo da espécie foi alométrico negativo (b = 2.34). A proporção sexual foi de 2:1 a favor das fêmeas. A abundância e biomassa relativa foram maiores no reservatório e na área lacustre. A desova ocorreu entre os meses de novembro 2009 e janeiro 2010; preferencialmente os indivíduos desovam no reservatório e no lago. O tipo de desova é total e o tamanho de primeira maturação é a partir de 157.5 mm. A espécie tem hábito alimentar iliófaga-detritívora com tendência a onivoria. A estratégia alimentar é generalista, mas dominante para os itens fitoplâncton e detrito. A espécie H. unimaculatus, adaptou-se com sucesso ao represamento e sua dieta pode ter sofrido alteração frente às mudanças causadas pelo ambiente.
[EN] This crab was captured in the whole range of depths sampled, although its highest abundance was found between 600 and 800 m, on muddy-rocky bottoms. Moreover, significant differences were observed in the average weight and length, according to depth of capture, island of origin, and date of survey. In general, the b parameter of length-weight relationship indicates a negative allometric growth pattern, although in some cases it was not statistically different from isometry, particularly in males. Males were heavier, larger, and more abundant in catches than females.
[EN] Preliminary data of the length-weight relationship and reproduction of the bogue Boops boops off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Central-east Atlantic) are provided. Two thousand and twenty-one individuals of bogue, ranging from 4 to 34 cm TL, were obtained from purse seine commercial landing. Reproduction parameters as sex determination, duration of spawning season, size at first maturity and GSI variation along time were determinated based on macroscopic evaluation of gonads. The results obtained suggest that bogue is a total spawner, with a long spawning season extending from January to May. Size at first maturity was 16.7 and 17.9 cm TL for males and females, respectively. The length-weight relationship obtained showed a positive allometry in both sexes
The tuna stomach database from AZTI-Tecnalia corresponds to 7 years of sampling from 2004 to 2011. Due to the absence of continuity in the different projects dealing with the feeding ecology of tunas, the sampling could not be performed every year for both species, and no sample was collected in 2008. However, the fish stomach content record contents composition - by prey weight - of 1525 albacore caught in the Bay of Biscay and surrounding waters of the North Atlantic Drift Region in 2005 (n=397), 2006 (n=196), 2007 (n=37), 2009 (n=95), 2010 (n=566) and 2011 (n=234) ; and of 686 bluefin tunas caught in the Southeastern Bay of Biscay in 2004 (n=32), 2005 (n=36), 2006 (n=3), 2009 (n=257), 2010 (n=233) and 2011 (n=125). Samples have been obtained from scientific research surveys (using a variety of different fishing gears), from commercial fisheries catches, from individual fish voluntarily sampled by recreational fishermen and from fish accidentally stranded on coastlines. Each predator is identified by an ID and its length and wet weight are given. In case the wet weight could not be measured, it was estimated through a length-weight relationship equation and is indicated in the comment for the Predator mass column. The total weight of each prey is given, as well as the weight of each prey taxonomic group in each stomach.