918 resultados para field experiment
采用田间试验研究了留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖、免耕补充灌溉和传统保墒耕作 3种方法对旱地土壤水分及小麦产量的影响。结果表明 ,留茬少耕秸秆覆盖增加了夏闲期农田的蓄水量 ,为旱地小麦播种出苗提供了水分保证。小麦收获时的土壤水分含量 ,0~ 60 cm的土壤有效蓄水量传统保墒方法为 6.4mm,免耕补充灌水的为 6.7mm,留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖方法为 1 5 .3 mm,留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖方法的蓄水量多 ;60~ 1 0 0 cm的土壤有效蓄水量传统保墒方法为 3 0 .9mm,免耕补充灌水为 2 0 .3 mm,留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖方法为 3 3 .5 mm,也是留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖方法的蓄水量多。留茬少耕秸秆全程覆盖比传统耕作保墒技术增产 6.7%~ 5 4.8%。留茬少耕秸秆覆盖技术 ,提高了小麦播种时的底墒、灌浆时的土壤水含量 ,是一种有效的蓄水保墒、提高旱地小麦产量的方法
通过田间定位试验研究了渭北旱塬秸秆覆盖、地膜覆盖、秸秆加地膜覆盖及传统耕作保墒方式的土壤水分含量及动态变化 ,结果表明秸秆覆盖方法的保墒效果最好 ,2 m土层的有效水达 2 74.3 mm,比对照增加 3 3 .3 mm,降雨可下渗到 1 .6m。9月 1 5日分析 ,秸秆覆盖的表层土壤含水 2 9.9% ,地膜覆盖的 1 8.6% ,对照只有 1 3 .8%。
在田间完全旱作条件下采用3个密度和2种播种方式观察了3种多年生豆科牧草生长第2年对土壤水分的消耗利用情况。结果表明:苜蓿主要耗水深度在2~3 m,最深可达5 m,其中、高密度处理3 m以上土壤水分含量都在稳定田间持水量之下,已经开始形成土壤下伏干层;沙打旺耗水深度在0~2 m,最低含水量(11.61%)处于80~100 cm,在雨季可以恢复到稳定田间持水量之上;达乌里胡枝子主要耗水深度在1 m以上,最低含水量也在稳定田间持水量之上。单播沙打旺、苜蓿和达乌里胡枝子全生长期内对土壤水分的消耗分别为249.9、180.2和136.6 mm,水分利用效率分别是29.39、26.04和8.91 kg.mm-1.hm-2。混播、加大播种密度都会增加3种牧草土壤水分消耗,降低土壤储水量,提高干草产量和水分利用效率,但影响程度因牧草种类、播种方式以及不同的生长时段而异。
根据旱地作物长期田间试验数据 ,论述了旱作农业生产中作物产量波动性是一个规律性现象 ,并用波动系数加以表述。研究结果表明旱作高产田与低产田相比 ,存在相似的产量波动性 ,区别是它在较高产量水平上波动。高产田作物耗水量较高 ,从而导致土壤相对干燥化。土壤干燥化是高产田产量产生波动性的直接原因 ;而低产田则因作物吸水能力低 ,土壤储水不能充分利用所致
大田试验研究结果表明 :增施N、P均能增加作物的产量和减少水土流失 ;当N、P用量分别达到 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 90kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,泥沙有机质和全氮流失最少 ,流失量分别为 2 0 89和 1 75kg/km2 ;当N、P用量分别为 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 4 5kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,土壤矿质氮流失最小 ,其流失量仅为 2 7.9kg/km2 ;作物对土壤氮素的吸收 ,可减少土壤氮素的流失 .
1997~ 1999年在宁南半干旱偏旱区国家宁南 (海原 )旱农试区设置了旱地糜子与春小麦降水生产潜力及其适度开发试验 ,采用肥力梯度法研究有限降水条件下旱地糜子与春小麦的最大产量与适宜开发度。研究结果表明 ,宁南半干旱偏旱区旱地糜子 3年 (3种降水年型 )平均降水生产潜力为 176 0 .5 kg/ hm2 ,水分利用效率 WU E为0 .6 47kg/ m3 ,潜力适宜开发度为 90 % ,适宜施肥量为氮 90 kg/ hm2、磷 45 kg/ hm2 ;宁南旱地春小麦 3年 (1998~1999年 ,有冬灌 )平均水分生产潜力和 WU E分别为 2 5 5 4.0 kg/ hm2 和 0 .90 3kg/ m3 ,1997年纯旱地降水生产潜力和 WUE分别为 115 8.0 kg/ hm2 和 0 .6 90 kg/ m3 ,潜力适宜开发度为 85 % ,适宜施肥量为氮 6 0 kg/ hm2 、磷 30 kg/hm2 。
在黄土高原南部半湿润易旱区土垫旱耕人为土上进行大田试验,研究氮肥、品种和栽培模式对冬小麦叶面积指数(LAI)和透光率(DIFN)及产量的影响。结果表明,小麦生长过程中LAI先增大后减小,在开花期最大,成熟期最小,施氮能够显著增加LAI;DIFN的变化规律与LAI相反。不同品种间LAI和DIFN差异显著。全程覆膜和覆膜150 d的LAI极显著大于常规栽培、集雨面栽培和三密一稀栽培模式,DIFN与此相反;施氮后籽粒产量极显著增加。在不同栽培模式下,以全程覆膜、覆膜150 d和集雨面栽培模式的产量较高,但从维持土壤质量角度考虑,则覆膜150 d和集雨面2种栽培模式优于其它几种栽培模式;从冠层结构特征分析,这2种栽培模式更有利于增加群体光合能力。
采用连续浸提形态分级方法,研究了连续施用锰肥17 a后锰的土壤化学特性变化。结果表明:经过长期连续施用锰肥,土壤全锰和DTPA-Mn含量增加不多。土壤DTPA-Mn含量随试验时间的延长呈增加趋势,施锰土壤有效锰提高不多,土壤DTPA-Mn含量只增加了0.4~1.7 mg kg-1。土壤中的锰主要以矿物态存在,占土壤全锰含量的比例为87.3%~91.8%。碳酸盐态、氧化锰态和紧结有机态锰占全锰的比例相当,土壤中各形态锰按含量大致呈矿物态>碳酸盐态>氧化锰态>紧结有机态>松结有机态>交换态的顺序。施入土壤的锰肥有91.1%~98.6%进入碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态、紧结有机态和矿物态,只有很少一部分仍留在有效态锰库中。交换态和松结有机态锰对土壤锰的有效性起着主要作用,可以反映土壤锰的供给状况,碳酸盐态和紧结有机态锰不能反映土壤锰的有效性。
Effects of stocking density on seston dynamics and filtering and biodeposition by the suspension-cultured Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston in a eutrophic bay (Sishili Bay, northern China), were determined in a 3-month semi-field experiment with continuous flow-through seawater from the bay. Results showed that the presence of the scallops could strongly decrease seston and chlorophyll a concentrations in the water column. Moreover, in a limited water column, increasing scallop density could cause seston depletion due to scallop's filtering and biodeposition process, and impair scallop growth. Both filtration rate and biodeposition rate of C. farreri showed significant negative correlation with their density and positive relationship with seston concentration. Calculation predicts that the daily removal of suspended matter from water column by the scallops in Sishili Bay ecosystem can be as high as 45% of the total suspended matter; and the daily production of biodeposits by the scallops in early summer in farming zone may amount to 7.78 g m(-2), with daily C, N and P biodeposition rates of 3.06 x 10(-1), 3.86 x 10(-2) and 9.80 x 10(-3) g m(-2), respectively. The filtering and biodeposition by suspension-cultured scallops could substantially enhance the deposition of total suspended particulate material, suppress accumulation of particulate organic matter in water column, and increase the flux of C, N and P to benthos, strongly enhancing pelagic-benthic coupling. It was suggested that the filtering-biodeposition process by intensively suspension-cultured bivalve filter-feeders could exert strong top-down control on phytoplankton biomass and other suspended particulate material in coastal ecosystems. This study also indicated that commercially suspension-cultured bivalves may simultaneously and potentially aid in mitigating eutrophication pressures on coastal ecosystems subject to anthropogenic N and P loadings, serving as a eutrophic-environment bioremediator. The ecological services (e.g. filtering capacity, top-down control, and benthic-pelagic coupling) functioned by extractive bivalve aquaculture should be emphasized in coastal ecosystems. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Grazing animal excrement plays an important role in nutrient cycling and redistribution in grazing ecosystems, due to grazing in large areas and return in small areas. To elucidate the changes to the soil and pasture caused by sheep urine, fresh dung, and compost patches, a short- term field experiment using artificially placed pats was set up in the autumn of 2003 in the Inner Mongolian steppe. Urine application significantly increased soil pH during the first 32 days in soil layers at depths of both 0 - 5 cm and 5 - 15 cm. Rapid hydrolysis of urea gave large amounts of urine- nitrogen ( N) as ammonium ( NH4+) in soil extracts and was followed by apparent nitrification from day 2. Higher inorganic N content in the urine- treated soil was found throughout the experiment compared with the control. No significant effects of sheep excrement on soil microbial carbon ( C) and soil microbial N was found, but microbial activities significantly increased compared with the control after application of sheep excrement. Forty- six percent of dung- N and 27% of compost- N were transferred into vegetation after the experiment. The results from this study suggest that large amounts of nutrients have been lost from the returned excrement patches in the degraded grassland of Inner Mongolia, especially from sheep urine- N.
In the alpine region of the Tibetan Plateau, five perennial grass cultivars, Bromus inermis (B), Elymus nutans (E), Clinelymus nutans (C), Agropyron cristatum (A), and Poa crymophila (P) were combined into nine communities with different compositions and ratios, B+C, E+A, B+E+A, E+B+C,C+E+A,B+E+C+A,B+C+A+P,B+E+A+P and E+C+A+P. Each combination was sown in six 10 X 10 m plots with three hand-weeded plots and three natural-growing plots in a completely randomised design in 1998. A field experiment studied the performance of these perennial grass combinations under the competitive interference of annual weeds in 3 consecutive years from 1998 to 2000. The results showed that annual weeds occupied more space and suppressed the growth of the grasses due to earlier germination and quicker growth in the establishment year, but this pattern changed in the second and third years. Leaf area indexes (LAIs) of grasses were greatly decreased by the competitive interference of weeds, and the negative effect of weeds on LAIs of grasses declined and stabilised in the second and third years. E+B+C, B+E+C+A, and B+E+A+P possessed relatively higher LAIs (P < 0.05) among all grass combinations and their LAIs were close to five when the competitive interference of weeds was removed. Grasses were competitively inferior to weeds in the establishment year, although their competitive ability (aggressivities) increased throughout the growing season. In the second and third years, grasses were competitively superior to weeds, and their competitive ability decreased from May until August and increased in September. Dry matter (DM) yields of grasses were reduced by 29.8-74.1% in the establishment year, 11.0-64.9% in the second year, and 16.0-55.8% in the third year by the competitive interference of weeds. B+E+C+A and B+E+A+P can produce around 14 t/ha of DM yields, significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the production of the other grass combinations in the second and third years after the competitive interference of weeds was removed. It was preliminarily concluded that removal of competitive interference of weeds increased the LAIs of all grass swards and improved the light interception of grasses, thus promoting the production of perennial grass pastures. The germination stage of the grasses in the establishment year was the critical period for weeding and suppression of weeds should occur at an early stage of plant growth. The grass combinations of B+E+C+A and B+E+A+P were productive and can be extensively established in the alpine regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Two or three growing seasons will be needed before determining success of establishment of grass mixtures under the alpine conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.
Gemstone Team Carbon Sinks
Nistor, N., Dascalu, M., Stavarache, L.L., Serafin, Y., & Trausan-Matu, S. (2015). Informal Learning in Online Knowledge Communities: Predicting Community Response to Visitor Inquiries. In G. Conole, T. Klobucar, C. Rensing, J. Konert & É. Lavoué (Eds.), 10th European Conf. on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 447–452). Toledo, Spain: Springer.
The ACC is a climatically relevant frontal structure of global importance that regularly develops instabilities which grow into meanders that eventually evolve into long-lived cyclonic eddies. These eddies exhibit sustain primary productivity that can last several months fuelled by local resupply of nutrients. During April-May 2015 we conducted an intensive field experiment in the Southern Ocean (SMILES) where we sampled and tracked an ACC meander as it developed into an eddy and later vanished some 90 days later. The meander and later eddy physical characteristics were observed with a combination of high resolution hydrography, ADCP and turbulence observations in addition to surface and depth resolved biogeochemical observations of nutrients and phytoplankton. The life and death of the eddy was subsequently tracked through ARGO, BIO-ARGO and remote sensing.