207 resultados para handwriting
In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated the effect of reviewing basic fraction and decimal skills on student achievement and student readiness for freshman Algebra. I also investigated the effect on the quality of student work, with regards to legibility by having students grade each other’s work anonymously. I discovered that students need basic skill review with fractions and decimals, and by the end of the research their scores improved. However, their handwriting had not. At the end of the research, a majority of the students felt the review was important, and they were ready to take math next year in high school. As a result of this research, I plan to implement weekly fraction and decimal review assignments in all middle school grades: 6th, 7th, and 8th. In addition, fraction and decimals must be incorporated into daily assignments, where appropriate, in order to encourage students to retain these skills.
Aprender a escrever demanda, além do domínio do sistema alfabético, aprendizagem da ortografia. Apesar do caráter convencional e reprodutivo das regras ortográficas, é reconhecido que a apropriação dessas não é um processo passivo. Pesquisas sugerem que o desempenho ortográfico varia em função do nível de elaboração das representações ortográficas do aprendiz. Neste estudo investigamos a relação entre desempenho ortográfico e nível de explicitação do conhecimento ortográfico de 22 crianças da 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental. Estas realizaram três atividades: ditado de frases, escrita com violação proposital da ortografia e entrevista. Os resultados mostram relação entre desempenho ortográfico e natureza da violação da ortografia. As crianças com melhor desempenho ortográfico violaram a ortografia de forma a não alterar a fonologia das palavras, demonstrando também maior conhecimento explícito das regras ortográficas. Esses dados sugerem a importância de introduzir no ensino da escrita atividades que favoreçam a reflexão sobre a ortografia.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os aspectos fonoaudiológicos de processamento auditivo, leitura e escrita de um paciente do gênero masculino com diagnóstico de síndrome de Silver-Russell. Aos dois meses de idade o paciente apresentava déficit pôndero-estatural; frontal amplo; orelhas pequenas, proeminentes e com baixa implantação; palato ogival; discreta micrognatia; esclera azulada; manchas café-com-leite; sobreposição do primeiro e segundo artelhos à direita; refluxo gastroesofágico; voz e choro agudos; atraso leve no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor; e dificuldade de ganhar peso, recebendo o diagnóstico da síndrome. Na avaliação psicológica, realizada aos 8 anos de idade, o paciente apresentou nível intelectual normal, com dificuldades cognitivas envolvendo atenção sustentada, concentração, memória verbal imediata e processos emocionais e comportamentais. Para avaliação da leitura e escrita e de seus processos subjacentes, realizada aos 9 anos de idade foram utilizados os testes de Compreensão Leitora de Textos Expositivos, Perfil das Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Discriminação Auditiva, escrita espontânea, Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE), teste de Nomeação Automática Rápida e prova de memória de trabalho fonológica. Apresentou dificuldades em todos os testes, estando as pontuações abaixo do esperado para sua idade. Na avaliação do processamento auditivo foram realizados testes monóticos, dióticos e dicóticos. Foram encontradas alterações nas habilidades de atenção auditiva sustentada e seletiva, memória sequencial para sons verbais e não-verbais, e resolução temporal. Conclui-se que o paciente apresenta alterações na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita que podem ser secundários a síndrome de Silver-Russell, porém tais dificuldades também podem ser decorrentes das alterações em habilidades do processamento auditivo.
For a long time, the work of a Franciscan Friar who had lived in Bologna and in Florence during the 13th and 14th centuries, Bartolomeo Della Pugliola, was thought to have been lost. Recent paleographic research, however, has affirmed that most of Della Pugliola’s work, although mixed into other authors, is contained in two manuscripts (1994 and 3843), currently kept at University Library in Bologna. Pugliola’s chronicle is central to Bolognese medieval literature, not only because it was the privileged source for the important work of Ramponis’ chronicle, but also because Bartolomeo della Pugliola’s sources are several significant works such as Jacopo Bianchetti’s lost writings and Pietro and Floriano Villolas’ chronicle (1163-1372). Ongoing historical studies and recent discoveries enabled me to reconstruct the historical chronology of Pugliola’s work as well as the Bolognese language between the 13th and 14th century The original purpose of my research was to add a linguistic commentary to the edition of the text in order to fill the gaps in medieval Bolognese language studies. In addition to being a reliable source, Pugliola’s chronicle was widely disseminated and became a sort of vulgate. The tradition of chronicle, through collation, allows the study of the language from a diachronic point of view. I therefore described all the linguistics phenomena related to phonetics, morphology and syntax in Pugliola’s text and I compared these results with variants in Villola’s and Ramponis’ chronicles. I also did likewise with another chronicle by a 16th century merchant, Friano Ubaldini, that I edited. This supplement helped to complete the Bolognese language outline from the 13th to the 16th century. In order to analize the data that I collected, I tried to approach them from a sociolinguistic point of view because each author represents a different variant of the language: closer to a scripta and the Florentine the language used by Pugliola, closer to the dialect spoken in Bologna the language used by Ubaldini. Differencies in handwriting especially show the models the authors try to reproduce or imitate. The glossary I added at the end of this study can help to understand these nuances with a number of examples.
Writer identification consists in determining the writer of a piece of handwriting from a set of writers. In this paper we present a system for writer identification in old handwritten music scores which uses only music notation to determine the author. The steps of the proposed system are the following. First of all, the music sheet is preprocessed for obtaining a music score without the staff lines. Afterwards, four different methods for generating texture images from music symbols are applied. Every approach uses a different spatial variation when combining the music symbols to generate the textures. Finally, Gabor filters and Grey-scale Co-ocurrence matrices are used to obtain the features. The classification is performed using a k-NN classifier based on Euclidean distance. The proposed method has been tested on a database of old music scores from the 17th to 19th centuries, achieving encouraging identification rates.
The essay examines the print and manuscript traditions of the "Pasquillus extaticus" by Celio Secondo Curione with a particular focus on their relation with censorship. At first, the essay investigates into the redactional evolution and into the editorial history of the dialogue and of its vernacular versions, e.g. the relation between some editions of the "Pasquillus extaticus" and of the "Pasquino in estasi" (which appeared anonymously and without typographical information) and the provisions of political and ecclesiastical censorship in the 16th century. Finally, analysing the manuscript tradition, the essay discusses Carlos Gilly’s identification of «Coelii Secundi Pasquillus, emendatus impress[us]», registered in the inventory of the private library of the Basel typographer Johannes Oporinus, with the copy preserved at the Herzog August Bibibliothek Wolfenbüttel [hab: p 1811. 8º Helmst. (1)]). The author refutes Gilly’s hypothetical attribution to Curione’s handwriting of the many marginalia present in this copy.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el cambio de relaciones que se produce en Ia literatura española entre los ámbitos de Ia oralidad, Ia escritura manuscrita y la imprenta en el pasaje de la Edad Media al Renacimiento. A partir del estudio de estas diferentes "tecnologías de la palabra", citando el subtitulo del clásico libro de Walter Ong, se intenta esclarecer las características de un proceso que conduce a las manifestaciones literarias de Ia modernidad y esboza los primeros rasgos del fenómeno que más adelante se constituirá como Ia cultura de masas.