992 resultados para cDNA Library
Plasma membrane calmodulin-dependent calcium ATPases (PMCAs) are enzymatic systems implicated in the extrusion of calcium from the cell. We and others have previously identified molecular interactions between the cytoplasmic COOH-terminal end of PMCA and PDZ domain-containing proteins. These interactions suggested a new role for PMCA as a modulator of signal transduction pathways. The existence of other intracellular regions in the PMCA molecule prompted us to investigate the possible participation of other domains in interactions with different partner proteins. A two-hybrid screen of a human fetal heart cDNA library, using the region 652-840 of human PMCA4b (located in the catalytic, second intracellular loop) as bait, revealed a novel interaction between PMCA4b and the tumor suppressor RASSF1, a Ras effector protein involved in H-Ras-mediated apoptosis. Immunofluorescence co-localization, immunoprecipitation, and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments performed in mammalian cells provided further confirmation of the physical interaction between the two proteins. The interaction domain has been narrowed down to region 74-123 of RASSF1C (144-193 in RASSF1A) and 652-748 of human PMCA4b. The functionality of this interaction was demonstrated by the inhibition of the epidermal growth factor-dependent activation of the Erk pathway when PMCA4b and RASSF1 were co-expressed. This inhibition was abolished by blocking PMCA/RASSSF1 association with an excess of a green fluorescent protein fusion protein containing the region 50-123 of RASSF1C. This work describes a novel protein-protein interaction involving a domain of PMCA other than the COOH terminus. It suggests a function for PMCA4b as an organizer of macromolecular protein complexes, where PMCA4b could recruit diverse proteins through interaction with different domains. Furthermore, the functional association with RASSF1 indicates a role for PMCA4b in the modulation of Ras-mediated signaling.
Inúmeras potenciais funções foram sugeridas para a APP (Proteína Precursora de Amilóide de Alzheimer), contudo, fisiologicamente, a função precisa da APP não foi ainda desvendada. A APP tem características consistentes com a função de molécula-receptora, capaz de reconhecer sinais extracelulares. Também relevante para este trabalho, é o facto de que a sinalização através de RIP (Proteólise Intramembranar Regulada) tem consequências na expressão génica, como no caso da sinalização tipo-Notch. Tal como a proteína Notch, a APP é processada resultando num fragmento C-terminal designado por AICD (Domínio Intracelular da APP). Neste trabalho é focado o papel importante na sinalização nuclear desempenhado pelo fragmento AICD, especificamente através da interacção com proteínas adaptadoras, promovendo a transcrição. Com o objectivo de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da base molecular da DA (Doença de Alzheimer), torna-se importante investigar as vias de localização nuclear do AICD e o seu envolvimento na transcrição génica, possivelmente afectando proteínas até agora não associadas à DA. Por estes motivos é fundamental a identificação de novas proteínas que interajam com a APP. Um rastreio foi efectuado, utilizando o sistema Dois-Híbrido em Levedura, para identificar interacções específicas do AICD no cérebro humano e, assim, caracterizar o interactoma do AICD. Foi feito o rastreio de aproximadamente 1.1x108 clones de uma biblioteca de cDNA de cérebro humano com o domínio C-terminal da APP com a mutação Y687E, que mimetiza o estado fosforilado. De experiências anteriores deste laboratório sabemos que a tirosina-687 afecta a localização subcelular da APP e é também consensual que a fosforilação é importante nos mecanismos de transdução de sinais, daí a utilização deste mutante parecer apropriada. O rastreio originou 55 clones positivos que foram analisados para identificar proteínas que interagem com a APP. Dois clones são particularmente importantes, a RanBPM e a Transportin-SR2, visto que estão associadas ao transporte de proteínas para o núcleo e confirmam a sinalização nuclear da APP. ABSTRACT: Many putative functions for APP (Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein) have been suggested, although the precise physiological function of APP remains to be elucidated. APP has characteristics consistent with it having a role as a receptor, capable of mediating extracellular signals. Also of relevance to the work described here is that RIP (Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis) signalling can have consequences in gene expression, similar to Notch signalling. Like the latter, APP is processed by RIP resulting in a C-terminal fragment known as AICD. Here we test the hypothesis that the AICD fragment may play an important role in nuclear signalling, specifically by interacting with adaptor proteins potentiating transcription. Therefore, in order to contribute to our understanding of the molecular basis of AD (Alzheimer’s disease) it is important to investigate the pathways of AICD nuclear targeting and its involvement in gene transcription, possibly affecting other proteins hitherto not associated with AD. Thus, it is important to identify AICD binding proteins. A Yeast Two-Hybrid (YTH) screen was performed to identify human brainspecific AICD binding proteins, and thus characterize the AICD interactome. The screen of approximately 1.1 x108 clones from a human brain cDNA library was carried out using the AICD fragment with an Y687E mutation, which mimics phosphorylation on that residue. From previous work carried out in the laboratory we know that tyrosine-687 phosphorylation affects subcellular localization of APP, and it is also recognized that phosphorylation events are important in signal transduction mechanisms, hence the use of this mutant is appropriate. The YTH screen yielded 55 positive clones that were analysed and several novel brain-specific APP binding proteins were identified. Two clones were particularly important, RanBPM and Transportin-SR2, being that they are associated with the nuclear transport of proteins, and support the nuclear signalling for APP.
A génese de um cancro está dependente da acumulação de mutações genéticas que dão origem a instabilidade genómica, que por sua vez resulta na proliferação descontrolada. Para prevenir a acumulação destas mutações, as células têm mecanismos de controlo (checkpoints) que suspendem o ciclo celular e accionam as vias de reparação do ADN. Estes eventos são muitas vezes regulados por dinâmicas de (des)fosforilação de proteínas. As proteínas fosfatases (PPs), enzimas responsáveis pela remoção do grupo fosfato de resíduos fosforilados, desempenham funções cruciais na regulação de muitos mecanismos celulares. Enquanto que no início do projecto as cinases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação estavam bem estabelecidas, as PPs envolvidas não eram conhecidas. A Chk1, um componente da maquinaria do checkpoint da replicação, é exemplo dessa regulação por (des)fosforilação, como sejam nos resíduos Ser317 e Ser345. Assim, como primeira abordagem para determinar quais os grupos de PPs envolvidos na regulação do checkpoint da replicação, decidimos investigar o seu papel na regulação da fosforilação da Chk1. A primeira conclusão é que a desfosforilação da Chk1 ao longo do tempo, tanto in vivo como in vitro, ocorre com uma dinâmica bi-fásica. Em segundo, a abordagem in vitro sugere que as famílias PP1, PP2A e PP2C estão envolvidas na desfosforilação da Chk1. Uma vez que a família PP2A foi a que mostrou a maior acção nesta reacção, decidimos investigar outros membros da família in vivo, primeiro com uma abordagem geral (tratando com OA ou sobreexpressando a PME-1), e depois com o knockdown específico da PP4 e PP6 (através de siRNA). Os resultados mostram que a inibição das PPs afectam tanto a desfosforilação como o estado de activação da Chk1 em resposta a tratamento com Hidroxiureia (HU). Todas as PPs testadas in vivo pareceram ser capazes de regular, a níveis diferentes, tanto a fosforilação como a desfosforilação da Chk1. A função das PPs foi também investigada ao nível: da regulação do disparo das origens de replicação, e da recuperação da suspensão da replicação, induzida pela HU. No último caso, os dados indicam que na situação simultânea de knockdown da PP4 com tratamento de HU, há um atraso do ciclo celular na resolução da transição de G2/M. No ensaio de replicação por pulse-chase, os resultamos mostram que tanto o tratamento com OA, como a sobre-expressão de I-2 ou PME-1, atrasam a cronologia do disparo programado das origens de replicação. No entanto, nenhum dos tratamentos efectuados parece desregular o início do checkpoint da replicação. Um rastreio de 2-híbrido de levedura com uma biblioteca de cDNA de testículo humano foi realizado, usando a Chk1 como isco, no sentido de descobrir novos interactores e definir novas possíveis funções para a Chk1 no contexto da meiose. Com base nos resultados do rastreio, duas novas funções são sugeridas: a interacção com a GAGE12 sugere uma função na recombinação genómica/vigilância do genoma durante a meiose, e as interacções com a EEF1α1 e a RPS5 sugerem uma função na regulação da síntese proteíca. Estas experiências fornecem um visão geral para a compreensão da diversidade de funções das proteínas fosfatases envolvidas no checkpoint da replicação, bem como, abre novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas para o tratamento do cancro.
Nowadays, a systems biology approach is both a challenge as well as believed to be the ideal form of understanding the organisms’ mechanisms of response. Responses at different levels of biological organization should be integrated to better understand the mechanisms, and hence predict the effects of stress agents, usable in broader contexts. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the underlying mechanisms of Enchytraeus albidus responses to chemical stressors. Therefore, there was a large investment on the gene library enrichment for this species, as explained ahead. Overall, effects of chemicals from two different groups (metals and pesticides) were assessed at different levels of biological organization: from genes and biochemical biomarkers to population endpoints. Selected chemicals were: 1) the metals cadmium and zinc; 2) the insecticide dimethoate, the herbicide atrazine and the fungicide carbendazim. At the gene and sub-cellular level, the effects of time and dosage were also adressed. Traditional ecotoxicological tests - survival, reproduction and avoidance behavior - indicated that pesticides were more toxic than metals. Avoidance behaviour is extremely important from an ecological point of view, but not recommended to use for risk assessment purposes. The oxidative stress related experiment showed that metals induced significant effects on several antioxidant enzyme activities and substrate levels, as well as oxidative damage on the membrane cells. To increase the potential of our molecular tool to assess transcriptional responses, the existing cDNA library was enriched with metal and pesticide responding genes, using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH). With the sequencing information obtained, an improved Agilent custom oligonucleotide microarray was developed and an EST database, including all existing molecular data on E. albidus, was made publicly available as an interactive tool to access information. With this microarray tool, most interesting and novel information on the mechanisms of chemical toxicity was obtained, with the identification of common and specific key pathways affected by each compound. The obtained results allowed the identification of mechanisms of action for the tested compounds in E. albidus, some of which are in line with the ones known for mammals, suggesting across species conserved modes of action and underlining the usefulness of this soil invertebrate as a model species. In general, biochemical and molecular responses were influenced by time of exposure and chemical dosage and these allowed to see the evolution of events. Cellular energy allocation results confirmed the gene expression evidences of an increased energetic expenditure, which can partially explain the decrease on the reproductive output, verified at a later stage. Correlations found throughout this thesis between effects at the different levels of biological organization have further improved our knowledge on the toxicity of metals and pesticides in this species.
A cDNA library prepared from human liver was screened for α₁-antitrypsin, a major constituent of plasma which functions as inhibitor of proteolytic enzyms. The library was screened using a 12-base-long synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide corresponding to a known DNA fragment of human α₁-antitrypsin and by hybrid-selection of α₁-antitrypsin mRNA.
The neuropeptide Th1RFamide with the sequence Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide was originally isolated in the clam Macrocallista nimbosa (price and Greenberg, 1977). Since its discovery, a large family ofFl\1RFamide-related peptides termed FaRPs have been found to be present in all major animal phyla with functions ranging from modulation of neuronal activity to alteration of muscular contractions. However, little is known about the genetics encoding these peptides, especially in invertebrates. As FaRP-encoding genes have yet to be investigated in the invertebrate Malacostracean subphylum, the isolation and characterization ofFaRP-encoding DNA and mRNA was pursued in this project. The immediate aims of this thesis were: (1) to amplify mRNA sequences of Procambarus clarkii using a degenerate oligonucleotide primer deduced from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPS, (2) to determine if these amplification products encode FaRP gene sequences, and (3) to create a selective cDNA library of sequences recognized by the degenerate oligonucleotide primer. The polymerase chain reaction - rapid amplification of cDNA ends (PCR-RACE) is a procedure in which a single gene-specific primer is used in conjunction with a generalized 3' or 5' primer to amplify copies ofthe region between a single point in the transcript and the 3' or 5' end of cDNA of interest (Frohman et aI., 1988). PCRRACE reactions were optimized with respect to primers used, buffer composition, cycle number, nature ofgenetic substrate to be amplified, annealing, extension and denaturation temperatures and times, and use of reamplification procedures. Amplification products were cloned into plasmid vectors and recombinant products were isolated, as were the recombinant plaques formed in the selective cDNA library. Labeled amplification products were hybridized to recombinant bacteriophage to determine ligated amplification product presence. When sequenced, the five isolated PCR-RACE amplification products were determined not to possess FaRP-encoding sequences. The 200bp, 450bp, and 1500bp sequences showed homology to the Caenorhabditis elegans cosmid K09A11, which encodes for cytochrome P450; transfer-RNA; transposase; and tRNA-Tyr, while the 500bp and 750bp sequences showed homology with the complete genome of the Vaccinia virus. Under the employed amplification conditions the degenerate oligonucleotide primer was observed to bind to and to amplify sequences with either 9 or 10bp of 17bp identity. The selective cDNA library was obselVed to be of extremely low titre. When library titre was increased, white. plaques were isolated. Amplification analysis of eight isolated Agt11 sequences from these plaques indicated an absence of an insertion sequence. The degenerate 17 base oligonucleotide primer synthesized from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPs was thus determined to be non-specific in its binding under the conditions required for its use, and to be insufficient for the isolation and identification ofFaRP-encoding sequences. A more specific primer oflonger sequence, lower degeneracy, and higher melting temperature (TJ is recommended for further investigation into the FaRP-encoding genes of Procambarlls clarkii.
La découverte du système des peptides natriurétiques (NP), au début des années 80, fut une découverte majeure qui révéla le rôle endocrinien du cœur. Les connaissances sur la relaxation vasculaire, la diurèse et la natriurèse provoquées par ce système ont évolué vers un niveau de complexité insoupçonné à cette époque. Nous savons à présent que les NP sont impliqués dans plusieurs autres mécanismes dont la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose, l’inhibition du système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone (RAAS) et le métabolisme des adipocytes. Le métabolisme des lipides est maintenant devenu une cible de choix dans la lutte contre l’obésité. Cette condition aux proportions pandémiques est un facteur de risque majeur dans l’apparition de l’hypertension et du syndrome métabolique (MetS). La compréhension des mécanismes et des défauts de la voie des NP pourrait avoir un impact positif sur le contrôle du MetS et de l’hypertension. L’expression du récepteur des peptides natriuretiques de type 1 (NPR1/GCA) est contrôlée par plusieurs agents incluant son propre ligand, le peptide natriurétique de l’oreillette (ANP). La découverte d’une boucle de retro-inhibition, dans les années 90, a été un événement majeur dans le domaine des NP. En effet, suite à une stimulation à l’ANP, le NPR1/GCA peut inhiber l’activité transcriptionnelle de son propre gène par un mécanisme dépendant du cGMP. Notre groupe a identifié un élément cis-régulateur responsable de cette sensibilité au cGMP et mon projet consistait à identifier la ou les protéine(s) liant cet élément de réponse au cGMP (cGMP-RE). Nous avons identifié un clone liant le cGMP-RE en utilisant la technique du simple hybride chez la levure et une banque d’ADN complémentaire (ADNc) de rein humain. Ce clone provient d’un ADNc de 1083-bp dont le gène est localisé sur le chromosome 1 humain (1p33.36) et codant pour une protéine dont la fonction était inconnue jusqu’ici. Nous avons nommé cette nouvelle protéine GREBP en raison de sa fonction de cGMP Response Element Binding Protein. Des essais de liaison à l’ADN ont montré que cette protéine possède une affinité 18 fois plus élevée pour le cGMP-RE que le contrôle, tandis que des expériences de retard sur gel (EMSA) ont confirmé la spécificité des interactions protéine-ADN. De plus, l’immuno-précipitation de la chromatine (ChIP) a prouvé que GREBP lie le cGMP-RE dans des conditions physiologiques. La liaison de GREBP au cGMP-RE inhibe l’expression du gène rapporteur luciférase sous contrôle du promoteur de npr1/gca. L’inhibition de GREBP à l’aide d’ARN interférant active le promoteur de npr1/gca. Dans les cellules NCI-H295R, l’ANP stimule l’expression de grebp de 60% après seulement 3 heures et inhibe l’expression de npr1/gca de 30%. GREBP est une protéine nucléaire surtout exprimée dans le cœur et ayant le facteur eIF3F comme partenaire. Les variations nucléotidiques du gène sont plus fréquentes chez les patients hypertendus que chez des patients normotendus ou hypertendus souffrant de MetS. Nous rapportons ici l’existence d’un gène spécifique à l’humain qui agit comme répresseur transcriptionnel de npr1/gca et potentiellement impliqué dans le développement de l’hypertension.
Thioredoxins are small, regulatory proteins with a mass of approximately 12 kDa and a characteristic conserved active center, which is represented in the pentapeptide trp-cys-gly-pro-cys. Up to now it is not possible to present a complete list of thioredoxin interaction partners because there is no predictable sequence in the target enzymes where thioredoxins can interact with. To get closer information about the functions and possible interaction partners of the three thioredoxins from the social soil amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (DdTrx1 - 3) we have chosen two different strategies. In the first one the thioredoxin levels in the cell should changed by different mutants. But both the antisense technique as well as the creation of knock out mutants were not appropiate strategies in this case. Just an thioredoxin overexpressing mutant results in a developmental phenotype which allows some conclusions for possible functions of the thioredoxin in Dictyostelium discoideum. The second strategie was the two hybrid system where thioredoxin interactions partners can identified systematically. After a screening with a cDNA library from Dictyostelium 13 potential interaction partners could be detected, among them a ribonucleotid reductase, TRFA, two different cytochrome c oxidase subunits, filopodin, three ribosomal proteins, the elongationfactor 1a and the alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast. The verification of the interaction between thioredoxin and these two hybrid clones happened indirectly by a dobble mutant of thioredoxin 1, where the cysteines in the active center were replaced by redox-inactive serins. Further examinations of two choosen candidates resulted that the alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast is a thioredoxin-modululated enzym and that there is an interaction between the elongationfactor 1a and the thioredoxin 1 from Dictyostelium discoideum.
With molecular biology methods and bioinformatics, the Argonaute proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum were characterized, and the function of the AgnA protein in RNAi and DNA methylation was investigated, as well as cellular features. Also interaction partners of the PAZ-Piwi domain of AgnA (PAZ-PiwiAgnA) were discovered. The Dictyostelium genome encodes five Argonaute proteins, termed AgnA/B/C/D/E. The expression level of Argonaute proteins was AgnB/D/E > AgnA > AgnC. All these proteins contain the characteristic conserved of PAZ and Piwi domains. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the overexpressed C-terminal GFP-fusion of PAZ-PiwiAgnA (PPWa-GFP) localized to the cytoplasm. Overexpression of PPWa-GFP leaded to an increased gene silencing efficiency mediated by RNAi but not by antisense RNA. This indicated that PAZ-PiwiAgnA is involved in the RNAi pathway, but not in the antisense pathway. An analysis of protein-protein interactions by a yeast-two-hybrid screen on a cDNA library from vegetatively grown Dictyostelium revealed that several proteins, such as EF2, EF1-I, IfdA, SahA, SamS, RANBP1, UAE1, CapA, and GpdA could interact with PAZ-PiwiAgnA. There was no interaction between PAZ-PiwiAgnA and HP1, HelF and DnmA detected by direct yeast-two-hybrid analysis. The fluorescence microscopy images showed that the overexpressed GFP-SahA or IfdA fusion proteins localized to both cytoplasm and nuclei, while the overexpressed GFP-SamS localized to the cytoplasm. The expression of SamS in AgnA knock down mutants was strongly down regulated on cDNA and mRNA level in, while the expression of SahA was only slightly down regulated. AgnA knock down mutants displayed defects in growth and phagocytosis, which suggested that AgnA affects also cell biological features. The inhibition of DNA methylation on DIRS-1 and Skipper retroelements, as well as the endogenous mvpB and telA gene, observed for the same strains, revealed that AgnA is involved in the DNA methylation pathway. Northern blot analysis showed that Skipper and DIRS-1 were rarely expressed in Ax2, but the expression of Skipper was upregulated in AgnA knock down mutants, while the expression of DIRS-1 was not changed. A knock out of the agnA gene failed even though the homologous recombination of the disruption construct occurred at the correct site, which indicated that there was a duplication of the agnA gene in the genome. The same phenomenon was also observed in ifdA knock out experiments.
En aquest treball es caracteriza per primera vegada la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica d'una metal·lotineïna (MT) de planta i es proposa un model de plegament per a les MTs de planta en general. Els resultat mostren que aquestes proteïnes poden tenir un paper molt important en la regulació de l'estat redox de les cèl·lules, probablement a través de la coordinació a Cu. Les MTs de planta són proteïnes molt desconegudes. Es postula que participen en l'homeòstasi del Cu i en la protecció contra l'estrès oxidatiu, però es desconeix la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i el plegament. En aquest treball s'han estudiat una metal·lotioneïna d'alzina surera, QsMT, aïllada d'una llibreria de cDNA de fel·lema. Els objectius concrets han estat: (1) estudiar l'expressió de QsMT i la resposta a l'estrès oxidatiu; (2) determinar la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i la funcionalitat in vivo; (3) fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. L'expressió del gen s'ha estudiat mitjançant hibridació in situ en plàntules i en embrions d'alzina surera. QsMT s'expressa majoritàriament en cèl·lules amb fort estrès oxidatiu, associat a la síntesi de polifenols (suberització i lignificació) i a la senescència. També s'expressa en cèl·lules meristemàtiques, cèl·lules en divisió molt activa on la funció de les MTs podria estar relacionada amb el manteniment de l'estat redox. L'aplicació d'estrès oxidatiu exogen (H2O2 i paraquat) incrementa fortament l'expressió de QsMT en teixits amb expressió constitutiva, confirmant la regulació de l'expressió del gen per estrès oxidatiu. Per l'estudi de les propietats de coordinació metàl·lica es va expressar QsMT en cèl·lules d'E. coli en medi de cultiu suplementat amb Cu, Zn o Cd. Es van aïllar els agregats metàl·lics corresponents i es van analitzar mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques i espectromètriques (ICP-OES, ESI-MS i CD). Els resultats mostren que QsMT coordina de forma estable Cu (8 ions metàl·lics/molècula), Zn (4 ions de Zn/molècula) i Cd (6 ions de Cd/molècula), i adopta una estructura especialment quiral en coordinació a Cu. L'elevada capacitat quelant de la proteïna i la quiralitat de l'estructura indiquen que QsMT possiblement té preferència metàl·lica pel Cu i per tant una funció relacionada amb aquest metall in vivo. Estudis de complementació en llevat demostren que QsMT coordina Cu de forma funcional in vivo. En coordinació a Cd QsMT presenta una peculiaritat no observada fins ara en altres MTs: la participació d'ions sulfur en la formació de l'agregat metàl·lic incrementant la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica (6 ions metàl·lics divalents de Cd enlloc de 4 ions de Zn). A més QsMT coordina Cd de forma funcional en llevat, i per tant la seva funció també podria estar relacionada amb la destoxicació de Cd en la planta. QsMT s'ha utilitzat com a model per fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. Amb aquest objectiu vam dissenyar tres pèptids mutants derivats de QsMT: N25 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició amino-terminal, C18 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició carboxil-terminal, i N25-C18 corresponent a les dues zones riques en cisteïna enllaçades per 4 glicines substituint la zona central de 39 aminoàcids. Es van expressar i estudiar aquests pèptids per les mateixes tècniques utilitzades en l'estudi de QsMT. Els resultats indiquen que QsMT es plega formant un sol agregat metàl·lic per la interacció de les dues zones riques en cisteïna. En aquest model la zona central d'enllaç, típica de les MTs de planta, no participa en la coordinació metàl·lica però és imprescindible per a la funció de la proteïna. El paper de la zona central podria variar en funció del metall que coordina, participant en el plegament i estructura de la proteïna quan coordina Zn i Cd i en la seva regulació i estabilització quan coordina Cu.
Here, we report the identification of a metastasis promoting factor by a forward genetic screen in mice. A retroviral cDNA library was introduced into the nonmetastatic cancer cell line 168FARN, which was then orthotopically transplanted into mouse mammary fat pads, followed by selection for cells that metastasize to the lung. The genes encoding the disulfide isomerase ERp5 and beta-catenin were found to promote breast cancer invasion and metastasis. Disulfide isomerases (thiol isomerases), which catalyze disulfide bond formation, reduction, and isomerization, have not previously been implicated in cancer cell signaling and tumor metastasis. Overexpression of ERp5 promotes both in vitro migration and invasion and in vivo metastasis of breast cancer cells. These effects were shown to involve activation of ErbB2 and phosphoinositicle 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways through dimerization of ErbB2. Activation of ErbB2 and PI3K subsequently stimulates RhoA and beta-catenin, which mediate the migration and invasion of tumor cells. Inhibition of ErbB2 and PI3K reverses the phenotypes induced by ERp5. Finally, ERp5 was shown to be up-regulated in human surgical samples of invasive breast cancers. These data identify a link between disulfide isomerases and tumor development, and provide a mechanism that modulates ErbB2 and PI3K signaling in the promotion of cancer progression.
The mammalian bradykinin-degrading enzyme aminopeptidase P (AP-P; E. C. is a metal-dependent enzyme and is a member of the peptidase clan MG. AP-P exists as membrane-bound and cytosolic forms, which represent distinct gene products. A partially truncated clone encoding the cytosolic form was obtained from a human pancreatic cDNA library and the 5' region containing the initiating Met was obtained by 5' rapid accumulation of cDNA ends (RACE). The open reading frame encodes a protein of 623 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 69,886 Da. The full-length cDNA with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag was expressed in Escherichia coli and COS-1 cells and migrated on SDS-PAGE with a molecular mass of 71 kDa. The expressed cytosolic AP-P hydrolyzed the X-Pro bond of bradykinin and substance P but did not hydrolyze Gly-Pro-hydroxyPro. Hydrolysis of bradykinin was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and by the specific inhibitor of the membrane-bound form of mammalian AP-P, apstatin. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy of AP-P expressed in E. coli revealed the presence of 1 mol of manganese/mol of protein and insignificant amounts of cobalt, iron, and zinc. The enzymatic activity of AP-P was promoted in the presence of Mn(II), and this activation was increased further by the addition of glutathione. The only other metal ion to cause slight activation of the enzyme was Co(II), with Ca(II), Cu(II), Mg(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) all being inhibitory. Removal of the metal ion from the protein was achieved by treatment with 1,10-phenanthroline. The metal-free enzyme was reactivated by the addition of Mn(II) and, partially, by Fe(II). Neither Co(II) nor Zn(II) reactivated the metal-free enzyme. On the basis of these data we propose that human cytosolic AP-P is a single metal ion-dependent enzyme and that manganese is most likely the metal ion used in vivo.
Musca domestica larvae display in anterior and middle midgut contents, a proteolytic activity with pH optimum of 3.0-3.5 and kinetic properties like cathepsin D. Three cDNAs coding for preprocathepsin D-like proteinases (ppCAD 1, ppCAD 2, ppCAD 3) were cloned from a M. domestica midgut cDNA library. The coded protein sequences included the signal peptide, propeptide and mature enzyme that has all conserved catalytic and substrate binding residues found in bovine lysosomal cathepsin D. Nevertheless, ppCAD 2 and ppCAD 3 lack the characteristic proline loop and glycosylation sites. A comparison among the sequences of cathepsin D-like enzymes from some vertebrates and those found in M. domestica and in the genomes of Aedes aegypti, Drosophila melanogaster, Tribolium castaneum, and Bombyx mori showed that only flies have enzymes lacking the proline loop (as defined by the motif: DxPxPx(G/A)P), thus resembling vertebrate pepsin. ppCAD 3 should correspond to the digestive cathepsin D-like proteinase (CAD) found in enzyme assays because: (1) it seems to be the most expressed CAD, based on the frequency of ESTs found. (2) The mRNA for CAD 3 is expressed only in the anterior and proximal middle midgut. (3) Recombinant procathepsin D-like proteinase (pCAD 3), after auto-activation has a pH optimum of 2.5-3.0 that is close to the luminal pH of M. domestica midgut. (4) Immunoblots of proteins from different tissues revealed with anti-pCAD 3 serum were positive only in samples of anterior and middle midgut tissue and contents. (5) CAD 3 is localized with immunogold inside secretory vesicles and around microvilli in anterior and middle midguit cells. The data support the view that on adapting to deal with a bacteria-rich food in an acid midgut region, M. domestica digestive CAD resulted from the same archetypical gene as the intracellular cathepsin D, paralleling what happened with vertebrates. The lack of the proline loop may be somehow associated with the extracellular role of both pepsin and digestive CAD 3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DNA puffs are genomic regions of polytene chromosomes that undergo developmentally controlled DNA amplification and transcription in salivary glands of sciarid flies. Here, we tested the hypothesis that DNA puff genes code for salivary proteins in Trichosia pubescens. To do that, we generated antibodies against saliva and immunoscreened a cDNA library made from salivary glands. We isolated clones corresponding to DNA puff regions, including clone D-50 that contained the entire coding sequence of the previously isolated C4B1 gene from puff 4C. Indeed, we showed that puff 4C is a DNA puff region detecting its local transcription and its extra rounds of DNA incorporation compared to neighboring regions. We further confirmed D-50 clone identity in Western blots reacted with the anti-saliva anitiserum. We detected a recombinant protein expressed by this clone that had the expected size for a full-length product of the gene. We end with a discussion of the relationship between DNA puff genes and their products.
P>A cDNA encoding a small lysine-rich protein of unknown function was identified in a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) stigma/style suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA library. After its characterization, the corresponding gene was designated stigma/style cell cycle inhibitor 1 (SCI1). Fluorescence microscopy with an SCI1-GFP protein fusion demonstrated its nuclear localization, which was confined to the interchromatic region. Real-time RT-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments showed that SCI1 is stigma/style-specific and developmentally regulated. SCI1 RNAi knockdown and overexpression plants had stigmas/styles with remarkably enlarged and reduced areas, respectively, which was attributable to differences in cell numbers. These results indicate that SCI1 is a tissue-specific negative cell cycle regulator. The differences in cell division had an effect on the timing of the differentiation of the stigmatic papillar cells, suggesting that their differentiation is coupled to stigma cell divisions. This is consistent with a role for SCI1 in triggering differentiation through cell proliferation control. Our results revealed that SCI1 is a novel tissue-specific gene that controls cell proliferation/differentiation, probably as a component of a developmental signal transduction pathway.