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We demonstrate the growth of high quality single phase films of VO2(A, B, and M) on SrTiO3 substrate by controlling the vanadium arrival rate (laser frequency) and oxidation of the V atoms. A phase diagram has been developed (oxygen pressure versus laser frequency) for various phases of VO2 and their electronic properties are investigated. VO2(A) phase is insulating VO2(B) phase is semi-metallic, and VO2(M) phase exhibits a metal-insulator transition, corroborated by photoelectron spectroscopic studies. The ability to control the growth of various polymorphs opens up the possibility for novel (hetero) structures promising new device functionalities. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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El nopal ( Opuntia ficus - indica (L)) es una planta perteneciente a las familia de las Cactáceas que sobrevive en zonas áridas y semiáridas. En Nicaragua la problemática de erosión, generando gran variabilidad genética y posibilidades de adaptabilidad no requiere de mucha agua para su cultivo siendo una alte rnativa para zonas que están teniendo problemas por bajos rendimientos debido al empobrecimiento paulatino de los suelos, la falta de alimento humano y animal hace de este cultivo una planta importante para resolver estos problemas de hoy en día . El ensayo se estableció el 19 de mayo del 2010 en la finca Ecolote Ave María, ubicada en Las Esquinas Carazo, en el km 37 ½ carretera Managua, San Marcos Carazo donde se estableció en un diseño de Bloque Completamente al Azar (BCA), con 4 repeticiones y seis trat amientos (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5), kg de compost por planta, el área de estudio comprendió 117 m 2 considerada como el área experimental . Al realizar un análisis de los datos tomados en campo con una duraci ón de 4 meses las variables e valuadas no pres entan un comportamiento normal por esta razón se utilizó la técnica no paramétrica Kruskal Wallis , demostrando que no existen diferencias estadísticas significativas en ninguna de las variables evaluadas en el ensayo ; sobrevivencia, n úmer o de brotes, ancho de brotes, longitud de brotes, b rotes totales y brotes a cosecha y r endimiento en cuanto a las aplicaciones de compost . Determinando así que la apl icación de compost no influyó en los rendimientos obtenidos en el experimento.


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As micro, pequenas e médias empresas geram cerca de 20% do PIB brasileiro. Estima-se que, atualmente, 60% dos postos de trabalho e cerca de 85% dos novos empregos no Brasil são gerados por micro, pequenas e médias empresas. Nesse sentido, a implementação de políticas públicas destinadas as micro, pequenas e médias empresas possuem a dupla dimensão de favorecer tanto o crescimento econômico como a melhoria de indicadores sociais como a distribuição desigual da renda ou a desigualdade regional. Entretanto, um importante debate amadurece no país a respeito da efetividade e dos retornos gerados pelas concessões de incentivos fiscais. Alinhados a este cenário, o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o impacto dos incentivos fiscais do setor têxtil das pequenas e médias empresas da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro através da visão de seus gestores e dos indicadores econômicos. Foi realizado um estudo de campo no qual os gestores das PME do setor têxtil da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro responderam um questionário composto por dezoito perguntas. As respostas foram comparadas a um cálculo de estimativa de renuncia entre o Lucro Presumido e o SIMPLES Nacional. Como resultados verificou-se a não efetividade dos incentivos fiscais no seu principal papel de geração de emprego e renda e uma sensação de insuficiência, desconhecimento e, consequentemente, falta de transparência em relação aos incentivos fiscais disponíveis e concedidos especificamente para o setor ou região, na percepção dos gestores das PME.


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A presente pesquisa objetiva analisar a utilização da Lei n 11.195/05, a Lei do Bem, por micro e pequenas empresas de base tecnológica - EBTs incubadas localizadas no polo tecnológico de Santa Rita do Sapucaí (MG), considerando para isto a interação da hélice tríplice, ou seja, a interação entre universidade-empresa-governo. Com intuito específico, objetiva identificar os principais motivos para a utilização da Lei do Bem, assim como dos motivos determinantes para a utilização ou não dos benefícios fiscais por ela proporcionados. A referida Lei proporciona benefícios fiscais voltados para a inovação e desenvolvimento de tecnologia, incluindo vantagens para a contratação de pesquisadores e na aquisição de equipamentos e maquinário para essas finalidades, entre outros. A pesquisa foi realizada pelo intermédio de uma estudo de campo na cidade de Santa Rita do Sapucaí (MG), que possibilitou a coleta dos dados mediante entrevistas estruturadas de maneira semiaberta com os empresários e órgão e instituições de apoio da região, possibilitando assim uma maior liberdade aos entrevistados para responderem dentro do roteiro estabelecido. O roteiro abrangia, de forma resumida, perguntas referentes à inovação, estrutura da região e do conhecimento e utilização da Lei do Bem. A análise dos dados coletados nas entrevistas constatou que o Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) em que as empresas se encontram possui estrutura para a inovação e o desenvolvimento de tecnologia, entretanto, a interação entre os atores da hélice tríplice apresentou restrições em relação à utilização de financiamentos, fomentos e da utilização dos benefícios fiscais, em específico na dificuldade da utilização da Lei do Bem pelas empresas da região. Constatou-se nas as empresas pesquisadas, dificuldade para utilização de fomentos específicos para a inovação. Os fatores determinantes da dificuldade do uso da Lei do Bem apontados pela pesquisa foram o desconhecimento da Lei pelos empresários, falta de informação sobre a Lei e, o regime tributário escolhido. Esse estudo pode contribuir para aumentar o alcance da Lei do Bem às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPEs), e pela análise da citada Lei ao longo dos seus oito anos de vigência, sendo sete deles já reportados pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI), que resultou em uma lista com 1456 empresas que já se utilizaram dos benefícios proporcionados pela Lei do Bem de 2006 a 2012.


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从菜花烙铁头蛇(Trimeresurus jerdonii)的毒腺中提取mRNA,采用RT-PCR技术进行体外扩增,将扩增产物克隆到PMD18-T载体中,最后筛选出一个编码凝集素的基因,命名为TJL。由TJL基因序列推导的氨基酸序列中包含分别由23和135个氨基酸残基组成的信号肽和成熟肽。氨基酸序列比较分析表明,TJL含有半乳糖结合位点和钙离子结合位点,与蝰科蛇互凝集素TSL、PAL、APL和RSL的同源性较高(87.4%~90.4%),与眼镜蛇科蛇互凝集素BML的同源性较低(61.5%)。


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A microchip electrophoresis method coupled with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection was established for simultaneous determination of two kinds of intracellular signaling molecules (reactive oxygen species, ROS, and reduced glutathione, GSH) related to apoptosis and oxidative stress. As the probe dihydrorhodamine-123 (DHR123) can be converted intracellularly by ROS to the fluorescent rhodamine-123 (Rh123), and the probe naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) can react quickly with GSH to produce a fluorescent adduct, rapid determination of Rh-123 and GSH was achieved on a glass microchip within 27 s using a 20 mm borate buffer (pH 9.2). The established method was tested to measure the intracellular ROS and GSH levels in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)-derived NB4 cells. An elevation of intracellular ROS and depletion of GSH were observed in apoptotic N134 cells induced by arsenic trioxide (AS(2)O(3)) at low concentration (1-2 mu m). Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), in combination with AS(2)O(3) enhanced the decrease of reduced GSH to a great extent. The combined treatment of AS(2)O(3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) led to an inverse relationship between the concentrations of ROS and GSH obtained, showing the proposed method can readily evaluate the generation of ROS, which occurs simultaneously with the consumption of the inherent antioxidant.


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The thermal stress in a Sn3.5Ag1Cu half-bump solder joint under a 3.82×108 A/m2 current stressing was analyzed using a coupled-field simulation. Substantial thermal stress accumulated around the Al-to-solder interface, especially in the Ni+(Ni,Cu)3Sn4 layer, where a maximal stress of 138 MPa was identified. The stress gradient in the Ni layer was about 1.67×1013 Pa/m, resulting in a stress migration force of 1.82×10-16 N, which is comparable to the electromigration force, 2.82×10-16 N. Dissolution of the Ni+(Ni,Cu)3Sn4 layer, void formation with cracks at the anode side, and extrusions at the cathode side were observed


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Fourty-two high-rank syntaxa and seven associations of the thallophyte system of syntaxa are either described as new or validated in this paper. Among those, there are the following nine classes: Aspicilietea candidae, Caulerpetea racemosae, Desmococcetea olivacei, Entophysalidetea deustae, Gloeocapsetea sanguineae, Mesotaenietea berggrenii, Naviculetea gregariae, Porpidietea zeoroidis, Roccelletea phycopsis. Eleven orders and ten alliances as well as three associations are described or validated: the Aspicilietalia verruculosae (incl. Aspicilion mashiginensis and Teloschistion contortuplicati), the Caulerpetalia racemosae (incl. Caulerpion racemosae), the Desmococcetalia olivacei (incl. Desmococcion olivacei), the Dirinetalia massiliensis, the Fucetalia vesiculosi (incl. Ascophyllion nodosi), the Gloeocapsetalia sanguineae, the Lecideetalia confluescentis (incl. Lecideion confluescentis), the Mesotaenietalia berggrenii (incl. Mesotaenion berggrenii, Mesotaenietum berggrenii and Chloromonadetum nivalis), the Naviculetalia gregariae (incl. Oscillatorion limosae and Oscillatorietum limosae), the Porpidietalia zeoroidis (incl. Porpidion zeoroidis), and the Roccelletalia fuciformis (incl. Paralecanographion grumulosae). Further, five orders, seven alliances and four associations, classified in known classes, were described as well. These include: the Bacidinetalia phacodis, the Agonimion octosporae and the Dendrographetalia decolorantis (all in the Arthonio radiatae-Lecidelletea elaeochromae), the Staurothelion solventis (in the Aspicilietea lacustris), the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmion quadricaudae and the Pediastro duplicis-Scenedesmetum quadricaudae (both in the Asterionelletea formosae), the Peccanion coralloidis and the Peltuletalia euplocae (both in the Collematetea cristati), the Laminarion hyperboreae, the Saccorhizo polyschidi-Laminarietum and the Alario esculenti-Himanthalietum elongatae (all in the Cystoseiretea crinitae), the Delesserietalia sanguinei, the Delesserion sanguinei and the Delesserietum sanguineae (all in the Lithophylletea soluti), as well as the the Rinodino confragosae-Rusavskietalia elegantis and the Rhizocarpo geographici-Rusavskion elegantis (both in the Rhizocarpetea geographici).


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Thin lamellae were cut from bulk single crystal BaTiO3 using a Focused Ion Beam Microscope. They were then removed and transferred onto single crystal MgO substrates, so that their functional properties could be measured independent of the original host bulk ferroelectric. The temperature dependence of the capacitance of these isolated single crystal films was found to be strongly bulk-like, demonstrating a sharp Curie anomaly, as well as Curie-Weiss behaviour. In addition, the sudden change in the remanent polarisation as a function of temperature at TC was characteristic of a first order phase change. The work represents a dramatic improvement on that previously published by M. M. Saad, P. Baxter, R. M. Bowman, J. M. Gregg, F. D. Morrison & J. F. Scott, J. Phys: Cond. Matt., 16 L451-L456 (2004), as critical shortcomings in the original specimen geometry, involving potential signal contributions from bulk BaTiO3, have now been obviated. That the functional properties of single crystal thin film lamellae are comparable to bulk, and not like those of conventionally deposited heteroegenous thin film systems, has therefore been confirmed.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with a reciprocal and balanced translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor-alpha (RARalpha). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is used to treat APL and is a potent morphogen that regulates HOX gene expression in embryogenesis and organogenesis. HOX genes are also involved in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis. Thirty-nine mammalian HOX genes have been identified and classified into 13 paralogous groups clustered on 4 chromosomes. They encode a complex net-Work of transcription regulatory proteins whose precise targets remain poorly understood. The overall function of the network appears to be dictated by gene dosage. To investigate the mechanisms involved in HOX gene regulation in hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis by precise measurement of individual HOX genes, a small-array real-time HOX (SMART-HOX) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) platform was designed and validated. Application of SMART-HOX to 16 APL bone marrow samples revealed a global down-regulation of 26 HOX genes compared with normal controls. HOX gene expression was also altered during differentiation induced by ATRA in the PML-RARalpha(+) NB4 cell line. PML-RARalpha, fusion proteins have been reported to act as part of a repressor complex during myelold cell differentiation, and a model linking HOX gene expression to this PML-RARalpha repressor complex is now proposed.


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Although the potential role of Pim2 as a cooperative oncogene has been well described in lymphoma, its role in leukemia has remained largely unexplored. Here we show that high expression of Pim2 is observed in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). To further characterize the cooperative role of Pim2 with promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML/RAR alpha), we used a well-established PML-RAR alpha (PR alpha) mouse model. Pim2 coexpression in PR alpha-positive hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) induces leukemia in recipient mice after a short latency. Pim2-PR alpha cells were able to repopulate mice in serial transplantations and to induce disease in all recipients. Neither Pim2 nor PR alpha alone was sufficient to induce leukemia upon transplantation in this model. The disease induced by Pim2 overexpression in PR alpha cells contained a slightly higher fraction of immature myeloid cells, compared with the previously described APL disease induced by PR alpha. However, it also clearly resembled an APL-like phenotype and showed signs of differentiation upon all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) treatment in vitro. These results support the hypothesis that Pim2, which is also a known target of Flt3-ITD (another gene that cooperates with PML-RAR alpha), cooperates with PR alpha to induce APL-like disease. (Blood. 2010; 115(22): 4507-4516)


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The t(11; 17)(q23;q21) translocation is associated with a retinoic acid (RA)-insensitive form of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), involving the production of reciprocal fusion proteins, promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PLZF-RAR alpha) and RAR alpha-PLZF. Using a combination of chromatin immuno-precipitation promotor arrays (ChIP-chip) and gene expression profiling, we identify novel, direct target genes of PLZF-RAR alpha that tend to be repressed in APL compared with other myeloid leukemias, supporting the role of PLZF-RAR alpha as an aberrant repressor in APL. In primary murine hematopoietic progenitors, PLZF-RAR alpha promotes cell growth, and represses Dusp6 and Cdkn2d, while inducing c-Myc expression, consistent with its role in leukemogenesis. PLZF-RAR alpha binds to a region of the c-MYC promoter overlapping a functional PLZF site and antagonizes PLZF-mediated repression, suggesting that PLZF-RAR alpha may act as a dominant-negative version of PLZF by affecting the regulation of shared targets. RA induced the differentiation of PLZF-RAR alpha-transformed murine hematopoietic cells and reduced the frequency of clonogenic progenitors, concomitant with c-Myc down-regulation. Surviving RA-treated cells retained the ability to be replated and this was associated with sustained c-Myc expression and repression of Dusp6, suggesting a role for these genes in maintaining a self-renewal pathway triggered by PLZF-RAR alpha. (Blood. 2009; 114: 5499-5511)


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The PLZF/RARA fusion protein generated by the t(11;17)(q23;q21) translocation in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) is believed to act as an oncogenic transcriptional regulator recruiting epigenetic factors to genes important for its transforming potential. However, molecular mechanisms associated with PLZF/RARA-dependent leukaemogenesis still remain unclear. We searched for specific PLZF/RARA target genes by ChIP-on-chip in the haematopoietic cell line U937 conditionally expressing PLZF/RARA. By comparing bound regions found in U937 cells expressing endogenous PLZF with PLZF/RARA-induced U937 cells, we isolated specific PLZF/RARA target gene promoters. We next analysed gene expression profiles of our identified target genes in PLZF/RARA APL patients and analysed DNA sequences and epigenetic modification at PLZF/RARA binding sites. We identify 413 specific PLZF/RARA target genes including a number encoding transcription factors involved in the regulation of haematopoiesis. Among these genes, 22 were significantly down regulated in primary PLZF/RARA APL cells. In addition, repressed PLZF/RARA target genes were associated with increased levels of H3K27me3 and decreased levels of H3K9K14ac. Finally, sequence analysis of PLZF/RARA bound sequences reveals the presence of both consensus and degenerated RAREs as well as enrichment for tissue-specific transcription factor motifs, highlighting the complexity of targeting fusion protein to chromatin. Our study suggests that PLZF/RARA directly targets genes important for haematopoietic development and supports the notion that PLZF/RARA acts mainly as an epigenetic regulator of its direct target genes.