966 resultados para energy poverty dynamics
Wind energy has obtained outstanding expectations due to risks of global warming and nuclear energy production plant accidents. Nowadays, wind farms are often constructed in areas of complex terrain. A potential wind farm location must have the site thoroughly surveyed and the wind climatology analyzed before installing any hardware. Therefore, modeling of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) flows over complex terrains containing, e.g. hills, forest, and lakes is of great interest in wind energy applications, as it can help in locating and optimizing the wind farms. Numerical modeling of wind flows using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a popular technique during the last few decades. Due to the inherent flow variability and large-scale unsteadiness typical in ABL flows in general and especially over complex terrains, the flow can be difficult to be predicted accurately enough by using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). Large- Eddy Simulation (LES) resolves the largest and thus most important turbulent eddies and models only the small-scale motions which are more universal than the large eddies and thus easier to model. Therefore, LES is expected to be more suitable for this kind of simulations although it is computationally more expensive than the RANS approach. With the fast development of computers and open-source CFD software during the recent years, the application of LES toward atmospheric flow is becoming increasingly common nowadays. The aim of the work is to simulate atmospheric flows over realistic and complex terrains by means of LES. Evaluation of potential in-land wind park locations will be the main application for these simulations. Development of the LES methodology to simulate the atmospheric flows over realistic terrains is reported in the thesis. The work also aims at validating the LES methodology at a real scale. In the thesis, LES are carried out for flow problems ranging from basic channel flows to real atmospheric flows over one of the most recent real-life complex terrain problems, the Bolund hill. All the simulations reported in the thesis are carried out using a new OpenFOAM® -based LES solver. The solver uses the 4th order time-accurate Runge-Kutta scheme and a fractional step method. Moreover, development of the LES methodology includes special attention to two boundary conditions: the upstream (inflow) and wall boundary conditions. The upstream boundary condition is generated by using the so-called recycling technique, in which the instantaneous flow properties are sampled on aplane downstream of the inlet and mapped back to the inlet at each time step. This technique develops the upstream boundary-layer flow together with the inflow turbulence without using any precursor simulation and thus within a single computational domain. The roughness of the terrain surface is modeled by implementing a new wall function into OpenFOAM® during the thesis work. Both, the recycling method and the newly implemented wall function, are validated for the channel flows at relatively high Reynolds number before applying them to the atmospheric flow applications. After validating the LES model over simple flows, the simulations are carried out for atmospheric boundary-layer flows over two types of hills: first, two-dimensional wind-tunnel hill profiles and second, the Bolund hill located in Roskilde Fjord, Denmark. For the twodimensional wind-tunnel hills, the study focuses on the overall flow behavior as a function of the hill slope. Moreover, the simulations are repeated using another wall function suitable for smooth surfaces, which already existed in OpenFOAM® , in order to study the sensitivity of the flow to the surface roughness in ABL flows. The simulated results obtained using the two wall functions are compared against the wind-tunnel measurements. It is shown that LES using the implemented wall function produces overall satisfactory results on the turbulent flow over the two-dimensional hills. The prediction of the flow separation and reattachment-length for the steeper hill is closer to the measurements than the other numerical studies reported in the past for the same hill geometry. The field measurement campaign performed over the Bolund hill provides the most recent field-experiment dataset for the mean flow and the turbulence properties. A number of research groups have simulated the wind flows over the Bolund hill. Due to the challenging features of the hill such as the almost vertical hill slope, it is considered as an ideal experimental test case for validating micro-scale CFD models for wind energy applications. In this work, the simulated results obtained for two wind directions are compared against the field measurements. It is shown that the present LES can reproduce the complex turbulent wind flow structures over a complicated terrain such as the Bolund hill. Especially, the present LES results show the best prediction of the turbulent kinetic energy with an average error of 24.1%, which is a 43% smaller than any other model results reported in the past for the Bolund case. Finally, the validated LES methodology is demonstrated to simulate the wind flow over the existing Muukko wind farm located in South-Eastern Finland. The simulation is carried out only for one wind direction and the results on the instantaneous and time-averaged wind speeds are briefly reported. The demonstration case is followed by discussions on the practical aspects of LES for the wind resource assessment over a realistic inland wind farm.
The global interest towards renewable energy production such as wind and solar energy is increasing, which in turn calls for new energy storage concepts due to the larger share of intermittent energy production. Power-to-gas solutions can be utilized to convert surplus electricity to chemical energy which can be stored for extended periods of time. The energy storage concept explored in this thesis is an integrated energy storage tank connected to an oxy-fuel combustion plant. Using this approach, flue gases from the plant could be fed directly into the storage tank and later converted into synthetic natural gas by utilizing electrolysis-methanation route. This work utilizes computational fluid dynamics to model the desublimation of carbon dioxide inside a storage tank containing cryogenic liquid, such as liquefied natural gas. Numerical modelling enables the evaluation of the transient flow patterns caused by the desublimation, as well as general fluid behaviour inside the tank. Based on simulations the stability of the cryogenic storage and the magnitude of the key parameters can be evaluated.
Expressions for the anharmonic Helmholtz free energy contributions up to o( f ) ,valid for all temperatures, have been obtained using perturbation theory for a c r ystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry. Numerical calculations have been carried out in the high temperature limit and in the non-leading term approximation for a monatomic facecentred cubic crystal with nearest neighbour c entralforce interactions. The numbers obtained were seen to vary by a s much as 47% from thos e obtai.ned in the leading term approximati.on,indicating that the latter approximati on is not in general very good. The convergence to oct) of the perturbation series in the high temperature limit appears satisfactory.
Jet-cooled, laser-induced phosphorescence excitation spectra (LIP) of thioacetaldehyde CH3CHS, CH3CDS, CD3CHS and CD3CDS have been observed over the region 15800 - 17300 cm"^ in a continuous pyrolysis jet. The vibronic band structure of the singlet-triplet n -* n* transition were attributed to the strong coupling of the methyl torsion and aldehydic hydrogen wagging modes . The vibronic peaks have been assigned in terms of two upper electronic state (T^) vibrations; the methyl torsion mode v^g, and the aldehydic hydrogen wagging mode v^^. The electronic origin O^a^ is unequivocally assigned as follows: CH3CHS (16294.9 cm"'' ), CH3CDS (16360.9 cm"'' ), CD3CHS (16299.7 cm"^ ), and CD3CDS (16367.2 cm"'' ). To obtain structural and dynamical information about the two electronic states, potential surfaces V(e,a) for the 6 (methyl torsion) and a (hydrogen wagging) motions were generated by ab initio quantum mechanical calculations with a 6-3 IG* basis in which the structural parameters were fully relaxed. The kinetic energy coefficients BQ(a,e) , B^(a,G) , and the cross coupling term B^(a,e) , were accurately represented as functions of the two active coordinates, a and 9. The calculations reveal that the molecule adopts an eclipsed conformation for the lower Sq electronic state (a=0°,e=0"') with a barrier height to internal rotation of 541.5 cm"^ which is to be compared to 549.8 cm"^ obtained from the microwave experiment. The conformation of the upper T^ electronic state was found to be staggered (a=24 . 68° ,e=-45. 66° ) . The saddle point in the path traced out by the aldehyde wagging motion was calculated to be 175 cm"^ above the equilibrium configuration. The corresponding maxima in the path taken by methyl torsion was found to be 322 cm'\ The small amplitude normal vibrational modes were also calculated to aid in the assignment of the spectra. Torsional-wagging energy manifolds for the two states were derived from the Hamiltonian H(a,e) which was solved variationally using an extended two dimensional Fourier expansion as a basis set. A torsionalinversion band spectrum was derived from the calculated energy levels and Franck-Condon factors, and was compared with the experimental supersonic-jet spectra. Most of the anomalies which were associated with the interpretation of the observed spectrum could be accounted for by the band profiles derived from ab initio SCF calculations. A model describing the jet spectra was derived by scaling the ab initio potential functions. The global least squares fitting generates a triplet state potential which has a minimum at (a=22.38° ,e=-41.08°) . The flatter potential in the scaled model yielded excellent agreement between the observed and calculated frequency intervals.
The present work aims at deciphering the processes that control the nutrient distribution along the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone of India) of the west coast of India and to bring out its linkage with primary and secondary productivity. This work assume utmost importance as very few studies have hitherto focused entirely on the EEZ of the west coast of India to address the biochemical responses brought about by monsoons. The present study examines the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters and associated primary biological responses along the west coast of India. This study targets to measure and understand the shelf ocean exchange in a typical coastal upwelling region of the southeast Arabian Sea, and the influence of convective mixing along the northern part of the west coast of India. The study focuses more directly on coastal upwelling along the southwest coast of India, within the EEZ. The effects of coastal upwelling, eddy formation and the offshore advection are apparent in the present investigation. This has consequences to fisheries and climate, in energy transfer to the food chain and the increased sequestering of carbon in the ocean. The study also focuses on the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) and dentrification observed along the EEZ of the west coast of India on a seasonal scale. In the study, an attempt is also made to demarcate the geographical boundaries of the denitrification zone in the EEZ of India and on the nature and magnitude of these variations, on a seasonal and inter annual scales
The thesis focused Studies on Energy Exchange and Upper Ocean Thermal Structure in Arabian Sea and Heat Transport in Northern Indian Ocean. The present thesis is an attempt to understand the upper ocean thermal characteristics at selected areas in the western and eastern Arabian Sea in relation to surface energy exchange and dynamics, on a climatological basis. It is also aimed to examine, the relative importance of different processes in the evolution of SST at the western and eastern Arabian Sea. Short-term variations of energy exchange and upper ocean thermal structure are also investigated. Climatological studies of upper ocean thermal structure and surface energy exchange in the western and eastern parts of Arabian Sea bring out the similarities/differences and the causative factors for the observed features. Annual variation of zonally averaged heat advection in north Indian Ocean shows that maximum export of about 100 W/m2 occurs around 15ON during southwest monsoon season. This is due to large negative heat storage caused by intense upwelling in several parts of northern Indian Ocean. By and large, northern Indian Ocean is an area of heat export
The present thesis deals with some studies in molecular dynamics using spectroscopic data. Two new approximation procedures the variable method and the average bonding energy criterion have been developed for a reliable calculation of molecular force fields and applied to several molecular species belonging to the xy2 type.
In the present work, the author has designed and developed all types of solar air heaters called porous and nonporous collectors. The developed solar air heaters were subjected to different air mass flow rates in order to standardize the flow per unit area of the collector. Much attention was given to investigate the performance of the solar air heaters fitted with baffles. The output obtained from the experiments on pilot models, helped the installation of solar air heating system for industrial drying applications also. Apart from these, various types of solar dryers, for small and medium scale drying applications, were also built up. The feasibility of ‘latent heat thermal energy storage system’ based on Phase Change Material was also undertaken. The application of solar greenhouse for drying industrial effluent was analyzed in the present study and a solar greenhouse was developed. The effectiveness of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the field of solar air heaters was also analyzed. The thesis is divided into eight chapters.
Femtosecond time-resolved techniques with KETOF (kinetic energy time-of-flight) detection in a molecular beam are developed for studies of the vectorial dynamics of transition states. Application to the dissociation reaction of IHgI is presented. For this system, the complex [I---Hg---I](++)* is unstable and, through the symmetric and asymmetric stretch motions, yields different product fragments: [I---Hg---I](++)* -> HgI(X^2/sigma^+) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I*(^2P_l/2)] (1a); [I---Hg---I](++)* -> Hg(^1S_0) + I(^2P_3/2) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I* (^2P_1/2)] (1 b). These two channels, (1a) and (1b), lead to different kinetic energy distributions in the products. It is shown that the motion of the wave packet in the transition-state region can be observed by MPI mass detection; the transient time ranges from 120 to 300 fs depending on the available energy. With polarized pulses, the vectorial properties (transition moments alignment relative to recoil direction) are studied for fragment separations on the femtosecond time scale. The results indicate the nature of the structure (symmetry properties) and the correlation to final products. For 311-nm excitation, no evidence of crossing between the I and I* potentials is found at the internuclear separations studied. (Results for 287-nm excitation are also presented.) Molecular dynamics simulations and studies by laser-induced fluorescence support these findings.
Real-time studies of the dynamics were performed on the reaction of HgI_2 in a molecular beam. Excitation was by either one or multi pump photons (311 nm), leading to two separate sets of dynamics, each of which could be investigated by a time-delayed probe laser (622 nm) that ionized the parent molecule and the fragments by REMPI processes. These dynamics were distinguished by combining the information from transients taken at each mass (HgI_2, HgI, I_2, Hg, and I) with the results of pump (and probe) power dependence studies on each mass. A method of plotting the slope of the intensity dependence against the pump-probe time delay proved essential. In the preceding publication, we detailed the dynamics of the reaction initiated by a one photon excitation to the A-continuum. Here, we present studies of higher-energy states. Multiphoton excitation accesses predissociative states of HgI_2, for which there are crossings into the symmetric and asymmetric stretch coordinates. The dynamics of these channels, which lead to atomic (I or Hg) and diatomic (HgI) fragments, are discussed and related to the nature of the intermediates along the reaction pathway.
The real-time dynamics of molecular (Na_2 . Na_3) and cluster Na_n (n=4-2l) multiphoton ionization and -fragmentation has been studied in beam experiments applying femtosecond pump-probe techniques in combination with ion and electron spectroscopy. Wave packet motion in the dimer Na_2 reveals two independent multiphoton ionization processes while the higher dimensional motion in the trimer Na_3 reflects the chaotic vibrational motion in this floppy system. The first studies of cluster properties (energy, bandwidth and lifetime of intermediate resonances Na^*_n) ) with femtosecond laser pulses give a striking illustration of the transition from "molecule-like" excitations to "surfaceplasma"-like resonances for increasing cluster sizes. Time-resolved fragmentation of cluster ions Na_n^* indicate that direct photo-induced fragmentation processes are more important at short times than the statistical unimolecular decay.
Intensive, ultrakurze Laserpulse regen Festkörper in einen Zustand an, in dem die Elektronen hohe Temperaturen erlangen, während das Gitter kalt bleibt. Die heißen Elektronen beeinflussen das sog. Laser-angeregte interatomare Potential bzw. die Potentialenergiefläche, auf der die Ionen sich bewegen. Dieses kann neben anderen ultrakurzen Prozessen zu Änderungen der Phononfrequenzen (phonon softening oder phonon hardening) führen. Viele ultrakurze strukturelle Phänomene in Festkörpern hängen bei hohen Laseranregungen von Änderungen der Phononfrequenzen bei niedrigeren Anregungen ab. Um die Laser-bedingten Änderungen des Phononenspektrums von Festkörpern beschreiben zu können, haben wir ein auf Temperatur-abhängiger Dichtefunktionaltheorie basierendes Verfahren entwickelt. Die dramatischen Änderungen nach einer Laseranregung in der Potentialenergiefläche werden durch die starke Veränderung der Zustandsdichte und der Besetzungen der Elektronen hervorgerufen. Diese Änderungen in der Zustandsdichte und den Besetzungszahlen können wir mit unserer Methode berechnen, um dann damit das Verhalten der Phononen nach einer Laseranregung zu analysieren. Auf diese Art und Weise studierten wir den Einfluss einer Anregung mit einem intensiven, ultrakurzen Laserpuls auf repräsentative Phonon Eigenmoden in Magnesium, Kupfer und Aluminium. Wir stellten dabei in manchen Gitterschwingungen entweder eine Abnahme (softening) und in anderen eine Zunahme (hardening) der Eigenfrequenz fest. Manche Moden zeigten bei Variation der Laseranregungsstärke sogar beide Verhaltensweisen. Das eine Phonon-Eigenmode ein hardening und softening zeigen kann, wird durch das Vorhandensein von van Hove Singularitäten in der elektronischen Zustandsdichte des betrachteten Materials erklärt. Für diesen Fall stellt unser Verfahren zusammen mit der Sommerfeld-Entwicklung die Eigenschaften der Festkörper Vibrationen in Verbindung mit den Laser induzierten Veränderungen in den elektronischen Besetzungen für verschiedene Phonon-eingefrorene Atomkonfigurationen. Auch die absolute Größe des softening und hardening wurde berechnet. Wir nehmen an, dass unsere Theorie Licht in die Effekte der Laseranregung von verschiedenen Materialien bringt. Außerdem studierten wir mit Hilfe von Dichtefunktionaltheorie die strukturellen Material-Eigenschaften, die durch kurze XUV Pulse induziert werden. Warme dichte Materie in Ultrakurzpuls angeregten Magnesium wurde analysiert und verglichen mit den Ergebnissen bei durch Laser Anregung bedingten Änderungen. Unter Verwendung von elektronischer-Temperatur-abhängiger Dichtefunktionaltheorie wurden die Änderungen in den Bindungseigenschaften von warmen dichten Magnesium studiert. Wir stellten dabei beide Effekte, Verstärkung und Abschwächung von Bindungen, bei jeweils verschiedenen Phonon Eigenmoden von Magnesium auf Grund von der Erzeugung von Rumpflöchern und dem Vorhandensein von heißen Elektronen fest. Die zusätzliche Erzeugung von heißen Elektronen führt zu einer Änderung der Bindungscharakteristik, die der Änderung, die durch die bereits vorhandenen Rumpflöcher hervorgerufen wurde, entgegen wirkt. Die thermischen Eigenschaften von Nanostrukturen sind teilweise sehr wichtig für elektronische Bauteile. Wir studierten hier ebenfalls den Effekt einer einzelnen Graphen Lage auf Kupfer. Dazu untersuchten wir mit Dichtefunktionaltheorie die strukturellen- und Schwingungseigenschaften von Graphen auf einem Kupfer Substrat. Wir zeigen, dass die schwache Wechselwirkung zwischen Graphen und Kupfer die Frequenz der aus der Ebene gerichteten akustischen Phonon Eigenmode anhebt und die Entartung zwischen den aus der Ebene gerichteten akustischen und optischen Phononen im K-Punkt des Graphen Spektrums aufhebt. Zusätzlich führten wir ab initio Berechnungen zur inelastischen Streuung eines Helium Atoms mit Graphen auf einem Kuper(111) Substrat durch. Wir berechneten dazu das Leistungsspektrum, das uns eine Idee über die verschiedenen Gitterschwingungen des Graphene-Kuper(111) Systems gibt, die durch die Kollision des Helium Atom angeregt werden. Wir brachten die Positionen der Peaks im Leistungsspektrum mit den Phonon Eigenfrequenzen, die wir aus den statischen Rechnungen erhalten haben, in Beziehung. Unsere Ergebnisse werden auch verglichen mit den Ergebnissen experimenteller Daten zur Helium Streuung an Graphen-Kupfer(111) Oberflächen.
Almost 450 nuclear power plants are currently operating throughout the world and supplying about 17% of the world’s electricity. These plants perform safely, reliably, and have no free-release of byproducts to the environment. Given the current rate of growth in electricity demand and the ever growing concerns for the environment, the US consumer will favor energy sources that can satisfy the need for electricity and other energy-intensive products (1) on a sustainable basis with minimal environmental impact, (2) with enhanced reliability and safety and (3) competitive economics. Given that advances are made to fully apply the potential benefits of nuclear energy systems, the next generation of nuclear systems can provide a vital part of a long-term, diversified energy supply. The Department of Energy has begun research on such a new generation of nuclear energy systems that can be made available to the market by 2030 or earlier, and that can offer significant advances toward these challenging goals [1]. These future nuclear power systems will require advances in materials, reactor physics as well as heat transfer to realize their full potential. In this paper, a summary of these advanced nuclear power systems is presented along with a short synopsis of the important heat transfer issues. Given the nature of research and the dynamics of these conceptual designs, key aspects of the physics will be provided, with details left for the presentation.
En Colombia, la pobreza y el conflicto están estrechamente relacionados. Este estudio usa medidas de disuasión del gobierno como instrumentos de varias variables específicas de conflicto para estimar el impacto del conflicto sobre la pobreza en Colombia. Usando datos del censo a nivel municipal para el año 2005, evalúo el efecto sobre la incidencia urbana y rural del recientemente-desarrollado Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional. Los resultados sugieren que el conflicto aumenta significativamente la pobreza rural. Esto es consistente con el hecho que la mayor parte del conflicto en Colombia ocurre en las áreas rurales. También evalúo el efecto rezagado del conflicto en la pobreza para concluir que éste dura por al menos tres años pero que decae en el tiempo. Finalmente, pruebo que mis resultados son robustos a una batería de especificaciones adicionales, incluyendo una versión modificada de mi variable dependiente y el uso de una base alternativa de conflicto.