995 resultados para Vladimir Mayakovsky


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A new approach is proposed for clustering time-series data. The approach can be used to discover groupings of similar object motions that were observed in a video collection. A finite mixture of hidden Markov models (HMMs) is fitted to the motion data using the expectation-maximization (EM) framework. Previous approaches for HMM-based clustering employ a k-means formulation, where each sequence is assigned to only a single HMM. In contrast, the formulation presented in this paper allows each sequence to belong to more than a single HMM with some probability, and the hard decision about the sequence class membership can be deferred until a later time when such a decision is required. Experiments with simulated data demonstrate the benefit of using this EM-based approach when there is more "overlap" in the processes generating the data. Experiments with real data show the promising potential of HMM-based motion clustering in a number of applications.


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A difficulty in lung image registration is accounting for changes in the size of the lungs due to inspiration. We propose two methods for computing a uniform scale parameter for use in lung image registration that account for size change. A scaled rigid-body transformation allows analysis of corresponding lung CT scans taken at different times and can serve as a good low-order transformation to initialize non-rigid registration approaches. Two different features are used to compute the scale parameter. The first method uses lung surfaces. The second uses lung volumes. Both approaches are computationally inexpensive and improve the alignment of lung images over rigid registration. The two methods produce different scale parameters and may highlight different functional information about the lungs.


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Dual-layer frequency-selective subwavelength grid polarizers on thin-film dielectric substrates are proposed for THz and sub-THz applications. The dual-layer grids possess enhanced (squared) polarizing efficiency at a sequence of discrete frequencies in reflection and within extended frequency bands in transmission as compared to conventional single grids.


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This work reports the successful realization of MoS2 nanotubes by a novel intercalation chemistry and hydrothermal treatment. An inorganic-organic precursor of hexadecylamine (HDA) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) were used in synthesizing the nanocomposite comprising laminar MoS2 with HDA intercalated in the interlaminar spacing. The formation of MoS2 nanotubes occurred during hydrothermal treatment (HT) by a self-organized rolling mechanism. The nanotubes were observed to have dimensions 2-12 µm in length and inner diameters typically in the range of 25-100 nm. We also report the formation of amorphous nanocoils of MoS2 obtained during similar procedures.


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This work explores the functionalization of an organic-inorganic MoS2 lamellar compound, prepared by a Chemical Liquid Deposition Method (CLD), that has an interlamellar distance of ~5.2 nm, using clusters of gold nanoparticles. The gold nanoparticles have a mean diameter of 1.2 nm, a stability of ~85 days, and a zeta potential measured to be ζ = -6.8 mV (solid). The nanoparticles are localized in the hydrophilic zones, defined by the presence of amine groups of the surfactant between the lamella of MoS2. SEM, TEM, EDAX and electron diffraction provide conclusive evidence of the interlamellar insertion of the gold nanoparticles in the MoS2.


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We report the observation of urchin-like nanostructures consisting of high-density spherical nanotube radial arrays of vanadium oxide nanocomposite, successfully synthesized by a simple chemical route using an ethanolic solution of vanadium tri-isopropoxide and alkyl amine hexadecylamine for 7 days at 180oC. The results show that the growth process of the NanoUrchin occurs in stages, starting with a radial self-organized arrangement of lamina followed by the rolling of the lamina into nanotubes. The longest nanotubes are measured to be several micrometers in length with diameters of ~120 nm and hollow centers typically measured to be ~75 nm. The NanoUrchin have an estimated density of nanotubes of ~40 sr-1. The tube walls comprise layers of vanadium oxide with the organic surfactant intercalated between atomic layers. The interlayer distance is measured to be 2.9 ± 0.1 nm and electron diffraction identified the vanadate phase in the VOx nanocomposite as orthorhombic V2O5. These nanostructures may be used as three-dimensional composite materials and as supports for other materials.


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Anisotropic specimens of MoS2 are obtained by pressing the microcrystalline powder into special die. This inelastic compression results in a rearrangement of the disulfide micro platelets observed by Atomic Force Microscopy and reflected in the macroscopic anisotropy in electrical conductivity in these samples. The conductivity measured parallel and perpendicular to the direction of applied pressure exhibits an anisotropy factor of ∼10 at 1 GPa. This behaviour of the conductivity as a function of applied pressure is explained as the result of the simultaneous influence of a rearrangement of the micro platelets in the solid and the change of the inter-grain distances.


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This PhD covers the development of planar inversion-mode and junctionless Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). An implant activation anneal was developed for the formation of the source and drain (S/D) of the inversionmode MOSFET. Fabricated inversion-mode devices were used as test vehicles to investigate the impact of forming gas annealing (FGA) on device performance. Following FGA, the devices exhibited a subthreshold swing (SS) of 150mV/dec., an ION/IOFF of 104 and the transconductance, drive current and peak effective mobility increased by 29%, 25% and 15%, respectively. An alternative technique, based on the fitting of the measured full-gate capacitance vs gate voltage using a selfconsistent Poisson-Schrödinger solver, was developed to extract the trap energy profile across the full In0.53Ga0.47As bandgap and beyond. A multi-frequency inversion-charge pumping approach was proposed to (1) study the traps located at energy levels aligned with the In0.53Ga0.47As conduction band and (2) separate the trapped charge and mobile charge contributions. The analysis revealed an effective mobility (μeff) peaking at ~2850cm2/V.s for an inversion-charge density (Ninv) = 7*1011cm2 and rapidly decreasing to ~600cm2/V.s for Ninv = 1*1013 cm2, consistent with a μeff limited by surface roughness scattering. Atomic force microscopy measurements confirmed a large surface roughness of 1.95±0.28nm on the In0.53Ga0.47As channel caused by the S/D activation anneal. In order to circumvent the issue relative to S/D formation, a junctionless In0.53Ga0.47As device was developed. A digital etch was used to thin the In0.53Ga0.47As channel and investigate the impact of channel thickness (tInGaAs) on device performance. Scaling of the SS with tInGaAs was observed for tInGaAs going from 24 to 16nm, yielding a SS of 115mV/dec. for tInGaAs = 16nm. Flat-band μeff values of 2130 and 1975cm2/V.s were extracted on devices with tInGaAs of 24 and 20nm, respectively


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In developing a biosensor, the utmost important aspects that need to be emphasized are the specificity and selectivity of the transducer. These two vital prerequisites are of paramount in ensuring a robust and reliable biosensor. Improvements in electrochemical sensors can be achieved by using microelectrodes and to modify the electrode surface (using chemical or biological recognition layers to improve the sensitivity and selectivity). The fabrication and characterisations of silicon-based and glass-based gold microelectrode arrays with various geometries (band and disc) and dimension (ranging from 10 μm-100 nm) were reported. It was found that silicon-based transducers of 10 μm gold microelectrode array exhibited the most stable and reproducible electrochemical measurements hence this dimension was selected for further study. Chemical electrodeposition on both 10 μm microband and microdisc were found viable by electro-assisted self-assembled sol-gel silica film and nanoporous-gold electrodeposition respectively. The fabrication and characterisations of on-chip electrochemical cell was also reported with a fixed diameter/width dimension and interspacing variation. With this regard, the 10 μm microelectrode array with interspacing distance of 100 μm exhibited the best electrochemical response. Surface functionalisations on single chip of planar gold macroelectrodes were also studied for the immobilisation of histidine-tagged protein and antibody. Imaging techniques such as atomic force microscopy, fluorescent microscopy or scanning electron microscope were employed to complement the electrochemical characterisations. The long-chain thiol of self-assembled monolayer with NTA-metal ligand coordination was selected for the histidine-tagged protein while silanisation technique was selected for the antibody immobilisation. The final part of the thesis described the development of a T-2 labelless immunosensor using impedimetric approach. Good antibody calibration curve was obtained for both 10 μm microband and 10 μm microdisc array. For the establishment of the T-2/HT-2 toxin calibration curve, it was found that larger microdisc array dimension was required to produce better calibration curve. The calibration curves established in buffer solution show that the microelectrode arrays were sensitive and able to detect levels of T-2/HT-2 toxin as low as 25 ppb (25 μg kg-1) with a limit of quantitation of 4.89 ppb for a 10 μm microband array and 1.53 ppb for the 40 μm microdisc array.


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The concept of a biofuel cell takes inspiration from the natural capability of biological systems to catalyse the conversion of organic matter with a subsequent release of electrical energy. Enzymatic biofuel cells are intended to mimic the processes occurring in nature in a more controlled and efficient manner. Traditional fuel cells rely on the use of toxic catalysts and are often not easily miniaturizable making them unsuitable as implantable power sources. Biofuel cells however use highly selective protein catalysts and renewable fuels. As energy consumption becomes a global issue, they emerge as important tools for energy generation. The microfluidic platforms developed are intended to maximize the amount of electrical energy extracted from renewable fuels which are naturally abundant in the environment and in biological fluids. Combining microfabrication processes, chemical modification and biological surface patterning these devices are promising candidates for micro-power sources for future life science and electronic applications. This thesis considered four main aspects of a biofuel cell research. Firstly, concept of a miniature compartmentalized enzymatic biofuel cell utilizing simple fuels and operating in static conditions is verified and proves the feasibility of enzyme catalysis in energy conversion processes. Secondly, electrode and microfluidic channel study was performed through theoretical investigations of the flow and catalytic reactions which also improved understanding of the enzyme kinetics in the cell. Next, microfluidic devices were fabricated from cost-effective and disposable polymer materials, using the state-of-the-art micro-processing technologies. Integration of the individual components is difficult and multiple techniques to overcome these problems have been investigated. Electrochemical characterization of gold electrodes modified with Nanoporous Gold Structures is also performed. Finally, two strategies for enzyme patterning and encapsulation are discussed. Several protein catalysts have been effectively immobilized on the surface of commercial and microfabricated electrodes by electrochemically assisted deposition in sol-gel and poly-(o-phenylenediamine) polymer matrices and characterised with confirmed catalytic activity.


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Es bien sabido en el ámbito académico que muchos de los aspirantes a ingresar a los estudios de educación superior suelen tener preferencias por algunas áreas particulares, lo cual refleja un notable desequilibrio en algunas áreas del conocimiento, siendo la más afectada las Ciencias Básicas. Por tanto, este artículo analiza el perfil e inclinación vocacional en matemáticas de los estudiantes que ingresan a la educación superior. La experiencia se llevó a cabo con los estudiantes invitados al programa de Ciclo de Iniciación Universitaria (CIU) de la cohorte 2012, de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), Sede Sartenejas, Venezuela. Se seleccionó una muestra de 108 estudiantes, a los cuales se les administro una encuesta diseñada para verificar su perfil e inclinación vocacional con hincapié en el área de matemáticas. Como resultados se observó, que considerando aspectos relacionados con las matemáticas de Bachillerato (Tercera Etapa de Educación Básica y Educación Media Diversificada y Profesional) como: desempeño, dominio, asistencia y preparación de los estudiantes, contribución a su futura carrera, desempeño y asistencia de los profesores, se pudo estimar su perfil en matemáticas y obtener una clasificación porcentual de: Deficiente 4%, Regular 13%, Aceptable 23%, Bueno 35% y Excelente 25%. Además, los datos mostraron que la inclinación vocacional del grupo favoreció a las carreras pertenecientes al área de ingeniería (72%). La investigación permitió concluir que: los datos recabados revelan que a pesar que los estudiantes tienen un perfil en matemáticas bueno, todavía no es suficiente para responder a las exigencias de la educación superior. También surge la necesidad de facilitar información detallada a los estudiantes desde sus estudios de Bachillerato, con la finalidad de orientarlos y prepararlos como futuros candidatos a una carrera relacionada con la profesión de matemáticas, despertando así en los estudiantes interés por estas carreras tan desfavorecidas y afectadas por el desequilibrio académico.


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A method for selecting the order in which the users are detected in communication systems employing adaptive successive decision feedback multiuser detection is proposed. Systems employing channel coding without the assumption of perfect decision feedback are analyzed. The method is based on the mean squared error (MSE) measurements during a training period for each user. The analysis' shows that the method delivers BER performance improvement relative to other previously proposed ordering methods