997 resultados para herpes simples


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Depuis 2007, le vaccin vivant atténué contre le zona dispose d'une autorisation de mise sur le marché au niveau européen. Fin 2015-début 2016, il devrait enfin être disponible en France. Cet article répond à vos interrogations concernant son intérêt, son efficacité, sa tolérance et ses bénéfices pour la société, dans la prévention du zona et d'une de ses complications les plus fréquentes et la plus invalidante : les douleurs post-zostériennes.


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CONTEXT: A vaccination against herpes zoster and its complication is available in France since June 2015. Its exact benefit for public health is still controversial and its level of protection is not optimal. All those reasons seem to suggest a low acceptation rate from general practitioners. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness, the safety, and the cost/benefit ratio of the vaccination against herpes zoster in people aged 50 year or over. DOCUMENTARY SOURCE: Systematic review in Medline and PubMed with research by key words: "herpes zoster vaccine", "zoster vaccine" and "post herpetic neuralgia vaccine". SELECTION OF STUDIES: Randomized and observational studies published in English and French language have been selected by two readers. RESULTS: On 1886 articles identified, 62 studies were included in this systematic review of which 21 randomized trials, 21 observational studies, and 17 medico-economic studies concerned the unadjuvanted vaccine. Considered studies showed an effectiveness of 50% against herpes zoster and 60% on post-herpetic neuralgia incidence of the unadjuvanted vaccine. Five randomized controlled studies were identified for the adjuvanted vaccine. The overall effectiveness of this vaccine was > 90% whatever the age of subjects including those over age 70 and 80. The medico-economic studies conducted in many countries have shown that vaccine policies were beneficial in individuals aged 60 years or over. LIMITATION OF THE WORK: Most of data of effectiveness, and tolerance result from 2 large controlled studies only (SPS and ZEST) for the unadjuvanted vaccine and only one for the adjuvanted vaccine. CONCLUSION: Despite controversy and few uncertainties, the vaccine significantly reduces herpes zoster and its complication incidence. In terms of public health objectives, it reduces the burden of the disease and has a positive medico-economic impact. Preliminary data concerning the adjuvanted vaccine, whilst very promising, are still too limited. Up to now, no group of people with particularly high risk of herpes zoster-related complication who will beneficiate the most of the vaccination has been identified yet and only an age criteria has been considered for the recommendation.


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OBJETIVO: Estabelecer o valor das seqüências ponderadas em T2 para diferenciar cistos simples de hemangiomas hepáticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, observacional, transversal e duplo-cego em 52 pacientes com 91 lesões hepáticas (34 cistos simples e 57 hemangiomas) submetidos a ressonância magnética de abdome. A análise conjunta de todas as seqüências realizadas foi considerada o padrão-ouro. Dois observadores independentes avaliaram, subjetivamente, as seqüências TSE com TE longo e B-FFE, procurando diferenciar cistos de hemangiomas. Foram calculadas a eficácia das seqüências e a concordância interobservador e intra-observador por meio do teste kappa (κ) (p < 0,05*). RESULTADOS: As dimensões dos cistos variaram entre 0,5 e 6,5 cm (média de 1,89 cm) e as dos hemangiomas, entre 0,8 e 11 cm (média de 2,62 cm). A concordância entre a avaliação da seqüência com TE longo e o padrão-ouro foi insignificante (κ: 0,00-0,10). A concordância entre a avaliação da seqüência B-FFE e o padrão-ouro variou de substancial (κ: 0,62-0,71) a quase perfeita (κ: 0,86) para ambos os examinadores. A concordância interobservador e intra-observador para a seqüência B-FFE variou entre substancial (κ: 0,62-0,70) e quase perfeita (κ: 0,85-0,91). CONCLUSÃO: A técnica B-FFE apresenta eficácia e reprodutibilidade elevadas na diferenciação de cistos e hemangiomas.


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Initiated within the first 72hours of the rash, prescribing antiviral drugs reduces both acute neuralgia (AN) and later complications and especially postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). But their analgesic as well as preventative effect on AN and PHN is modest. Combination with analgesic drugs is more often needed for pain management. However, the pharmacological management of pain, in the context of old patients' frailty, co-morbidities and often polypharmacy, must be carefully considered. Based on analyses of the evidences from the literature, this review presents the therapeutic options we have at one's disposal and proposes a stepwise management for both AN and PHN specifically designed for aged population.


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma ferramenta de análise de dados que pode ser utilizada para proteção de pacientes e trabalhadores em áreas de uso de equipamentos móveis. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta, em planilha ativa Excel®, que utiliza medidas de exposição para gerar um banco de dados de fatores de forma e calcular o kerma no ar ao entorno de um leito. O banco de dados inicial foi coletado com três equipamentos móveis. Um espalhador não antropomórfico foi utilizado, sendo realizadas medidas de exposição em uma malha de (4,2 × 4,2) m², ao passo de 0,3 m. RESULTADOS: A ferramenta calcula o kerma no ar (associado à exposição de pacientes expostos e ao equivalente de dose ambiente) à radiação secundária. Para distâncias inferiores a 60,0 cm, valores acima do limite máximo de equivalente de dose ambiente definido para área livre (0,5 mSv/ano) foram verificados. Os dados coletados a 2,1 m foram sempre inferiores a 12% do referido limite. CONCLUSÃO: A ferramenta é capaz de auxiliar na proteção radiológica de pacientes e trabalhadores, quando associada à coleta de dados adequada, pois possibilita a determinação de áreas livres ao entorno de leitos em áreas onde equipamentos móveis geradores de radiação X são utilizados.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinally the antiviral immune response of T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with fingolimod (FTY) vs other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs). METHODS: We assessed cellular immune responses specific to influenza virus (FLU), JC virus (JCV), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) using quantification of interferon-γ secretion by enzyme-linked immunospot in patients with MS on FTY (n = 31), including 2 with herpes zoster (HZ), natalizumab (n = 11), and other DMTs (n = 11). We used viral lysates for FLU and VZV and a pool of peptides for FLU, JCV (VP-1), and VZV (IE63). RESULTS: Besides an expected drop of T cells, we found that, proportionally to the number of CD3(+) T cells, only FTY-treated patients with MS exhibited an increased VZV/IE63-specific T cell response peaking 6 months into treatment, a response that returned to baseline after 12 and 24 months. Two FTY-treated patients developed an HZ 6 months into treatment, coinciding with an absent VZV/IE63-specific T cell response. However, cellular immune responses specific to VZV lysate, JCV, and FLU (lysate and pool of peptide epitopes) were similar between all 3 categories (FTY, natalizumab, and other DMTs) of study patients. CONCLUSIONS: FTY-treated patients with MS exhibit an increased VZV/IE63-specific cellular immune response after 6 months of treatment. FTY-treated patients who develop an HZ are not able to mount such a response, suggesting that a T cell response directed against this viral protein may be key in preventing the occurrence of HZ.


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A simple laboratory technique is described for the synthesis of cyclopentadienylthallium and methylcyclopentadienylthallium and their use in the preparation of air sensitive metallocenes in solution. It does not use manifold, drybox or any other special glassware and was applied to the synthesis of cobaltocene, nickelocene and their methyl substituted analogs.


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A simple flow cell for potentiometric detection is described. It was assembled by making use of two perspex pieces fixed together by means of four screws, and allow the connection of plane membrane conventional electrodes to flow system. Details about its construction are presented. The device performance was evaluated by making use of a cyanide ion-selective electrode. The relative standard deviation was about 0.5% with a detection limit of 8.0 x 10-6 mol CN- dm-3. Under experimental conditions, the linear range was 10-5 to10-2 mol dm-3.


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Some aspects of electrochromism phenomena are presented in this review paper. A deep literature revision about the subject dealing with materials and device configurations developed in the last years, is presented. Great efforts of the scientific community have been done in this field. On the other hand, new electrochomic devices based on reversible deposition of metals are specially emphasized here. These devices present many advantages such as simple operation and construction and they have also shown high cycling rates. These factors make them suitable for application in display industry. In this way, many concepts used in the developement of electrodeposition baths are very useful for the improvement of these new devices; specially, all knowledge about the use of additives for modifying films microstructure and morfology.


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Polyaddition of commercial monomers is easily performed on a domestic microwave oven. The rate of polymerization depends on the structure of the monomer, power and time of irradiation. This methodology can easily be used to demonstrate the acceleration of organic reactions promoted by microwaves.


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Macroscopic samples of fullerene nanostructures are obtained in a modified arc furnace using the electric arc method with a Helium atmosphere at low pressures. High purity graphite rods are used as electrodes but, when drilled and the orifices filled with powders of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni) acting as catalysts, the resulting particles are carbon nanostructures of the fullerene family, known as Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs). They have typical diameters of 1.4 nm, lengths up to tenths of microns and they are arranged together in bundles containing several SWNTs. Those samples are observed and analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques.


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Silica gel is widely used as adsorbent for isolating and purifying natural compounds. Intensive use and high cost make this process expensive and generate solid residues contaminated with many different organic compounds. In the present work a simple method for recycling silica was investigated, by using Advanced Oxidative Processes. Silica gel was treated with H2O2/solar light and compared with a sample treated by conventional methods (high temperature and oxidation with KMnO4). High temperature treatment changes the structure of the silica and, consequently, the separation efficiency. Oxidation by using KMnO4 requires multiple steps and produces residues, including manganese and oxalic acid. The method using H2O2/solar light to recuperate silica gel does not modify its separation efficiency and is less expensive than the traditional methods. Additionally, HPLC and GC-MS analysis indicate that H2O2/solar light eliminates all residues of the silica gel.


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The purpose of this paper is the development of simple strategies to teach basic concepts of atomic spectrometry. Metals present in samples found in the daily lives of students are determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). FAES is an accurate, precise, and inexpensive analytical method often used for determining sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Historical aspects and their contextualization for students are also presented and experiments with samples that do not require pre-treatment are described.


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In this work we show how to build a piece of equipment for depositing thin films by the dip-coating process, using inexpensive components easily found on the market. This equipment allows us to control the dipping and pulling velocity at which the substrate is put in the film precursor solution, two very important parameters for obtain thin films. This article discusses the construction of the mechanical and electric parts of the equipment, a simple method to interface it to a computer and the development of the software to control the dip-coating parameters.