898 resultados para Z-score


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Background. In over 30 years, the prevalence of overweight for children and adolescents has increased across the United States (Barlow et al., 2007; Ogden, Flegal, Carroll, & Johnson, 2002). Childhood obesity is linked with adverse physiological and psychological issues in youth and affects ethnic/minority populations in disproportionate rates (Barlow et al., 2007; Butte et al., 2006; Butte, Cai, Cole, Wilson, Fisher, Zakeri, Ellis, & Comuzzie, 2007). More importantly, overweight in children and youth tends to track into adulthood (McNaughton, Ball, Mishra, & Crawford, 2008; Ogden et al., 2002). Childhood obesity affects body functions such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems, including emotional health (Barlow et al., 2007, Ogden et al., 2002). Several dietary factors have been associated with the development of obesity in children; however, these factors have not been fully elucidated, especially in ethnic/minority children. In particular, few studies have been done to determine the effects of different meal patterns on the development of obesity in children. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships between daily proportions of energy consumed and energy derived from fat across breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, and obesity among Hispanic children and adolescents. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used to evaluate the relationship between dietary patterns and overweight status in Hispanic children and adolescents 4-19 years of age who participated in the Viva La Familia Study. The goal of the Viva La Familia Study was to evaluate genetic and environmental factors affecting childhood obesity and its co-morbidities in the Hispanic population (Butte et al., 2006, 2007). The study enrolled 1030 Hispanic children and adolescents from 319 families and examined factors related to increased body weight by focusing on a multilevel analysis of extensive sociodemographic, genetic, metabolic, and behavioral data. Baseline dietary intakes of the children were collected using 24-hour recalls, and body mass index was calculated from measured height and weight, and classified using the CDC standards. Dietary data were analyzed using a GEE population-averaged panel-data model with a cluster variable family identifier to include possible correlations within related data sets. A linear regression model was used to analyze associations of dietary patterns using possible covariates, and to examine the percentage of daily energy coming from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack while adjusting for age, sex, and BMI z-score. Random-effects logistic regression models were used to determine the relationship of the dietary variables with obesity status and to understand if the percent energy intake (%EI) derived from fat from all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) affected obesity. Results. Older children (age 4-19 years) consumed a higher percent of energy at lunch and dinner and less percent energy from snacks compared to younger children. Age was significantly associated with percentage of total energy intake (%TEI) for lunch, as well as dinner, while no association was found by gender. Percent of energy consumed from dinner significantly differed by obesity status, with obese children consuming more energy at dinner (p = 0.03), but no associations were found between percent energy from fat and obesity across all meals. Conclusions. Information from this study can be used to develop interventions that target dietary intake patterns in obesity prevention programs for Hispanic children and adolescents. In particular, intervention programs for children should target dietary patterns with energy intake that is spread throughout the day and earlier in the day. These results indicate that a longitudinal study should be used to further explore the relationship of dietary patterns and BMI in this and other populations (Dubois et al., 2008; Rodriquez & Moreno, 2006; Thompson et al., 2005; Wilson et al., in review, 2008). ^


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A population based ecological study was conducted to identify areas with a high number of TB and HIV new diagnoses in Harris County, Texas from 2009 through 2010 by applying Geographic Information Systems to determine whether distinguished spatial patterns exist at the census tract level through the use of exploratory mapping. As of 2010, Texas has the fourth highest occurrence of new diagnoses of HIV/AIDS and TB.[31] The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has identified HIV infected persons as a high risk population for TB in Harris County.[29] In order to explore this relationship further, GIS was utilized to identify spatial trends. ^ The specific aims were to map TB and HIV new diagnoses rates and spatially identify hotspots and high value clusters at the census tract level. The potential association between HIV and TB was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation and linear regression analysis. The spatial statistics used were ArcGIS 9.3 Hotspot Analysis and Cluster and Outlier Analysis. Spatial autocorrelation was determined through Global Moran's I and linear regression analysis. ^ Hotspots and clusters of TB and HIV are located within the same spatial areas of Harris County. The areas with high value clusters and hotspots for each infection are located within the central downtown area of the city of Houston. There is an additional hotspot area of TB located directly north of I-10 and a hotspot area of HIV northeast of Interstate 610. ^ The Moran's I Index of 0.17 (Z score = 3.6 standard deviations, p-value = 0.01) suggests that TB is statistically clustered with a less than 1% chance that this pattern is due to random chance. However, there were a high number of features with no neighbors which may invalidate the statistical properties of the test. Linear regression analysis indicated that HIV new diagnoses rates (β=−0.006, SE=0.147, p=0.970) and census tracts (β=0.000, SE=0.000, p=0.866) were not significant predictors of TB new diagnoses rates. ^ Mapping products indicate that census tracts with overlapping hotspots and high value clusters of TB and HIV should be a targeted focus for prevention efforts, most particularly within central Harris County. While the statistical association was not confirmed, evidence suggests that there is a relationship between HIV and TB within this two year period.^


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Background: interventions that focus on improving eating habits, increasing physical activity, and reducing sedentary behaviors on weight status and body mass index percentile and z-scores in youths have not been well documented. This study aimed to determine the short and long term effects of a 2-week residential weight management summer camp program for youths on weight, BMI, BMI percentile, and BMI z-score. ^ Methods: A sample of 73 obese multiethnic 10-14 years old youths (11.9 ± 1.4) attended a weight management camp called Kamp K'aana for two weeks and completed a 12-month follow-up on height and weight. As part of Kamp K'aana, participants received a series of nutrition, physical activity and behavioral lessons and were on an 1800 kcal per day meal plan. Anthropometric measurements of height and weight were taken to calculate participants' BMI percentiles and z-scores. Paired t-tests, chi square test and ANCOVA, adjusting for age, gender, and ethnicity were used to assess changes in body weight, BMI, BMI percentiles and BMI z-scores pre to two-weeks post-camp and 12 months post-camp. ^ Results: Significant reductions in body weight of 3.6 ± 1.4 (P = 0.0000), BMI of 1.4 ± 0.54 (P = 0.0000), BMI percentile of 0.45 ± 0.06 (P = 0.0000), and BMI z-score of 0.1 ± 0.06 (P = 0.0000) were observed at the end of the camp. Significant reductions in BMI z-scores (P < 0.001) and BMI percentile (P < 0.001) were observed at the 12-month reunion when compared to pre- and two-weeks post camp data. There was a significant increase in weight and BMI (P = 0.0000) at the 12-month reunion when compared to pre and post camp measurements. ^ Conclusion: Kamp K'aana has consistently shown short-term reductions in weight, BMI, BMI percentile, and BMI z-score. Results from analysis of long-term data suggest that this intervention had beneficial effects on body composition in an ethnically diverse population of obese children. Further research which includes a control group, larger sample size, and cost-analysis should be conducted.^


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After the Asian financial crisis of 1997, it was confirmed that banks lend to their related parties in many countries. The question examined in this article is whether related lending functions to alleviate the problems of asymmetric information or transfers profits from depositors and minority shareholders to related parties. The effects of related lending on the profitability and risk of banks in Indonesia are examined using panel data from 1994 to 2007 comprising a total of 74 Indonesian banks. The effects on return on asset (ROA) varied at different periods. Before and right after the crisis, a higher credit allocation to related parties increased ROA. In middle of the crisis, it turned to negative; and this has also been the case in the most recent period as the Indonesian economy has normalized. Effects of related lending on bank risk measured by the Z-score and non-performing loan is not clear. After undergoing bank restructuring, related lending has decreased and the profit structure of banks has changed.


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We offer micro-econometric evidence for a positive impact of rural electrification on the nutritional status of children under five as measured by height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) in rural Bangladesh. In most estimates, access to electricity is found to improve HAZ by more than 0.15 points and this positive impact comes from increased wealth and reduced fertility, even though the evidence for the latter is weak. We also analyze the causal channels through the local health facility and exposure to television. We find no evidence for the presence of the former channel and mixed evidence for the latter.


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The aim of the present study was to identify performance variability in basketball for players with intellectual impairment (II) and to compare it with able-bodied (AB) players. Official game statistics from the 13 games played in the Ankara World II-Basketball Championships (2013) were gathered and descriptive data, variability coefficient (VC), maximum scores and its Z-score were calculated from those players who participated at least 10 minutes per game (N = 46; guards = 10, forwards = 21, centers = 15). Results indicated higher performance variability and lower efficiency in shooting percentages and turnovers in II-players comparing with studies in ABplayers. Differences found between game positions indicated similar roles of guards, forwards and centers in II and AB-players. These findings are relevant to understand how II impact on basketball performance, which is a necessary step to develop specific eligibility systems in II-basketball according to the guidelines of the International Paralympic Committee.


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Recent improvements of a hierarchical ab initio or de novo approach for predicting both α and β structures of proteins are described. The united-residue energy function used in this procedure includes multibody interactions from a cumulant expansion of the free energy of polypeptide chains, with their relative weights determined by Z-score optimization. The critical initial stage of the hierarchical procedure involves a search of conformational space by the conformational space annealing (CSA) method, followed by optimization of an all-atom model. The procedure was assessed in a recent blind test of protein structure prediction (CASP4). The resulting lowest-energy structures of the target proteins (ranging in size from 70 to 244 residues) agreed with the experimental structures in many respects. The entire experimental structure of a cyclic α-helical protein of 70 residues was predicted to within 4.3 Å α-carbon (Cα) rms deviation (rmsd) whereas, for other α-helical proteins, fragments of roughly 60 residues were predicted to within 6.0 Å Cα rmsd. Whereas β structures can now be predicted with the new procedure, the success rate for α/β- and β-proteins is lower than that for α-proteins at present. For the β portions of α/β structures, the Cα rmsd's are less than 6.0 Å for contiguous fragments of 30–40 residues; for one target, three fragments (of length 10, 23, and 28 residues, respectively) formed a compact part of the tertiary structure with a Cα rmsd less than 6.0 Å. Overall, these results constitute an important step toward the ab initio prediction of protein structure solely from the amino acid sequence.


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Introdução: O Programa Bolsa Família é a principal estratégia brasileira para amenizar a pobreza e vulnerabilidade social, com diferentes impactos na vida dos beneficiários. O aumento da renda, em função do benefício, poderia trazer resultados positivos na alimentação, uma vez que possibilitam uma maior diversidade da dieta. Porém, poderia trazer resultados negativos como a ingestão excessiva de energia e consequente aumento da adiposidade. As avaliações dos impactos do programa em termos de obesidade e massa gorda de crianças são inexistentes. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do Programa Bolsa Família no estado nutricional (IMC/idade) e na composição corporal aos 6 anos de idade entre as crianças da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas (RS), 2004. Métodos: Os dados foram provenientes da integração dos bancos da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas de 2004 e do Cadastro Único do Governo Federal. Foi realizada análise descritiva da cobertura e focalização do programa, com informações do nascimento e dos 6 anos de idade (n=4231). Considerou-se focalização o percentual de elegíveis entre o total de beneficiários e cobertura o percentual de famílias elegíveis que são beneficiárias do programa. Nos modelos de impacto (n=3446), as exposições principais foram o recebimento do benefício: beneficiário em 2010, no período de 2004-2010; o valor médio mensal recebido e o tempo de recebimento. Foram gerados modelos de regressão linear para os desfechos score-Z do índice de massa corporal por idade (IMC/I), percentual e índice de massa gorda (IMG), e percentual e índice de massa livre de gordura (IMLG); e de Poisson, com ajuste robusto, para o desfecho obesidade (score-Z IMC/I 2), todos estratificados por sexo. As informações antropométricas e de composição corporal (BOD POD) foram obtidas do acompanhamento aos 6-7 anos de idade. Potenciais fatores de confusão foram identificados por modelo hierárquico e por um diagrama causal (DAG). Para analisar os impactos foram usadas como medidas de efeito a diferença de médias na regressão linear múltipla (IMC/I, por cento MG, IMG, por cento MLG e IMLG, variáveis contínuas) e a razão de prevalência (obesidade, variável binária). Para permanecer no modelo, considerou-se valor p0,20. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do software STATA. Resultados: Entre 2004-2010, a proporção de famílias beneficiárias na coorte aumentou (11 por cento para 34 por cento ) enquanto, de acordo com a renda familiar, a proporção de famílias elegíveis diminui (29 por cento para 16 por cento ). No mesmo período, a cobertura do programa aumentou tanto pela renda familiar quanto pelo IEN. Já a focalização caiu de 78 por cento para 32 por cento de acordo com a renda familiar e, de acordo com o IEN, manteve-se em 37 por cento . A média (não ajustada) de IMC e de MG dos não beneficiários foi superior a dos não beneficiários tanto em meninos quanto em meninas. Meninos do 3º tercil de valor per capita recebido e meninas com menos de 7 meses de benefício em 2010 tiveram IMC maior do que, respectivamente, aqueles dos demais tercis e daquelas com mais de 7 meses de benefício em 2010; esse padrão foi semelhante para obesidade. Meninas não beneficiárias tiveram MG maior do que as beneficiárias e superior também aos meninos, independente de ser beneficiário ou não. Em relação à MLG observou-se um comportamento contrário, no qual meninas beneficiárias tiveram maior MLG, quando comparadas com meninas não beneficiárias e, meninos quando comparados com meninas. Nos modelos de regressão ajustados, não houve diferença significativa entre beneficiários e não beneficiários em nenhum desfecho. Conclusões: De acordo com os resultados, as famílias que receberam maiores valores per capita parecem incluir crianças com maior média de IMC. O programa, nessa análise, parece não ter impacto sobre a composição corporal das crianças, nem em termos de massa gorda, tampouco em termos de massa livre de gordura.


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INTRODUÇÃO - A obesidade é uma preocupação de saúde pública cada vez mais importante, em todo o mundo. A obesidade infantil, por sua vez, vem sendo associada a um alto risco de agravos infantis e de obesidade e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na fase adulta. Admite-se que o início da vida seja um momento crítico e determinante para o risco do indivíduo desenvolver sobrepeso ou obesidade. Entretanto, não está definido se existe algum período de maior vulnerabilidade na fase pós-natal e qual seria o melhor marcador do crescimento da criança para indicar uma possível intervenção precoce que possa minimizar o risco de desenvolver excesso de peso ou obesidade. OBJETIVO - Analisar as relações existentes entre indicadores antropométricos de crescimento no primeiro ano de vida e o desenvolvimento de excesso de peso no início da idade escolar. MÉTODOS - Estudo de uma coorte histórica de uma unidade básica de saúde em São Paulo, Brasil. Os momentos analisados foram aos três, seis e doze meses e aos sete anos de idade. Avaliou-se a velocidade de crescimento e o crescimento alcançado durante o primeiro ano de vida frente aos desfechos: excesso de peso e obesidade aos sete anos de idade. As variáveis foram analisadas estatisticamente através do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson e das curvas ROC, além de terem sido estimadas a sensibilidade, a especificidade e o risco relativo. RESULTADOS - Os Coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson do ganho de peso por ganho de comprimento nos períodos de 0 a 3 meses, 0 a 6 meses e 0 a 12 meses foram, respectivamente, 0,23 (IC 95 por cento : 0,13 a 0,33), 0,29 (IC 95 por cento : 0,19 a 0,39) e 0,34 (IC 95 por cento : 0,24 a 0,43), todos significantes estatisticamente. Os Coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson do escore z do Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) para 3, 6 e 12 meses foram, respectivamente, 0,39 (IC 95 por cento : 0,29 a 0,48), 0,41 (IC 95 por cento : 0,32 a 0,50) e 0,42 (IC 95 por cento : 0,33 a 0,51). Para excesso de peso na idade escolar, a utilização do marcador escore z do IMC aos 12 meses maior que 0,49 apresentou sensibilidade de 68,29 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 59,3 por cento a 76,4 por cento ), especificidade de 63,51 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 56,6 por cento a 70,0 por cento ) e risco relativo estimado de 2,31 (IC 95 por cento : 1,69 a 3,17). Para obesidade, o mesmo marcador apresentou sensibilidade de 76,47 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 62,5 por cento a 87,2 por cento ), especificidade de 56,89 por cento (IC 95 por cento : 50,9 por cento a 62,7 por cento ) e risco relativo estimado de 3,49 (IC 95 por cento : 1,90 a 6,43). CONCLUSÕES - O primeiro trimestre de vida se revelou como sendo o período mais crítico, entre os estudados, para o desenvolvimento de sobrepeso ou obesidade no início da idade escolar. No entanto, o escore z do IMC acima de 0,49 aos 12 meses de vida se mostrou como o melhor marcador para esses dois desfechos.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Schistosomiasis is the major neglected tropical helminthic disease worldwide. Current knowledge on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Guinea-Bissau is scarce and regarding to the absence of Schistosoma haematobium (S.h.). Therefore, a pilot study was undertaken to assess the prevalence and morbidity due to S.h. infection in randomly selected 90 children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years. Prevalence of S.h. infection was 20.00 % (18/90). Microhematuria was observed in 61.11 % (11/18) of S.h.-egg-excreting vs. 37.50 % (27/72) of non-S.h.-egg-excreting children p ≤ 0.01. Body mass index (BMI) was less than 15 kg/m(2) in 52/90 (57.78 %) of all children and adolescents, but this proportion increased to 66.67 % (12/18) in S.h.-infected children who were more frequently stunted and wasted than in non-infected children. The mean weight-for-age Z score (WAZ) was reduced in S.h. infected as compared to non-infected children (-1.48 ± 1.08 SD vs. -0.80 ± 1.11 SD; p ≤ 0.01). To our knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic report on S. haematobium infection in Guinea-Bissau since 22 years. Even in this relatively small study sample, it appears that S. haematobium, besides the well-known symptoms such as hematuria, leads to significant, albeit commonly unacknowledged morbidity such as stunting and wasting. These observations underscore the notion that this vulnerable but neglected population urgently needs to be targeted for implementation of measures for treatment and control.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem because of its strong association with adulthood obesity and the related adverse health consequences. The published literature indicates a rising prevalence of childhood obesity in both developed and developing countries. However no data exists on the prevalence in Northeast Thailand, one of the poorest regions of the country and one that has experienced a recent economic transition. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity in seven to nine year old children in urban Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand. A cross-sectional school based survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of obesity in children of urban Khon Kaen, Thailand. Multi-staged cluster sampling was used to select 12 school clusters of 72 children each between the ages of 7 and 9 years, in primary school grades 1, 2 and 3 from government, private and demonstration schools. A total of 864 seven to nine year old school children were studied. Anthropometric measurements of standing height and weight were taken for all subjects to the nearest tenth of a centimetre and tenth of a kilogram respectively. Childhood obesity was defined as a weight-for-height Z-score above 2.0 standard deviations of the National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organisation reference population median. The prevalence of childhood obesity was 10.8% (95% CI: 7.6, 13.9). Obesity was significantly more prevalent in boys than girls. The biggest difference was observed between the three school types, with the highest prevalence of obesity found at teacher training demonstration schools and the lowest at the government schools. This study provides the first data on childhood obesity prevalence in Northeast Thailand. The prevalence of 10.8 per cent is lower than that found in two other urban areas of Thailand but slightly higher than expected for this relatively poor region. If this prevalence rate increases, as observed in other countries in economic transition, the incidence of non-communicable diseases associated with obesity is also likely to increase, thus raising cause for concern and reason for intervention to both control and prevent obesity during childhood.