767 resultados para learning with errors
A preocupação com a qualidade do ensino online tem vindo a aumentar, emconsequência da expansão de cursos na Internet que, frequentemente, possuem um fraco ou nulo interesse de aprendizagem. Com o desígnio demudar o rumo é necessário avaliar para que se tome consciência dos errosque se cometem e das verdadeiras potencialidades deste modelo de ensino. O intuito desta dissertação foi elaborar uma avaliação da parte curricular doMestrado em Multimédia em Educação 2002/2004, que decorreu naUniversidade de Aveiro e, com suporte nesse trabalho, propor um referencial para a avaliação de acções de pós-graduação que utilizem um modelo de ensino baseado em tecnologias eLearning. A avaliação do presente Mestrado surge da necessidade de aferir qual o realimpacto do modelo de ensino utilizado, pois pela primeira vez em Portugal foi leccionado um curso de pós-graduação com base em suportes tecnológicos, que permitiam, aos alunos e professores, a construção de conhecimento sema necessidade permanente da presença física numa sala de aula. Para possibilitar esta avaliação foi necessário construir um referencial contendo aspectos que influenciaram no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo foi efectuado tendo em conta a percepção dos intervenientes, que foirecolhida através de questionários, e da análise dos registos da plataforma,que suportou, em termos tecnológicos, a maioria das comunicações viaInternet. Para avaliar é fundamental saber o que se pretende analisar, por conseguinteao longo deste projecto foi elaborado um referencial que suporta todo oprocesso de avaliação. As suas categorias são as seguintes: perfil dos alunos, modelo de aprendizagem, atitudes dos intervenientes, pedagogia, tecnologia, aspectos logísticos e apreciação global. Para especificar cada categoria foram delineadas algumas dimensões,que, por sua vez, foram mensuradas a partir de um conjunto de indicadores. Esta dissertação tem a pretensão de oferecer uma ferramenta avaliativa para todos aqueles que de alguma forma interfiram no processo de ensino online, possibilitando a tomada de consciência dos aspectos críticos que devem ser ponderados em toda a acção educativa. ABSTRACT: The concern with the quality of education online has come to increase, inconsequence of the expansion of courses in the Internet that, frequently, possess a weak or null interest of learning. With the design to change the pathit is necessary to evaluate so that if it takes conscience of the errors that ifcommit and the true potentialities of this model of education. The intentionof this dissertation was to elaborate an evaluation of curricularpart of the Master’s in Multimedia in Education 2002/2004, that it elapsed in the University of Aveiro and, with base in this work, to consider a referential for theevaluation of after-graduation eventsthat use a model of education based on technologies eLearning. The evaluation of the Master’s appears of the necessity to survey which the real impact of the model of used education, therefore in Portugal a after-graduation course was teach for the first time on the basis of technological supports, that the student and teachers allowed to the construction ofknowledge without the permanent necessity of the physical presence in aclassroom. To make possible this evaluation was necessary to construct a referential contend aspects that had influenced in the teaching/apprenticeship process. The study it was realize having in account the perception of the intervenient,that it was collected through questionnaire, and the analysis of the registers of the platform,that it supported, in technological terms, the majority of thecommunications trough Internet. To evaluate it is basic to know what if it intends to analyze, therefore to long ofthis project was elaborated a referential that supports the evaluation process all. Its categories are the following ones: profile of the students, attitudes ofintervenient, model of learning, pedagogy, technology, logistic aspects, and global appreciation. To specify each category some dimensions had been delineated, which,for its time, had been observed from a set of indicators. This dissertation has the pretension to offer to a tool for all those that of someform intervene with the education process online, making possible the taking of conscience of the critical aspects that must be weighed in the entire educativeevents.
Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2012
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Tecnologias e Metodologias em E-learning, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013
Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, Technial University of Darmstadt, 2014
Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out.
Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) are currently in the process of restructuring to ensure quality, accountability, and accessibility of college education. References to learner involvement and self-directed learning are prevalent. "Alternative delivery" and "paradigm shift" are current buzzwords within the Ontario CAAT system as an environment is created supportive of change. Instability of funding has also dictated a need for change. Therefore, a focus has become quality of learning with less demand on public resources. This qualitative case study was conducted at an Ontario CAAT to gather descriptive, perceptual data from post-secondary community college educators who were identified as supportive of self-directed learning and from post-secondary, traditional-aged college students who were perceived by their educators to be selfdirected learners. This college was selected because of initiatives to modify its academic paradigm to encourage what was reputed in the Ontario CAAT system to be self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how postsecondary, traditional-aged college students and their educators perceive self-directed learning as part of the teaching-learning experience within a community college setting. Educator participants of the study were selected based on the results of a teaching and learning survey intended to identify educators supportive of self-directed learning. A total of 317 surveys were distributed to every full-time educator at the sample college; 192 completed surveys were returned for a return rate of 61 %. Of these, 8% indicated instructional beliefs and values supportive of self-directed learning. A purposive sample of six educators was selected using a maximulp variation sampling strategy. A network selection sampling strategy was used to select a purposive sample of seven post-secondary students who were identified by the sample educators as selfdirected learners. The results of the study show that students and educators have similar perspectives and operating definitions of self-directed learning and all participants believe they either practice or facilitate self-directed learning. However, their perspectives and practices are not consistent with the literature which emphasizes learner autonomy or control in course structure and content. A central characteristic of the participants represented in this study is the service-oriented professions with which each is associated. Experientiallearning opportunities were highly valued for the options provided in increasing learner independence and competencies in reflective practice. Although there were discrepancies between espoused theory and theory in practice in terms of course structure, the process of self-directed learning was being practiced and supported outside the classroom structure in clinical settings, labs and related experiences.
The main purpose of this thesis is to t r ace broadly the educational changes in the past two decades showing a shift of emphasis from a teacher-directed, content-centred philosophy of teaching to a self-directed, student-centred mode of learning. The major justification for an Independent or an Individualized Learning programme with emphasis on "the response to literature approach" is 2 to produce the independent learner. Comprehensive r eading and t he use of t he ERIC system reveal widespread educational thought and practice related t o Individualization and Independent Study as a really democratic way of learning with freedom, independence and responsibility.
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to uncover the meaning of lifelong learning to nurses in an Academic Health Care setting. Six female pediatric nurses were interviewed and audiotaped in response to 2 main questions of interpretation and engagement in lifelong learning with respect to their nursing practice. Four additional probing questions elicited responses of further qualities and characteristics of the meaning of lifelong learning. The emergent themes uncovered the characteristics and nature of the journey of lifelong learning. The themes evolved into parallel characteristics developing into the concepts of personal empowerment and occupational authorship. The personal empowerment concept involved processes whereby the participants overcame or removed barriers to engage in personal lifelong learning. Participants utilized personal power and internal motivators to sustain their engagement in lifelong learning. The occupational authorship concept involved participants controlling their exploration into lifelong learning through collaboration and recognition of occupational demands to be met as a professional. The remaining themes revealed a seasoning journey. This journey entailed a process of mastery through the themes of engagement discord, discovery pilgrimage, transforming, and maturation. The engagement in this journey resulted in their lifelong learning to becoming more intuitive and a part oftheir being. The overall theme uncovered from the journeys was one of a vocation described as a call to thinking critically of nursing practice. The participants responded to lifelong learning as a call to be a good nurse by using critical thinking through reflection, transformative and constructionist learning processes. This study gave voice to the meaning of lifelong learning in their nursing practice as interpreted by -ao the nurse participants.
La formation à distance (FAD) est de plus en plus utilisée dans le cadre de la formation des enseignants aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC). Dans les pays en voie de développement, elle permet non seulement de réduire les coûts par rapport à une formation traditionnelle, mais aussi de modéliser des pratiques pédagogiques exemplaires qui permettent de maximiser le recours aux TIC. En ce sens, la formation continue des enseignants aux TIC par des cours à distance qui intègrent des forums de discussion offre plusieurs avantages pour ces pays. L’évaluation des apprentissages réalisés dans les forums reste cependant un problème complexe. Différents modèles et différentes procédures d’évaluation ont été proposés par la littérature, mais aucun n’a encore abordé spécifiquement la culture e-learning des participants telle qu’elle est définie par le modèle IntersTICES (Viens, 2007 ; Viens et Peraya, 2005). L’objectif de notre recherche est l’élaboration d’une grille opérationnelle pour l’analyse de la culture e-learning à partir des contenus de différents forums de discussion utilisés comme activité de formation dans un cours à distance. Pour développer cette grille, nous utiliserons une combinaison de modèles recensés dans la revue de littérature afin de circonscrire les principaux concepts et indicateurs à prendre en compte pour ensuite suivre les procédures relatives à l’analyse de la valeur, une méthodologie qui appelle la production d’un cahier des charges fonctionnel, la production de l’outil, puis sa mise à l’essai auprès d’experts. Cette procédure nous a permis de mettre sur pied une grille optimale, opérationnelle et appuyée par une base théorique et méthodologique solide.
Hypermedia systems based on the Web for open distance education are becoming increasingly popular as tools for user-driven access learning information. Adaptive hypermedia is a new direction in research within the area of user-adaptive systems, to increase its functionality by making it personalized [Eklu 961. This paper sketches a general agents architecture to include navigational adaptability and user-friendly processes which would guide and accompany the student during hislher learning on the PLAN-G hypermedia system (New Generation Telematics Platform to Support Open and Distance Learning), with the aid of computer networks and specifically WWW technology [Marz 98-1] [Marz 98-2]. The PLAN-G actual prototype is successfully used with some informatics courses (the current version has no agents yet). The propased multi-agent system, contains two different types of adaptive autonomous software agents: Personal Digital Agents {Interface), to interacl directly with the student when necessary; and Information Agents (Intermediaries), to filtrate and discover information to learn and to adapt navigation space to a specific student
En esta investigación se trata de vincular la autogestión del aprendizaje con el desarrollo de la autonomía personal, la cual favorece el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Partimos, en este proyecto de investigación, de la hipótesis de que la autogestión del aprendizaje es un elemento multidimensional cuya mejora revierte de forma positiva en el desarrollo de la autonomía e iniciativa personal. En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la fase piloto de un proyecto más amplio, en el que se ha recogido información a través de autoinforme sobre las distintas estrategias y aspectos de la autogestión del aprendizaje y sobre la autonomía e iniciativa personal. Los resultados indican que, en general, hay una relación significativa positiva moderada entre las estrategias de aprendizaje y la autonomía, lo que confirma la importancia de ambos aspectos para favorecer el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes. El fomento de las estrategias de aprendizaje hace que los estudiantes desarrollen la autonomía. A su vez, exponer a los estudiantes a situaciones de aprendizaje que fomenten su autonomía mejora su competencia para aprender
Technology-enhanced or Computer Aided Learning (e-learning) can be institutionally integrated and supported by learning management systems or Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) to offer efficiency gains, effectiveness and scalability of the e-leaning paradigm. However this can only be achieved through integration of pedagogically intelligent approaches and lesson preparation tools environment and VLE that is well accepted by both the students and teachers. This paper critically explores some of the issues relevant to scalable routinisation of e-learning at the tertiary level, typically first year university undergraduates, with the teaching of Relational Data Analysis (RDA), as supported by multimedia authoring, as a case study. The paper concludes that blended learning approaches which balance the deployment of e-learning with other modalities of learning delivery such as instructor–mediated group learning etc offer the most flexible and scalable route to e-learning but that this requires the graceful integration of platforms for multimedia production, distribution and delivery through advanced interactive spaces that provoke learner engagement and promote learning autonomy and group learning facilitated by a cooperative-creative learning environment that remains open to personal exploration of constructivist-constructionist pathways to learning.
A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.
This article reports on an ethnographic study involving the literacy practices of two multilingual Chinese children from two similar yet different cultural and linguistic contexts: Montreal and Singapore. Using syncretism as a theoretical tool, this inquiry examines how family environment and support facilitate children’s process of becoming literate in multiple languages. Informed by sociocultural theory, the inquiry looks in particular at the role of grandparents in the syncretic literacy practices of children. Through comparative analysis, the study reveals similarities and differences that, when considered together, contribute to our understanding of multilingual children’s creative forms of learning with regard to their rich literacy resources in multiple languages, the imperceptible influences of mediators, various learning styles and syncretic literacy practices.
The Monte Carlo Independent Column Approximation (McICA) is a flexible method for representing subgrid-scale cloud inhomogeneity in radiative transfer schemes. It does, however, introduce conditional random errors but these have been shown to have little effect on climate simulations, where spatial and temporal scales of interest are large enough for effects of noise to be averaged out. This article considers the effect of McICA noise on a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, where the time and spatial scales of interest are much closer to those at which the errors manifest themselves; this, as we show, means that noise is more significant. We suggest methods for efficiently reducing the magnitude of McICA noise and test these methods in a global NWP version of the UK Met Office Unified Model (MetUM). The resultant errors are put into context by comparison with errors due to the widely used assumption of maximum-random-overlap of plane-parallel homogeneous cloud. For a simple implementation of the McICA scheme, forecasts of near-surface temperature are found to be worse than those obtained using the plane-parallel, maximum-random-overlap representation of clouds. However, by applying the methods suggested in this article, we can reduce noise enough to give forecasts of near-surface temperature that are an improvement on the plane-parallel maximum-random-overlap forecasts. We conclude that the McICA scheme can be used to improve the representation of clouds in NWP models, with the provision that the associated noise is sufficiently small.