909 resultados para Web 2.0 - Innovation process


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Una forma de mostrar les competències (i d’avaluar-ne la seva progressió) que permetés una continuïtat i un procés amb sentit, tant pels alumnes com per als tutors, era a partir de la creació d’uns blocs, en els que, de forma setmanal, els alumnes aportessin les seves experiències i els seves reflexions, i a partir dels quals els tutors poguessin valorar la progressió de l’alumnat, prenent com a referència les competències. Vam optar pel bloc que, en el marc dels entorns 2.0, és un espai que difon la veu de cada educador i on poder compartir, i construir conjuntament un coneixement significatiu i funcional


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Una de las competencias básicas en la formación de las maestras y maestros es el tratamiento de la información y la competencia digital. Esta comunicación muestra el desarrollo de una metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje aplicada con los estudiantes de las titulaciones de Maestro en las distintas especialidades, que les permite desarrollar las competencias específicas de las asignaturas junto con la competencia digital correspondiente a la categoría de competencias básicas o transversales. Esta metodología se caracteriza básicamente por la utilización de herramientas Web 2.0, accesibles y gratuitas.


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LEGENDiary es un geoportal 2.0 que permite compartir y explorar las leyendas y cuentos característicos de las ciudades de una manera dinámica y colaborativa. Muchas veces las leyendas forman parte de la historia y cultura de nuestros pueblos o ciudades, LEGENDiary nos permite conocerlas según el territorio donde se ubican. La iniciativa promueve nuevas formas de conocer y explorar el territorio, en general, y las leyendas y cuentos de nuestros pueblos y ciudades, en particular. Un proyecto que permite a los usuarios interactuar y ser protagonistas de esta experiencia. El proyecto parte inicialmente de un contexto español, y se trata de un proyecto hecho a medida de todas aquellas personas interesadas y con curiosidad en compartir, conocer y explorar las leyendas en el territorio. La combinación de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica y las Tecnologías 2.0 es el escenario donde surge LEGENDiary, aportando la componente geográfica a las leyendas y cuentos de los pueblos y ciudades en un contexto colaborativo. La iniciativa se lanza el día 16 de noviembre de 2011 en formato concurso con motivo del Día Internacional de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GISDay). Para llevar a cabo la aplicación se han utilizado dos librerías Javascript (Leaflet y jQuery) de código abierto y gratuito que permiten crear de forma rápida y ligera aplicaciones de mapas interactivos a través de navegadores web (de escritorio y móvil). Como mapa base se ha utilizado Open Street Map.LEGENDiary es una iniciativa del Servicio de SIG y Teledetección (SIGTE) de la Universidad de Girona en colaboración con el Departamento de Geografía y la Facultad de Turismo de la misma universidad, y con elapoyo del Hotel Llegendes de Girona


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The amateur birding community has a long and proud tradition of contributing to bird surveys and bird atlases. Coordinated activities such as Breeding Bird Atlases and the Christmas Bird Count are examples of "citizen science" projects. With the advent of technology, Web 2.0 sites such as eBird have been developed to facilitate online sharing of data and thus increase the potential for real-time monitoring. However, as recently articulated in an editorial in this journal and elsewhere, monitoring is best served when based on a priori hypotheses. Harnessing citizen scientists to collect data following a hypothetico-deductive approach carries challenges. Moreover, the use of citizen science in scientific and monitoring studies has raised issues of data accuracy and quality. These issues are compounded when data collection moves into the Web 2.0 world. An examination of the literature from social geography on the concept of "citizen sensors" and volunteered geographic information (VGI) yields thoughtful reflections on the challenges of data quality/data accuracy when applying information from citizen sensors to research and management questions. VGI has been harnessed in a number of contexts, including for environmental and ecological monitoring activities. Here, I argue that conceptualizing a monitoring project as an experiment following the scientific method can further contribute to the use of VGI. I show how principles of experimental design can be applied to monitoring projects to better control for data quality of VGI. This includes suggestions for how citizen sensors can be harnessed to address issues of experimental controls and how to design monitoring projects to increase randomization and replication of sampled data, hence increasing scientific reliability and statistical power.


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Resource monitoring in distributed systems is required to understand the 'health' of the overall system and to help identify particular problems, such as dysfunctional hardware or faulty system or application software. Monitoring systems such as GridRM provide the ability to connect to any number of different types of monitoring agents and provide different views of the system, based on a client's particular preferences. Web 2.0 technologies, and in particular 'mashups', are emerging as a promising technique for rapidly constructing rich user interfaces, that combine and present data in intuitive ways. This paper describes a Web 2.0 user interface that was created to expose resource data harvested by the GridRM resource monitoring system.


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Deakin University piloted social networking software in order to complement and add a new dimension to its online learning and teaching efforts. In the first semester of 2007 eight teaching academics adopted three software applications. Six were used with students for learning while the other two were used by staff for professional development and research. This paper reports on the first attempt at providing institutional support for Web 2.0 and what was learned through the experience of these eight teaching academics which is essential to the ongoing development and decisions related to the future take up of these software applications.


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Social media technologies of Web 2.0 play an increasingly important role in destination brand management practice and the consumer selection of destinations. Consumers freely discuss their travel stories, travel recommendations, travel experiences and attitudes through blogs, forums and social media. This material is read and added to by millions of people and the content has a role in determining the image of a travel destination. Therefore it is critical that destination brand managers understand what is being discussed and written about their destination. What is the content of the Web 2.0 discussions? What are the attributes, associations, experiences, connotations, connections, contexts and ramifications?


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Apathetic citizens disenchanted with conventional channels of participation in democratic processes are a predicament for mature representative democracies, as it reflects in the depleting voter turnouts in elections and participation in community associations. Recognising the reverberations of this apathy on governance, economies ostensibly search for anti apathy approaches. Recently E-governance using the pervasive power of the internet/Web 2.0, during the election has been instrumental for democratic engagement. We considered Australia and France, applying a historiographical view exploring the pre-election scenarios, attempting to evaluate the use of the Internet/Web 2.0 as valid benchmarking anti-apathy approaches of e-governance, to facilitate citizen participation.


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The emergence of Web 2.0 has brought about new Web applications being developed. Represented chiefly by Web applications such as YouTube, MySpace, blogs and Google applications, these community-based technologies are changing the way we use the Internet. One interesting result of these innovations is the extensibility of these applications. For example, YouTubepsilas content can be displayed on other Websites and hence, are popularly dasiaextendedpsila to be displayed on individual blogs and other organization Websites. In this paper, we discussed two applications that were a result of extending Google Earth and Google Maps. These two applications illustrate how new solutions can be quickly built from these extensible applications thus suggesting the future of application development, one that is built upon applications rather than object-oriented components.


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During 2007 several independent Victorian secondary schools participated in a study exploring the ways in which the use of learning technologies can support the development of higher order thinking skills for students. This paper focuses on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) including Web 2.0 technologies for promoting effective teaching and learning in science. A case study methodology was used to describe how individual teachers used ICT and Web 2.0 in their settings. Data included interviews (focus group and individual), questionnaires, monitoring of teacher and student use of smart tools, analysis of curriculum documents and delivery methods and of student work samples. The evaluation used an interpretive methodology to investigate five research areas: Higher-order thinking, Metacognitive awareness, Team work/collaboration, Affect towards school/learning and Ownership of learning. Three cases are reported on in this paper. Each describes how student engagement and learning increased and how teachers’ attitudes and skills developed. Examples of student and teacher blogs are provided to illustrate how such technologies encourage students and teachers to look beyond text science.


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With the advent of Web 2.0 tools such as Weblogs (blogs), lay people can more easily share knowledge with the public and have far greater reach and impact. At the same time a literature review reveals that experts have been criticised on many fronts. This paper explores key criticisms of experts using 1) a literature review and 2) an interpretive study of lay blogger perceptions of experts. The paper provides important insights into lay blogger criticisms of experts. Findings indicate that a major lay blogger criticism of experts is class-based and powerbased. Experts are perceived as elitists who wish to control the flow of knowledge. Interestingly, many of the lay bloggers studied held mixed feelings about experts and the value of lay knowledge on the internet. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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A professional development (Summer School) with over two hundred teachers of English participating in the activity for over six months, was supported by an online social software website. The employment of Web 2.0 technologies to facilitate the delivery of the summer school was reasonably successful, but other benefits were realised. This poster presentation will show how scaffolded learning along with new experiences and knowledge, can potentially have added long-term value when sustained in an authentic, supportive learning environment.


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This article focuses on introducing Web 2.0 technologies and possible uses for student and teacher learning and collaboration. Many of these tools are already used in social and business contexts. These new and emerging applications are also gaining popularity in classrooms across all education levels. Various applications are introduced to raise awareness and encourage educators to explore these new avenues for teaching and learning.