747 resultados para cultural heritage


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Esta proposta de estudo aborda questões relativas a políticas públicas de cultura. Tem por referente o samba de coco nas comunidades afrodescendentes de Castainho e Atoleiros, situadas nos municípios de Garanhuns e Caetés, do agreste de Pernambuco, região que se constitui parcela de território do antigo quilombo dos Palmares, um dos principais focos de resistência dos escravos negros do Brasil colonial, que se manteve incólume durante quase um século. Na região atribuída à existência do antigo quilombo estão vários grupos autointitulados remanescentes, que fazem dos ideais de força e resistência quilombola sua própria vida. O título do estudo é Brincadeira e arte: patrimônio, formação cultural e samba de coco em Pernambuco. O objetivo geral é relacionar o processo de criação em manifestações artísticas populares com as políticas institucionais empreendidas, numa perspectiva intercultural e transdisciplinar, tomando como referencial empírico a brincadeira de samba de coco nos municípios de Garanhuns e Caetés, em Pernambuco, respectivamente nas comunidades Sítio Castainho e Sítio Atoleiros, através da Banda Folclore Verde do Castainho e do Samba de Coco Santa Luzia. A ideia é viabilizar um estudo que se reporta ao conceito de patrimônio cultural étnico brasileiro, percebendo cultura como uma construção histórica da humanidade e compreendendo a manifestação artística como patrimônio imaterial. Trata-se de uma análise sobre grupos brincantes do chamado samba de coco como manifestação plural, de características diversificadas, que ambiciona influenciar políticas públicas destinadas a artistas populares ligados à música, ao canto, à dança e à literatura popular, encarnada em letras de canções, cujo conteúdo é repassado às novas gerações através da oralidade ou por ações de formação cultural, como iniciativas do poder público. Políticas públicas de cultura, patrimônio e formação cultural para preservação são as palavras-chave para identificação das condições atuais da relação entre artistas e gestão pública, considerando a perspectiva de educação não formal, no sentido atribuído pela UNESCO, referenciando-se em depoimentos como principal fonte. Conhecer algumas dimensões do imaginário mítico-simbólico que envolve produtores e gestores, é fundamento para o estudo, que se constitui a partir do levantamento, caracterização e análise da relação entre artistas e instituições de cultura, em diversas instâncias, considerando ideais de modernidade, permanências e transformações observadas no exercício, difusão e gestão da brincadeira. Os produtores do Povoado Atoleiros são criadores do samba de coco, brincadeira de adultos que se traduz em espaço de confraternização e comunhão e recebe interferência do poder público municipal, em Caetés, um dos municípios do entorno de Garanhuns, na periferia do qual está também o Sítio Castainho. Este, a partir de formas diversas de articulação, é contemplado por ações das gestões públicas municipal, estadual e federal, especificamente dentro do Festival de Inverno de Garanhuns FIG. A abordagem contempla a situação das duas comunidades, mas não elimina o reconhecimento de outros locais para a brincadeira do samba de coco e ações de preservação a ela direcionadas, como partes de um processo cultural que é também e necessariamente educativo e, em suas possibilidades de rupturas e continuidades, forma gerações.


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A presente pesquisa tem como ponto de partida o Ofício das Baianas de Acarajé, seu título de Patrimônio Cultural do Brasil recebido em 2004. O foco central é compreender as baianas de acarajé como sujeitos históricos que articulam diferentes meios para valorizarem seu ofício para além de uma valorização institucional. Para tanto, apresentamos duas instituições que representam as baianas de acarajé: a Federação Nacional de Culto-Afro Brasileiro (FENACAB), em menor medida; e a Associação das Baianas de Acarajé Mingau, Receptivos e Similares do Estado da Bahia (ABAM), esta última mais atuante. Através da metodologia da observação participante foi realizado o trabalho de campo, principalmente, na cidade de Salvador. O objetivo é apresentar e problematizar a construção das narrativas das baianas de acarajé com base no desenvolvimento dos argumentos que justificam o Ofício como referência cultural. Entendemos o Ofício como um patrimônio negro ligado a religiosidade afro-brasileira.


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Traditional agricultural systems are threatened world-wide mainly due to the introduction of modern agricultural techniques and the emigration of farm labourers from remote rural villages. The objective of the programme 'Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems' (GIAHS), initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 2002, is dynamic conservation of traditional agricultural systems. This article addresses the definition and content of agricultural heritage systems and discusses conservation options in the light of developing rural tourism. An explorative survey was conducted in Longxian village, situated in Zhejiang Province, southern China, focusing on the tourism potential of a typical Rice-Fish Agricultural System. The identification of heritage resources is a first step in the process of transforming an agricultural landscape into a cultural tourism landscape. However, the future of these landscapes is in the hands of a range of stakeholders and depends on their capacity to manage, in a sustainable way, tourism development strategies alongside conservation policies.


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Keynote presentation on ETHICOMP2001.


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The development of cultural policy analysis by social science has been produced a theorization about cultural policy models from sociology and political science. This analysis shows the influence of the national model of cultural policy on the forms of governance and management of cultural facilities. However, in this paper we will defend that currently the local model of cultural policy decisively influences the model of cultural institutions. This is explained by the growing importance of culture in local development strategies. In order to demonstrate this we will analyze the case of the Barcelona Model of local development and cultural policy, that is characterized for the level of local government leadership, multilevel governance, the use of culture in urban planning processes and a tendency to use public-private partnership in public management. This Model influences the genesis and development of the cultural facilities and it produces a singular and relatively successful model.


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The most appropriate way to measure the social benefits of conserving built cultural heritage sites is to ask the beneficiaries of conservation interventions how much they would be willing to pay for them. We use contingent valuation - a survey-based approach that elicits willingness to pay (WTP) directly from individuals - to estimate the benefits of a nationwide conservation of built cultural heritage sites in Armenia. The survey was administered to Armenian nationals living in Armenia, and obtained extensive information about the respondents' perceptions of the current state of conservation of monuments in Armenia, described the current situation, presented a hypothetical conservation program, elicited WTP for it, and queried individuals about what they thought would happen to monument sites in the absence of the government conservation program. We posit that respondents combined the information about the fate of monuments provided by the questionnaire with their prior beliefs, and that WTP for the good, or program, is likely to be affected by these updated beliefs. We propose a Bayesian updating model of prior beliefs, and empirically implement it with the data from our survey. We found that uncertainty about what would happen to monuments in the absence of the program results in lower WTP amounts. © 2008 Pion Ltd and its Licensors.


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The process of making replicas of heritage has traditionally been developed by public agencies, corporations and museums and is not commonly used in schools. Currently there are technologies that allow creating cheap replicas. The new 3D reconstruction software, based on photographs and low cost 3D printers allow to make replicas at a cost much lower than traditional. This article describes the process of creating replicas of the sculpture Goslar Warrior of artist Henry Moore, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To make this process, first, a digital model have been created using Autodesk Recap 360, Autodesk 123D Catch and Autodesk Meshmixer MarkerBot MakerWare applications. Physical replication, has been reproduced in polylactic acid (PLA) by MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer. In addition, a cost analysis using, in one hand, the printer mentioned, and in the other hand, 3D printing services both online and local, is included. Finally, there has been a specific action with 141 students and 12 high school teachers, who filled a questionnary about the use of sculptural replicas in education.


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In its totality, the “Long Second World War”—extending from the beginning of the Spanish Civil War to the end of hostilities in 1945—has exerted enormous influence over European culture. Bringing together leading historians, sociologists, and literary and film scholars, this broadly interdisciplinary volume investigates Europeans’ individual and collective memories and the ways in which they have shaped the continent’s cultural heritage. Focusing on the major combatant nations—Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Russia—it offers thoroughly contextualized explorations of novels, memoirs, films, and a host of other cultural forms to illuminate European public memory.


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Rapid in situ diagnosis of damage is a key issue in the preservation of stone-built cultural heritage. This is evident in the increasing number of congresses, workshops and publications dealing with this issue. With this increased activity has come, however, the realisation that for many culturally significant artefacts it is not possible either to remove samples for analysis or to affix surface markers for measurement. It is for this reason that there has been a growth of interest in non-destructive and minimally invasive techniques for characterising internal and external stone condition. With this interest has come the realisation that no single technique can adequately encompass the wide variety of parameters to be assessed or provide the range of information required to identify appropriate conservation. In this paper we describe a strategy to address these problems through the development of an integrated `tool kit' of measurement and analytical techniques aimed specifically at linking object-specific research to appropriate intervention. The strategy is based initially upon the acquisition of accurate three-dimensional models of stone-built heritage at different scales using a combination of millimetre accurate LiDAR and sub-millimetre accurate Object Scanning that can be exported into a GIS or directly into CAD. These are currently used to overlay information on stone characteristics obtained through a combination of Ground Penetrating Radar, Surface Permeametry, Colorimetry and X-ray Fluorescence, but the possibility exists for adding to this array of techniques as appropriate. In addition to the integrated three-dimensional data array provided by superimposition upon Digital Terrain Models, there is the capability of accurate re-measurement to show patterns of surface loss and changes in material condition over time. Thus it is possible to both record and base-line condition and to identify areas that require either preventive maintenance or more significant pre-emptive intervention. In pursuit of these goals the authors are developing, through a UK Government supported collaboration between University Researchers and Conservation Architects, commercially viable protocols for damage diagnosis, condition monitoring and eventually mechanisms for prioritizing repairs to stone-built heritage. The understanding is, however, that such strategies are not age-constrained and can ultimately be applied to structures of any age.


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The garment we now recognise as the Aran jumper emerged as an international symbol of Ireland from the twin twentieth century transatlantic flows of migration and tourism. Its power as a heritage object derives from: 1) the myth commonly associated with the object, in which the corpse of a drowned fisherman is identified and claimed by his family due to the stitch patterns of his jumper (Pádraig Ó Síochain 1962; Annette Lynch and Mitchell Strauss 2014); 2) the meanings attached to those stitch patterns, which have been read, for example, as genealogical records, representations of the natural landscape and references to Christian and pre-Christian ‘Celtic’ religion (Heinz Kiewe 1967; Catherine Nash 1996); and 3) booming popular interest in textile heritage on both sides of the Atlantic, fed by the reframing of domestic crafts such as knitting as privileged leisure pursuits (Rachel Maines 2009; Jo Turney 2009). The myth of the drowned fisherman plays into transatlantic migration narratives of loss and reclamation, promising a shared heritage that needs only to be decoded. The idea of the garment’s surface acting as text (or map) situates it within a preliterate idyll of romantic primitivism, while obscuring the circumstances of its manufacture. The contemporary resurgence in home textile production as recreation, mediated through transnational online networks, creates new markets for heritage textile products while attracting critical attention to the processes through which such objects, and mythologies, are produced. The Aran jumper’s associations with kinship, domesticity and national character make it a powerful tool in the promotion of ancestral (or genealogical) tourism, through marketing efforts such as The Gathering 2013. Nash’s (2010; 2014) work demonstrates the potential for such touristic encounters to disrupt and enrich public conceptions of heritage, belonging and relatedness. While the Aran jumper has been used to commodify a simplistic sense of mutuality between Ireland and north America, it carries complex transatlantic messages in both directions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Património, Museologia e Desenvolvimento, 2 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação conducente à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária, sob orientação do Professor Doutor Luís Manuel Costa Moreno


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Tendo o termalismo como pano de fundo, analisou-se o contexto da cidade de Caldas da Rainha, visando entender a viabilidade do património termal centenário, enquanto atrativo turístico num futuro próximo. Focou-se a atenção na lógica das mudanças culturais, motivadas por paradigmas associados ao consumo do espaço, fazendo análise de conteúdo de imagens e palavras utilizadas na sua referência, tanto institucional quanto individualmente. Apesar de o tratamento com águas termais, na cidade de Caldas da Rainha, ter entrado em situação de marasmo, verificou-se que o património termal e toda a imagética a ele associada ainda se constitui como referência de identidade, devendo ser salvaguardado a sua integridade e genuinidade para benefício das futuras gerações de utilizadores. A ordem da degradação do património termal de Caldas da Rainha pode ser revertida, utilizando sinergia de cientistas, entidades públicas e privadas e ser uma mais-valia, não somente para o município e a população local, mas também para toda a região do oeste e para o país.