939 resultados para lectures and lecturing


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The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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As ações dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde são reconhecidas em sua relevância nas legislações brasileira que se concretiza em 2002 com a Lei nº 10.507 de 10 de Julho de 2002 que cria a Profissão do Agente Comunitário de Saúde e dá outras providências, posteriormente substituída pela Lei 11.350, de 05 de outubro de 2006. Contudo a história dos ACS‟s remonta períodos bem anteriores como à criação do Programa dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (PACS) em 1991, considerado começo da profissionalização do ACS‟s. Diante disso, o Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária (PRONERA) vem para dar sua contribuição na formação de Técnicos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (TACS‟s). De maneira concisa o PRONERA emerge como Política Pública Educacional em 2009, quando o mesmo se consolida no artigo 33 da Lei nº 11.947/09 e no final de 2010 onde é assinado o Decreto nº 7.352/10, que trata da educação do campo e institui formalmente o PRONERA no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). Assim, o PRONERA compõe a Política de Educação do Campo, ao mesmo tempo se caracteriza como Política Pública de Educação vinculada à Reforma Agrária. O PRONERA é um Programa do Governo Federal, através do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Agrário, coordenado pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) em convênio com as Universidades Públicas, em parceria com Movimentos Sociais e agentes governamentais estaduais e municipais. Oferece cursos de educação básica, técnica e tecnológica, ensino superior e pós graduação. Nosso objeto aqui está na análise do projeto “Saúde em movimento na Transamazônica: Curso de Formação Integrada em Técnico Agente Comunitário de Saúde (TACS) e Ensino Médio”, portanto no PRONERA Saúde que é apenas um dos projetos do PRONERA no Pará. Este abrange os municípios de Altamira, Senador José Porfírio, Medicilândia, Anapú e Pacajá, o curso foi projetado e aprovado em 2005 e começou em 2006 e finalizado em julho de 2011. Iniciou com 90 discentes todos ACS‟s das prefeituras parceiras (Altamira, Anapú, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Sen. José Porfírio). Esses discentes foram selecionados por uma equipe técnica do PRONERA, a partir das indicações dos Movimentos Sociais locais, principalmente dos Sindicatos dos Trabalhadores Rurais. Para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa utilizamos os Relatórios de Atividades do PRONERA Saúde e as entrevistas com os discentes (ACS‟s). A perspectiva teórico metodológica de análise das fontes para construção dissertativa se deu com base na teoria crítica marxista e nas leituras e contribuições da Educação Ambiental crítica, a relação saúde, meio ambiente e políticas públicas permeia a pesquisa e possibilita uma interação fundamental para busca de melhoria de vida desses agentes sociais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, it was studied the effects of the experimentation in the physics teaching. Beginning from the theoretic reference and discussions, the objective was prove the efficiency of researches of this nature related to two main aspects of a class: The aroused interest in the students and the facilitating action on the understanding of the theory. For such objective, using the comparison, it was chosen two distinct classes, but the more similar possible, so that, in one of them, it was showed a tradition class, lectures and in another, a class using experimentation to contemplate the theory. To manage a way to rate these aspects, it was made a conceptual questionnaire, requiring only concepts rather than mathematics and equations, besides specific interviews to rate the opinion of the student related to each method. The observations in classes and of the reactions of the students also were of a big value to analysis. After the experimental class completed, it may analyze and conclude some positive points related to experimental methods: As for the opinion of the students, the approval was big, and the majority opined to this class as being “more interesting”. On the point of view of learning, it had a sensitive improvement of grades, but with more mature answers, deep and autonomous, if looking at a general vision


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This paper presents part of the results of a post-doctoral research project which is called "Hypermedia Design involved with the User Experience". The discussion will be undertaken in this article assumes that the use of a hypermedia environment facing the field of Design can facilitate the process of teaching and learning in an undergraduate degree in Design. The theme that guides the paper of the following question: if the education and training in design does not allow access, involvement and knowledge of the technologies in its primary base that practitioners and researchers are forming for the near future? For both this study focuses on the use of a digital environment by reporting of an experiment of using hypermedia digital book "Design, Education and Technology" as a teaching tool in undergraduate courses in design, results and notes on issues involving interactivity and user experience. The methodology has a qualitative bias, developed along the lines of exploratory research in the form of a case study, lectures, and workshops for the dynamic observation, a questionnaire and analysis of results were applied


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Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a functional disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) associated with liver failure, either end-stage chronic liver disease or fulminant hepatic failure. Its pathogenesis remains complex and poorly understood. In view of recent advances in the management of HE, the Brazilian Society of Hepatology endorsed a monothematic meeting regarding HE in order to gather experts in the field to discuss related data and to draw evidence-based recommendations concerning: management of HE and intracranial hypertension in FHF, treatment of episodic HE in cirrhosis, controversies in the management of EH including difficult to treat cases and diagnostic and treatment challenges for minimal HE. The purpose of this review is to summarize the lectures and recommendations made by the panel of experts of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology.


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A partir da experiência pessoal da autora - seja como professora universitária de teatro de animação ou como diretora e encenadora - este artigo apresenta um panorama atual da formação profi ssional nessa área. Cinco aspectos foram considerados: vivências iniciais; ofi cinas, palestras e leituras; pesquisas acadêmicas e pesquisas compartilhadas em processo de montagem


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Engineering faculty members at Bucknell University have established a course required for freshman engineering students and open to liberal arts students. The course has been designed to stimulate and enhance student interest in all the engineering disciplines at Bucknell. The course ranges broadly across small groups, faculty-lead recitations, laboratory experiences, student design projects, traditional lectures, and guest speakers. The exploring engineering course has completed its second year. The authors describe the course, the changes made since the initial offering and the impact on the students and faculty involved. They also present and interpret student evaluations of the course.(4 refs)


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Many schools do not begin to introduce college students to software engineering until they have had at least one semester of programming. Since software engineering is a large, complex, and abstract subject it is difficult to construct active learning exercises that build on the students’ elementary knowledge of programming and still teach basic software engineering principles. It is also the case that beginning students typically know how to construct small programs, but they have little experience with the techniques necessary to produce reliable and long-term maintainable modules. I have addressed these two concerns by defining a local standard (Montana Tech Method (MTM) Software Development Standard for Small Modules Template) that step-by-step directs students toward the construction of highly reliable small modules using well known, best-practices software engineering techniques. “Small module” is here defined as a coherent development task that can be unit tested, and can be car ried out by a single (or a pair of) software engineer(s) in at most a few weeks. The standard describes the process to be used and also provides a template for the top-level documentation. The instructional module’s sequence of mini-lectures and exercises associated with the use of this (and other) local standards are used throughout the course, which perforce covers more abstract software engineering material using traditional reading and writing assignments. The sequence of mini-lectures and hands-on assignments (many of which are done in small groups) constitutes an instructional module that can be used in any similar software engineering course.


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Background: The use of podcasts has emerged as an important tool for use in education. This is especially relevant in nursing schools with the shortage of nursing faculty. The use of podcasts allows the instructor to provide lectures and other course content to students. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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BACKGROUND: Effective lectures often incorporate activities that encourage learner participation. A challenge for educators is how to facilitate this in the large group lecture setting. This study investigates the individual student characteristics involved in encouraging (or dissuading) learners to interact, ask questions, and make comments in class. METHODS: Students enrolled in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, St Kitts, were invited to complete a questionnaire canvassing their participation in the large group classroom. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) and the R software environment (http://www.r-project.org/). RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-two students completed the questionnaire (response rate, 85.7%). The results showed statistically significant differences between male and female students when asked to self-report their level of participation (P=0.011) and their confidence to participate (P<0.001) in class. No statistically significant difference was identified between different age groups of students (P=0.594). Student responses reflected that an "aversion to public speaking" acted as the main deterrent to participating during a lecture. Female participants were 3.56 times more likely to report a fear of public speaking than male participants (odds ratio 3.56, 95% confidence interval 1.28-12.33, P=0.01). Students also reported "smaller sizes of class and small group activities" and "other students participating" as factors that made it easier for them to participate during a lecture. CONCLUSION: In this study, sex likely played a role in learner participation in the large group veterinary classroom. Male students were more likely to participate in class and reported feeling more confident to participate than female students. Female students in this study commonly identified aversion to public speaking as a factor which held them back from participating in the large group lecture setting. These are important findings for veterinary and medical educators aiming to improve learner participation in the classroom. Potential ways of addressing this challenge include addition of small group activities and audience response systems during lectures, and inclusion of training interventions in public speaking at an early stage of veterinary and medical curricula.


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Círculo de Lectores, club del libro español, ha desarrollado –desde su creación en 1962 y, en particular, bajo la dirección de Hans Meinke entre 1981 y 1997– un proyecto cultural basado tanto en la calidad de la edición de obras de referencia como en la proyección social de su actividad a través de conferencias y exposiciones. Así, Meinke conformó en torno a él una red de artistas, escritores e intelectuales que le condujo a erigirse en uno de los mediadores culturales más relevantes en la España de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Como consecuencia de una concepción de la cultura como un permanente intercambio entre sus diversas disciplinas, la realización de ediciones ilustradas constituyó uno de los pilares de su política cultural. Dentro de este terreno, fue el pintor Antonio Saura su más estrecho colaborador, no sólo en cuanto a la realización de proyectos, sino asesorando a Meinke en posibles ediciones y recomendando a otros ilustradores. Saura ilustró para Círculo de Lectores los considerados como “libros de su vida", dentro de los cuales la figura de Ramón Gómez de la Serna es una referencia ineludible, al ser su libro Ismos (1931, 1943) una de las lecturas causantes de la vocación artística del pintor. El estudio las condiciones sociales, de circulación y apropiación en Flor nueva de greguerías (1989) servirá como ejemplo del proceso de gestación de proyectos y de interacción de estas redes entre arte y edición.


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This paper introduces the experience of using videoconferencing and recording as a mechanism to support courses which need to be promoted or discontinued within the framework of the European convergence process. Our objective is to make these courses accessible as live streaming during the lessons as well as recorded lectures and associated documents available to the students as soon as the lesson has finished. The technology used has been developed in our university and it is all open source. Although this is a technical project the key is the human factor involved. The people managing the virtual sessions are students of the courses being recorded. However, they lack technical knowledge, so we had to train them in audiovisuals and enhance the usability of the videoconferencing tool and platform. The validation process is being carried out in five real scenarios at our university. During the whole period we are evaluating technical and pedagogical issues of this experience for both students and teachers to guide the future development of the service. Depending on the final results, the service of lectures recording will be available as educational resource for all of the teaching staff of our university.