981 resultados para cineturismo,cineturismo italiano,blockbuster,blockbuster statunitensi,hollywood


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The present study aims at the occurrence of a particular type of construction in Italian language, namely the paratactic verbal constructions (henceforth, PVCs), previously named by Rodrigues (2006) as “foi fez constructions” (FFCs). The present study is part of the research project “Gramaticalização de construções em línguas românicas: um estudo comparativo” (2011a), supervised by Professor Dr Angélica Terezinha Carmo Rodrigues, developed in this University. The constructions analized here, accordingly to Rodrigues (2006), are described as a sequence of two or more inflected verbs, connected or not by the conjunction and, such as: “eu fui (e) comprei um carro”, “ele pegou (e) falou”, in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), and “se ne va e piange”, “prendo e me ne vado”, in Italian. The hypothesis sustained here, based on Rodrigues’ project (2011a), is that these constructions are grammaticalized out of coordinated constructions. Herein, the objectives of this research are: (a) present a description and an analysis of the PVCs in Italian (b) compare the constructions in Portuguese and in Italian; and (c) present empirical arguments on the hypothesys that the PVCs derive from coordinate constructions. Besides being part of the research project previously mentioned, we choose to work with the PVCs because of their recurrence in the Romanic languages. Furthermore, the studies related to this type of construction in the Italian language are scarce and these constructions consist as an aspect of the Italian grammar hardly studied. This research is based upon a functional approach of the grammar, seeking for a dialogue with the studies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Não disponível


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study we analyse a body of documents in sworn translation from and to Portuguese in relation to French and Italian. Our objective has been to check the textual typology most requested for sworn translation in these languages and to outline a profile of the terminology recurrent in these types of text. We also present examples of interlinguistic terminological equivalence which become apparent when one translates some of the types of text in our corpus. The data presented here was obtained by the LexTraJu-O lexical project of sworn translation, of which the research is developed in the São José do Rio Preto campus of UNESP with the objective of obtaining resources for the improvement of the Translation Courses of this institution and of making a contribution to translation studies on the theme of sworn translation.


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In this paper, we tried to understand the place of taboo words and their importance in the language. We focused questions about the taboo and how words can be prohibited. We elected swear words as our object of research because these words have an important place in the lexicon of many speakers, and they are present in books and movies, as well as in the everyday speech. Therefore, we tried to show that they must be analyzed with attention and also free from prejudices. We found out that the use of bad words can be very different in the languages selected and they reflect thus the culture of the languages involved.


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Neste artigo procuramos compreender o lugar das palavras tabuizadas e sua importância na língua. Focamos questões sobre o tabu e sobre como as palavras sofrem algum tipo de proibição. Elegemos como objeto de pesquisa os palavrões pois observamos que essas palavras possuem um importante espaço no léxico de muitos falantes, e estão presentes em livros e filmes, além da fala cotidiana. Assim tentamos mostrar que devem ser analisados com atenção e livres de preconceitos. Verificamos que os palavrões podem ser muito diferentes nas línguas selecionadas, refletindo, desse modo, a cultura dos idiomas envolvidos.


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This essay aims to analyse the temporal dimension and the temporal instruments which the baroques poets utilized in Italy. We intend to demonstrate that the “minor poets” of that period made several references to the transitoriety of human life, and did not restrict their observations to a simple collectionism.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia de las bandejas de celdas sobre la producción de tomate tipo italiano en el campo, se realizó este trabajo en Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, de mayo a agosto del 2005. Los tratamientos consistieron en cuatro volúmenes de recipiente, tres bandejas de poliestireno expandido de 121,2; 34,6 y 12,0 cm³ y de una bandeja de plástico rígido de 14,0 cm³ (72, 128, 288 y 450 celdas, respectivamente) combinadas con cuatro edades para el trasplante (19, 24, 29 y 34 días después de la siembra). El delineamiento para la producción de mudas fue completamente al azar, con cinco plantas por parcela y tres repeticiones. Se analizaron área foliar, altura, masa verde y seca de la parte aérea y raíz y la calidad de las mudas. En la producción a campo, el delineamiento fue en bloques al azar con diez plantas por parcela y tres repeticiones. Fueron evaluadas la precocidad para inicio de cosecha, producción comercial y total por planta. Volúmenes mayores de recipiente (121,2 y 34,6 cm³) presentaron mejor calidad de mudas. En la producción de frutos, el número comercial y total de frutos por planta fue superior en la muda de 24 días de edad, sin embargo, en la producción total de frutos, no hubo diferencia entre los tratamientos. Por otro lado, también se obtuvo precocidad para la cosecha en los tratamientos realizados en los volúmenes de 121,2 y 34,6 cm³. El volumen de recipiente de 14,0 cm³ (450 celdas) resultó en mudas de calidad muy inferior, alongadas y raquíticas.


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