928 resultados para garnet


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Based on Th-230-U-238 disequilibrium and major element data from mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean island basalts (OIBs), this study calculates mantle melting parameters, and thereby investigates the origin of Th-230 excess. (Th-230/U-238) in global MORBs shows a positive correlation with Fe-8, P (o), Na-8, and F-melt (Fe-8 and Na-8 are FeO and Na2O contents respectively after correction for crustal fractionation relative to MgO = 8 wt%, P (o)=pressure of initial melting and F (melt)=degree of melt), while Th-230 excess in OIBs has no obvious correlation with either initial mantle melting depth or the average degree of mantle melting. Furthermore, compared with the MORBs, higher (Th-230/U-238) in OIBs actually corresponds to a lower melting degree. This suggests that the Th-230 excess in MORBs is controlled by mantle melting conditions, while the Th-230 excess in OIBs is more likely related to the deep garnet control. The vast majority of calculated initial melting pressures of MORBs with excess Th-230 are between 1.0 and 2.5 GPa, which is consistent with the conclusion from experiments in recent years that D (U)> D (Th) for Al-clinopyroxene at pressures of > 1.0 GPa. The initial melting pressure of OIBs is 2.2-3.5 GPa (around the spinel-garnet transition zone), with their low excess Ra-226 compared to MORBs also suggesting a deeper mantle source. Accordingly, excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs may be formed respectively in the spinel and garnet stability field. In addition, there is no obvious correlation of K2O/TiO2 with (Th-230/U-238) and initial melting pressure (P (o)) of MORBs, so it is proposed that the melting depth producing excess Th-230 does not tap the spinel-garnet transition zone. OIBs and MORBs in both (Th-230/U-238) vs. K2O/TiO2 and (Th-230/U-238) vs. P (o) plots fall in two distinct areas, indicating that the mineral phases which dominate their excess Th-230 are different. Ce/Yb-Ce curves of fast and slow ridge MORBs are similar, while, in comparison, the Ce/Yb-Ce curve for OIBs shows more influence from garnet. The mechanisms generating excess Th-230 in MORBs and OIBs are significantly different, with formation of excess Th-230 in the garnet zone only being suitable for OIBs.


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Heavy mineral assemblages, chemical compositions of diagnostic heavy minerals such as garnet and tourmaline, and U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions of zircons are very effective means to determine sediment provenance. An integrated application of the above provides insight on the lithologies, crystallization ages and crustal formation ages of the parent magma of sediment source areas. As a result, the locations and characteristics of potential source areas can be constrained and contributions of different source regions may be evaluated. In addition, the study provides evidence for the magmatic and tectonic history of source areas using a novel approach. The heavy mineral assemblages, and chemical compositions of detrital garnets and tourmalines, U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions of zircons for sand and loess samples deposited since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) from the Hulunbeier, Keerqin and Hunshandake sandlands were analyzed and compared to those of central-southern Mongolia, the central Tarim and surrounding potential source areas, the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and North China Craton (NCC). The following remarks on provenance and tectonic history can be made: 1. The source compositional characteristics of the Hulunbeier, Keerqin and Hunshandake sandlands are similar. They are derived from the CAOB and NCC whose contributions for the Keerqin and Hunshandake sandland are about 50%. For the Hulunbeier sandland it is somewhat less, about 40%. 2. Loesses around of the sandlands have the identical source signiture as the sands, implying that they are sorted by the same wind regime. 3. The source characteristics of the present and LGM sands are the same, providing direct evidence that the present sands originated from the reworking of LGM sands. 4. The provenance characteristics of the three sandlands differ from those of the Tarim. As a result, the possibility that the three eastern sandlands were sourced from the Taklimakan desert can be ruled out. 5. The source compositions of sand samples derived from the CAOB indicate that the occurrence of Archean and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic basement rocks is limited and continuous subduction-accretion events from the Neoproterozoic to the Mesozoic occurred. This implies that the CAOB is a orogenic collage belt similar to the present day southwest-Pacific, and formed by the amalgamation of small forearc and backarc ocean basins occurring between island arcs and microcontinents during continuous collision and accretion. The Hf isotopic signitures of detrital zircons indicate that large amounts of juvenile mantle materials were added to the CAOB crust during the Phanerozoic.


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Many garnet peridotite bodies are enclosed in ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) gneisses and/or migmatites in worldwide UHP terranes formed by subduction of continental crust. On the basis of petrochemical data, a group of garnet peridotites have been derived from depleted mantle and were subsequently metasomatized by melts and/or fluids derived from the subducted continental crust. However, their depletion and enrichment processes and tectonic evolutions are still in conflicts. New evidences for metamorphism of garnet lherzolite from Zhimafang, Donghai County, Sulu UHP terrane are reported. The garnet lherzolite have experienced a prolonged multistage metamorphic history. At least seven stages of recrystallization have been identified based on detailed analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I was a high-pressure and high-temperature enriched garnet lherzolite stage, which is inferred from the presence of high Ca-Cr core of garnet porphyroclast and inclusions of high-Mg clinopyroxene, high-Al-Cr orthopyroxene and high-Mg olivine. Stage II is a high-temperature and low-pressure depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite stage, as indicated by the presence of relict Al-rich spinel, very high-Mg and low-Ni olivine and high-Mg orthopyroxene included in the low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and core of fine-grained neoblastic garnet, clinopyroxene is absent in this stage. Stage III is an hydrous amphibole spinel-lherzolite stage, which recorded events of cooling and metasomatic re-enrichment, this stage is manifested by metasomatic origin of amphibole and phlogopite-bearing porphyroblastic clinopyroxene, and porphyroblastic orthopyroxene. Stage IV is a high-pressure amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, which is indicated by the formation of low-Cr mantle of the porphyroclastic garnet and amphibole-bearing low-Cr core of neoblastic garnet. Stage V is an UHP metamorphic garnet-lherzolite stage, which is characterized by the formation of high-Cr rim of both porphyroclastic and neoblastic garnet and recrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the matrix. During UHP metamorphism, the garnet lherzolite is dehydrated, hornblende decomposed to clinopyroxene and olivine. Stage VI is a high-pressure decompression amphibole garnet-lherzolite stage, indicated by formation of later coarse-grained pargasitic hornblende and phlogopite in the garnet stability field. Stage VII is a low-pressure decompression amphibole-chlorite spinel-lherzolite stage, indicated by replacement of garnet by kelyphite of high-Al orthopyroxene + aluminous spinel + tremolitic amphibole + chlorite + talc. The metamorphic evolutions of Zhimafang garnet lherzolite suggest that it displays progressive mantle wedge convection during the subduction of previous oceanic and subsequent continental slab. We propose that the Zhimafang garnet lherzolite were originated from enriched deep mantle wedge above the previously subducted oceanic slab, subduction of oceanic slab resulted in their convection to shallower back arc and sub-arc setting, decompressional melting transformed the enriched garnet-lherzolite to depleted spinel-hurzbergite or spinel-dunite, the spinel-hurzbergite or spinel dunite was then convected to the hydrous mantle wedge corner driven by corner flow and was cooled and metasomatized by slab-derived melts/fluids, and was transformed to enriched lherzolite. The lherzolites formed a downward mantle wedge layer above successively subducted continental crust. The peridotite subducted together with the underlying continental crust and suffered UHP metamorphism. Finally, the garnet-lherzolite exhumed to the earth surface together with the UHP terrane. Detailed analyses of reaction textures and mineral compositions revealed several stages of metasomatism related to continental subduction and exhumation.


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Gakkel Ridge in Arctic Ocean is the ulstraslow spreading ridge in the world with a full spreading rate decreasing from 14 mm/yr in the western end to 7mm/yr in the eastern end. To study the histories of partial melting and melt referilization occurred in the oceanic mantle beneath Gakkel Ridge, both extremely fresh and altered abyssal peridotites from two dredge hauls (PS66-238 and HLY0102-D70) have been selected in this research. Major and trace element data of the residual minerals suggest that all samples have been refertilized by late enriched melts after low to moderate degrees (3-12%) of partial melting in the stability field of spinel, whereas some samples also inherited signatures of partial melting in stability field of garnet. Os isotopic compositions of Gakkel samples have not been significantly affected by late processes, e.g., seawater alteration and melt refertilzaiton. Samples from both dredge hauls have similar range of 187Os/188Os, from strongly unradiogenic (~0.114) in the harzburgites to approximating the inferred values of PUM (primitive upper mantle) in some lherzolites (~0.129). Inherited ancient depletion events in the harzburgites with Re-depletion age up to 2 billion years are unrelevant to the recent genesis of MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalts) beneath Gakkel Ridge. Comparisons of highly siderophile elements (HSEs) between the fresh and altered samples suggested both Pd and Re were affected and thus are mobile during seawater alteration, whereas the other HSEs (i.e., Os, Ir, Ru an Pt) are stable. The fractionated HSEs patterns in the harzburgites suggest both PPGEs (Pt and Pd) and Re can be fractionated from IPGEs (Os, Ir and Ru) at low degree of partial melting, which might be due to physical dredging of sulfide melts by silicate melts rather than equilibrium partitioning between residues and silicate melts. Inferred HSEs budget of the PUM confirm the previous study that both Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir are suprachondritic in the PUM. Some modifications of late-veneer hypothesis are required in light of the unique PUM composition. HSEs and Os isotopic compositions of Gakkel abyssal peridotites indicate the oceanic mantle is highly heterogeneous within a scale of one dredge haul (<5 km). Both depleted and fertile mantle domains are likely to be mechanically juxtaposed in the asthenosphere in a state of ‘plum pudding’. Widely distribution of ancient depleted components in the asthenosphere suggests that DMM (depleted MORB mantle) should not be synonymous with the MORB source. The later is just the fertile part of the former, i.e., the depleted components in the DMM do not or contribute little to the genesis of MORB.


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The subduction zone is an important site of the fluid activity and recycling of chemical elements. The fluid characteristic of deep subduction zones is a top scientific problem attracting the petrologists, geochemists and tectonists. In this dissertation, the characteristics of fluid activity within a deep subduction zone have been explored on the basis of the studies on the petrography, mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions, geochemistry and metamorphic P–T conditions of the omphacite-bearing high-pressure veins and related hosts from the low-temperature/high-pressure metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, China. Multiple high-pressure veins are exposed in host eclogites and blueschists. The veins are composed predominantly of omphacite, garnet, quartz, and other minerals. Some veins contain cm-sized rutiles. In general, the vein can be divided into three types, the ‘in situ dehydration’ vein, the ‘external transport’ vein and the ‘composite’ vein. The omphacites within the veins and related host rocks contain lots of two-phase or three-phase primary fluid inclusions. The final melting temperature (Tfm) of fluid inclusions varies mainly from -0.6 to -4.3 °C, the homogeneous temperature (Th) varies from 185 to 251 °C, the salinity varies from 1.1 to 6.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent and the density varies from 0.81 to 0.9 g/cm3. The fluids were released under the conditions of T = 520–580°C and P = 15–19 kbar at blueschist facies to eclogite facies transition. The fluids include not only Li, Be, LILE, La, Pb-enriched and HFSE- and HREE-depleted aqueous fluids but also HFSE (Ti-Nb-Ta)-rich aqueous fluids. The complex composed of aluminosilicate polymers and F was the catalyst which had caused the Ti-Nb-Ta to be dissolved into the fluids. During the transport of the LILE-rich and HFSE- and HREE-poor fluids, they can exchange some chemical elements with country rocks and leach some trace elements in some extent. The rutile could be precipitated from the HFSE (Ti-Nb-Ta)-rich aqueous fluids when CO2 was added into the fluids. The host rocks could obtain some elements, such as Ca, Cs, Rb, Ba and Th, from the external fluids. The fluids with complex composition had been released within the deep subduction zone (>50 km) in Early Carboniferous during the subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean under the Yili–Central Tianshan Plate. The results obtained in this dissertation have made new progress compared with the published data (e.g. Tatsumi, 1989; Becker et al., 1999; Scambelluri and Philippot, 2001; Manning, 2004; Hermann et al., 2006; Spandler and Hermann, 2006).


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The West Shandong Uplift and its adjacent basins, with same evolutional history before Mesozoic, are an important basin-orogenic systems in North China. After late Mesozoic, tectonic differentiation between basin and orogenic belt gradually displayed in the study area. The Boxing sag is a part of Jiyang Depression near to West Shandong Uplift, in which the whole Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are preserved. Based on the analysis of sedimentary records in the Boxing sag, the Cenozoic structural and sedimentary evolutions in Boxing Sag and its response to Western Shandong uplift are discussed in this dissertation. The main conclusions in this research are presented as follows. Based on Seismic and well logging profile interpretation, fault growth index, thickness difference between bottom wall and top wall and fault activity rate from Eocene to Pliocene are studied. Boxing sag had three main faults, NE, NW and NEE trending faults. Research shows that the activity of the NW trending fault in the Boxing sag became weaken from E1-2S4 to N2m gradually. The evolution of NE and the NEE trending fault can be divided into three episodes, from E1-2k to E2s4, from E2s3 to E3s1, from N2m to E3d. The analysis of Paleogene samples of heavy mineral assemblages shows that metamorphic rocks represented by garnet, intermediate-acid igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of apatite, zircon and tourmaline became less from E1-2k to N2g, and sedimentary rocks represented by the assemblage of pyrite, barite and limonite also became less. Intermediate-basic igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of leucoxene, rutile and ilmenite and metamorphic rocks represented by epidote became more and more. Electronic microprobe analysis shows that glaucophane and barroisite are existed in Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation, and they demonstrate that Western Shandong and Eastern Shandong are all the source regions of the Boxing Sag, and they also indicate that oceanic crust existed before the collision between the Yangtze and North China continent. The fact that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag also indicates that Western Shandong was not high enough to prevent sediment from Eastern Shandong at E1-2k and E2s4. The results of the dating of five detrital zircons of Boxing Sag show Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation have the age peaks of 2800Ma and 700-800. It means that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag at early Paleogene and Western Shandong is not high enough to prevent the sediment from Eastern Shandong. The ages of 160-180 and 220-260 Ma, which exist in the Guantao Formation and Paleogene, are common in Eastern Shandong and rare in Western Shandong,and it implied that Western Shandong is a low uplift at 24Ma. The Paleogene strata have almost same age groups, while the Guantao Formation has significant variations of age groups, and this indicates that Boxing Sag and Western Shandong uplift had taken place tremendous changes. The results of apatite fission track in Boxing sag show that three times uplifts happened at the source region at 60 Ma, 45Ma and 15Ma respectively, and the Boxing sag experienced two subsidences at 60Ma, 45Ma and one uplift at 20Ma.


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Over past ten years, a great development has been made in the Lu-Hf isotopic system with the advent of MC-ICP-MS. Based on a comprehensive review of available references in the related field, a novel analytical protocol of three exchange chromatographies after one mixed acid attacking geological samples was developed in this work, which not only avoids common multiple sample treatments for natural inhomegeneous samples, but also is useful for Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic system simultaneously, especially for the garnet- and apatite-bearing rocks for the Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf geochronology. An analytical procedure for the Lu and Hf concentration in geological samples determined by by ID-MC-ICP-MS was detailedly investigated. The Hf yield is > 90 % and total procedural blank is less than. 50 pg for Hf and 10 pg for Lu, respectively. The developed method was successfully applied to the determination of Lu and Hf concentrations for USGS geological materials. A one-column procedure for Hf purification in geological samples using common anion exchange chromatography and its isotopic analyses by MC-ICP-MS were also established. Multiple analyses of Standard Reference Materials demonstrate that this method was simple, time-saving, cheap and efficient, especially suitable for the Hf isotopic compositions of young samples. Finally, the measurements of Sr and Nd isotopic compositions using Neptune MC-ICP-MS were described briefly, which indicates that Neptune MC-ICP-MS can precisely measure Sr and Nd isotopic compositions as the TIMS does, even more efficient and less time-consuming than the TIMS method. The Hf isotopic characteristics of typical volcanic rocks (Cenozoic Changle-Linqu basalts, Mesozoic Fangcheng basalts, Mesozoic Jianguo basalts, Mesozoic Wulahada high-Mg andesite, Cenozoic Fanshi, Zuoquan and Xiyang-Pingding basalts of the Taihang Mountains, Paleozoic diamondiferous Menyin and Fuxian Kimblites) from the North China Craton were firstly studied in this work. Coupled with Nd isotopic compositions, it shows that the Hf isotopes could be a better tracer for mantle sources than the Nd isotopes. Individual kimberlite fields from both the Mengyin and Fuxian regions have quite uniform Hf isotopic compositions, similar to the situation for the Nd isotopes.


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Western Qinling, a conjunction region of the North China Craton, the Yangtze Craton and the Tibetan Plateau, has very complicated history of geologic and tectonic evolution. Previous studies mainly focus on tectonics and petrology of volcanic rocks in the western Qinling. Therefore, little is known about the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling. Mafic, ultramafic and/or alkaline volcanic rocks and their entrained mantle peridotitic xenoliths and xenocrysts are known as samples directly from the lithospheric mantle. Their petrological and geochemical characteristics can reflect the nature and deep processes of the lithospheric mantle. Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the western Qinling contain abundant mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts, which provide us an opportunity to probe the lithospheric mantle beneath this region and a new dimension to insight into geologic evolution. Cenozoic volcanic rocks (7-23 Ma) from the western Qinling are sparsely distributed in the Lixian-Dangchang-Xihe Counties, Gansu Province, China. Volcanic rocks contain plenty of mantle-derived xenoliths, including spinel lherzolites with subordinate wehrlite, dunite, olivine websterite, clinopyroxenite and garnet lherzolite, and few olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel xenocrysts. These peridotitic xenoliths show clear deformed textures and their major minerals show excellent orientation. Thus, these peridotites are typical deformed peridotites. Olivine xenocrysts have clearly-zoned textures. The peridotitic xenoliths can be divided into two groups based on their compositions, namely, the H-type and L-type. The H-type peridotites are characterized by high Fo (>90) in olivines in which fine-grained ones have higher Fo than the coarse grains, low CaO (<20 %) in clinopyroxenes, high Cr# (>40) in spinels and high equilibration temperatures. They may represent the refractory lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the L-type peridotites contain low Fo (<90) olivines (with lower Fo in fine-grained olivines), high CaO (>20 %) clinopyroxenes, low Cr# (<20) spinels and low equilibration temperatures. They experienced low degree of partial melting. The Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling was refractory in major element compositions based on the mineral compositions of xenoliths and xenocrysts and experienced complicated deep processes. The lithospheric mantle was modified by shear deformation due to the diapirism of asthenosphere and strong tectonic movements including the collision between North China Craton and Yangze Craton and the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, and then underwent metasomatism with a hydrous, Na, Ti and Cr enriched melt.


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The most widespread rock associations in the Western Block of North China Craton are khondalites distributed mainly in Jining, Liangcheng and Datong. A large quantitiy of garnet-bearing granites are contained in the khondalites. A great deal of research has been carried out on them by previous researchers. Studies of these garnet-bearing granites consist essentially of structural characteristics, petrography and geochemistry, and finally geochronological determinations. Summing up these researches, it will not be difficult to see that all of these authors have regarded these large numbers of garnets (up to 20%) contained in granites as crystallized products from magmas, but they have not proved this from petrological perspective. Theoretically, there are possibly three kinds of petrogenesis as to these garnets. The first one is that they have been transferred to the granites from khondalites by melt when anatexis happened to khondalites, and they, in essence, are residual metamorphic garnets; The second one is that when the khondalites were being melted, these garnets were produced from biotite dehydration melting, and the newly formed garnets intruded together with the melt and eventually molded the garnet-bearing granites. Garnets of this possible kind either showed independent crystals, or garnets from khondalites took place secondary growth under favorable temperature and pressure conditions for their crystallization; The last possibility is that these garnets were crystallized from magmas in which suitable pressure, temperature and composition were available. These garnets, generally, should be fine-grained. The aim of this study is, through examining the mineral chemistry of the garnets and the whole rock chemistry, to ascertain under which kind of mechanism, in the world, did these garnets form? Besides, we try to calculate the temperatures under which khondalites began melting and reactions of the garnets and the cooled melts happened by garnet-biotite thermometry. The whole rock chemistry analyses of the garnet-bearing granites tell us that all the samples are strongly peraluminous (A/CNK greater than 1.1) on the A/NK vs. A/CNK plot. On the SiO2-K2O plot, the granites are mainly constrained to be high-K calc-alkaline and calc-alkaline series, consistent with previous researches. On the ACF((Al2O3-Na2O-K2O)-FeO(T)-CaO) discrimination plot, all the six garnet-bearing granite samples drop into the area of S-type granites. The relationship between CaO/Na2O and SiO2 shows that the overwhelming majority of garnet-bearing granites have a CaO/Na2O value over 0.3, revealing that they probably come from metagreywacke precursors or mediate-felsic orthogeneisses compositionally similar to them. Detailed EPMA analyses conducted on the garnets contained in the garnet-bearing granites show that all the garnets are dominated by almandine and pyrope, which occupy 92-96% (Weight Percentage) of each garnet analyzed, typical of granulite facies. Their chemical composition is entirely different from those crystallized in magmas, but extremely similar to those of typical granulite facies metapelites in khondalites and typical granulites, indicating all the garnets to be metamorphogenic. In addition, REEs distribution patterns of the garnets are totally different from typical biotite granites and peraluminous granites. In other words, both LREE and HREE of our garnets are evidently lower than those from these two kinds of rocks. Moreover, compared to the REE pattern of the garnets from typical amphibolites, LREE content of our garnets is obviously higher and HREE content is a little lower. However, REE patterns of our garnets are completely in harmony with those of garnets from typical granulites. So, the REE patterns of garnets, again, prove that all the garnets we studied are metamorphogenic. Biotites appear in two forms, being as inclusions in the garnet and as selvages immediately adjacent to the garnet, respectively. Two reactions and their corresponding temperatures, with the help of petrography and Garnet-Biotite geothermometers, could be obtained, which are Bt+ Pl+ Qtz→Kfs+ Opx+ Grt+ melt as positive reaction and Kfs+ Grt+ melt→Bt+ Pl+ Qtz as reverse reaction, respectively. Summing up the discussion above, we declare that the garnet-bearing granites distributed in the Western Block of North China Craton are the mixture of melts and restites resulted from biotite dehydration melting. The garnets contained in the restites are the products from biotite dehydration melting and restites from the khondalites, respectively.


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Granulites from Huangtuling in the North Dabie metamorphic core complex in eastern China preserve rare mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for multistage metamorphism related to Paleoproterozoic metamorphic processes, Triassic continental subduction-collision and Cretaceous collapse of the Dabieshan Orogen. Six stages of metamorphism are established, based on detailed mineralogical and petrological studies: (I) amphibolite facies (6.3–7.0 kbar, 520–550 °C); (II) high-pressure/high-temperature granulite facies (12–15.5 kbar, 920–980 °C); (III) cooling and decompression (4.8–6.0 kbar, 630-700 °C); (IV) medium-pressure granulite facies (7.7–9.0 kbar, 690–790 °C); (V) low-pressure/high-temperature granulite facies (4.0–4.7 kbar, 860–920 °C); (VI) retrograde greenschist facies overprint (1–2 kbar, 340–370 °C). The P–T history derived in this study and existing geochronological data indicate that the Huangtuling granulite records two cycles of orogenic crustal thickening events. The earlier three stages of metamorphism define a clockwise P–T path, implying crustal thickening and thinning events, possibly related to the assembly and breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent ca. 2000 Ma. Stage IV metamorphism indicates another crustal thickening event, which is attributed to the Triassic subduction/collision between the Yangtze and Sino–Korean Cratons. The dry lower crustal granulite persisted metastable during the Triassic subduction/collision due to lack of hydrous fluid and deformation. Stage V metamorphism records the Cretaceous collapse of the Dabieshan Orogen,possibly due to asthenosphere upwelling or removal of the lithospheric mantle resulting in heating of the granulite and partial melting of the North Dabie metamorphic core complex. Comparison of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabie and the high-pressure (HP)–ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in South Dabie indicates that the subducted upper (South Dabie) and lower (North Dabie) continental crusts underwent contrasting tectonometamorphic evolution during continental subduction–collision and orogenic collapse. High-pressure granulites are generally characterized by the absence of orthopyroxene. However, the Huangtuling felsic granulite rarely preserves the high-pressure granulite facies assemblage of garnet + orthopyroxene + biotite + plagioclase + K-feldspar + quartz. To investigate the effects of bulk rock composition on the stability of orthopyroxene-bearing, high-pressure granulite facies assemblages in the NCKFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) system, we constructed a series of P–T–X pseudosections based on the melt-reintegrated composition of the Huangtuling felsic high-pressure granulite. Our calculations demonstrate that the orthopyroxene-bearing, high-pressure granulite facies assemblages are restricted to low XAl [Al2O3/(Na2O + CaO + K2O + FeO + MgO + Al2O3) < 0.35, mole proportion] or high XMg [MgO/(MgO + FeO) > 0.85] felsic–metapelitic rock types. Our study also reveals that the XAl values in the residual felsic–metapelitic, high-pressure granulites could be significantly reduced by a high proportion of melt loss. We suggest that orthopyroxene-bearing high-pressure granulites occur in residual overthickened crustal basement under continental subduction–collision zones and arc–continent collision belts.


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The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) is one of the strongest deformation area along the Himalayan belt resulted from the collision between Indian plate and the Eurasian Plate since the 50~60Ma, and has sensitivity tracked and preserved the whole collisional processes. It should depend on the detail geological investigations to establish the deformational accommodate mode, and the uplift history, to elucidate the deep structure and the crust-mantle interaction of the Tibet Plateau of the EHS. The deep-seated (Main Mantle Thrusts) structures were exhumed in the EHS. The MMT juxtapose the Gangdese metamorphic basement and some relic of Gangdese mantle on the high Himalayan crystalline series. The Namjagbawa group which is 1200~1500Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon and the Namla group which is 550Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon is belong to High Himalayan crystalline series and Gangdese basement respectively. There is some ophiolitic relic along the MMT, such as metamorphic ocean mantle peridotite and metamorphic tholeiite of the upper part of ocean-crust. The metamorphic ocean mantle peridotites (spinel-orthopyroxene peridotite) show U type REE patterns. The ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios were, 0.709314~0.720788, and the ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.512073~0.512395, plotting in the forth quadrant on the ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr-~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd isotope diagram. Some metamorphic basalt (garnet amphibolite) enclosures have been found in the HP garnet-kynite granulite. The garnet amphibolites can be divided two groups, the first group is deplete of LREE, and the second group is flat or rich LREE, and their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.70563~0.705381 and 0.512468~0.51263 respectively. Trace element and isotopic characteristics of the garnet amphibolites display that they formed in the E-MORB environment. Some phlogolite amphibole harzburgites, which exhibit extensive replacement by Phl, Amp, Tc and Dol etc, were exhumed along the MMT. The Phl-Amp harzburgites are rich in LREE and LILE, such as Rb, K etc, and depletes Eu (Eu~* = 0.36 ~ 0.68) and HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P, Ti etc. The trace element indicate that the Phl-Amp harzburgites have island arc signature. Their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are varied from 0.708912 to 0.879839, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.511993 to 0.512164, ε Nd from- 9.2 to - 12.6. Rb/Sr isochrone age of the phlogolite amphibole harzburgite shows the metasomatism took place at 41Ma, and the Amp ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar cooling age indcate the Phl-Amp harzburgite raising at 16Ma. There is an intense crust shortening resulted from the thrust faults and folds in the Cayu block which is shortened more 120km than that of the Lasha block in 35~90Ma. With the NE corner of the India plate squash into the Gangdese arc, the sinistral Pai shear fault and the dextral Aniqiao shear fault on the both sides of the Great bent of Yalun Zangbu river come into active in 21~26Ma. On the other hand, the right-lateral Gongrigabu strike-slip faults come into activity at the same period, a lower age bound for the Gongrigabu strike-slip fault is estimated to be 23~24Ma from zircon of ion-probe U/Pb thermochronology. The Gongrigabu strike-slip faults connect with the Lhari strike-slip fault in the northwestern direction and with the Saganing strike-slip at the southeastern direction. Another important structure in the EHS is the Gangdese detachment fault system (GDS) which occurs between the sedimental cover and the metamorphic basement. The lower age of the GDS is to be 16Ma from the preliminary 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of white mica. The GDS is thought to be related to the reverse of the subducted Indian crust and the fast uplift of the EHS. Structural and thermochronology investigation of the EHS suggest that the eastern Tibet and the western Yunnan rotated clockwise around the EHS in the period of 35~60Ma. Later, the large-scale strike-slip faults (RRD, Gaoligong and Saganing fault) prolongate into the EHS, and connect with the Guyu fault and Gongrigabu fault, which suggest that the Indianchia block escape along these faults. Two kind of magmatic rocks in the EHS have been investigated, one is the mantle-derived amphibole gabbro, dioposide diorite and amphibole diorite, another is crust origin biotit-garnet adamellite, biotit-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite. The amphibole gabbro dioposite diorite and amphibole diorite are rich in LREE, and LILE, such as Ba, Rb, Th, K, Sr etc, depleted in HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti etc. The ratio of ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are from 0.7044 to 0.7048, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd are from 0.5126 to 0.5127. The age of the mantle origin magamatic rocks, which result from the partial melt of the raising and decompression anthenosphere, is 8Ma by ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of amphibole from the diorite. The later crust origin biotite-garnet adamellite, biotite-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite are characterized by aboudance in LREE, and strong depletion of Eu. The ratios of ~(87)Sr-~(86)Sr are from 0.795035 to 0.812028, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.51187 to 0.511901. The ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age of the amphibole from the garnet-amphibole-biotite granite is 17.5±0.3Ma, and the isochrone age is 16.8±0.6Ma. Their geochemical characteristics show that the crust-derived magmatic rocks formed from partial melting of the lower curst in the post-collisional environment. A group of high-pressure kaynite-garnet granulites and enclave of high-pressure garnet-clinopyroxene grnulites and calc-silicate grnulites are outcroped along the MMT. The peak metamorphic condition of the high-pressure granulites yields T=800~960 ℃, P=1.4~1.8Gpa, corresponding the condition of 60km depth. The retrograde assemblages of the high-pressure grnulites occur at the condition of T=772.3~803.3 ℃, P=0.63~0.64Gpa. The age of the peak metamorphic assemblages are 45 ~ 69Ma indicated by the zircon U/Pb ion-plobe thermochronology, and the retrograde assemblage ages are 13~26Ma by U/Pb, ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronology. The ITD paths of the high-pressure granulites show that they were generated during the tectonic thickening and more rapid tectonic exhumation caused by the subducting of the Indian plate and subsequent break-off of the subducted slab. A great deal of apatite, zircon and sphene fission-track ages, isotopic thermochronology of the rocks in the EHS show that its rapid raising processes of the EHS can be divided into three main periods. There are 35~60Ma, 13~25Ma, 0~3Ma. 3Ma is a turn in the course of raising in the EHS which is characterized by abruptly acceleration of uplifting. The uplift ratios are lower than 1mm .a~(-1) before 3Ma, and higher than 1mm .a~(-1) with a maximum ratio of 30mm .a~(-1) since 3Ma. The bottom (knick point) of the partial anneal belt is 3.8km above sea level in the EHS, and correspond to age of 3Ma determined by fission-track age of apatite. The average uplift ratio is about 1.4 mm .a~(-1) below the knick point. The EHS has raised 4.3km from the surface of 2.36km above sea level since 3Ma estimated by the fossil partial anneal belt of the EHS. We propose a two-stage subduction model (B+A model) basing on Structural, thermochronological, magmatical, metamorphic and geophysical investigations of the EHS. The first stage is the subduction of the Indian continental margin following after the subduction of the Tethys Ocean crust and subsequent collision with the Gangdese arc, and the second stage is the Indian crust injecting into the lower crust and upper mantle of the Tibet plateau. Slab break-off seems to be occurred between these two stages.


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The dissertation focuses on the petrology, geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in east Tibet and southeast Yunnan. It lucubrates the Magmatic process, forming mechanism and the possible tectonic settings of the volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks of Nangqen basin in east Tibet, Qinghai province are mainly Cenozoic intermediate-acid shoshonites. The rocks are LREE enriched and the LREE/HREE = 3~34; (La/Yb)_N = 18.17-53.59, and ΣREE 222~1260μg/g. There are no Eu anomaly, and Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti are markedly depleted. The isotopic composition is ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70497~0.70614, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.622~18.974, ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 38.431~38.996, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.511~15.613, respectively. K-Ar age of the whole rocks and the single mineral are between 32.0-36.5Ma. Based on the trace elements and isotopic elements, we get the conclusion that the partial melting is one of the dominated forming mechanisms for the volcanic rocks in Naneqen basin. The magma did not experience the crustal contamination en route to the surface; however, the complex mixture took place in the upper mantle before the melt was formed. There are at least two kinds of mixed sources that can be identified. The basalt in southeast Yunnan province is studied. They are distributed in Maguan, Tongguan, and Pingbian County, which is located on the both sides of the Red River belt, and the ultrabasic xenolith are cursory introduced. The volcanic rocks belongs to the alkali series, which can be subdivided into trachybasalt and basanite(Ol normal molecule >5). The volcanic rocks are characteristics by high Ti and low Mg#. According to the magma calculation model, the original rocks of the basalt in southeast Yunnan province are Spinel Lherzolite in Tongguan, Garnet Lherzolite in Pingbian and Maguan, while Togguan undergoes 2-5 percent and percent of partial melting, whereas volcanism in Maguan and Pingbian was so complex to calculate. The fractional crystallization took place during the magma evoltion in southeast Yunnan. The basalt is enriched in LREE with LREE/HREE=9.23-20.19. All of the trace elements display weak Nb, Ta peak, and the depletion of Zr, Hf and Ti in Maguan and pingbian represent the presence of Garnet in the source. The composition of the isotope ratio are ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70333-0.70427, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd = 0.512769-0.512940, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.104-18.424, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.483 -15.527; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 37.938-38.560, respectively, which shows the characteristics of the HIMU type OIB. The volcanic rocks of the southwest Yunnan are derived from the enriched, OIB type mantle sources by synthesizing all the data from trace and isotope elements. It is similar to that of the volcanic rocks in Hawaii, a typical kind of the mixtures of the recycled oceanic crust plume and depleted asthenosphere. To sum up, the volcanic rocks in southeast Yunnan are formed by the intraplate hotpot volcanism.


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The mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Panxi, China contain large V-Ti-magnetite deposits. These layered intrusions are related with the Emeishan continental flood basalts in space and time. Two layered intrusions, Hongge and Xinjie have clear PGE mineralization at the base of the intrusions. Thus the detailed investigations of these two intrusions not only have a geological but also have an economic significance. This thesis aims to characterize the elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic features of diverse rock zones within the intrusion on the basis of systematic studies of the major, trace element and isotope ratios, therefore to constrain the petrogenesis, mantle source and evolution of the Hongge and Xinjie intrusions. Generally, both Hongge and Xinjie intrusions show the same Fe-Ti-rich and Si-M-poor characteristics. They are also enriched in rare-earth elements (REE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) as well as in Sr-Nd isotope ratios (Hongge: initial Sr = 0.7056-0.7076, ε_(Nd)(t) and (Nd/Sm)_N-ε_(Nd)(t) plots, the Hongge intrusion has a similar elemental and isotopic features to the Emeishan low-Ti (LT) basalts, whereas the Xinjie intrusion was close to the Emeishan high-Ti (HT) basalt. Therefore, the Hongge intrusion may be co-genetic with the LT basalt, formed by the partial melting of the spinel-garnet transition mantle that had a slight enriched isotope character. In contrast, the Xinjie intrusion and the HT basalts are probably derived from the garnet-phases mantle with a primitive isotope character. The involvement of the components of mantle wedge into the source is considered to be the major reason of the REE and LILE enrichment and Nd isotope depletion in the Xinjie intrusion. In contrast with the systematic variations in TiO_2 content, Mg#, transition elements (Ni, Cu, Co), REE concentrations, and La/Yb, La/Sm ratios from the lower zone to upper zone, the different rock zones of the Hongge intrusion have no clear Sr-Nd isotope variations. This suggests that the Hongge intrusions were formed by the crystal fractionation from the same magma source. The rhythm may be formed by slow injection of the co-genetic magma during the crystal fractionation. The increase in K_2O and Al_2O_3 contents, REE abundance, and the degree of the REE fractionation in the base of the intrusion, together with the relatively low ε_(Nd)(t) value, may imply that the base of the Hongge intrusion was contaminated with the local crust rocks. Xinjie intrusion shows the clearly elemental and isotopic differences in diverse cumulus cycles. The observation of the systematic variations in TiO_2 content, Mg# value, transition elements (Ni, Cu, Co), REE concentrations, and La/Yb, La/Sm ratios in first cycle was not occurred in second cumulus cycle. In addition, the ε_(Nd)(t) value in second cumulus cycle is apparently higher than that of the first one. Thus the abruptly elemental and isotopic changes at the base of second cycle demonstrate that there is considerable new and depleted magma addition to the residue magma after the crystallization of the first cycle. These features are very similar to those of the well-known PGE-rich Bushveld and Stillwater layered intrusions. The PGE mineralization in Xinjie intrusion is much better than in Hongge intrusion. Therefore, the layered intrusion similar to the Xinjie in Panxi area posses the better prospects for the PGE deposits.


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Kunyushan composite granite pluton is located in northeast part of the Sulu UHP collisional belt, Jiaodong peninsula, eastern China. It is regarded as the boundary of the Jiaodong block and the Sulu UHP collisional belt. The body is unique in the Dabieshan-Sulu UHP collisional orogen for its feature of multiple intrusions of diverse types granitoid rocks in a long span after UHP the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates in late Triassic. It can be grouped into four series on the basis of petrology and petrochemistry. They are mid-K calc-alkaline granitoids, strongly peraluminous granites, high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and syenitic granite of shoshonitic series. In this thesis, the later three types of rocks are investigated geochronologically in detail. The grain zircon U-Pb isotope dilution dating technique has been employed in this study. Zircon morphology are presented and discussion on the chemical and physical conditions of the granite formation have been carried out in addtion. Strongly peraluminous granites comprises foliated monzogranite and garnet bearing leucogranite. They occupy more than half of the area of the Kunyushan composite body. Three zircon samples of foliated monzogranites have been analyzed, they yield lower intercept ages mainly in the range of 140-150 Ma. The formation of these rocks was likely to be at 700-600 ℃, implied by zircon morphology. Two zircon samples of the garnet bearing leucogranite yield lower intercept ages from 130 Ma to 140 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of the magma was about 750 °C. Syenitic granite of shoshonitic series occur in the north central part of the body, and the volume is quite small contrast to other types. One zircon sample was chosen from this rock, and yield lower intercept age of 121+1.8/-2.1 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of this rock is up to 900 °C, which is much higher than others'. High-K calc-alkaline granitoids can be divided into two types on the basis of rock texture and structure. One is Kf-porphyritic monzogranite. It's outcrop is quite small. Zircon ages of one sample constrain the emplacement of this rock at about 112 Ma. The other is medium-grain to coarse-grain monzogranite. Zircons from it yield lower intercept age of 100.5+2.9/-4.6 Ma. The variation of zircon morphology suggest that these two monzogranites were outcomes of a single magma at different stage. The former emplaced earlier than the latter. The liquidus temperature of the magma was about 800 ℃ Inherited zircon is ubiquitous in the Kunyushan composite body. Most of the samples yield upper intercept ages of late Proterozoic. It was considered that only the Yangtze plate underwent a crustal growth during late Proterozoic among the two plates which involved into the UHP collision. Inherited zircon of about 200 Ma can also be observed in strongly peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Two samples out of eight yield upper intercept ages of Achaean.


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The Dabie Mountains is a collisional orogenic belt between the North China and Yantze Continental plates. It is the eastern elongation of the Tongbai and Qingling orogen, and is truncated at its east end by the Tan-Lu fault. Jadeite-quartzite belt occurs in the eastern margin of UHPMB from the Dabie Mountains. Geochemical features indicate that the protoliths of the jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite to be supracrustal rocks. The occurrence of micro-inclusions of coesite in jadeite and garnet confirmed that the continental crust can be subducted to great depth (8 0-100km) and then exhumed rapidly with its UHP mineral signature fairly preserved. Therefore, study of UHP jadeite-quartzite provides important information on subduction of continental crustal rocks and their exhumation histories, as well as the dynamics of plate tectonic processes at convergent margins. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the presence of hydrous component in the jadeite-quartzite belt, significant natural variations in the hydrous component content of UHP minerals and to discuss the role of water in petrology, geochemistry and micro-tectonic. On the basis of our previous studies, some new geological evidences have been found in the jadeite-quartzite belt by researches on petrography, mineralogy, micro-tectonic, hydrous component content of UHP minerals and combined with the study on rheology of materials using microprob, ER, TEM. By research and analysis of these phenomenona, the results obtained are as follows: 1. The existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. Jadeites, omphacite, garnet, rutile, coesite and quartz from the jadeite-quartzite belt have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and TEM. Results show that all of these minerals contain trace amount of water which occur as hydroxyl and free-water in these minerals. The two-type hydrous components in UHP minerals are indicated stable in the mantle-depth. The results demonstrated that these ultra-high pressure metamorphic minerals, which were derived from continental crust protoliths, they could bring water into the mantle depth during the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The clusters of water molecules within garnet are very important evidence of the existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. It indicated that the metamorphic system was not "dry"during the ultra-high pressure stage. 2.The distribution of hydrous component in UHP minerals of jadeite-quartzite. The systematic distribution of hydrous components in UHP minerals are a strong indication that water in these minerals, are controlled by some factors and that the observed variations are not of a random nature. The distribution and concentration of hydrous component is not only correlated with composition of minerals, but also a function of geological environment. Therefore, the hydrous component in the minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transported water molecules with decreasing pressure during their exhumation. And these water molecules can not only promote the deformation of jadeite through hydrolytic weakening, but also may be the part of the retrograde metamorphic fluid. 3.The role of water in the deformed UHP minerals. The jadeite, omphacite, garnet are strong elongated deformation in the jadeite-quartzite from the Dabie Mountains. They are (1) they are developed strong plastic deformation; (2) developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall; (3) the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet; and (4) the evolution of micero-tectonic from clusters of water molecular-dislocation loop in omphacite. That indicated that the water weakening controlled the mechanism of deformed minerals. Because the data presented here are not only the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet, but also developed strong elongation, high density of dislocation and high aspect ratios, adding microprobe data demonstrate the studied garnet crystals no compositional zoning. Therefore, this indicates that the diffusion process of the grain boundary mobility did not take place in these garnets. On the basis of above features, we consider that it can only be explained by plastic deformation of the garnets. The clusters of water molecules present in garnet was directly associated with mechanical weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of garnet by glissile dislocations. Investigate of LPO, strain analysis, TEM indicated that these clinopyroxenes developed strong elongation, high aspect ratios, and developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall and free dislocations. These indicated that the deformation mechanism of the clinopyroxenes plastically from the Dabie Mountains is dominant dislocation creep under the condition of the UHP metamorphic conditions. There are some bubbles with dislocation loops attached to them in the omphacite crystal. The bubbles attached to the dislocation loops sometimes form a string of bubble beads and some loops are often connected to one another via a common bubble. The water present in omphacite was directly associated with hydrolitic weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of omphacite by dislocations. The role of water in brittle deformation. Using microscopy, deformation has been identified as plastic deformation and brittle deformation in UHP minerals from the Dabie Mountains. The study of micro-tectonic on these minerals shows that the brittle deformation within UHP minerals was related to local stresses. The brittle deformation is interpreted as being caused by an interaction of high fluid pressure, volume changes. The hydroxyl within UHP minerals transported water molecules with decreasing pressure due to their exhumation. However, under eclogite facies conditions, the litho-static pressure is extreme, but a high fluid pressure will reduce the effective stress and make brittle deformation possible. The role of water in prograde metamorphism. Geochemical research on jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite show that the protoliths of these rocks are supracrustal rocks. With increasing of temperature and pressure, the chlorite, biotite, muscovite was dehydrous reaction and released hydrous component during the subduction of continental lithosphere. The supracrustal rocks were transformed UHP rocks and formed UHP facies assemblage promotely by water introduction, and was retained in UHP minerals as hydrous component. The water within UHP minerals may be one of the retrograde metamorphic fluids. Petrological research on UHP rocks of jadeite-quartzite belt shows that there was existence of local fluids during early retrograde metamorphism. That are: (1) coronal textures and symplectite around relict UHP minerls crystals formed from UHP minerls by hydration reactions; (2) coronal textures of albite around ruitle; and (3) micro-fractures in jadeite or garnet were filled symplectite of Amp + PI + Mt. That indicated that the reactions of early retrograde metamorphism dependent on fluid introduction. These fluids not only promoted retrograde reaction of UHP minerals, but also were facilitate to diffuse intergranular and promote growth in minerals. Therefore, the hydrous component in the UHP minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transport water molecules with decreasing pressure and may take part in the retrograde metamorphic fluid during their exhumation. 7. The role of water in geochemistry of UHP jadeite-quartzite. Geochemical research show that there are major, trace and rare earth element geochemical variations in the jadeite-quartzite from the Changpu district of Dabie Mountains, during retrograde metamorphic processes from the jadeite-quartzite--gneiss. The elements such as SiO_2、FeO、Ba、Zr、Ga、La、Ce、PTN Nd% Sm and Eu increase gradually from the jadeite-quartzite to retrograded jadeite-quartzite and to gneiss, whilst TiO_2. Na_2CK Fe2O_3、Rb、Y、Nb、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb decrease gradually. And its fO_2 keep nearly unchanged during early retrograde metamorphism, but decreased obviously during later retrograde metamorphism. These indicate that such changes are not only controlled by element transformation between mineralogical phases, but also closely relative to fluid-rock interaction in the decompression retrograde metamorphic processes.