The effects of nitrosative species on cyt c structure and peroxidase activity were investigated here in the presence of O(2)(center dot-) and anionic and zwitterionic vesicles. Nitrosative species were generated by 3-morpholinesydnonymine (SIN1) decomposition, using cyt c heme iron and/or molecular oxygen as electron acceptor. Far-and near-UV CD spectra of SIN1-treated cyt c revealed respectively a slight decrease of a-helix content (from 39 to 34%) and changes in the tryptophan structure accompanied by increased fluorescence. The Soret CD spectra displayed a significant decrease of the positive signal at 403 nm. EPR spectra revealed the presence of a low-spin cyt c form (S = 1/2) with g(1) = 2.736, g(2) = 2.465, and g(3) = 2.058 after incubation with SIN1. These data suggest that the concomitant presence of NO(center dot) and O(2)(center dot-) generated from dissolved oxygen, in a system containing cyt c and liposomes, promotes chemical and conformational modi. cations in cyt c, resulting in a hypothetical bis-histidine hexacoordinated heme iron. We also show that, paradoxically, O(2)(center dot-) prevents not only membrane lipoperoxidation by peroxide-derived radicals but also oxidation of cyt c itself due to the ability of O(2)(center dot-) to reduce heme iron. Finally, lipoperoxidation measurements showed that, although it is a more efficient peroxidase, SIN1-treated cyt c is not more effective than native cyt c in promoting damage to anionic liposomes in the presence of tert-ButylOOH, probably due to loss of affinity with negatively charged lipids. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We synthesize and characterize alkylthiohydroquinones (ATHs) in order to investigate their interactions with lipid model membranes, POPE and POPC. We observe the formation of structures with different morphologies, or curvature of the lipid bilayer, depending on pH and increasing temperature. We attribute their formation to changes in the balance charge/polarity induced by the ATHs. Mixtures of ATHs with POPE at pH 4 form two cubic phases, P4(3)32 and Im3m, that reach a maximum lattice size at 40 degrees C while under basic conditions these phases only expand upon heating from room temperature. The cubic phases coexist with lamellar or hexagonal phases and are associated with inhomogeneous distribution of the ATH molecules over the lipid matrix. The zwitterionic POPC does not form cubic phases but instead shows lamellar structures with no clear influence of the 2,6-BATH.
We have employed UV-vis spectroscopy in order to investigate details of the solvation of six solvatochromic indicators, hereafter designated as ""probes"", namely, 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (RB); 4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePM; 1-methylquinolinium-8-olate, QB; 2-bromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr, 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (WB); and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr,, respectively. These can be divided into three pairs, each includes two probes of similar pK(a) in water and different lipophilicity. Solvation has been studied in binary mixtures, BMs, of water, W, with 12 protic organic solvents, S, including mono- and bifunctional alcohols (2-alkoxyethanoles, unsaturated and chlorinated alcohols). Each medium was treated as a mixture of S, W, and a complex solvent, S-W, formed by hydrogen bonding. Values of lambda(max) (of the probe intramolecular charge transfer) were converted into empirical polarity scales, E(T)(probe) in kcal/mol, whose values were correlated with the effective mole fraction of water in the medium, chi w(effective). This correlation furnished three equilibrium constants for the exchange of solvents in the probe solvation shell; phi(W/S) (W substitutes S): phi(S-W/W) (S-W substitutes W), and phi(S-W/S) (S-W substitutes S), respectively. The values of these constants depend on the physicochemical properties of the probe and the medium. We tested, for the first time, the applicability of a new solvation free energy relationship: phi = constant + a alpha(BM) + b beta(BM) + s(pi*(BM) + d delta) + p log P(BM), where a, b, s, and p are regression coefficients alpha(BM), beta(BM), and pi*(BM) are solvatochromic parameters of the BM, delta is a correction term for pi*, and log P is an empirical scale of lipophilicity. Correlations were carried out with two-, three-, and four-medium descriptors. In all cases, three descriptors gave satisfactory correlations; use of four parameters gave only a marginal increase of the goodness of fit. For phi(W/S), the most important descriptor was found to be the lipophilicity of the medium; for phi(S-W/W) and phi(S-W/S), solvent basicity is either statistically relevant or is the most important descriptor. These responses are different from those of E(T)(probe) of many solvatochromic indicators in pure solvents, where the importance of solvent basicity is usually marginal, and can be neglected.
The solvation of six solvatochromic probes in a large number of solvents (33-68) was examined at 25 degrees C. The probes employed were the following: 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (RB); 4-[(E)2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePM; 1-methylquinolinium-8-olate, QB; 2-bromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr, 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl pyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (WB); and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2), respectively. Of these, MePMBr is a novel compound. They can be grouped in three pairs, each with similar pK(a) in water but with different molecular properties, for example, lipophilicity and dipole moment. These pairs are formed by RB and MePM; QB and MePMBr; WB and MePMBr(2), respectively. Theoretical calculations were carried out in order to calculate their physicochemical properties including bond lengths, dihedral angles, dipole moments, and wavelength of absorption of the intramolecular charge-transfer band in four solvents, water, methanol, acetone, and DMSO, respectively. The data calculated were in excellent agreement with available experimental data, for example, bond length and dihedral angles. This gives credence to the use of the calculated properties in explaining the solvatochromic behaviors observed. The dependence of an empirical solvent polarity scale E(T)(probe) in kcal/mol on the physicochemical properties of the solvent (acidity, basicity, and dipolarity/polarizability) and those of the probes (pK(a), and dipole moment) was analyzed by using known multiparameter solvation equations. For each pair of probes, values of E(T)(probe) (for example, E(T)(MePM) versus E(T)(RB)) were found to be linearly correlated with correlation coefficients, r, between 0.9548 and 0.9860. For the mercyanine series, the values of E(T)(probe) also correlated linearly, with (r) of 0.9772 (MePMBr versus MePM) and 0.9919 (MePMBr(2) versus MePM). The response of each pair of probes (of similar pK(a)) to solvent acidity is the same, provided that solute-solvent hydrogen-bonding is not seriously affected by steric crowding (as in case of RB). We show, for the first time, that the response to solvent dipolarity/polarizability is linearly correlated to the dipole moment of the probes. The successive introduction of bromine atoms in MePM (to give MePMBr, then MePMBr(2)) leads to the following linear decrease: pK(a) in water, length of the phenolate oxygen-carbon bond, length of the central ethylenic bond, susceptibility to solvent acidity, and susceptibility to solvent dipolarity/polarizability. Thus studying the solvation of probes whose molecular structures are varied systematically produces a wealth of information on the effect of solute structure on its solvation. The results of solvation of the present probes were employed in order to test the goodness of fit of two independent sets of solvent solvatochromic parameters.
The thermo-solvatochrornic behaviors of 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, RB; 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyloyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, WB; 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2); 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-n-octylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, OcPMBr(2), have been investigated in binary mixtures of the ionic liquid, IL, 1-(1-butyl)-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluorborate, [BuMeIm][BF(4)], and water (W), in the temperature range from 10 to 60 degrees C. Plots of the empirical solvent polarities, ET (probe) in kcal mol(-1), versus the mole fraction of water in the binary mixture, chi(w) showed nonlinear, i.e., nonideal behavior. Solvation by these IL-W mixtures shows the following similarities to that by aqueous aliphatic alcohols: The same solvation model can be conveniently employed to treat the data obtained; it is based on the presence in the system-bulk medium and probe solvation shell of IL, W, and the ""complex"" solvent 1:1 IL-W. The origin of the nonideal solvation behavior appears to be the same, preferential solvation of the probe, in particular by the complex solvent. The strength of association of the IL-W complex, and the polarity of the IL are situated between the corresponding values of aqueous methanol and aqueous ethanol. Temperature increase causes a gradual desolvation of all probes employed. A difference between solvation by IL-W and aqueous alcohols is that probe-solvent hydrophobic interactions appear to play a minor role in case of the former mixture, probably because solvation is dominated by hydrogen-bonding and Coulombic interactions between the ions of the IL and the zwitterionic probes.
The question raised in the title has been answered by comparing the solvatochromism of two series of polarity probes, the lipophilicities of which were increased either by increasing the length of an alkyl group (R) attached to a fixed pyridine-based structure or through annelation (i.e., by fusing benzene rings onto a central pyridine-based structure). The following novel solvatochromic probes were synthesized: 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylquinolinium-4-yl)ethenyl]-phenolate (MeQMBr(2)) and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methyl-acridinium-4- yl) ethenyl)]phenolate (MeAMBr(2) The solvatochromic behavior of these probes, along with that of 2,6dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl]phenol-ate(MePMBr(2)) was analyzed in terms of increasing probe lipophilicity, through annelation. Values of the empirical solvent polarity scale [E(T)(MePMBr(2))] in kcalmol(-1) correlated linearly with ET(30), the corresponding values for the extensively employed probe 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl)phenolate (RB). On the other hand, the nonlinear correlations of ET(MeQMBr(2)) or ET(MeAMBr(2)) with E(T)(30) are described by second-order polynomials. Possible reasons for this behavior include: i) self-aggregation of the probe, ii) photoinduced cis/trans isomerization of the dye, and iii) probe structure- and solvent-dependent contributions of the quinonoid and zwitterionic limiting formulas to the ground and excited states of the probe. We show that mechanisms (i) and (ii) are not operative under the experimental conditions employed; experimental evidence (NMR) and theoretical calculations are presented to support the conjecture that the length of the central ethenylic bond in the dye increases in the order MeAMBr(2) > MeQMBr(2) > MePMBr(2), That is, the contribution of the zwitterionic limiting formula predominates for the latter probe, as is also the case for RB, this being the reason for the observed linear correlation between the ET(MePMBr2) and the ET(30) scales. The effect of increasing probe lipophilicity on solvatochromic behavior therefore depends on the strategy employed. Increasing the length of R affects solvatochromism much less than annelation, because the former structural change hardly perturbs the energy of the intramolecular charge-transfer transition responsible for solvatochromism. The thermo-solvatochromic behavior (effect of temperature on solvatochromism) of the three probes was studied in mixtures of water with propanol and/or with DMSO. The solvation model used explicitly considers the presence of three ""species"" in the system: bulk solution and probe solvation shell [namely, water (W), organic solvent (Solv)], and solvent-water hydrogen-bonded aggregate (Solv-W). For aqueous propanol, the probe is efficiently solvated by Solv-W; the strong interaction of DMSO with W drastically decreases the efficiency of Solv-W in solvating the probe, relative to its precursor solvents. Temperature increases resulted in desolvation of the probes, due to the concomitant reduction in the structured characters of the components of the binary mixtures.
The wetting behavior of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI strain grown on waste oil substrate and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on glass, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and polymer blend (PVC-PCL) was investigated by the measuring contact angle of sessile drops, to determine the wetting characteristics of rhamnolipids. The comparison of the wetting profiles showed that at low SDS and rhamnolipid concentrations, the contact angle increased and when the concentration of the surfactant increased further, the contact angle decreased. The blend surface (PVC-PCL) showed better wettability than the homopolymers themselves and the blend changed the surface hydrophobicity of the polymer, making it more hydrophilic. The rhamnolipids produced by the LBI strain exhibited superior wetting abilities than the chemical surfactant SDS one. This is the first work that evaluates the wetting properties of rhamnolipids on polymer blends.
The interaction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with the ionic surfactants sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, anionic), cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC, cationic) and N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS, zwitterionic) was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of spin label covalently bound to the single free thiol group of the protein. EPR spectra simulation allows to monitor the protein dynamics at the labeling site and to estimate the changes in standard Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy for transferring the nitroxide side chain from the more motionally restricted to the less restricted component. Whereas SDS and CTAC showed similar increases in the dynamics of the protein backbone for all measured concentrations. HPS presented a smaller effect at concentrations above 1.5 mM. At 10 mM of surfactants and 0.15 mM BSA, the standard Gibbs free energy change was consistent with protein backbone conformations more expanded and exposed to the solvent as compared to the native protein, but with a less pronounced effect for HPS. In the presence of the surfactants, the enthalpy change, related to the energy required to dissociate the nitroxide side chain from the protein, was greater, suggesting a lower water activity. The nitroxide side chain also detected a higher viscosity environment in the vicinity of the paramagnetic probe induced by the addition of the surfactants. The results suggest that the surfactant-BSA interaction, at higher surfactant concentration, is affected by the affinities of the surfactant to its own micelles and micelle-like aggregates. Complementary DLS data suggests that the temperature induced changes monitored by the nitroxide probe reflects local changes in the vicinity of the single thiol group of Cys-34 BSA residue. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I examine the effects of uncertainty about the timing of de aIs (i.e. temporary price cuts or sales) on consumer behavior in a dynamic inventory model of consumer choice. I derive implications for purchase behavior and test them empirically, using two years of scanner data for soft drinks. I fmd that loyal consumers' decisions, both about the allocation of their purchases over time and the quantity to be purchased in a particular deal, are affected by the uncertainty about the timing of the deal for the product. Loyal consumers buy a higher fraction of their overall purchases during de ais as the uncertainty decreases. This effect increases with an increase in the product' s share of a given consumer' s purchase in the same category or if the consumer stockpiles (i.e., is a shopper). During a particular deal, loyal shoppers increase the quantity they purchase the more time that has passed since the previous de aI, and the higher the uncertainty about the deals' timing. For the non-Ioyal consumers these effects are not significant. These results hold for products that are frequently purchased, like soft-drinks and yogurt, but do not hold for less frequentIy purchased products, such as laundry detergents. The fmdings suggest that manufacturers and retailers should incorporate the effects of deals' timing on consumers' purchase' decisions when deriving optimal pricing strategies.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The influence of small amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) (nM concentration) on the lateral organization of phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates as one-layer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was investigated. The kinetics of adsorption of BSA onto the phospholipid monolayers was monitored with surface pressure isotherms in a Langmuir trough, for the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (N,N-dimethyl-PE) and the anionic dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA). A monolayer of N,N-dimethyl-PE or DMPA incorporating BSA was transferred onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of one-layer LB films displayed protein-phospholipid domains, whose morphology was characterized using dynamic scaling theories to calculate roughness exponents. For DMPA-BSA films the surface is characteristic of self-affine fractals, which may be described with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. on the other hand, for N,N-dimethyl-PE-BSA films, the results indicate a relatively flat surface within the globule. The height profile and the number and size of globules varied with the type of phospholipid. The overall results, from kinetics of adsorption on Langmuir monolayers and surface morphology in LB films, could be interpreted in terms of the higher affinity of BSA to the anionic DMPA than to the zwitterionic N,N-dimethyl-PE. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer point to a cooperative response of DMPA and N,N-dimethyl-PE monolayers to the protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The zwitterionic (Z) form, neutral (N) form and transition structure (TS) connecting N to Z, have been studied at the B3LYP/6-31++G** level of calculation by using the SCRF methodology. The intramolecular proton transfer from oxygen to nitrogen atoms of alpha -alanine and vibrational spectrum were analyzed in the different environments employed: acetonitrile, ethanol, carbon tetrachloride and gas phase. The Z species is a stationary point in acetonitrile and ethanol, but not in carbon tetrachloride and gas phase media. The geometry of N, Z and TS was similar in acetonitrile and ethanol. The vibrational spectrum of Z was similar in the two solvents studied. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All lights reserved.
Enzymes have been widely used in biosynthesis/transformation of organic compounds in substitution the classic synthetic methods. This work is the first writing in literature of enzymatic synthesis for attainment the biossurfactants, the use glucose sucrose, ricinoleic acid e castor oil as substratum, and as biocatalyst, used immobilized lipase Thermomyces lanuginose, Rhizomucor miehei and the Candida antarctica lipase B; alkaline protease and neutral protease from Bacillus subtillis and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeI. The analysis of HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) showed that highest conversions were reached of used the alkaline protease from Bacillus subtillis. Laboratory tests, to evaluate the applicability, indicated that the produced biosurfactantes had good stability in presence of salts (NaCl) and temperature (55 e 25°C), they are effective in the reduction of the superficial tension and contac angle, but they have little foaming capacity, when compared with traditional detergents. These results suggest that the prepared surfactants have potential application as wetting agent and perforation fluid stabilizer
This paper provides an overview regarding the main aspects of seed lipases, such as the reactions catalyzed, physiological functions, specificities, sources and applications. Lipases are ubiquitous in nature and are produced by several plants, animals and microorganisms. These enzymes exhibit several very interesting features, such as low cost and easy purification, which make their commercial exploitation as industrial enzymes a potentially attractive alternative. The applications of lipases in food, detergents, oils and fats, medicines and fine chemistry, effluent treatment, biodiesel production and in the cellulose pulp industry, as well as the main sources of oilseed and cereal seed lipases, are reviewed.