965 resultados para key management personnel


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This short book section analyses the role of Fisheries Department personnel in the process of co-management related to the LVFRP.


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Some basic concepts of fishery economics and management, and fish population dynamics are recalled, as presented during a course held at the Instituto de Investigaçāo Pesqueira from 23 February to 15 March 1988 in Maputo, Mozambique. Also, some basic elements of length-based stock assessment are reviewed, with emphasis on their implementation through the “Compleat Elefan" package, used extensively during this course, when the participants analyzed their data and wrote first draft of manuscripts incorporating the results of these analyses. Some problems relative to sampling and to seasonal growth oscillations are discussed with special reference to conditions in Mozambique.


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In this article we call for a new approach to patient safety improvement, one based on the emerging field of evidence-based healthcare risk management (EBHRM). We explore EBHRM in the broader context of the evidence-based healthcare movement, assess the benefits and challenges that might arise in adopting an evidence-based approach, and make recommendations for meeting those challenges and realizing the benefits of a more scientific approach.


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When considering the potential uptake and utilization of technology management tools by industry, it must be recognized that companies face the difficult challenges of selecting, adopting and integrating individual tools into a toolkit that must be implemented within their current organizational processes and systems. This situation is compounded by the lack of sound advice on integrating well-founded individual tools into a robust toolkit that has the necessary degree of flexibility such that they can be tailored for application to specific problems faced by individual organizations. As an initial stepping stone to offering a toolkit with empirically proven utility, this paper provides a conceptual foundation to the development of toolkits by outlining an underlying philosophical position based on observations from multiple research and commercial collaborations with industry. This stance is underpinned by a set of operationalized principles that can offer guidance to organizations when deciding upon the appropriate form, functions and features that should be embodied by any potential tool/toolkit. For example, a key objective of any tool is to aid decision-making and a core set of powerful, flexible, scaleable and modular tools should be sufficient to allow users to generate, explore, shape and implement possible solutions across a wide array of strategic issues. From our philosophical stance, the preferred mode of engagement is facilitated workshops with a participatory process that enables multiple perspectives and structures the conversation through visual representations in order to manage the cognitive load in the collaborative environment. The generic form of the tools should be configurable for the given context and utilized in a lightweight manner based on the premise of 'start small and iterate fast'. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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BACKGROUND: Integrated vector management (IVM) is increasingly being recommended as an option for sustainable malaria control. However, many malaria-endemic countries lack a policy framework to guide and promote the approach. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge and perceptions in relation to current malaria vector control policy and IVM in Uganda, and to make recommendations for consideration during future development of a specific IVM policy. METHODS: The study used a structured questionnaire to interview 34 individuals working at technical or policy-making levels in health, environment, agriculture and fisheries sectors. Specific questions on IVM focused on the following key elements of the approach: integration of chemical and non-chemical interventions of vector control; evidence-based decision making; inter-sectoral collaboration; capacity building; legislation; advocacy and community mobilization. RESULTS: All participants were familiar with the term IVM and knew various conventional malaria vector control (MVC) methods. Only 75% thought that Uganda had a MVC policy. Eighty percent (80%) felt there was inter-sectoral collaboration towards IVM, but that it was poor due to financial constraints, difficulties in involving all possible sectors and political differences. The health, environment and agricultural sectors were cited as key areas requiring cooperation in order for IVM to succeed. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of participants responded that communities were actively being involved in MVC, while 48% felt that the use of research results for evidence-based decision making was inadequate or poor. A majority of the participants felt that malaria research in Uganda was rarely used to facilitate policy changes. Suggestions by participants for formulation of specific and effective IVM policy included: revising the MVC policy and IVM-related policies in other sectors into a single, unified IVM policy and, using legislation to enforce IVM in development projects. CONCLUSION: Integrated management of malaria vectors in Uganda remains an underdeveloped component of malaria control policy. Cooperation between the health and other sectors needs strengthening and funding for MVC increased in order to develop and effectively implement an appropriate IVM policy. Continuous engagement of communities by government as well as monitoring and evaluation of vector control programmes will be crucial for sustaining IVM in the country.


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The overall aim of this research is to identify and catalogue the numerous managerial strategies for effective management of health and safety on a confined, urban, construction site. A mixed methods methodology was adopted using interviews and focus group discussions on three selected case studies of confined construction sites. In addition to these, a questionnaire survey was used based on the findings from the interviews and the focus group discussions. The top five key strategies include (1) Employ safe system of work plans to mitigate personnel health and safety issues; (2) Inform personnel, before starting on-site, of the potential issues using site inductions; (3) Effective communication among site personnel; (4) Draft and implement an effective design site layout prior to starting on-site; and (5) Use of banksman (traffic co-ordinator) to segregate personnel from vehicular traffic. The construction sector is one of the leading industries in accident causation and with the continued development and regeneration of our urban centres, confined site construction is quickly becoming the norm - an environment which only fuels accident creation within the construction sector. This research aids on-site management that requires direction and assistance in the identification and implementation of key strategies for the management of health and safety, particularly in confined construction site environments.


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Inner city, confined site construction is quickly becoming the norm within the construction sector. The aim of this paper is to identify and document the effect, if any, that a confined construction site environment has on the productivity of on-site personnel. In order to compile the relevant information and attain appropriate results on the matter in question, a qualitative analytical approach is adopted. This process incorporates multiple cases studies from Ireland, Northern Ireland and USA. From the resulting case studies, a minimum of three individual interviews and focus group seminars are conducted to aid in the collection of the data while also assisting in the confirmation of the factors identified from a critique of the relevant literature. From the resulting case studies and discussions, a list of the key issues pertaining to the on-site productivity of personnel emerged and is documented as follows; 1) Overcrowding of personnel at workstations, 2) Lack of space for the effective movement of personnel on-site, 3) Numerous trades working within the one space on-site. Through identifying the issues highlighted and proactively mitigating or eliminating the factors detailed, on-site management professionals can strive to ensure maximum productivity from the industry’s most important resource – people.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015-12


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This paper takes a sociotechnical viewpoint of knowledge management system (KMS) implementation in organizations considering issues such as stakeholder disenfranchisement, lack of communication, and the low involvement of key personnel in system design asking whether KMS designers could learn from applying sociotechnical principles to their systems. The paper discusses design elements drawn from the sociotechnical principles essential for the success of IS and makes recommendations to increase the success of KMS in organizations. It also provides guidelines derived from Clegg’s Principles (2000) for KMS designers to enhance their designs. Our data comes from the application of a plurality of analysis methods on a large comprehensive global survey conducted from 2007 to 2011 of 1034 participants from 76 countries. The survey covers a variety of organizations of all types and sizes from a comprehensive selection of economic sectors and industries. Our results showed that users were not satisfied with the information and knowledge systems that they were being offered. In addition to multiple technology and usability issues, there were human and organisational barriers that prevented the systems from being used to their full potential. We recommend that users of KMS are integrated into the design team so that these usability and other barriers can be addressed during the feasibility stage as well as the actual design and implementation phases.


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The purpose of this thesis is to explore Finnish maritime personnel’s conceptions of safety management and its relationship with the concept of safety culture. In addition, the aim is to evaluate the impact of the ISM Code on the prevailing safety culture in the Finnish shipping business. A total of 94 interviewees and seven Finnish shipping companies were involved in this study. Thematic interviews were applied as the main research method for the study. The results were analysed qualitatively. The results indicate that maritime safety culture can simultaneously demonstrate features of integration, differentiation and ambiguity. Basically, maritime personnel have a positive attitude towards safety management systems since they consider safety management beneficial and essential in general. However, the study also found considerable criticism among the interviewees. The interviewed maritime personnel did not criticise the ISM Code as such, yet they criticised the way the ISM Code has been applied in practise. In order to understand the multiple perspectives of safety culture more comprehensively, multiple theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches are needed. This study indicates that safety culture and the impacts of the ISM Code should not be unambiguously studied solely quantitative methods or qualitative methods. By examining safety culture from several methodological and theoretical perspectives, one may gain a more versatile and holistic overview of safety culture.


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Notre recherche a pour but d’étudier la relation entre le roulement du personnel et la performance organisationnelle tout en mettant en évidence l’effet modérateur des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines (GRH). De type empirique, cette étude utilise des données provenant de 241 caisses populaires Desjardins faisant partie de la Fédération des caisses Desjardins de Montréal et de l’Ouest-du-Québec dans le secteur bancaire. Notre étude repose sur les fondements théoriques d’Arthur (1994) et de Guthrie (2001) qui soutiennent qu’un roulement élevé dans les organisations diminue la performance organisationnelle. De plus, ces auteurs soutiennent que la stratégie de gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) adoptée par les organisations intervient dans le lien entre le roulement du personnel et la performance organisationnelle. C’est ainsi que, plus les organisations investissent dans leurs pratiques de GRH, plus les départs d’employés seront coûteux car celles-ci perdront alors les investissements faits et les retours attendus, ce qui affectera encore plus négativement la performance organisationnelle. C’est pourquoi, il apparaît nécessaire et intéressant de prendre en compte la gestion des ressources humaines comme contexte dans l’étude du lien entre le roulement du personnel et la performance organisationnelle. Nos résultats montrent que le roulement du personnel influence la performance organisationnelle. Plus particulièrement, nous constatons que le roulement du personnel diminue la productivité et augmente les coûts. Qui plus est, nos analyses ont décelé un effet modérateur des pratiques GRH. En effet, nous observons que l’impact du roulement du personnel sur la performance organisationnelle est plus nuisible pour les entreprises lorsque celles-ci implantent plus de pratiques de mobilisation. De plus, on observe que l’impact du roulement du personnel sur la performance organisationnelle est atténué lorsque les entreprises implantent plus de pratiques d’implication. Cette étude illustre bien la pertinence de tenir compte de la gestion des ressources humaines implantée dans les organisations afin d’expliquer de l’impact du roulement du personnel sur la performance organisationnelle. Ainsi, cette étude permet aux gestionnaires de mieux saisir l’effet du roulement du personnel sur la performance organisationnelle et de les aider à adopter les stratégies ressources humaines adéquates susceptibles d’influencer l’impact du roulement sur la performance de l’organisation. Mots clés : roulement, taux de roulement, performance organisationnelle, gestion des ressources humaines, productivité, efficience, rentabilité.


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A study on the personnel management practices in the co+operative sector in the Kerala State is carried out during the years 1989-91, with the overall objective of assessing the extent of application of modern personnel management concepts in the cooperative organizations in the Kerala State. The specific objectives of the study are to assess the effectiveness of the various personnel management practices followed in the cooperative sector, to analyse the nature and extent of compensating the employees in co—operatives, to measure the level of job satisfaction derived by the employees, to evaluate the industrial relations existing in the co-operative organizations and to suggest, if found necessary, ways and means of toning up the personnel management practices followed in the co-operative sector in Kerala


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The thesis entitled Personnel Management Practices in the Kerala-Based Scheduled Commercial Banks. Personnel management function is of cardinal importance, requiring a sophisticated and scientific approach. In a labour-intensive, service industry like banking. Productivity and ultimate profitability of the entire organization depend considerably on the effectiveness with which personnel management function is executed; and the prudence with which personnel problems are handle. The main objectives of the study are to understand the current status of personnel management functions in the banks and to evaluate the practices in the light of the principles and theories of personnel management so as to identify the strengths and weaknesses. The universe of this study is the eight Scheduled Commercial Banks based in Kerala. The major limitation of the study is that as State Bank of Travancore, the lone public sector bank based in Kerala did not grant permission for collection of data, this study had to be confined to private sector banks only. Almost the entire data used for this study are primary and were collected from the files and other records or the concerned banks. This report has chapters dealing with the functional areas of personnel management such as determination of human resource requirements, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, promotions and compensation. Findings reveal that the practice of personnel management in the Kerala-based private sector scheduled commercial banks has not gained a degree of sophistication compatible with its role in modern business management.