979 resultados para acinar cell carcinoma


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Molekyylimarkkerit ja pitkäaikainen alfainterferonihoito munuaissyövässä Munuaissyöpäpotilaiden viiden vuoden elossaololuku on noin 50 %. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien mukaan viiden vuoden elossaololuku metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä on 3-16 %, kun käytettiin alfainterferonia sisältävää hoitoa. Tyypillisesti alfainterferonia on käytetty vähemmäin kuin 6 kuukautta. Avoimia kysymyksiä ovat alfainterferonin optimaalinen hoitoannos ja hoidon kesto yksin tai yhdessä uusien täsmähoitojen kanssa. Tärkeimmät tavoitteet olivat tutkia 1) jaksotetun pitkäaikaisen alfainterferonihoidon tehoa ja siedettävyyttä metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä ja 2) p53-, Ki-67- ja COX-2-proteiinituotannon ennusteellista merkitystä munuaissyövässä. Tutkimuksessa 117 metastasoituneelle munuaissyöpää sairastaneelle potilaalle etsittiin yksilöllinen hänen sietämänsä maksimaalinen hoitoannos rekombinanttia alfa2a-interferonia (Roferon-ATM). Hoitoa pyrittiin jatkamaan 24 kuukauden ajan. Kolmen hoitoviikon jälkeen pidettiin yhden viikon tauko. Hoito lopetettiin, jos ilmaantui vakavia haittavaikutuksia tai tauti eteni. Toisessa tutkimuksessa proteiinituotanto analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti munuaissyöpäpotilaiden kasvainnäytteistä, joita oli säilytetty parafiinissa. Kasvainnäytteet oli otettu talteen munuaisen poistoleikkauksen yhteydessä. Nämä potilaat jaettiin kolmeen eri ryhmään: metastasointi primaarivaiheessa (n=29), metastasointi myöhemmin (n=37) ja ei metastasointia (n=51). Keskimääräinen alfainterferonihoidon kesto oli 11 kuukautta (kk) [0,5 – 32 kk]. Objektiivinen hoitovaste todettiin 17 %:lla, tautitilanne pysyi ennallaan 42 %:lla ja myöhäinen vaste (yli 12 kk:tta hoidon aloittamisesta) todettiin 3 %:lla. Aika vasteen saavuttamisesta taudin etenemiseen oli keskimäärin 8 kk ja elinaika 19,1 kk. Viiden vuoden elossaololuku oli 16 %. Jos metastasoituneella munuaissyöpäpotilaalla oli keuhkometastasointi, hän selvisi todennäköisemmin viisi vuotta kuin muut potilaat. Henkeä uhkaavia sivuvaikutuksia ei todettu. Yli 12 kk:n ajan kestävä alfainterferonihoito on hyödyllistä niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet objektiivisen hoitovasteen tai tautitilanne on pysynyt ennallaan. Positiivinen p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat suureen metastasoinnin todennäköisyyteen. Positiivinen COX-2-ekspressio viittaa viivästyneeseen metastaasien ilmaantumiseen. Metastasoituneilla potilailla positiiviset p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressiot viittaavat huonoon ennusteeseen, mutta positiivinen COX-2 ekspressio viittaa suotuisaan ennusteeseen. Positiivinen COX-2- ja negatiivinen Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat parantuneeseen ennusteeseen metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä.


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Gene therapy aims to treat diseases by introducing genetic material to the diseased tissue. For cancer treatment it is important to destroy cancerous cells; this can be achieved by introducing a gene, which induces cell death or by allowing viral vectors to replicate, which also results in destruction of cancerous cells. For cardiac diseases the approach is more like the former, except the gene produces beneficial effects, like angiogenesis. Adenoviruses have many beneficial qualities, which make the virus an interesting gene therapy vector; it can be produced relatively easily, its manipulation is quite easy and it has naturally broad tropism. By removing or replacing certain genes in the adenoviral genome, it can be made non-replicative. In this study, adenoviral receptor expression patterns were characterized in both head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and the human heart. Adenovirus serotype 5 receptor expression in head and neck cancer cell lines was found to be highly variable between cell lines and overall at lower levels, while Ad35 receptor expression was more uniform and at higher levels in all analyzed cell lines. It was also shown that a hybrid virus Ad5/35 is able to infect cells refractory to Ad5, which correlates with receptor expression in these cells. Furthermore, this difference in infection properties extends to cell killing efficiency in case of conditionally replicative viruses. Expression levels of adenoviral receptors CAR, CD46, CD86 and αv-integrins were found to be high both in normal and dilated cardiomyopathy heart tissue. The receptor levels also correlate with transduction efficiency after intracardiac injection. Ad5 showed superior transduction ability compared with Ad5/35, but evoked also a more profound immune reaction when administered this way. Adenoviral gene therapy vectors are the most used delivery vehicles in clinical trials to date. These vectors have proven to be well tolerated and positive results have been obtained when combined with traditional treatments, although poor transduction efficiency has often been reported due to low-level expression of viral receptors on target cells. In spite of this, the results are encouraging and merit for further research.


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Incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is increasing. Ultraviolet (UV) –light is a major risk factor for the development of cutaneous SCC. Cutaneous SCCs that develop to chronic ulcers are known to progress and metastasize more easily than UV-induced SCCs. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a group of proteolytic enzymes which are suggested to have a role in cancer growth and invasion. The molecular background for progression of cutaneous SCC was examined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using tissue samples of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) –associated SCC, sporadic UV-induced SCC, and SCC precursors. IHC studies using tissue microarray (TMA) technique revealed overexpression of MMP-7 and MMP-13 in SCC tumor cells. MMP-7 expression was enhanced especially in the SCC tumor cells of the RDEB –associated SCCs. Studies with SCC cell lines showed that tumor cell derived MMP-7 activated heparin binding epidermal growth factor –like growth factor (HB-EGF) which enhanced the growth of SCC tumor cells. Further, it was shown that type VII collagen (COL7) is expressed in sporadic SCC tumor cells. Interestingly, it was shown that SCC –associated MMP-13 is capable of cleaving COL7 in vitro. COL7 cleavage may have a role in the progression of cutaneous SCC. Studies on serine proteinase inhibitor gene family using SCC tumor cell gene array, quantitative real-time PCR, SCC cell lines, normal human epidermal keratinocytes and IHC of TMA samples showed that serine proteinase inhibitor clade A, member 1 (serpinA1, alpha-1-antitrypsin) is expressed and produced by human SCC tumor cells but not by normal keratinocytes. Moreover, serpinA1 expression was shown to correlate with the progression of cutaneous SCC using transformed HaCaT-cell lines and mouse chemically induced skin SCC model. SerpinA1 may serve as a novel biomarker for the progression of cutaneous SCC. This study elucidated putative mechanisms of the progression of cutaneous SCC and revealed novel biomarker candidates for the progression of SCC of the skin.


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Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) is a potent proteolytic enzyme, whose expression has been previously associated with fetal bone development and postnatal bone remodeling and with adult gingival wound healing. MMP-13 is also known to be involved in the growth and invasion of various cancers including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin. The aim of this study was to further elucidate the function and regulation of MMP-13 in wound repair and cancer. In this study, it was shown that fetal skin fibroblasts express MMP-13 in response to transforming growth factor-β in a p38 MAP kinase dependent manner. In addition, MMP-13 was found to be expressed in vivo by wound fibroblasts in human fetal skin grafted on SCID mice. Adenovirally delivered expression of MMP-13 enhanced collagen matrix contraction by fibroblasts in vitro in association with altered cytoskeletal structure, enhanced proliferation and survival. These results indicate that MMP-13 is involved in cell-mediated collagen matrix remodeling and suggest a role for MMP-13 in superior matrix remodeling and scarless healing of fetal skin wounds. Using an MMP-13 deficient mouse strain, it was shown that MMP-13 is essential for the normal development of experimental granulation tissue in mice. MMP-13 was implicated in the regulation of myofibroblast function and angiogenesis and the expression of genes involved in cellular proliferation and movement, immune response, angiogenesis and proteolysis. Finally, epidermal mitogen, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) was shown to suppress the malignant properties of skin SCC cells by downregulating the expression of several target genes with potential cancer promoting properties, including MMP-13, and by reducing SCC cell invasion. These results provide evidence that MMP-13 potently regulates cell viability, myofibroblast function and angiogenesis associated with wound healing and cancer. In addition, fibroblasts expressing MMP-13 show high collagen reorganization capacity. Moreover, the results suggest that KGF mediates the anti-cancer effects on skin SCC


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Objective:To analyze the genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and their relationship with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.Methods: We present a narrative literature review, conducted in Pubmed, Lilacs and Cochrane Databases of articles published in the last five years correlating genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and cancer risk in different populations worldwide.Results: We initially found 65 articles and, after selection criteria, 20 case-control studies with various populations worldwide were eligible. The most studied polymorphisms were those of CYP2E1 and CYP1A1 subfamilies. There is little about the other subfamilies. The association found between polymorphisms and cancer risk amounted to a countless number of variables, amongst them: population, selection methods, racial factors and different modes of exposure to carcinogens, genotyping methods, and nomenclature of the polymorphisms.Conclusion: so far, there is no proven link between genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 family and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx relationship.


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This paper reports a case of nonpapillary and infiltrative transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder with metastasis of lumbar vertebrae and spinal cord compression in an adult female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), from the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The ocelot had pelvic limb paralysis and skin ulcers in the posterior region of the body and was submitted to euthanasia procedure. At necropsy was observed a multilobulated and irregular shaped, yellowish to white nodule in the urinary bladder. The nodule had a soft consistency and arised from the mucosa of the urinary bladder extending throughout the muscular layers and the serosa. Nodules of similar appearance infiltrating the vertebral column the at L6 and L7 vertebrae with corresponding spinal canal invasion were also observed. The histological evaluation showed epithelial neoplastic proliferation in the urinary bladder with characteristics of nonpapillary and infiltrative TCC, with positive immunohistochemical staining for pancytokeratin, and strong immunostaining for cytokeratin of low molecular weight, and weak or absent labeling for high molecular weight cytokeratin. This is the first report of TCC of urinary bladder in ocelot in Brazil.


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The c-myc protein is known to regulate the cell cycle, and its down-regulation can lead to cell death by apoptosis. The role of c-myc protein as an independent prognostic determinant in cervical cancer is controversial. In the present study, a cohort of 220 Brazilian women (mean age 53.4 years) with FIGO stage I, II and III (21, 28 and 51%, respectively) cervical squamous cell carcinomas was analyzed for c-myc protein expression using immunohistochemistry. The disease-free survival and relapse-rate were analyzed using univariate (Kaplan-Meier) survival analysis for 116 women who completed the standard FIGO treatment and were followed up for 5 years. Positive c-myc staining was detected in 40% of carcinomas, 29% being grade 1, 9% grade 2, and 2% grade 3. The distribution of positive c-myc according to FIGO stage was 19% (17 women) in stage I, 33% (29) in stage II, and 48% (43) in stage III of disease. During the 60-month follow-up, disease-free survival in univariate (Kaplan-Meier) survival analysis (116 women) was lower for women with c-myc-positive tumors, i.e., 60.5, 47.5 and 36.6% at 12, 36, and 60 months, respectively (not significant). The present data suggest that immunohistochemical demonstration of c-myc does not possess any prognostic value independent of FIGO stage, and as such is unlikely to be a useful prognostic marker in cervical squamous cell carcinoma.


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The etiopathogenesis of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN III) and invasive squamous cell carcinoma are largely unknown. Since there are few studies on Brazilian patients, our purpose was to determine the frequency of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the expression of p53 in these lesions, and associate them with other factors such as age, morphological subtypes, multicentric and multifocal disease. Thirty-eight cases of VIN III, nine of superficially invasive carcinoma, and 55 of invasive vulvar carcinoma were retrospectively evaluated from 1983 to 1995 for the presence of HPV by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and for p53 protein expression by immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections. All cases for whom material (slides and paraffin blocks) and clinical data were available were included. HPV and p53 were detected in 57.9 and 21.1% of the VIN III lesions, 33.3 and 66.7% of superficially invasive carcinomas, and 7.3 and 58.2% of invasive squamous cell carcinomas, respectively. HPV infection was associated with younger age in the VIN III and invasive carcinoma groups. In the latter, HPV infection was associated with the basaloid variant. p53 expression rate was higher in superficially invasive and invasive lesions and was not related to HPV infection. Our findings are similar to others and support the hypothesis that there are two separate entities of the disease, one associated with HPV and the other unrelated, with p53 inactivation possibly being implicated in some of the cases.


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Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) consists 20% of keratinocytederived non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), the incidence of which is increasing globally. cSCC is the most common metastatic skin cancer and it causes approximately 20% of skin cancer-related deaths. At present, there are no molecular markers for predicting which cSCC lesions are aggressive or metastasize rapidly. UV radiation is the most important risk factor for cSCC. During the development of cSCC, normal epidermal keratinocytes are transformed and form actinic keratosis (AK), which progresses to cSCC in situ (cSCCIS, Bowen’s disease) and finally to invasive and metastatic cSCC. Inflammatory factors and cells are a part of cancer microenvironment and cSCC can develop in the chronically irritated skin or in the context of chronic inflammation. The complement system is a central part of innate immunity and it regulates normal immunological and inflammatory processes. In this study, the role of complement system components and inhibitors were studied in the progression of cSCC in culture and in vivo. Elevated expression of complement factor H (CFH), complement factor I (CFI), complement component C3 and complement factor B (CFB) was noted in cSCC cells in culture. The analysis with immunohistochemistry (IHC) revealed that the expression of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB was specifically noted in tumor cells in vivo. The staining intensity of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB was also stronger in invasive cSCC than in AK or cSCCIS samples. The knockdown of CFH, CFI and CFB with specific siRNAs decreased cSCC cell viability and migration, whereas the knockdown of C3 reduced only cSCC cell migration. Moreover, the knockdown of CFI, C3 and CFB inhibited growth of cSCC xenograft tumors established in SCID mice in vivo. In these tumors, CFI, C3 and CFB knockdown decreased the number of proliferating cells. Moreover, the knockdown of CFI increased local inflammation and complement activation. This study provides evidence for the roles of CFH, CFI, C3 and CFB in the tumor progression indicating these as molecular biomarkers and putative therapeutic targets of cSCC.


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Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urothelium is often multifocal and subsequent tumors may occur anywhere in the urinary tract after the treatment of a primary carcinoma. Patients initially presenting a bladder cancer are at significant risk of developing metachronous tumors in the upper urinary tract (UUT). We evaluated the prognostic factors of primary invasive bladder cancer that may predict a metachronous UUT TCC after radical cystectomy. The records of 476 patients who underwent radical cystectomy for primary invasive bladder TCC from 1989 to 2001 were reviewed retrospectively. The prognostic factors of UUT TCC were determined by multivariate analysis using the COX proportional hazards regression model. Kaplan-Meier analysis was also used to assess the variable incidence of UUT TCC according to different risk factors. Twenty-two patients (4.6%). developed metachronous UUT TCC. Multiplicity, prostatic urethral involvement by the bladder cancer and the associated carcinoma in situ (CIS) were significant and independent factors affecting the occurrence of metachronous UUT TCC (P = 0.0425, 0.0082, and 0.0006, respectively). These results were supported, to some extent, by analysis of the UUT TCC disease-free rate by the Kaplan-Meier method, whereby patients with prostatic urethral involvement or with associated CIS demonstrated a significantly lower metachronous UUT TCC disease-free rate than patients without prostatic urethral involvement or without associated CIS (log-rank test, P = 0.0116 and 0.0075, respectively). Multiple tumors, prostatic urethral involvement and associated CIS were risk factors for metachronous UUT TCC, a conclusion that may be useful for designing follow-up strategies for primary invasive bladder cancer after radical cystectomy.


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The matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP-1)/protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) signal transduction axis plays an important role in tumorigenesis. To explore the expression and prognostic value of MMP-1 and PAR-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), we evaluated the expression of two proteins in resected specimens from 85 patients with ESCC by immunohistochemistry. Sixty-two (72.9%) and 58 (68.2%) tumors were MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive, respectively, while no significant staining was observed in normal esophageal squamous epithelium. MMP-1 and PAR-1 overexpression was significantly associated with tumor node metastasis (TNM) stage and regional lymph node involvement. Patients with MMP-1- and PAR-1-positive tumors, respectively, had poorer disease-free survival (DFS) than those with negative ESCC (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). Univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between TNM stage [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.836, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.866-4.308], regional lymph node involvement (HR = 2.955, 95%CI = 1.713-5.068), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.669, 95%CI = 1.229-6.127), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.762, 95%CI = 1.156-2.883) and DFS. Multivariate analysis including the above four parameters identified TNM stage (HR = 2.035, 95%CI = 1.167-3.681), MMP-1 expression (HR = 2.109, 95%CI = 1.293-3.279), and PAR-1 expression (HR = 1.967, 95%CI = 1.256-2.881) as independent and significant prognostic factors for DFS. Our data suggest for the first time that MMP-1 and PAR-1 were both overexpressed in ESCC and are novel predictors of poor patient prognosis after curative resection. The MMP-1/PAR-1 signal transduction axis might be a new therapeutic target for future therapies tailored against ESCC.


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CDKN2A encodes proteins such as p16 (INK4a), which negatively regulate the cell-cycle. Molecular genetic studies have revealed that deletions in CDKN2A occur frequently in cancer. Although p16 (INK4a) may be involved in tumor progression, the clinical impact and prognostic implications in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) are controversial. The objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of the immunohistochemical expression of p16 (INK4a) in 40 oropharynx and 35 larynx from HNSCC patients treated in a single institution and followed-up at least for 10 years in order to explore potential associations with clinicopathological outcomes and prognostic implications. Forty cases (53.3%) were positive for p16 (INK4a) and this expression was more intense in non-smoking patients (P = 0.050), whose tumors showed negative vascular embolization (P = 0.018), negative lymphatic permeation (P = 0.002), and clear surgical margins (P = 0.050). Importantly, on the basis of negative p16 (INK4a) expression, it was possible to predict a probability of lower survival (P = 0.055) as well as tumors presenting lymph node metastasis (P = 0.050) and capsular rupture (P = 0.0010). Furthermore, increased risk of recurrence was observed in tumors presenting capsular rupture (P = 0.0083). Taken together, the alteration in p16 (INK4a) appears to be a common event in patients with oropharynx and larynx squamous cell carcinoma and the negative expression of this protein correlated with poor prognosis.


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Although radical nephrectomy alone is widely accepted as the standard of care in localized treatment for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), it is not sufficient for the treatment of metastatic RCC (mRCC), which invariably leads to an unfavorable outcome despite the use of multiple therapies. Currently, sequential targeted agents are recommended for the management of mRCC, but the optimal drug sequence is still debated. This case was a 57-year-old man with clear-cell mRCC who received multiple therapies following his first operation in 2003 and has survived for over 10 years with a satisfactory quality of life. The treatments given included several surgeries, immunotherapy, and sequentially administered sorafenib, sunitinib, and everolimus regimens. In the course of mRCC treatment, well-planned surgeries, effective sequential targeted therapies and close follow-up are all of great importance for optimal management and a satisfactory outcome.


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Roles of novel biomarkers was studied in progression of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) as the most common metastatic skin cancer. The incidence of cSCC is increasing worldwide due to lifestyle changes such as recreational exposure to sunlight and the aging of the population. Because of an emerging need for molecular markers for the progression of cSCC, we set our goal to characterize three distinct novel markers overexpressed in cSCC cells. Our results identified overexpression of serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 1 (SerpinA1), EphB2 and absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) in cSCC cell lines compared with normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEKs). Immunohistochemical analysis of SerpinA1, EphB2 and AIM2 revealed abundant tumor cell-specific expression of cytoplasmic SerpinA1 and AIM2 and cytoplasmic and membranous EphB2 in cSCC tumors in vivo. The staining intensity of SerpinA1, EphB2 and AIM2 was significantly stronger in cSCC as compared with carcinoma in situ (cSCCIS) and actinic keratosis (AK). Tumor cell-associated SerpinA1 and EphB2 was noted in chemically induced mouse skin SCC, and the staining intensity was stronger in mouse cSCCs than in untreated skin. AIM2 staining intensity was significantly more abundant in cSCC of organ transplant recipients (OTR) than in sporadic cSCC in vivo. EphB2 knockdown resulted in inhibition of migration in cSCC cells. In addition, knockdown of EphB2 and AIM2 was found to inhibit the proliferation and invasion of cSCC cells and to delay the growth and vascularization of cSCC xenografts in vivo. Altogether, these findings identify SerpinA1 as a novel biomarker for cSCC. In addition, characterization of the roles of EphB2 and AIM2 in the progression of cSCC was implicated them as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of cSCC particularly in unresectable and metastatic tumors.


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Introduction: Le gène O6-méthylguanine-ADN méthyltransferase (MGMT) code pour une enzyme spécifique réparatrice de l’ADN qui protège les cellules de la toxicité des agents alkylants. Ainsi, l’activité du MGMT est un mécanisme majeur de résistance aux agents alkylants. Il a été démontré qu’une diminution de l’expression du gène MGMT par une hyperméthylation du promoteur résulte en une amélioration de la survie chez les patients avec certains types de tumeurs qui sont traitées avec des agents chimiothérapeuthique alkylants. Objectifs: Déterminer la prévalence de la méthylation du gène MGMT chez des patients avec des cancers épidermoïdes localement avancés de la sphère ORL traités avec chimioradiothérapie et évaluer l’impact de cette méthylation sur la survie. Méthodes: Sur 428 patients consécutifs, traités avec chimioradiothérapie à notre institution et suivis pour un période médiane de 37 mois, 199 spécimens chirurgicaux paraffinés ont été récupérés. L’ADN était extrait et modifié par le traitement au bisulfite. Une réaction en chaîne de la polymérase, spécifique à la méthylation était entreprise pour évaluer l’état de méthylation du promoteur du gène du MGMT. Les résultats de laboratoire étaient corrélés avec la réponse clinique. L’analyse statistique était exécutée à l’aide du test de Fisher pour les données catégoriques et à l’aide des courbes de Kaplan-Meier pour les échecs au traitement. Résultats : Des 199 extraits d’ADN initiaux, 173 (87%) étaient modifiés au bisulfite avec succès. Des ces spécimens modifiés, 71 (41%) ont démontré une hyperméthylation du MGMT. Pour les cas de méthylation et nonméthylation du MGMT, les caractéristiques des patients n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les taux de réponse étaient 71 et 73% (p=NS) respectivement. Le contrôle locorégional était respectivement 87 et 77% (p=0.26), la survie sans maladie était 80 et 60% (p=0.38), la survie sans métastase à distance était 92 et 78% (p=0.08) et la survie globale était 64 et 62% (p=0.99) à 3 ans. Conclusions : L’état de méthylation du MGMT est fortement prévalent (41%) et semble avoir un possible impact bénéfique sur la survie quand la chimioradiothérapie est administrée aux patients avec des stades avancés de cancers tête et cou.