982 resultados para Vitis ssp.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Moderate wine intake (i.e., 1-2 glasses of wine a day) is associated with a reduced risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of a nonalcoholic ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) from a South Brazilian red wine obtained from Vitis labrusca grapes. Experiments were carried out on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor knockout (LDLr-/-) mice, which were subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet and treated with doses of EAF (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg) for 12 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the level of plasma lipids, the vascular reactivity, and the atherosclerotic lesions were evaluated. Our results demonstrated that the treatment with EAF at 3 mg/kg significantly decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL plus very low-density lipoprotein levels compared with control hypercholesterolemic mice. The treatment of mice with EAF at 3 mg/kg also preserved the vasodilatation induced by acetylcholine on isolated thoracic aorta from hypercholesterolemic LDLr-/- mice. This result is in agreement with the degree of lipid deposit on arteries. Taken together, the results show for the first time that the lowest concentration of an EAF obtained from a red wine produced in southern Brazil significantly reduced the progression of atherosclerosis in mice.
We investigated the diversity of endophytic fungi found on grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Niagara Rosada) leaves collected from Salesopolis, SP, Brazil. The fungi were isolated and characterized by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, followed by sequencing of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA. In addition, the ability of these endophytic fungi to inhibit the grapevine pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp herbemontis was determined in vitro. We also observed that the climatic factors, such as temperature and rainfall, have no effect on the frequency of infection by endophytic fungi. The endophytic fungal community that was identified included Aporospora terricola, Aureobasidium pullulans, Bjerkandera adusta, Colletotrichum boninense, C. gloeosporioides, Diaporthe helianthi, D. phaseolorum, Epicoccum nigrum, Flavodon flavus, Fusarium subglutinans, F. sacchari, Guignardia mangiferae, Lenzites elegans, Paraphaeosphaeria pilleata, Phanerochaete sordida, Phyllosticta sp, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Preussia africana, Tinctoporellus epiniltinus, and Xylaria berteri. Among these isolates, two, C. gloeosporioides and F. flavus, showed potential antagonistic activity against F. oxysporum f. sp herbemontis. We suggest the involvement of the fungal endophyte community of V. labrusca in protecting the host plant against pathogenic Fusarium species. Possibly, some endophytic isolates could be selected for the development of biological control agents for grape fungal disease; alternatively, management strategies could be tailored to increase these beneficial fungi.
[ES]El género Pulicaria (Asteraceae: Inuleae; Inulinae) está representado en las Islas Canarias por tres especies localizadas en las islas más orientales de las que dos son endémicas P. burchardii Hutch y P. canariensis Bolle, que a su vez presenta dos subespecies P. canariensis ssp. canariensis, previamente estudiada por nuestro grupo [1], y P. canariensis ssp. lanata [2]. En el presente trabajo damos a conocer los resultados obtenidos del estudio químico de los extractos etanólicos de las partes aéreas de P. burchardii A. Hans. & Sund. ssp. burchardii y de P. canariensis ssp. lanata.
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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Routinemethode zur Differenzierung und Identifizierung von Unterlagssorten in jedem Verarbeitungsstadium, wie Holz, Pfropfrebe, bereits im Weinberg gepflanzte Rebe, entwickelt. Hierfür wurde eine Methode erarbeitet, die es ermöglicht, DNA aus Blättern, Holz und Wurzeln gleichermaßen zu extrahieren. Vermischungen von Unterlagssorten in einem Unterlagenholzbündel konnten bis zu 10% Fremd-Unterlagenholz durch eine RAPD-PCR nachgewiesen werden. Mit den 12mer Primer #722b und #722c wurden sortenspezifische Banden für die Unterlagssorten Börner, 8B, 3309C und 5BB festgestellt. Der Primers # 751 war in der Lage von 151 Unterlagssorten und Wildarten 144 Genotypen zu unterschieden. Mit Hilfe der Optimierung von RAMP-Zeiten konnten die Bandenmuster der sieben in Deutschland am häufigsten verwendeten Unterlagssorten auf zwei unterschiedlichen Thermocyclern reproduziert werden. Aufgrund der Optimierung der RAPD-PCR war es möglich, die zur Unterscheidung notwendigen Banden durch eine lineare Transformation anhand einer ermittelten Referenzbande mathematisch und graphisch darzustellen. Klone der Unterlagssorten SO4, 125AA und 5C, sowie die Unterlagssorte Binova, wurden auf die Unterscheidungsmöglichkeit hin mit RAPD, AFLP und SAMPL untersucht. Innerhalb der AFLP-/SAMPL-Methode bildeten die zu einer Sorte gehörenden Unterlagenklone ein Cluster, wobei Binova innerhalb der SO4 Klone zu finden war. Es wurden âunterlagssortenspezifische Bandenâ, âwiederholende Bandenâ und âEinzelbandenâ gefunden.
Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, das Vorkommen, die Wirkungen und die Interaktionen bodenbürtiger Vitis-Pathogene in Pfropfrebenbeständen zu untersuchen und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Kontrolle im Rahmen des Integrated Pest Managements zu eruieren. Ein Schwerpunkt lag dabei bei den in Zusammenhang mit einem Befall der Rebstöcke durch D. vitifoliae stehenden Wuchsdepressionen und Absterbeerscheinungen. Hintergrund dieser Untersuchungen war die Hypothese, dass sich die Böden von Rebanlagen mit und ohne Wuchsdepressionen und Absterbeerscheinungen der Reben aufgrund ihrer pathogen- bzw. krankheitssuppressiven Eigenschaften unterscheiden. Andererseits wurde untersucht, ob die die Wurzeln besiedelnde Reblaus selbst durch den entomopathogenen Pilz M. anisopliae biologisch kontrolliert werden kann. Im Verlauf dieser Untersuchungen wurde im Wurzelsystem der Reben ein bis dahin unbekannter obligater Parasit aus der Gruppe der Plasmodiophorales identifiziert, der der Gattung Sorosphaera zugewiesen werden konnte. Dies gab Anlass zur morphologischen und ökologischen Untersuchung dieses neuen Organismus, der dann in der Folge als Sorosphaera viticola Kirchmair, Neuhauser, Huber beschrieben wurde. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die krankheits- bzw. pathogenkonduktiven und -suppressiven Eigenschaften der Böden dafür verantwortlich sind, ob es in einer Rebanlage zu Ausfallerscheinungen kommt oder nicht, wobei ein direkter Zusammenhang mit der Bewirtschaftung der Flächen, namentlich der Versorgung der Böden mit organischer Substanz hergestellt werden konnte.
Il seguente elaborato prende le mosse da un progetto, denominato Nutrid’Uva, promosso e attivamente concretizzato dall’azienda bresciana “Cascina Belmonte” di concerto con il laboratorio del Campus di Scienze Alimentari di Cesena (Università di Bologna). In particolare, si è voluta sperimentare l’applicazione di processi innovativi per la produzione di succo d’uva bio e bevande a base di succo d’uva bio proveniente da uve biologiche coltivate nell’areale della Valténesi (sponda occidentale del Garda), stabilizzati mediante l’uso di alte pressioni idrostatiche e senza trattamento termico. In questi termini, il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di: delineare il quadro generale in cui si inserisce il progetto, arricchendolo con spunti tratti dalle pratiche di processo seguite in loco; determinare il contenuto delle classi polifenoliche presenti nei campioni di alcuni succhi sottoposti a differenti tecnologie di macerazione in confronto all’abituale processo di lavorazione aziendale (vitigni ibridi diretti produttori, Barbera, Merlot, Cabernet). Si è proceduto dunque attraverso l’analisi spettrofotometrica delle principali classi di composti fenolici e dell’attività antiossidante.
That gene transfer to plant cells is a temperature-sensitive process has been known for more than 50 years. Previous work indicated that this sensitivity results from the inability to assemble a functional T pilus required for T-DNA and protein transfer to recipient cells. The studies reported here extend these observations and more clearly define the molecular basis of this assembly and transfer defect. T-pilus assembly and virulence protein accumulation were monitored in Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58 at different temperatures ranging from 20 degrees C to growth-inhibitory 37 degrees C. Incubation at 28 degrees C but not at 26 degrees C strongly inhibited extracellular assembly of the major T-pilus component VirB2 as well as of pilus-associated protein VirB5, and the highest amounts of T pili were detected at 20 degrees C. Analysis of temperature effects on the cell-bound virulence machinery revealed three classes of virulence proteins. Whereas class I proteins (VirB2, VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10) were readily detected at 28 degrees C, class II proteins (VirB1, VirB4, VirB5, VirB6, VirB8, VirB11, VirD2, and VirE2) were only detected after cell growth below 26 degrees C. Significant levels of class III proteins (VirB3 and VirD4) were only detected at 20 degrees C and not at higher temperatures. Shift of virulence-induced agrobacteria from 20 to 28 or 37 degrees C had no immediate effect on cell-bound T pili or on stability of most virulence proteins. However, the temperature shift caused a rapid decrease in the amount of cell-bound VirB3 and VirD4, and VirB4 and VirB11 levels decreased next. To assess whether destabilization of virulence proteins constitutes a general phenomenon, levels of virulence proteins and of extracellular T pili were monitored in different A. tumefaciens and Agrobacterium vitis strains grown at 20 and 28 degrees C. Levels of many virulence proteins were strongly reduced at 28 degrees C compared to 20 degrees C, and T-pilus assembly did not occur in all strains except "temperature-resistant" Ach5 and Chry5. Virulence protein levels correlated well with bacterial virulence at elevated temperature, suggesting that degradation of a limited set of virulence proteins accounts for the temperature sensitivity of gene transfer to plants.
Von Rudolph Riedel
auctoribus Chaptal, Rozier, Parmentier et Dussieux ex gallico latine redditus jussu et impensa ... Josephi e Com. Erdődy de Monyorokerék ... Opera Josephi Voltiggi. Revidit opus adjectisque notis illustravit Ludovicus Mitterpacher ... Cum tabulis aeneis incisis