657 resultados para bacon
At the close of the Wars of the Roses, a new dynasty was founded by a man lacking a prince’s education; moreover, his weak claim to the throne of England gave rise to a set of serious problems. These two crucial, interrelated elements are central in Francis Bacon’s biographical account of Henry VII. The literal road leading Richmond from exile to victory in Bosworth Field, in 1485, is eventually transformed into a metaphoric path that prefigures the long, deep process of learning undertaken during his 24-year reign. This fundamental process carried out by the king will be approached mainly through the passages focused on the Lambert Simnell/Perkin Warbeck affairs, the most difficult probelms the monarch had to face in a time and in a kingdom of many uncertainties. The Simnell/Warbeck menaces embodied Henry Tudor’s greatest dilemmas, continually emphasised in Bacon’s work – the essence of legitimacy and the essence of royalty.
Quem, como nós, ainda se abisma diante da frontalidade na história do retrato pictural e fotográfico, diante da "facialidade" de certo teatro e da figuralidade não-narrativa de personagens num certo cinema "moderno", cedo ou tarde confrontar-se-á com a "nova" figuração da pessoa humana no vasto período que vai desde o paganismo da antiguidade tardia e da arte paleo-cristã à Bizâncio pós-iconoclasma: é nessa longa duração que tal frontalidade e figurabilidade se enraízam. O fenómeno centra-se no Mediterrâneo oriental e tem como turning points o édito constantiniano sobre a liberdade de culto (Milão, 313), a mudança da capital imperial para Constantinopla e a transformação desta em "nova Roma", a progressiva autarcia dos bispos romanos que passam a ser designados por "papas". Das catacumbas a Bizâncio, nasce a figuração de uma divino-humanidade que habita uma temporalidade e ecceidade novas, as da parousia cristã. É esse fenómeno que aqui nos interessa, por causa da figuralidade retratista de pintores contemporâneos como Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud ou Chuck Close, e da frontalidade em cineastas "modernos" como Bresson, Ozu, Dreyer, Godard — gente de "hoje", que fica momentaneamente fora da presente reflexão. O que a seguir se lerá é uma mera introdução, suscitada por uma urgência pedagógica, a um pequeno núcleo de questões que merecem ser projectadas na figuração moderna e contemporânea.
Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, n.2
Dissertação de Mestrado em Filosofia – Estética
Podi a fazer hoje os mesmos comentários que fiz num artigo publicado no n°.3 da Re vista da Faculdade, em 1989, em que comecei citando um título de Jackendoff (1988) - "Why are they say ing these things ab out us?". Então como agora a incompreensão manifestada por muitos sobre o trabalho desenvol vido em gramática generativa resulta, creio eu, da impossibilidade de acompanhar os avanços teóricos que se têm vindo a processar a um ritmo acelerado. Os sucessivos modelos introduziram uma linguagem sofisticada só compreensível para os que com ela trabalham . Nos últimos anos, poucos meses de afastamento podem ser suficientes para que surjam sérias dificuldades no entendimento de hipóteses teóricas novas. E nós, os que aqui estamos interessados na teoria linguística, é com esforço que seguimos o que vai acontecendo lá fora, dadas as muitas dificuldades que ainda temos nesta extremidade da Europa. Por curiosidade, recordo que, enquanto no início do séc ulo XIII, em Inglaterra, Roger Bacon (Some rset, 1214?-Oxford, 1294) reflectia sobre gramática considerando que "Grammar is substantia lIy the sarne in alI langu ages, even thou gh it may va ry accide nta lIy", aqui, pela mesma altura (1214?) , alguém escrevia o que se julga ser o mais antigo texto em português - a Noticia de Torto - , um relato terrível de acontecimentos violentos: "E ora inista tregua fura - a Veraci- amazaru-li os omeess errnaru- Ii X casaes seu torto al rec ."
Dissertação de mestrado em Geografia (área de especialização em Planeamento e Gestão do Território)
Background and purpose: Recent evidence suggests that variation in the SNCA, MAPT, and GSK3B genes interacts in affecting risk for Parkinson disease (PD). In the current study, we attempt to validate previously published findings, evaluating gene-gene interactions between SNCA, MAPT, and GSK3B in association with PD. Methods: Three Caucasian PD patient-control series from the United States, Ireland, and Norway (combined n = 1020 patients and 1095 controls) were genotyped for SNCA rs356219, MAPT H1/H2-discriminating SNP rs1052553, and GSK3B rs334558 and rs6438552. Results: Our findings indicate that as previously reported, the SNCA rs356219-G allele and MAPT rs1052553 (H1 haplotype) were both associated with an increased risk of PD, whilst contrary to previous reports, GSK3B variants were not. No pair-wise interaction was observed between SNCA, MAPT, and GSK3B; the risk effects of SNCA rs356219-G and MAPT rs1052553-H1 were seen in a similar manner across genotypes of other variants, with no evidence suggesting synergistic, antagonistic, or deferential effects. Conclusions: In the Caucasian patient-control series examined, risk for PD was influenced by variation in SNCA and MAPT but not GSK3B. Additionally, those three genes did not interact in determining disease risk.
This analysis was stimulated by the real data analysis problem of householdexpenditure data. The full dataset contains expenditure data for a sample of 1224 households. The expenditure is broken down at 2 hierarchical levels: 9 major levels (e.g. housing, food, utilities etc.) and 92 minor levels. There are also 5 factors and 5 covariates at the household level. Not surprisingly, there are a small number of zeros at the major level, but many zeros at the minor level. The question is how best to model the zeros. Clearly, models that tryto add a small amount to the zero terms are not appropriate in general as at least some of the zeros are clearly structural, e.g. alcohol/tobacco for households that are teetotal. The key question then is how to build suitable conditional models. For example, is the sub-composition of spendingexcluding alcohol/tobacco similar for teetotal and non-teetotal households?In other words, we are looking for sub-compositional independence. Also, what determines whether a household is teetotal? Can we assume that it is independent of the composition? In general, whether teetotal will clearly depend on the household level variables, so we need to be able to model this dependence. The other tricky question is that with zeros on more than onecomponent, we need to be able to model dependence and independence of zeros on the different components. Lastly, while some zeros are structural, others may not be, for example, for expenditure on durables, it may be chance as to whether a particular household spends money on durableswithin the sample period. This would clearly be distinguishable if we had longitudinal data, but may still be distinguishable by looking at the distribution, on the assumption that random zeros will usually be for situations where any non-zero expenditure is not small.While this analysis is based on around economic data, the ideas carry over tomany other situations, including geological data, where minerals may be missing for structural reasons (similar to alcohol), or missing because they occur only in random regions which may be missed in a sample (similar to the durables)
Aitchison and Bacon-Shone (1999) considered convex linear combinations ofcompositions. In other words, they investigated compositions of compositions, wherethe mixing composition follows a logistic Normal distribution (or a perturbationprocess) and the compositions being mixed follow a logistic Normal distribution. Inthis paper, I investigate the extension to situations where the mixing compositionvaries with a number of dimensions. Examples would be where the mixingproportions vary with time or distance or a combination of the two. Practicalsituations include a river where the mixing proportions vary along the river, or acrossa lake and possibly with a time trend. This is illustrated with a dataset similar to thatused in the Aitchison and Bacon-Shone paper, which looked at how pollution in aloch depended on the pollution in the three rivers that feed the loch. Here, I explicitlymodel the variation in the linear combination across the loch, assuming that the meanof the logistic Normal distribution depends on the river flows and relative distancefrom the source origins
This paper examines a dataset which is modeled well by thePoisson-Log Normal process and by this process mixed with LogNormal data, which are both turned into compositions. Thisgenerates compositional data that has zeros without any need forconditional models or assuming that there is missing or censoreddata that needs adjustment. It also enables us to model dependenceon covariates and within the composition
The application of Discriminant function analysis (DFA) is not a new idea in the studyof tephrochrology. In this paper, DFA is applied to compositional datasets of twodifferent types of tephras from Mountain Ruapehu in New Zealand and MountainRainier in USA. The canonical variables from the analysis are further investigated witha statistical methodology of change-point problems in order to gain a betterunderstanding of the change in compositional pattern over time. Finally, a special caseof segmented regression has been proposed to model both the time of change and thechange in pattern. This model can be used to estimate the age for the unknown tephrasusing Bayesian statistical calibration
In CoDaWork’05, we presented an application of discriminant function analysis (DFA) to 4 differentcompositional datasets and modelled the first canonical variable using a segmented regression modelsolely based on an observation about the scatter plots. In this paper, multiple linear regressions areapplied to different datasets to confirm the validity of our proposed model. In addition to dating theunknown tephras by calibration as discussed previously, another method of mapping the unknown tephrasinto samples of the reference set or missing samples in between consecutive reference samples isproposed. The application of these methodologies is demonstrated with both simulated and real datasets.This new proposed methodology provides an alternative, more acceptable approach for geologists as theirfocus is on mapping the unknown tephra with relevant eruptive events rather than estimating the age ofunknown tephra.Kew words: Tephrochronology; Segmented regression