950 resultados para X-rays double stars


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Poolton, Nigel; Towlson, B.M.; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2006) 'New instrumentation for micro-imaging X-ray absorption spectroscopy using optical detection methods', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 246(2) pp.445-451 RAE2008


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Grande, Manuel; Dunkin, S. K.; Kellett, B., 'Opportunities for X-ray remote sensing at Mercury', Planetary And Space Science (2001) 49(14-15) pp.1553-1559 RAE2008


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Grande, Manuel; Kellett, B.; Howe, C.; Perry, C.H., 'The D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer on the SMART-1 mission to the Moon - First Results', Planetary And Space Science (2007) 55(4) pp.494-502 RAE2008


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Charge exchange followed by radiative stabilization are the main processes responsible for the recent observations of X-ray emission from comets in their approach to the Sun. A new apparatus was constructed at JPL to measure, in collisions of HCIs with atoms and molecules, (a) absolute cross sections for single and multiple charge exchange, and (b) normalized X-ray emission cross sections. The ions are produced by the JPL HCI Facility and passed through a neutral-gas target cell. The product charge states are analyzed by a retarding potential difference technique. Results are made absolute by measuring target pressure, and incident and product ion currents. X-rays emitted from the product ions are detected with a Ge solid-state detector having a resolution of approximately 100 eV. X-ray astronomy has taken major steps forward with the recent launch of the high-resolution satellites Chandra and Newton. The cross sections reported herein are essential for the development of the solar wind comet interaction models inspired by these observations.


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Detailed models for the density and temperature profiles of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks are constructed by taking into account X-ray and UV irradiation from a central T Tauri star, as well as dust size growth and settling toward the disk midplane. The spatial and size distributions of dust grains are numerically computed by solving the coagulation equation for settling dust particles, with the result that the mass and total surface area of dust grains per unit volume of the gas in the disks are very small, except at the midplane. The H2 level populations and line emission are calculated using the derived physical structure of the disks. X-ray irradiation is the dominant heating source of the gas in the inner disk and in the surface layer, while the UV heating dominates otherwise. If the central star has strong X-ray and weak UV radiation, the H2 level populations are controlled by X-ray pumping, and the X-rayinduced transition lines could be observable. If the UV irradiation is strong, the level populations are controlled by thermal collisions or UV pumping, depending on the dust properties. As the dust particles evolve in the disks, the gas temperature at the disk surface drops because the grain photoelectric heating becomes less efficient. This makes the level populations change from LTE to non-LTE distributions, which results in changes to the line ratios. Our results suggest that dust evolution in protoplanetary disks could be observable through the H2 line ratios. The emission lines are strong from disks irradiated by strong UV and X-rays and possessing small dust grains; such disks will be good targets in which to observe H2 emission.


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A novel wide angle spectrometer has been implemented with a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal coupled to an image plate. This spectrometer has allowed us to look at the energy resolved spectrum of scattered x rays from a dense plasma over a wide range of angles ( ~ 30°) in a single shot. Using this spectrometer we were able to observe the temporal evolution of the angular scatter cross section from a laser shocked foil. A spectrometer of this type may also be useful in investigations of x-ray line transfer from laser-plasmas experiments.


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Saturable absorption is a phenomenon readily seen in the optical and infrared wavelengths. It has never been observed in core-electron transitions owing to the short lifetime of the excited states involved and the high intensities of the soft X-rays needed. We report saturable absorption of an L-shell transition in aluminium using record intensities over 10(16)W cm(-2) at a photon energy of 92 eV. From a consideration of the relevant timescales, we infer that immediately after the X-rays have passed, the sample is in an exotic state where all of the aluminium atoms have an L-shell hole, and the valence band has approximately a 9 eV temperature, whereas the atoms are still on their crystallographic positions. Subsequently, Auger decay heats the material to the warm dense matter regime, at around 25 eV temperatures. The method is an ideal candidate to study homogeneous warm dense matter, highly relevant to planetary science, astrophysics and inertial confinement fusion.


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When highly charged ions are incident on a surface, part of their potential energy is emitted as characteristic radiation. The energies and yields of these characteristic x rays have been measured for a series of elements at the Tokyo electron-beam ion trap. These data have been used to develop a simple model of the relaxation of the hollow atoms which are formed as the ion approaches the surface, as well as a set of semiempirical scaling laws, which allow for the ready calculation of the K-shell x-ray spectrum which would be produced by an arbitrary slow bare or hydrogenlike ion on a surface. These semiempirical scaling laws can be used to assess the merit of highly charged ion fluorescence x-ray generation in a wide range of applications.


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For the first time, the technique of point projection absorption spectroscopy - which uses an intense, point source of X-rays to project and spectrally disperse an image of a plasma onto a detector- has been shown to be applicable to the study of expanding aluminium plasmas generated by approximately 80ps (2-omega) laser pulses. Massive, stripe targets of approximately 125-mu-m width and wire targets of 25-mu-m diameter have been studied. Using a PET Bragg crystal as the dispersive element, a resolving power of approximately 3500 was achieved with spatial resolution at the 5-mu-m level in frame times of the order of 80ps. Reduction of the data for times up to 150ps after the peak of the incident laser pulse produced estimates of the temperature and densities present, as a function of space and time.


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The application of microbeams is providing new insights into the actions of radiation at the cell and tissue levels. So far, this has been achieved exclusively through the use of collimated charged particles. One alternative is to use ultrasoft X rays, focused by X-ray diffractive optics. We have developed a unique facility that uses 0.2-0.8-mm-diameter zone plates to focus ultrasoft X rays to a beam of less than 1 mum diameter. The zone plate images characteristic K-shell X rays of carbon or aluminum, generated by focusing a beam of 5-10 keV electrons onto the appropriate target. By reflecting the X rays off a grazing-incidence mirror, the contaminating bremsstrahlung radiation is reduced to 2%. The focused X rays are then aimed at selected subcellular targets using rapid automated cell-finding and alignment procedures; up to 3000 cells per hour can be irradiated individually using this arrangement. (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.


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The rejoining kinetics of double-stranded DNA fragments, along with measurements of residual damage after postirradiation incubation, are often used as indicators of the biological relevance of the damage induced by ionizing radiation of different qualities. Although it is widely accepted that high-LET radiation-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) tend to rejoin with kinetics slower than low-LET radiation-induced DSBs, possibly due to the complexity of the DSB itself, the nature of a slowly rejoining DSB-containing DNA lesion remains unknown. Using an approach that combines pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of fragmented DNA from human skin fibroblasts and a recently developed Monte Carlo simulation of radiation-induced DNA breakage and rejoining kinetics, we have tested the role of DSB-containing DNA lesions in the 8-kbp-5.7-Mbp fragment size range in determining the DSB rejoining kinetics. It is found that with low-LET X rays or high LET alpha particles, DSB rejoining kinetics data obtained with PFGE can be computer-simulated assuming that DSB rejoining kinetics does not depend on spacing of breaks along the chromosomes. After analysis of DNA fragmentation profiles, the rejoining kinetics of X-ray-induced DSBs could be fitted by two components: a fast component with a half-life of 0.9 +/- 0.5 h and a slow component with a half-life of 16 +/- 9 h. For a particles, a fast component with a half-life of 0.7 +/- 0.4 h and a slow component with a half-life of 12 5 h along with a residual fraction of unrepaired breaks accounting for 8% of the initial damage were observed. In summary, it is shown that genomic proximity of breaks along a chromosome does not determine the rejoining kinetics, so the slowly rejoining breaks induced with higher frequencies after exposure to high-LET radiation (0.37 +/- 0.12) relative to low-LET radiation (0.22 +/- 0.07) can be explained on the basis of lesion complexity at the nanometer scale, known as locally multiply damaged sites. (c) 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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It is now widely accepted that intercellular communication can cause significant variations in cellular responses to genotoxic stress. The radiation-induced bystander effect is a prime example of this effect, where cells shielded from radiation exposure see a significant reduction in survival when cultured with irradiated cells. However, there is a lack of robust, quantitative models of this effect which are widely applicable. In this work, we present a novel mathematical model of radiation-induced intercellular signalling which incorporates signal production and response kinetics together with the effects of direct irradiation, and test it against published data sets, including modulated field exposures. This model suggests that these so-called "bystander" effects play a significant role in determining cellular survival, even in directly irradiated populations, meaning that the inclusion of intercellular communication may be essential to produce robust models of radio-biological outcomes in clinically relevant in vivo situations.


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In this study Lister rats were given doses of X-rays ranging from 200-2,000 Rads to the retina of one eye, sacrificed at various time intervals between one hour and one month later and the irradiated eye processed for electron microscopy. The rod photoreceptor cells were by far the most radiosensitive cells in the retina, their outer segments showing distinctive membrane damage at one hour after 200 Rads of X-rays. Photoreceptor cell death was not seen at doses less than 1,000 Rads in the time period of the experiment. The retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells showed damage in the form of mitochondrial swelling but only in doses over 500 Rads. Retinal pigment epithelial cell loss did not occur under 2,000 Rads. The inner retinal neurones, glial elements and the retinal vasculature did not show any ill effects in the time period of this study.


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DNA damage (caused by direct cellular exposure and bystander signaling) and the complex pathways involved in its repair are critical events underpinning cellular and tissue response following radiation exposures. There are limited data addressing the dynamics of DNA damage induction and repair in the skin particularly in areas not directly exposed. Here we investigate the mechanisms regulating DNA damage, repair, intracellular signalling and their impact on premature differentiation and development of inflammatory-like response in the irradiated and surrounding areas of a 3D organotypic skin model. Following localized low-LET irradiation (225 kVp X-rays), low levels of 53BP1 foci were observed in the 3D model (3.8±0.28 foci/Gy/cell) with foci persisting and increasing in size up to 48 h post irradiation. In contrast, in cell monolayers 14.2±0.6 foci/Gy/cell and biphasic repair kinetics with repair completed before 24 h was observed. These differences are linked to differences in cellular status with variable level of p21 driving apoptotic signalling in 2D and accelerated differentiation in both the directly irradiated and bystander areas of the 3D model. The signalling pathways utilized by irradiated keratinocytes to induce DNA damage in non-exposed areas of the skin involved the NF-κB transcription factor and its downstream target COX-2.


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The recent commissioning of a X-ray free-electron laser triggered an extensive research in the area of X-ray ablation of high-Z, high-density materials. Such compounds should be used to shorten an effective attenuation length for obtaining clean ablation imprints required for the focused beam analysis. Compounds of lead (Z=82) represent the materials of first choice. In this contribution, single-shot ablation thresholds are reported for PbWO4 and PbI2 exposed to ultra-short pulses of extreme ultraviolet radiation and X-rays at FLASH and LCLS facilities, respectively. Interestingly, the threshold reaches only 0.11 J/cm(2) at 1.55 nm in lead tungstate although a value of 0.4 J/cm(2) is expected according to the wavelength dependence of an attenuation length and the threshold value determined in the XUV spectral region, i.e., 79 mJ/cm(2) at a FEL wavelength of 13.5 nm. Mechanisms of ablation processes are discussed to explain this discrepancy. Lead iodide shows at 1.55 nm significantly lower ablation threshold than tungstate although an attenuation length of the radiation is in both materials quite the same. Lower thermal and radiation stability of PbI2 is responsible for this finding.