177 resultados para citologia


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Co-infections by Leishmania (L.) chagasi, Trypanosoma evansi, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dogs were investigated. Amastigotes forms of Leishmania spp. were detected by cytopathological analysis of lymph nodes in 46,42% (39/84) of dogs. In a male dog, adult, without defined breed, from rural area and positive for Leishmania, were observed flagellated forms of T. evansi in blood smear. By immunofluorescence antibody test, 5,95% (5/84) of dogs were considered reactive to T. gondii, with titer equal to or higher than 1:64, while 3,57% (3/84) were reactive to N. caninum, with titer ≥1:50. Among the animals with visceral leishmaniasis, one showed positive serological response to T. gondii and two for N. caninum. All dogs reactive to N. caninum were from rural area and the predominance of infection by T. gondii was in dogs from urban area. A young male dog from the rural area and seropositive for T. gondii showed Ehrlichia spp. morulae in the cytology and positive reaction for canine distemper virus. Thus, further studies are needed to assess the epidemiology of these infections in canine population, especially with respect to the reservoirs of Trypanosoma spp. in rural areas.


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The program of diagnosis and prevention of oral cancer of Univag - University Center aims to increase preventive and early oral diseases with emphasis on oral cancer, aiming to reduce the morbidity and mortality through educative actions, spreading of the auto-examination, performed by dental students of UNIVAG since the second half of 2005 to the present day. The dental students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters were trained using practice-theoretical classes, for realization the exams preventives and diagnostics, such as self-examination, exfoliative cytology and biopsy of oral mucosa, and even present educative actions. Analyzing the preliminary results were observed increase in the number of diagnoses and referral of diagnosed with oral cancer for treatment in referral services. It was concluded that the program of diagnosis and prevention of oral cancer can make possible early diagnosis and adoption of preventive measures, consequently improving survival rates and life quality in population.


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To determine the profile of the patients who participated in the program of oral cancer diagnosis and prevention in Mato Grosso, from 2008 to 2009. Materials and Methods: The medical records of the treated patients were examined. Results: 1.293 records were analyzed, with a predominance of female patients (60%) and a greater participation of patients from 10 to 19 years of age (20%). Reports of pre-existing illnesses amounted to 302 recorded cases. In addition, 292 variations of normality could be also identified. During the period, 25 participants were recommended for exfoliative cytology and 133 for biopsy, as they presented oral lesions that raised the suspicion of malignancy. Conclusions: Campaigns to raise awareness of and prevent oral cancer are very important and should be extended to the entire population of the state of Mato Grosso, either by means of the local University Center (UNIVAG), or by other agencies and health institutions.


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The Squamous Cell Carcinoma is what more happens among the oral cancers, being considered sweats incidence in more than 90%. As important prognostic factor competes the early diagnosis and the immediate institution of the treatment, that it can involve radiotherapy and chemotherapy besides the surgery. The initial lesions don’t offer great diagnostic difficulties and now complemental laboratory exams define the diagnosis quickly, In the present report, the initial medical conduct was inadequate, with incomplete interpretation of the laboratorial result and adoption of inadequate therapeutic conduct, what resulted in constant evolution of the lesion. The patient came to the consultation with that medical history, after six months of the first attendance accomplished in another center. To the physical exam, infiltrative ulcerated lesion was observed in the lower lip, with having accentuated tissue loss superficially. The patient accused spontaneous pain and she did use an ointment, recommended six months ago for occasion of the first attendance. As diagnostic conduct was indicated the accomplishment of cytology and biopsy, being defined the diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. The patient was immediately guided to the medical service of its municipal district for manegement of the specialized oncologic treatment. The patient was submitted the surgery followed by radiotherapy, being verified involvement of another structures by contiguity. Now, the patient meets abed, without viable perspectives of cure. The present report emphasizes the importance of the clinical knowledge and professional responsibility in attendance of cases of that nature.


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The main objective of this survey is describing signly the metaphor learning resource, with focus on biology education. Our teorical reference is the peircean semiotics, because it means solid heritage to code surveys implicated at science education, it led us to do an explanation about the main lines about that reference, addressed to researchers and lecturers interested in those reasonings. In the description yearned, another objectives appear: demonstrate diferences between metaphor/analogy and pragmatic analogy; to list metaphors, from cell representation analysis, and argue about principals diferences and probable cognitive consequences between the metaphor event in the visual representation and speech sentences. Therefore we analysed the animal cell of a high school first grade studying book – biology – cell biology – used by São Paulo and another state students. The findings demonstrate the undeniable importance of the metaphor as a learning tool in the biology education, and new findings about that, such as its limits in the concept elaboration, gnosiologic consequences for receptioning, the search needs for propositions– pictures between concept relations – in the science speech construction, and other results.


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Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a neoplasm of round cells with plasmocytoid or lymphocytoid appearance. The tumor presents several particularities, which have been the subject of numerous studies; however there still have investigations that need to be done. For example, a progressive increase of highly aggressive tumors with varying response to chemotherapy -including resistance- has been evidenced in recent years. There is scientific interest to understand these differences, allowing predicting possible clinical outcomes in affected dogs and increasingly searching adequate and individualized therapy. This review focuses on presenting possible implications of the expression of MDR-1 (P-glycoprotein), TP53, BCL-2, and BAX genes, regarding resistance to chemotherapy and/or the biologic behavior of TVT


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The transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a contagious neoplasm of round cells that frequently affect dogs. The treatment consists of chemotherapy being more effective the vincristine alone, however the resistance emergence to this agent due multidrug resistance of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp), a transporter protein encoded by the MDR1 gene, has been taking the association with other drugs. Recent studies demonstrated the antitumoral effect of the avermectins when associated to the vincristine in the treatment of some neoplasms. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of standard treatment of TVT with vincristine only as compared to combined treatment with vincristine and ivermectin, evaluated through number of applications of the two protocols, histopathological and cytological analysis from 50 dogs diagnosed with TVT during the period of 2007 to 2010. The combined protocol significant reduces the number of applications and cytological and histopathological findings collaborate with the hypothesis that the combination of vincristine and ivermectin promotes faster healing than the use of vincristine alone. Combination treatment with vincristine and ivermectin could be in the future an excellent therapeutic alternative for the treatment of TVT for probably reducing the resistance to vincristine, simultaneously reducing the cost of TVT treatment and a faster recovery of the dog.


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Benesi F.J., Wachholz L., Bertagnon H.G., Leal M.L.R., Mori E. & Fernandes W.R. 2012. [Cytology of tracheobronchial and bronchoalveolar lavage in healthy Holteins calves during the first month of life.] Citologia dos lavados traqueobronquico (LTB) e broncoalveolar (LBA) de bezerros holandeses sadios durante o primeiro mes de vida. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(3):267-270. Departamento de Clinica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: febencli@usp.br The neonatal calf is a critical moment for adaptation of the newborn to extra uterine life. The respiratory tract is functionally very demanded and often affected by disease, resulting in direct loss of their function and causing serious economic losses in livestock. The basic point to reduce these losses is appropriate clinical evaluation of neonates; but the diagnosis based solely in physical examination is very difficult to establish. The use of complementary analysis such cytology of the respiratory tract becomes an important diagnostic tool; however their findings must be standardized in the face of different techniques employed. This research studied the dynamics of the cellularity of the bronchoalveolar and tracheobronchial region obtained through lung lavage harvested by nasotracheal catheterization technique and tracheocenthesis respectively, during the first month of life of healthy calves. The tracheobronchial cytology was influenced by the time, showing decreased number of alveolar macrophages and greater number of neutrophils, possibly increased by local irritation caused by the technique, which was repeated sequentially, and/or through greater stimulation of inhaled microorganisms deposited in this region. In the bronchoalveolar region no variation in the cellular constituents in function of time was found. The results allowed the conclusion the cell population of the tracheobronchial region has changed over the week-old calves, possibly due to the technique used and/or to the normal region physiology, represented by higher magnitudes of neutrophils. Otherwise, the cells of the broncholaveolar region showed a stable behavior during the first month of life of newborn calves, presenting numerical predominance of alveolar macrophages. O período neonatal dos bezerros é um momento crítico para adaptação do recém-nascido à vida extra uterina e o sistema respiratório, um dos mais exigidos funcionalmente, é frequentemente afetado por enfermidades, redundando no prejuízo direto da sua função e acarretando perdas econômicas importantes na pecuária. O ponto básico para reduzir estas perdas, é representado pela adequada avaliação clínica dos neonatos, todavia o diagnóstico baseado exclusivamente no exame ísico é muito di ícil de ser estabelecido. O uso de exames complementares como a citologia do trato respiratório torna-se uma ferramenta diagnóstica importante nestes casos, porém faz-se necessário, padronizar seus achados frente às diferentes técnicas empregadas para a sua obtenção. Assim, o presente estudo propôs-se acompanhar as variações dos constituintes celulares da região traqueobrônquica e broncoalveolar obtidos por lavados respiratórios pelos métodos de traqueocentese e por colheita nasotraqueal respectivamente, durante o primeiro mês de vida de bezerros sadios. Observou-se alteração no quadro citológico ao longo do tempo, quando a região traqueobrônquica foi lavada, expresso por diminuição da porcentagem de macrófagos alveolares, com aumento de neutró ilos, possivelmente, por maior irritação local provocada pela técnica, que se repetiu sequencialmente e/ou por maior estimulo de microorganismos inalados depositados nesta região. Na região broncoalveolar, não encontraram- -se variações nos constituintes celulares em função do tempo. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão que a população celular da região traqueobrônquica modi icou-se ao longo das semanas de vida dos bezerros, possivelmente pela técnica empregada e/ou isiologia normal da região, sendo representadas por maiores magnitudes de neutró ilos. De modo diverso, na região broncolaveolar, as células evidenciaram um comportamento estável durante o primeiro mês de vida dos bezerros neonatos, apresentando predomínio numérico dos macrófagos alveolares.


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OBJETIVO: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA, punção aspirativa por agulha guiada por ultrassom endobrônquico) é um método novo em diagnóstico e estadiamento linfonodal mediastinal. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os resultados preliminares obtidos com EBUS-TBNA no diagnóstico de lesões e no estadiamento linfonodal mediastinal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes com tumores ou adenopatias mediastinais e com diagnóstico ou suspeita de câncer de pulmão. Os procedimentos foram realizados com os pacientes sob sedação ou anestesia geral. O material coletado foi preparado em lâminas fixadas em álcool absoluto para citologia e em formol para bloco de células. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 50 pacientes (30 do sexo masculino), com média de idade de 58,3 ± 13,5 anos. Foram realizadas 201 punções em 81 linfonodos ou massas mediastinais (média de 2,5 punções). O material obtido foi considerado adequado para análise citológica em 37 pacientes (74%), dos quais 21 (57%) foram diagnosticados com malignidade. Nos 16 pacientes remanescentes, 1 teve diagnóstico de tuberculose, 6 tiveram seguimento clínico, e 9 foram submetidos a investigação adicional (2 diagnosticados com neoplasia - resultados falso-negativos). O rendimento do exame foi maior nos procedimentos com objetivo diagnóstico, em pacientes com lesões em múltiplas estações, e nas punções da estação linfonodal subcarinal. Um paciente apresentou sangramento endobrônquico resolvido com medidas locais. Não houve mortalidade na série. CONCLUSÕES: Esta experiência preliminar confirmou que o EBUS-TBNA é procedimento seguro, e que o nosso rendimento diagnóstico, inferior ao da literatura, foi compatível com a curva de aprendizado do método.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever características clínicas e laboratoriais em pacientes com derrames pleurais linfocíticos secundários a tuberculose ou linfoma, a fim de identificar as variáveis que possam contribuir no diagnóstico diferencial dessas doenças. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 159 pacientes adultos HIV negativos com derrame pleural linfocítico secundário a tuberculose ou linfoma (130 e 29 pacientes, respectivamente) tratados no Ambulatório da Pleura, Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), entre outubro de 2008 e março de 2010. RESULTADOS: A média de idade e de duração dos sintomas foi menor no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma. Os níveis pleurais de proteínas, albumina, colesterol, amilase e adenosina desaminase (ADA), assim como os níveis séricos de proteínas, albumina e amilase, foram maiores no grupo tuberculose, enquanto os níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicérides foram maiores no grupo linfoma. As contagens de leucócitos e linfócitos no líquido pleural foram maiores no grupo tuberculose. Células malignas estavam ausentes no grupo tuberculose, entretanto, linfócitos atípicos foram observados em 4 desses pacientes. No grupo linfoma, a citologia para células neoplásicas foi positiva, suspeita e negativa em 51,8%, 24,1% e 24,1% dos pacientes, respectivamente. A imunofenotipagem do líquido pleural foi conclusiva na maioria dos pacientes com linfoma. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados demonstram semelhanças clínicas e laboratoriais entre os pacientes com tuberculose ou linfoma. Embora os níveis de proteínas e ADA no líquido pleural tendam a ser mais elevados no grupo tuberculose que no grupo linfoma, mesmo essas variáveis mostraram uma sobreposição. Entretanto, nenhum paciente com tuberculose apresentou níveis de ADA no líquido pleural inferiores ao ponto de corte (40 U/L).


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The habenular nuclei are diencephalic structures present in Vertebrates and they form, with the associated fiber systems, a part of the system that connects the telencephalon to the ventral mesencephalon (Concha M. L. and Wilson S. W., 2001). In representative species of almost all classes of Vertebrates the habenular nuclei are asymmetric, both in terms of size and of neuronal and neurochemical organization, although different types of asymmetry follow different evolutionary courses. Previous studies have analyzed the spread and diversity of the asymmetry in species for which data are not clear (Kemali M. et al., 1980). Notwithstanding that, it’s still not totally understood the evolution of the phenomenon, and the ontogenetic mechanisms that have led to the habenular asymmetry development are not clear (Smeets W.J. et al., 1983). For the present study 14 species of Elasmobranchs and 15 species of Teleostean have been used. Brains removed from the animals have been fixed using 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate buffer; brains have been analyzed with different tecniques, and I used histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis to describe this asymmetry. My results confirm data previously obtained studying other Elasmobranchs species, in which the left habenula is larger than the right one; the Teleostean show some slightly differences regarding the size of the habenular ganglia, in some species, in which the left habenular nucleus is larger than the right. In the course of studies, a correlation between the habits of life and the diencephalic asymmetry seems to emerge: among the Teleostean analyzed, the species with benthic life (like Lepidorhombus boscii, Platichthys flesus, Solea vulgaris) seem to possess a slight asymmetry, analogous to the one of the Elasmobranchs, while in the other species (like Liza aurata, Anguilla anguilla, Trisopterus minutus) the habenulae are symmetrical. However, various aspects of the neuroanatomical asymmetries of the epithalamus have not been deepened in order to obtain a complete picture of the evolution of this phenomenon, and new searches are needed to examine the species without clear asymmetry, in order to understand the spread and the diversity of the asymmetry among the habenulae between the Vertebrates.