913 resultados para globulina principal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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In this paper, we propose a multispectral analysis system using wavelet based Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to improve the brain tissue classification from MRI images. Global transforms like PCA often neglects significant small abnormality details, while dealing with a massive amount of multispectral data. In order to resolve this issue, input dataset is expanded by detail coefficients from multisignal wavelet analysis. Then, PCA is applied on the new dataset to perform feature analysis. Finally, an unsupervised classification with Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm is used to measure the improvement in reproducibility and accuracy of the results. A detailed comparative analysis of classified tissues with those from conventional PCA is also carried out. Proposed method yielded good improvement in classification of small abnormalities with high sensitivity/accuracy values, 98.9/98.3, for clinical analysis. Experimental results from synthetic and clinical data recommend the new method as a promising approach in brain tissue analysis.


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The component structure of a 34-item scale measuring different aspects of job satisfaction was investigated among extension officers in North West Province, South Africa. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 extension officers from which data were collected. A structured questionnaire consisting of 34 job satisfaction and 10 personal characteristic items was administered to the extension officers. Items on job satisfaction were measured at interval level and analyzedwith Principal ComponentAnalysis. Most of the respondents (82.5%) weremales, between 40 to 45 years, 85% were married and 87.5% had a diploma as their educational qualification. Furthermore, 54% of the households size between 4 to 6 persons, whereas 75% were Christians. The majority of the extension officers lived in their job area (82.5), while 80% covered at least 3 communities and 3 farmer groups. In terms of number of farmers covered, only 40% of the extension officers covered more than 500 farmers and 45% travelled more than 40 km to reach their farmers. From the job satisfaction items 9 components were extracted to show areas for job satisfaction among extension officers. These were in-service training, research policies, communicating recommended practices, financial support for self and family, quality of technical help, opportunity to advance education, management and control of operations, rewarding system and sanctions. The results have several implications for motivating extension officers for high job performance especially with large number of clients and small number of extension agents.


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The use of perturbation and power transformation operations permits the investigation of linear processes in the simplex as in a vectorial space. When the investigated geochemical processes can be constrained by the use of well-known starting point, the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of a non-centred principal component analysis allow to model compositional changes compared with a reference point. The results obtained for the chemistry of water collected in River Arno (central-northern Italy) have open new perspectives for considering relative changes of the analysed variables and to hypothesise the relative effect of different acting physical-chemical processes, thus posing the basis for a quantitative modelling


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In human Population Genetics, routine applications of principal component techniques are often required. Population biologists make widespread use of certain discrete classifications of human samples into haplotypes, the monophyletic units of phylogenetic trees constructed from several single nucleotide bimorphisms hierarchically ordered. Compositional frequencies of the haplotypes are recorded within the different samples. Principal component techniques are then required as a dimension-reducing strategy to bring the dimension of the problem to a manageable level, say two, to allow for graphical analysis. Population biologists at large are not aware of the special features of compositional data and normally make use of the crude covariance of compositional relative frequencies to construct principal components. In this short note we present our experience with using traditional linear principal components or compositional principal components based on logratios, with reference to a specific dataset


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This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage


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Varias fotografías de la puerta principal de ingreso hacia el Claustro


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Varias fotografías del patio principal del Claustro del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario


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El pasado Mundial de Fútbol Categoría Sub-20 fue una gran oportunidad que tuvo Colombia para seguir mostrándose a nivel internacional y para mejorar su imagen negativa de ser un país violento. Debido al éxito de este evento, y que estuvo a la altura de los de su tipo, ya que también superó en record de asistencia a los que se habían realizado anteriormente (FIFA.COM, 2011), y sumado a las declaraciones del presidente de la FIFA: "Colombia está preparada para la gran Copa Mundial de FIFA, pero de momento deberá esperar hasta el año 2026, porque las sedes de los años 2014 (Brasil), 2018 (Rusia) y 2022 (Qatar) ya están asignadas" (Semana, 2011); este trabajo pretende analizar con base en los principales indicadores (infraestructuras, movilidad, vías, ciudades, seguridad), si Bogotá podría ser sede principal del mundial de fútbol del 2026. Para lograr el objetivo se tomaron como referencia los diferentes mundiales anteriormente realizados. Se hizo un análisis comparativo entre Johannesburgo (sede principal del Mundial realizado en Suráfrica en el 2010) y Bogotá, en 5 factores que permiten visualizar las fortalezas y debilidades de la capital colombiana para poder ser sede principal de un Mundial. Se presentan conclusiones.


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Resumen tomado de la propia publicación


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Resumen tomado de la propia publicación


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El interés del presente estudio de caso consiste en analizar las ventajas comparativas y competitivas de Colombia en la producción de Biocombustibles, teniendo en cuenta su participación en la Iniciativa Plan Puebla Panamá y la influencia de Brasil como principal productor de biocombustibles. Empleando conceptos como competitividad, cooperación técnica e integración regional, a lo largo del desarrollo del texto, se busca demostrar o refutar que a través de la participación en la Iniciativa Plan Puebla Panamá, Colombia generó experiencia y capacidad de producción de biocombustibles, especialmente de biodiesel, elemento que le permite ser competitivo en el mercado regional y tener ventajas en comparación con Brasil.


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Este trabajo intenta mostrar, a partir de la experiencia como interlocutor en el Consultorio Social Minuto de Dios (CSMD), las relaciones que se dan entre sus actores (directivas, profesores, practicantes e interloutor) para encontrar si hay distancia entre los discursos y las practicas que se dan.


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Tomás Vásquez Guarnizo quien ha vendido una hacienda al Colegio Mayor del Rosario, reconoce un principal de 600 patacones a favor del Colegio Mayor sobre el trapiche "San Francisco" ubicado en la Mesa de Juan Díaz. Siendo rector Francisco Javier Tello de Mayorga y Camacho.