358 resultados para assault


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En este trabajo se analiza la iconografía y se concreta la datación y el origen del conjunto de treinta y cinco azulejos nazaríes decorados en cobalto y reflejo metálico procedentes de la que hemos identificado como capilla de Santiago en la antigua iglesia de San Bartolomé, erigida en la Judería de Córdoba tras el asalto de 1391. Se plantea, asimismo, que Diego Fernández Abencaçin, judeoconverso y alfaqueque mayor del rey y presumiblemente el comitente de la capilla funeraria, fue quien adquirió los azulejos. Hasta ahora, la única interpretación de las escenas figuradas que los decoran apuntaba a una supuesta representación de alegorías de los sentidos; no obstante, la comparación con ejemplos paralelos, el estudio de la indumentaria de los personajes y el estilo nos lleva a identificarlas como materialización de los gustos y aficiones de las clases privilegiadas a comienzos del s. XV: el amor cortés, la caza, la fauna, los ministriles âespecialmente el ciego acompañado de lazarilloâ, las danzarinas y los catadores de vino; costumbres que el alfaqueque conoció durante sus estancias en la corte y en el desempeño de sus obligaciones, no sólo como redentor de cautivos cristianos, sino como trujimán y enviado del infante don Fernando âfuturo rey de Aragónâ durante la campaña de Antequera ante la corte nazarita de Granada y en las treguas posteriorment e firmadas con Yusuf III, lo que ha posibilitado concretar la datación de los azulejos entre 1410 y 1415.


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In his presidential address to the Belfast meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1874, John Tyndall launched what David Livingstone has called a â˜frontal assault on teleology and Christian theismâ. Using Tyndall's intervention as a starting point, this paper seeks to understand the attitudes of Presbyterians in the north of Ireland to science in the first three-quarters of the nineteenth century. The first section outlines some background, including the attitude of Presbyterians to science in the eighteenth century, the development of educational facilities in Ireland for the training of Presbyterian ministers, and the specific cultural and political circumstances in Ireland that influenced Presbyterian responses to science more generally. The next two sections examine two specific applications by Irish Presbyterians of the term â˜scienceâ: first, the emergence of a distinctive Presbyterian theology of nature and the application of inductive scientific methodology to the study of theology, and second, the Presbyterian conviction that mind had ascendancy over matter which underpinned their commitment to the development of a science of the mind. The final two sections examine, in turn, the relationship between science and an eschatological reading of the signs of the times, and attitudes to Darwinian evolution in the fifteen years between the publication of The Origin of Species in 1859 and Tyndall's speech in 1874.


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Violent play during the course of a game or sport is not a new phenomenon; accompanying legal proceedings are. This article considers personal injury liability for injuries inflicted by a participant upon an opponent during a sporting pursuit. The jurisdictional focus is on England and Wales. The sporting emphasis of the article is on competitive, body contact games. The legal emphasis is on the tort of negligence. Analogous to the law of criminal assault, breach of "implied sporting consent" or the volenti of the claimant will be seen as central in application, as assessed through a number of objective criteria, including the skill level of the injuring party and whether that defendant was acting in "reckless disregard" of the claimant's safety. These criteria or evidential guidelines, which emerge from a careful doctrinal analysis of the relevant case law, are seen as crucial to the examination of the appropriate degree of care in negligence within the prevailing circumstances of sport. The article also searches for some theoretical coherency within the case law, premising it on Fletcher's idea of reciprocal risk-taking. In addition, the underlying policy-related issue of sport's social utility is discussed, as are practical matters relating to vicarious liability, insurance and the measure of damages for "lost sporting opportunity". Moreover, it will be shown that personal injury claims relating to sports participant liability now extend to a consideration of the duties of coaches, referees, sports governing bodies and schools. Finally, this article is set against the backdrop of an apparently spiralling "compensation culture" and the concomitant threat that that "blame culture" poses for the future promotion, operation and administration of sport.


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La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.


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With the increasing pressure on social and health care resources, professionals have to be more explicit in their decision making regarding the long-term care of older people. This grounded theory study used 19 focus groups and nine semi-structured interviews (99 staff in total) to explore professional perspectives on this decision making. Focus group participants and interviewees comprised care managers, social workers, consultant geriatricians, general medical practitioners, community nurses, home care managers, occupational therapists and hospital discharge support staff. The emerging themes spanned context, clients, families and services. Decisions were often prompted by a crisis, hindering professionals seeking to make a measured assessment. Fear of burglary and assault, and the willingness and availability of family to help were major factors in decisions about living at home. Service availability in terms of public funding for community care, the availability of home care workers and workload pressures on primary care services influenced decision 'thresholds' regarding admission to institutional care. Assessment tools designed to assist decision making about the long-term care of older people need to take into account the critical aspects of individual fears and motivation, family support and the availability of publicly funded services as well as functional and medical needs.


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This review considers the effects of ionizing radiation on the retina and examines the relationship between the natural course of radiation retinopathy and the radiobiology of the retinal vascular endothelial cell (RVEC). Radiation retinopathy presents clinically as a progressive pattern of degenerative and proliferative vascular changes, chiefly affecting the macula, and ranging from capillary occlusion, dilation, and microaneurysm formation, to telangiectasia, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities, and neovascularization. The total-radiation dose and fractionation schedule are the major determinants for the time of onset, rate of progression, and severity of retinopathy, although other factors such as concomitant chemotherapy and preexisting diabetes may exaggerate the vasculopathy by intensifying the oxygen-derived free-radical assault on the vascular cells. The differential radiosensitivity of RVECs is attributed to their nuclear chromatin conformation, their antioxidant status, and their environment. We propose pathogenetic mechanisms for radiation retinopathy and suggest that the peculiar latency and unique clinical pattern is related to the life cycle of the RVEC. A rationale is also proposed for the use of radiotherapy in the treatment of subneovascularization and age-related macular degeneration.


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This paper will consider the inter-relationship of a number of overlapping disciplinary theoretical concepts relevant to a strengths-based orientation, including well-being, salutogenesis, sense of coherence, quality of life and resilience. Psychological trauma will be referenced and the current evidence base for interventions with children and young people outlined and critiqued. The relational impact of trauma on family relationships is emphasised, providing a rationale for systemic psychotherapeutic interventions as part of a holistic approach to managing the effects of trauma. The congruence between second-order systemic psychotherapy models and a strengths-based philosophy is noted, with particular reference to solution-focused brief therapy and narrative therapy, and illustrated; via a description of the process of helping someone move from a victim position to a survivor identity using solution-focused brief therapy, and through a case example applying a narrative therapy approach to a teenage boy who suffered a serious assault. The benefits of a strength-based approach to psychological trauma for the clients and therapists will be summarised and a number of potential pitfalls articulated.<br/>


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This chapter examines the nature and extent of violence experienced by women in Ireland during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921) at the hands of both the Crown forces and the Irish Republican Army. It argues that targetted killings of women by either side was rare. The most common forms of such violence can be categorised as physical, gendered (cutting of hair) and psychological (intimidation and the killing of male relatives). It argues that there was a difference between gendered and sexual crime, the latter of which appears to have been very uncommon. A considerable part of the chapter uses theoretical literature on violence against women in conflict zones to explain why sexual violence was uncommon, arguing that neither side had much to gain from its employment, that the Crown forces were aware of the damage it could do to Britain's international reputation and that the terror tactics adopted by the Crown forces were sufficient to achieve their ends without resorting to rape. In regard to the IRA, the absence of any evidence of rape or sexual assault being perpetrated could be attributable to their Catholicism, reliance on support from the community, the efforts of the first Dáil to achieve foreign recognition of the Republic and the role of Cumann na mBan women in the guerrilla conflict. The historiography of women in the Irish revolution is also analysed.


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This study ascertained the extent to which abuse and neglect are identified and recorded by mental health services. A comprehensive audit of 250 randomly selected files from four community mental health centres in Auckland, New Zealand was conducted, using similar methodology to that of a 1997 audit in the same city so as to permit comparisons. Significant increases, compared to the 1997 audit, were found in the rates of child sexual and physical abuse, and adulthood sexual assault (but not adulthood physical assault) identified in the files. Identification of physical and emotional neglect, however, was poor. Male service users were asked less often than females; and male staff enquired less often than female staff. People with a diagnosis indicative of psychosis, such as â˜schizophreniaâ, tended to be asked less often and had significantly lower rates of abuse/neglect identified. Despite the overall improvement, mental health services are still missing significant amounts of childhood and adulthood adversities, especially neglect. All services need clear policies that all service users be asked about both abuse and neglect, whatever their gender or diagnosis, and that staff receive training that address the barriers to asking and to responding therapeutically to disclosures.


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Contient : 1 Ordonnance de « PHELIPPE » LE BEL, concernant les gages de bataille. 1306 ; 2 Vidimus donné, le 25 octobre 1372, de lettres de « CHARLES » V (« 25 avril 1369 ») et de « MARGUERIETE DE FLANDRES, duchesse de Bourgogne » ( « 27 mars 1368 »), concernant la châtellenie de Lille ; 3 Avis envoyé par le duc de Bourgogne (PHILIPPE LE BON) au roi d'Angleterre (Henri V), sur la conduite à tenir pendant la guerre contre la France ; 4 Avis adressés au duc de Bourgogne (Philippe Le Bon) sur « ce qu'il a à faire pour se maintenir avec le roy et monseigneur le Daulphin ». Trois rédactions différentes ; 5 « Instruction touchant la paix de France et d'Engleterre », datée de Gand, « 10 septembre 1435 » ; 6 Autres Avis sur les précautions à prendre contre les Anglais, après la paix d'Arras ; 7 Autres Avis qui sont la reproduction partielle de ceux déjà indiqués au fol. 16 ; 8 « Advertissemens à correction des choses qui sont necessairement à faire et executer pour le bien du roy et de son royaume de France », écrits en vue du congrès d'Auxerre, en 1432 ; 9 « Advertissement » au duc de Bourgogne, pour le pousser à la guerre contre le roi de France ; 10 Avis au duc de Bourgogne, sur ce qu'il aura « à faire et pourveoir, se Dieux lui donne la grace et volenté de aller à puissance d'armes... sur les desloyaulx incredulles, ou royaulme de Behaigne, que l'en appelle Housses » ; 11 Disposition à prendre pour la bataille à livrer devant « Barsailles » le 17 septembre ; 12 « Instructions des choses que veult qu'on face le roy regent, dont il fault parler à monseigneur le maistre des arbalestriers », suite de questions relatives au service de l'artillerie ; la réponse à chacune de ces questions est en marge ; 13 Compte de fournitures d'artillerie ; 14 Harangue adressée au duc de Bourgogne par un ambassadeur d'Ãdouard IV, roi d'Angleterre ; 15 Note sur les tailles que le duc de Bourgogne pourrait imposer à ses sujets ; 16 Ãtat des secours en hommes et en armes que le duc de Bourgogne peut tirer de ses Ãtats de Flandre et d'Artois. â Projet de lettres circulaires pour convoquer les chevaliers, écuyers et hommes d'armes des mêmes pays, et pour demander aux villes des arbalètes et autres engins de guerre ; 17 Ãtat des choses nécessaires « pour le secours de la flotte estant presentement à La Rochelle » ; 18 Lettres de sauf-conduit octroyées par PHILIPPE LE BON à Hugues de Launoy, seigneur de Sanctes. « 3 avril 1443 » ; 19 « Lettres de retenue données par le duc JEHAN en faveur de Hugues de Launoy. 15 septembre 1418 » ; 20 Lettres de « PHELIPPE, duc de Bourgoigne », accordant à Antoine, seigneur de Croy, et à Hugues de Launoy, certaines sommes en récompense de leurs services. « 16 avril 1428 » ; 21 Lettres de PHILIPPE, duc de Bourgogne, portant remboursement d'une somme de sept cent nobles, en faveur de Hugues de Launoy. 15 juin 1438. En flamand ; 22 « Mandement par lequel monseigneur le duc JEHAN mande que ung officier soit deporté de son office et constraint à soy mettre avec les hommes de fiefz, ses pers, pour porter bon et loyal tesmoingnage et jugement. 22 mars 1418 » ; 23 « Lettres d'armes » de « JEHAN DE LUXEMBOURG, bastart de St Pol » ; 24 Formule de « Lettres closes envoyées par messeigneurs du conseil, en Flandres, à messeigneurs du grant conseil » ; 25 Formule de requête adressée au duc de Bourgogne par le receveur d'une de ses châtellenies ; 26 Lettres de retenue octroyées par « PHELIPPE, duc de Bourgoigne », à « Regnauldin Loyset, chevaucheur de l'escuirie ». 2 juillet 1430 ; 27 Mandement du même au même. 31 juillet 1430 ; 28 « L'Ordonnance de l'ayde de Zeellande, pour monseigneur de Santes et autres, en flameng ». 27 avril 1439 ; 29 « Mandement par lequel monseigneur le duc a renouvellé les gaiges de monseigneur de Santes comme chief du conseil de Hollande, Zeellande et Frise ». 10 juin 1434 ; 30 Quittance donnée par « ANTOINE DE CROY » à Hugues de Launoy. 26 décembre 1430 ; 31 Lettres de sauf-conduit données par « JAQUES DE HARECOURT,... lieutenant general pour le roy monseigneur le regent ou pays de Picardie », à « Jehan de Harecourt, evesque d'Amiens ». 14 juin 1422 ; 32 Lettres de créance données par JACQUELINE, « comtesse DE HAYNNAUT, HOLLANDE », à Collart Haymin, pour le seigneur de Santes. 20 juillet ; 33 Traité pour la reddition de Melun. 18 novembre 1408 ; 34 Traité pour la reddition de Meaux. 2 mai 1422 ; 35 « Lettres de PHILIPPE, fils du duc de Bourgogne, touchant le nombre des maistres de ses comptes à Lille... 20 février 1414 » ; 36 « Lettres de provision de l'office de maistre des comptes à Toussains Bajart ». 1er septembre 1417 ; 37 Fragment de chronique traitant principalement des faits et gestes du duc de Bourgogne, Jean sans Peur, du 29 avril 1417 au mois d'octobre de la même année ; 38 « Lettres de paix entre monseigneur le Daulphin et le duc Jean de Bourgogne, au Ponceau pres Melun, 11 juillet 1419 » ; 39 « Traictié fait par les commis et deputés de tres haulx... princes le roy de France, et son beau filz, le roy d'Engleterre, heritier et regent de France, avec les commis et deputés de par... les habitans de la ville de Compigne ». 16 mai 1422 ; 40 « Lettres du roy HENRY d'Angleterre sur la plainte à luy faicte par le duc de Bourgogne de quelques navires arrestés... 17 mars 1435 » ; 41 « Plaincte des officiers du duc de Bourgogne pour le retranchement de leurs gages en Hollande... 2 mars 1437 » ; 42 « Du Secours que le duc de Bourgogne envoya à l'empereur de Constantinople à Rhodes. 1440 » ; 43 Lettre de « BERTHELEMY DE JENNES », ministre général de l'ordre des Frères Mineurs « es parties d'Orient », au prieur de St-Jean de Jérusalem, sur les « maulx que les Turcs font aulx chrestiens, et des moyens d'y remedier... Constantinoble, le IIIe de frevier, l'an.MCCCC. et.XLII » ; 44 « Lettres du duc DE BOURGOGNE, par lesquelles il exempte de la loy de justice de l'Escluse, les capitaines et soldats du chasteau. 27 janvier 1439 » ; 45 « Nouvelles de Constantinople et des victoires du blanc vayvode de Hongrie contre les Turcs. 7 déc. 1448 » ; 46 « Narration pour encommenchier et faire unes lettres d'armes. 1449 » ; 47 « Lettres de Frere JEAN DE CAPISTRANO, Cordelier, au duc de Bourgogne », pour l'engager à reconquérir la Terre sainte. « 19 mars 1453 » ; 48 « Instruction de HUE DE LAUNOY, seigneur DE SANTES, sur le mariage d'Adolf de Cleves à la damoyselle de Coymbre, touchant la terre de Ziericxée en Zelande » ; 49 « Instruction pour entreprendre la guerre contre les Hons » ; 50 « Instruction pour combattre les Turs » ; 51 « Instruction pour entreprendre la guerre contre les hereticques de Behaigne » ; 52 Récit des préliminaires du traité de paix entre le duc Philippe de Bourgogne et les Gantois à Gavre; suivi dudit traité. Août 1453 ; 53 « Proposition de l'empereur pour une armée contre les Turcs, avec la response du duc de Bourgogne. 1454 » ; 54 « Lettre du voyage du duc de Bourgogne en Allemagne. 6 juin 1454 » ; 55 « Arrest contre le duc d'Alençon. Octobre 1458 » ; 56 Traduction d'une bulle de PIE II, qui appelle les princes chrétiens à la croisade contre les Turcs. 22 octobre 1463 ; 57 Lettre de « CHARLES DE BOURBON » au duc de Bourgogne sur la guerre du Bien Public. « 15 mars 1465 » ; 58 Lettre du roi « LOYS » XI au duc de Bourbon, pour le prier de venir auprès de lui ; 59 Réponse du duc « DE BOURBON. 24 mars 1464, avant Pasques » ; 60 Récit de la bataille de Montlhéry. 16 juillet 1465 ; 61 « Accors et appointemens faiz par le roy [Louis XI] aux princes. 2 octobre 1465 » ; 62 Lettre du roi « LOYS » XI aux Liégeois, par laquelle il leur fait part dudit accord. 21 octobre 1465 ; 63 « Lettre de deffiance » envoyée par « le gouverneur de Liege au duc de Bourgogne. 28 août 1465 » ; 64 Lettre du « comte DE CHAROLOIS » contre le seigneur de Groy. « 19 mars 1464 » ; 65 Ambassade du roi Louis XI vers le duc de Bourgogne, pour se faire rendre des prisonniers. 6 novembre 1464 ; 66 Lettres déjà citées aux nos 57, 58, 59 ; 67 Traité entre le roi Louis XI et les princes, à St-Maur des Fossés. 28 octobre 1465 ; 68 Autre Traité avec le comte de Charolais, à la suite de la guerre du Bien Public. 5 octobre 1465 ; 69 Déclaration du roi « LOYS » XI, qui adjoint trois prévôtés au bailliage d'Amiens, en faveur du duc de Bourgogne. 13 octobre 1465 ; 70 « Nouvelles du pays de Levant et des Turcs » ; 71 Lettre d'« ANTHOINE DU PAIAGE » sur les Turcs et sur le tribut de quatre mille ducats qu'ils demandent par an au grand maître de Rhodes. « 9 février 1466 » ; 72 Accord entre le duc de Bourgogne et les habitants de Saint-Trond. 2 novembre 1467 ; 73 Récit de ce qui se passa à Péronne entre le roi Louis XI et Charles, duc de Bourgogne. 9 octobre 1468 ; 74 « Prenosticacions pour l'an mil quatre cens soixante neuf » ; 75 « Comment le... roy de Portingal prist et assault la ville de Arzille au paiis d'Aufrique, l'an mil.IIII. C. LXXI » ; 76 Autre pièce relative au même sujet ; 77 Déclaration du duc « CHARLES » DE BOURGOGNE, envoyée à toutes les bonnes villes de France, sur la guerre qu'il entreprend contre le roi Louis XI, pour venger la mort du duc de Guyenne. Juillet 1472 ; 78 Trève entre le roi Louis XI et le duc de Bourgogne. 1472 ; 79 Institution de parlement à Malines par le duc « CHARLES » DE BOURGOGNE. Décembre 1473 ; 80 « La Maniere du siege de la ville de Nuys » par le duc Charles de Bourgogne. Mai 1475 ; 81 Trêve pour neuf ans entre le roi Louis XI et le duc « Charles » de Bourgogne. 13 septembre 1475 ; 82 Manifeste et supplication du « conte DE LINEY » au duc de Bourgogne ; 83 « Relation du seigneur DE GRIBOVAL au roy, de ce qu'il a faict et negotié vers le duc de Bourgogne pour le faict dudict comte de Ligny,... 25 dec » ; 84 « Traicté d'abolition accordé par le comte de Nassau, lieutenant du roy des Romains, aux habitants de la ville de Bruges. 6 dec. 1490 » ; 85 « Protestations contre les ennemis d'enfer, compilées par J. AUBERT » ; 86 « Le Fachon des figures du livre... de Teaudelet » ; 87 Ordonnance de la ville de Lille « sur le fait des sayettes » ; 88 Lettre d'« ANTHONNE DE LA SALLE » à un nouveau religieux ; 89 Autre de « PHILIPPE POT » au même


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In the past two decades numerous programs have emerged to treat individuals with developmental disabilities who have sexual offending behaviours. There has, however been very few studies that systematically examine the effectiveness of long term treatment with this population. The present research examines the therapeutic outcomes of a multi-modal behaviour approach with six individuals with intellectual disabilities previously charged with sexual assault. The participants also exhibited severe behavioural challenges that included verbal aggression, physical aggression, destruction and self-injury. These six participants (5 males, 1 female) were admitted to a Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP), due to the severity of their behaviours and due to their lack of treatment success in other programs. Individualized treatment plans focused on the reduction of maladaptive behaviours and the enhancing of skills such as positive coping strategies, socio-sexual knowledge, life skills, recreation and leisure skills. The treatment program also included psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioural and educational interventions. The participants remained in the Long Term Residential Treatment Program (LTRTP) program from 181 to 932 days (average of 1.5 years). Pre and post treatment evaluations were conducted using the following tools: frequency of target behaviours, Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults (PIMRA), Emotional Problems Scale (EPS), Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT-R) and Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL-Q). Recidivism rates and the need for re-hospitalization were also noted for each participant. By offering high levels of individualized interventions, all six participants showed a 37 % rate of reduction in maladaptive behaviours with zero to low rates of inappropriate sexualbehaviour, there were no psychiatric hospitalizations, and there was no recidivism for 5 of 6 participants. In addition, medication was reduced. Mental health scores on the PIMRA were reduced across all participants by 25 % and scores on the Quality of Life Questionnaire increased for all participants by an average of 72 %. These findings add to and build upon the existing literature on long term treatment benefits for individuals with a intellectual disability who sexually offend. By utilizing an individualized and multimodal treatment approach to reduce severe behavioural challenges, not only can the maladaptive behaviours be reduced, but adaptive behaviours can be increased, mental health concerns can be managed, and overall quality of life can be improved.


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Increased losses of eggs and chicks resulting from human intrusion (investigator or other) into seabird colonies has been well documented. In 1990/91, I studied the effects of investigator disturbance on aggressive behaviour and breeding success of individual pairs of ring-billed gulls nesting at two colonies near Port Colborne, Ontario. The insular colony was on an artificial breakwall, associated with the Welland Ship Canal, approximately 1 km off the north shore of Lake Erie. The mainland colony was adjacent to the canal approximately 1 km east of the breakwall. The frequencies of adult threat and assault behaviours, chick movement and adult attacks on chicks were recorded by continuous scan sampling 30 min prior to, 30 min during and 60 (2 X 30) min after investigator disturbance. The frequency of threat and assault behaviours increased during the period of investigator activity in the colony while the duration of wingpulls and beakpulls decreased. Significantly more chicks ran ("runners") from their natal territories during disturbances and "runners" were more frequently attacked than "territorial" chicks. No chicks were fatally attacked during disturbance and "runners" returned to their natal territories quickly after disturbance. Breeding success was determined for pairs nesting in study plots subjected to two levels of disturbance (normal and moderate). The disturbance level of each plot differed in visitation frequency and activities performed on each visit. Investigator disturbance had no effect on the hatching success or fledging success (taken as 21 days of age) of ring-billed gull study pairs at either colony.


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All life is suffering. Life is the pursuit ofhappiness. These are two foundational Buddhist dictums that, in their simplicity, I have entirely misunderstood regarding their depth, misreading them as contradictory. Indeed, my superficial interpretations led me to Thoreau's life ofquiet desperation and deep depression. We come to know and bring understanding to our lives by storying them. My own Hero's Journey, the path from my egoic selftoward the universal Self, can be understood as the resultant translations and transformations. Inevitably each of us is involved in such a story, though most are unaware of the stages along our own Hero's journey. ' Narrative honours writing as a means of knowing. The contemplative reflection allows insight into our imprisoning paradigms, beliefs, behaviours, and blind spots. My research revisits and explores nodal experiences along my Hero's Journey through 4 categories: self, society, soil, and Self. While the value of this process of narrative inquiry lay in its ability to come to know and understand one's self, perhaps its greater value is of a more universal nature. My inquiry, while adding to the body of academic educational narrative literature, may also illuminate a path to educators, students, and all interested, encouraging a response to the call of their own Hero's journey. I am a teacher/learner in a jail setting, working with youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who have committed crimes such as armed robbery, assault, rape, and murder. As this thesis follows my continual development from egoic self/teacher/learner to universal Self/Teacher/Learner, it also enables me to both consciously and unconsciously open the ways in which I expand my care, compassion, and love to work with at-risk youth.


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The chelipeds of Orconectes rusticus are sexually dimorphic; males possessing the larger. Males use their chelae in intermale aggressive interactions, both to threaten, and assault opponents. In dyadic interactions males with larger chelae were dominant over otherwise physically similar opponents. A high frequency of attack behaviour, coupled with a low frequency of threats during these interactions indicates that actual physical contact is required for opponent assessment. Large clawed males oriented females into the copulatory position faster than small clawed males. Females more frequently escaped the precopulatory-grasp attempts of small clawed males. Additionally, male-female pairs that included a large clawed male remained in copula longer than pairs that included a small clawed male. Sperm of the second male to mate took precedence over the sperm of the primary male. Sperm precedence was incomplete; about 900/0 paternity accrued to the second male.


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Six lefthanded artist-educators were interviewed to attempt to discover any patterns t6 their perceptions and experiences. Artists have their own culture and priorities. According to the literature, lefthanded people appear more likely to suffer from dyslexia, allergies, asthma and other auto-immune diseases as well as machinery and equipment injuries. Patterns emerging suggested that lefthanded people indeed suffer more from dyslexia. More startling was the distinct possibility that many artists have traumatic childhood histories. This would commonly include negative school experiences, and for a significant number sexual assault, perceived or actual abandonment by parents, and/or consistently low selfesteem. The researcher discovered possible reasons why creative people frequently have problems at school, why they tend to be rebellious and anti-establishment oriented, how many of them perceive societal rules, and why they are more likely to be lefthanded. These characteristics all have significant implications for art school administrators.