955 resultados para gel dosimetry
Some aspects of the chemistry involved in the preparation and characterization of functionalized silicon oxide by sol-gel method are considered in this work. The synthesis was performed with different silicon alcoxide precursors and the influence of the acid and basic catalyst was investigated. Characterization was performed by infrared absorption spectroscopy, elemental analysis and 29Si NMR. Infrared data show Si-C and -CH2- vibrational modes at 1250 to 1280 and 2920 to 2940 cm-1, respectively. The elemental analysis confirmed the presence of organic groups in the inorganic silica network. 29Si NMR results show different hydrolisys depending on the acid or base catalysis.
This work describes a modified sol-gel method for the preparation of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts. The samples have been characterized by N2 adsorption at 77K, x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). The surface area increases with the vanadia loading from 24 m² g-1, for pure TiO2, to 87 m² g-1 for 9wt.% of V2O5. The rutile form is predominant for pure TiO2 but became enriched with anatase phase when vanadia loading is increased. No crystalline V2O5 phase was observed in the catalysts diffractograms. Two species of surface vanadium observed by FT-IR spectroscopy a monomeric vanadyl and polymeric vanadates, the vanadyl/vanadate ratio remains practically constant.
The present experiment describes an easy procedure for obtaining SiO2/ZrO2 by reacting ZrOCl2 with SiO2 with the following characteristics: S BET = 500 m² g-1 and an average pore diameter of 6 nm. The material obtained presented 1.3 wt% ZrO2 content corresponding to 140 mumol g-1. The average density of ZrO2 onto SiO2/ZrO2 matrix is 2.8x10-11 mol cm-2. The adsorption isotherm for Cr(VI) showed a maximum of adsorption value (200 mumol g-1) at pH 2. The adsorption can be described by the reaction: =Zr(OH)2 + 2HCrO4- + 2H+ [(=Zr(OH2+)2) (HCrO4-)2]. Above the zero point of charge, i.e. pH > 5.5 due to the surface charge inversion, desorption of Cr(VI) occurs according to the reaction: [(=Zr(OH2+)2) (HCrO4-)2] + 6OH-
(=ZrO2)2- + 6H2O + 2CrO4(2-).
The use of sol-gel materials to develop new biosensors has received great attention due to its characteristics and versatility of sol-gel process. An overview is presented of the state-of-the-art of electrochemical biosensors employing sol-gel materials. Low-temperature, porous sol-gel ceramics represent a new class for the immobilization of biomolecules. The rational design of sol-gel sensing materials, based on the judicious choice of the starting alkoxide, encapsulated reagents, and preparation conditions, allows tailoring of material properties in a wide range, and offers great potential for the development of electrochemical biosensors.
In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.
Titania powders were synthesized by a sol-gel process using titanium tetrabutoxide as precursor. The syntheses were performed in water or in solutions of dimethylformamide (dmf) or dimethylsulfoxide (dmso). It is demonstrated, by X-ray diffraction patterns of the synthesized powders, that the samples obtained in dmf or dmso solutions are crystalline (anatase phase) with some minor amount of brookite phase, whereas the sample synthesized in water is amorphous. The anatase phase can be obtained independently of any previous or further treatment of the synthesized powder, such as hydrothermal or heat treatment, providing a new, simple, quick and inexpensive route to synthesize anatase powders. From the peak broadening of the anatase (101) diffraction, the crystallite sizes were calculated as 6 nm.
This article reports the phase behavior determi- nation of a system forming reverse liquid crystals and the formation of novel disperse systems in the two-phase region. The studied system is formed by water, cyclohexane, and Pluronic L-121, an amphiphilic block copolymer considered of special interest due to its aggregation and structural proper- ties. This system forms reverse cubic (I2) and reverse hexagonal (H2) phases at high polymer concentrations. These reverse phases are of particular interest since in the two-phase region, stable high internal phase reverse emulsions can be formed. The characterization of the I2 and H2 phases and of the derived gel emulsions was performed with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and rheometry, and the influence of temperature and water content was studied. TheH2 phase experimented a thermal transition to an I2 phase when temperature was increased, which presented an Fd3m structure. All samples showed a strong shear thinning behavior from low shear rates. The elasticmodulus (G0) in the I2 phase was around 1 order of magnitude higher than in theH2 phase. G0 was predominantly higher than the viscousmodulus (G00). In the gel emulsions,G0 was nearly frequency-independent, indicating their gel type nature. Contrarily to water-in-oil (W/O) normal emulsions, in W/I2 and W/H2 gel emulsions, G0, the complex viscosity (|η*|), and the yield stress (τ0) decreased with increasing water content, since the highly viscous microstructure of the con- tinuous phase was responsible for the high viscosity and elastic behavior of the emulsions, instead of the volumefraction of dispersed phase and droplet size. A rheological analysis, in which the cooperative flow theory, the soft glass rheology model, and the slip plane model were analyzed and compared, was performed to obtain one single model that could describe the non-Maxwellian behavior of both reverse phases and highly concentrated emulsions and to characterize their microstructure with the rheological properties.
Silica gel is widely used as adsorbent for isolating and purifying natural compounds. Intensive use and high cost make this process expensive and generate solid residues contaminated with many different organic compounds. In the present work a simple method for recycling silica was investigated, by using Advanced Oxidative Processes. Silica gel was treated with H2O2/solar light and compared with a sample treated by conventional methods (high temperature and oxidation with KMnO4). High temperature treatment changes the structure of the silica and, consequently, the separation efficiency. Oxidation by using KMnO4 requires multiple steps and produces residues, including manganese and oxalic acid. The method using H2O2/solar light to recuperate silica gel does not modify its separation efficiency and is less expensive than the traditional methods. Additionally, HPLC and GC-MS analysis indicate that H2O2/solar light eliminates all residues of the silica gel.
An overview about the role of alkoxides in the most recent uses of the sol-gel process in the synthesis of new materials is presented. Special attention is focused on the uses of silicon, aluminum, zirconium and titanium alkoxides. This review shows that the alkoxides enable the synthesis of new matrices with controlled surface area, acidity and porosity, as well as some unusual properties. The property associated with the solubility of metal alkoxides opens enormous possibilities of combining them for the synthesis films of powders with a very large range of metal compositions.
The silica gel was obtained from sand and its surface was modified with POCl3 to produce Si-Cl bonds on the silica surface. Ethylenediamine was covalently bonded onto the chlorinated silica surface. The adsorption of the chlorides of divalent cobalt, nickel and copper was qualitatively studied to show that the bonding of ethylenediamine onto the silica gel surface produces a solid base capable of chelating metal ions from solution. The experiments illustrate the extraction of silica gel, its reactivity, the development of modified surfaces and its application in removing metal ions from water and are deigned for undergraduate inorganic chemistry laboratories.
A novel type of heavy metal adsorbent was prepared by the covalent grafting of thioglycolic acid molecules on a silica gel surface previsiouly modified with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. The amount of thioglycolic acid immobilized was 1.03 mmol per gram of silica. This material displayed a chelating moiety containing nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen basic centers which are potentially capable of extracting from aqueous solutions cations such as Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), influenced by pH and ionic strength. This process of extraction was carried out by the batch method when similar chemisorption isotherms were observed for all cations. A modified Langmuir equation describes the experimental data.
In this work, we report the synthesis and the photoluminescence features of a Eu(III)-doped modified silica matrix obtained by the sol-gel method. The matrix was prepared by reaction between tetraethylorthosilicate and phenyltriethoxysilane alkoxide. The hydrolysis occurred using basic catalysis. The solids were treated at 100, 200 and 300 ºC during 4 h and the structure was determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR 29Si and 13C), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and photoluminescence (PL). The PL spectra display the Eu(III) lines characteristic of the ion, 5D0 -> 7F J (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4), the blue emission as ascribed in the silica matrix. The NMR and TG showed the stability of hybrid silica.
Antecedentes: La exóstosis digital es una patología común que se presenta con frecuencia en las consultas de podología. A pesar del alto grado de incidencia es una entidad clínica muy poco estudiada. En la actualidad, los tratamientos propuestos para resolver esta patología son el tratamiento conservador mediante ortesis de silicona y el tratamiento quirúrgico consistente en la resección de la exostosis. Consideramos necesario otra alternativa de tratamiento como la infiltración de un gel de Poliacrilamida (PAAG) que presente mayores beneficios y menos inconvenientes a los pacientes que los tratamientos propuestos hasta el momento. Material y Métodos: Estudio realizado durante los meses de octubre de 2006 y febrero de 2009, sobre 54 pacientes (2 varones y 52 mujeres) de edades comprendidas entre 43 y 85 años afectados de exostosis digital. Se procede a la infiltración de un gel biocompatible en la zona de la exostosis para aislar la misma y evitar presiones según técnica de infiltración descrita. Todos los pacientes firman el documento de consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron recogidos de forma objetiva y subjetivamente en cada uno de los pacientes. La posterior evaluación de los datos y su tratamiento estadístico se llevó a cabo de forma disociada y anónima. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el paquete estadístico SPSS-PC 17.0. Resultados: El heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 5º dedo se presentó en el 35,2% de los casos; el heloma en dorso del 5º dedo en el 29,6%; el heloma en dorso de dedo central en el 11,1% de los casos; heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 4º dedo en el 9,3%; y el resto de lesiones primarias en un 14,9% del total de los casos. De cada uno de los casos se observó: tratamientos previos, cantidad de fármaco infiltrada, reacción al fármaco, controles y satisfacción del paciente al tratamiento. A un 57,4% de los pacientes no se les había realizado ningún tratamiento previo, mientras que a un 33,3% se le había realizado una ortesis de silicona. Analizando la cantidad de PAAG infiltrado en cada caso nos resultó una media de 0,542 cc con una desviación típica de 0,2237 cc. La cantidad mínima fue de 0,20 cc, hasta un máximo de 1,50 cc. La reacción observada al fármaco a las 24 y 48 horas de la infiltración fue prácticamente la misma que la del periodo inicial, observándose el habón en ambos tiempos de valoración. Se practicaron cuatro controles posinfiltración a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses, en los que a seis meses pudimos concluir que en la mayoría de los casos ? 45 de 54 - persistió el habón de PAAG del inicio. La satisfacción se valora a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses siendo a los 6 meses el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes del 98%. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del heloma provocado por exostosis digital mediante infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida según la técnica protocolizada en este estudio clínico es factible, reproductible y eficaz. Alcanzando el producto un alto nivel de tolerancia y adaptación a las estructuras anatómicas y disminuyendo los efectos secundarios, lo que nos hace afirmar que es una técnica segura con la que hemos obtenido óptimos resultados en lo que se refiere a efectividad del tratamiento y disminución del dolor. Podemos concluir que la infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida se convierte una nueva opción de tratamiento en el caso de exostosis digitales.
Antecedentes: La exóstosis digital es una patología común que se presenta con frecuencia en las consultas de podología. A pesar del alto grado de incidencia es una entidad clínica muy poco estudiada. En la actualidad, los tratamientos propuestos para resolver esta patología son el tratamiento conservador mediante ortesis de silicona y el tratamiento quirúrgico consistente en la resección de la exostosis. Consideramos necesario otra alternativa de tratamiento como la infiltración de un gel de Poliacrilamida (PAAG) que presente mayores beneficios y menos inconvenientes a los pacientes que los tratamientos propuestos hasta el momento. Material y Métodos: Estudio realizado durante los meses de octubre de 2006 y febrero de 2009, sobre 54 pacientes (2 varones y 52 mujeres) de edades comprendidas entre 43 y 85 años afectados de exostosis digital. Se procede a la infiltración de un gel biocompatible en la zona de la exostosis para aislar la misma y evitar presiones según técnica de infiltración descrita. Todos los pacientes firman el documento de consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron recogidos de forma objetiva y subjetivamente en cada uno de los pacientes. La posterior evaluación de los datos y su tratamiento estadístico se llevó a cabo de forma disociada y anónima. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el paquete estadístico SPSS-PC 17.0. Resultados: El heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 5º dedo se presentó en el 35,2% de los casos; el heloma en dorso del 5º dedo en el 29,6%; el heloma en dorso de dedo central en el 11,1% de los casos; heloma interdigital en 4º espacio y 4º dedo en el 9,3%; y el resto de lesiones primarias en un 14,9% del total de los casos. De cada uno de los casos se observó: tratamientos previos, cantidad de fármaco infiltrada, reacción al fármaco, controles y satisfacción del paciente al tratamiento. A un 57,4% de los pacientes no se les había realizado ningún tratamiento previo, mientras que a un 33,3% se le había realizado una ortesis de silicona. Analizando la cantidad de PAAG infiltrado en cada caso nos resultó una media de 0,542 cc con una desviación típica de 0,2237 cc. La cantidad mínima fue de 0,20 cc, hasta un máximo de 1,50 cc. La reacción observada al fármaco a las 24 y 48 horas de la infiltración fue prácticamente la misma que la del periodo inicial, observándose el habón en ambos tiempos de valoración. Se practicaron cuatro controles posinfiltración a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses, en los que a seis meses pudimos concluir que en la mayoría de los casos ? 45 de 54 - persistió el habón de PAAG del inicio. La satisfacción se valora a la semana, al mes, a los tres meses y a los seis meses siendo a los 6 meses el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes del 98%. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del heloma provocado por exostosis digital mediante infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida según la técnica protocolizada en este estudio clínico es factible, reproductible y eficaz. Alcanzando el producto un alto nivel de tolerancia y adaptación a las estructuras anatómicas y disminuyendo los efectos secundarios, lo que nos hace afirmar que es una técnica segura con la que hemos obtenido óptimos resultados en lo que se refiere a efectividad del tratamiento y disminución del dolor. Podemos concluir que la infiltración de gel de poliacrilamida se convierte una nueva opción de tratamiento en el caso de exostosis digitales.
Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.