905 resultados para Visual surveillance, Human activity recognition, Video annotation


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The Yangtze River dolphin or baiji ( Lipotes vexillifer), an obligate freshwater odontocete known only from the middle-lower Yangtze River system and neighbouring Qiantang River in eastern China, has long been recognized as one of the world's rarest and most threatened mammal species. The status of the baiji has not been investigated since the late 1990s, when the surviving population was estimated to be as low as 13 individuals. An intensive six-week multivessel visual and acoustic survey carried out in November-December 2006, covering the entire historical range of the baiji in the main Yangtze channel, failed to find any evidence that the species survives. We are forced to conclude that the baiji is now likely to be extinct, probably due to unsustainable by-catch in local fisheries. This represents the first global extinction of a large vertebrate for over 50 years, only the fourth disappearance of an entire mammal family since AD 1500, and the first cetacean species to be driven to extinction by human activity. Immediate and extreme measures may be necessary to prevent the extinction of other endangered cetaceans, including the sympatric Yangtze finless porpoise ( Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis).


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Temporal synchronization of multiple video recordings of the same dynamic event is a critical task in many computer vision applications e.g. novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. Typically this information is implied through the time-stamp information embedded in the video streams. User-generated videos shot using consumer grade equipment do not contain this information; hence, there is a need to temporally synchronize signals using the visual information itself. Previous work in this area has either assumed good quality data with relatively simple dynamic content or the availability of precise camera geometry. Our first contribution is a synchronization technique which tries to establish correspondence between feature trajectories across views in a novel way, and specifically targets the kind of complex content found in consumer generated sports recordings, without assuming precise knowledge of fundamental matrices or homographies. We evaluate performance using a number of real video recordings and show that our method is able to synchronize to within 1 sec, which is significantly better than previous approaches. Our second contribution is a robust and unsupervised view-invariant activity recognition descriptor that exploits recurrence plot theory on spatial tiles. The descriptor is individually shown to better characterize the activities from different views under occlusions than state-of-the-art approaches. We combine this descriptor with our proposed synchronization method and show that it can further refine the synchronization index. © 2013 ACM.


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Wooden railway sleeper inspections in Sweden are currently performed manually by a human operator; such inspections are based on visual analysis. Machine vision based approach has been done to emulate the visual abilities of human operator to enable automation of the process. Through this process bad sleepers are identified, and a spot is marked on it with specific color (blue in the current case) on the rail so that the maintenance operators are able to identify the spot and replace the sleeper. The motive of this thesis is to help the operators to identify those sleepers which are marked by color (spots), using an “Intelligent Vehicle” which is capable of running on the track. Capturing video while running on the track and segmenting the object of interest (spot) through this vehicle; we can automate this work and minimize the human intuitions. The video acquisition process depends on camera position and source light to obtain fine brightness in acquisition, we have tested 4 different types of combinations (camera position and source light) here to record the video and test the validity of proposed method. A sequence of real time rail frames are extracted from these videos and further processing (depending upon the data acquisition process) is done to identify the spots. After identification of spot each frame is divided in to 9 regions to know the particular region where the spot lies to avoid overlapping with noise, and so on. The proposed method will generate the information regarding in which region the spot lies, based on nine regions in each frame. From the generated results we have made some classification regarding data collection techniques, efficiency, time and speed. In this report, extensive experiments using image sequences from particular camera are reported and the experiments were done using intelligent vehicle as well as test vehicle and the results shows that we have achieved 95% success in identifying the spots when we use video as it is, in other method were we can skip some frames in pre-processing to increase the speed of video but the segmentation results we reduced to 85% and the time was very less compared to previous one. This shows the validity of proposed method in identification of spots lying on wooden railway sleepers where we can compromise between time and efficiency to get the desired result.


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Tracking a target from a video stream (or a sequence of image frames) involves nonlinear measurements in Cartesian coordinates. However, the target dynamics, modeled in Cartesian coordinates, result in a linear system. We present a robust linear filter based on an analytical nonlinear to linear measurement conversion algorithm. Using ideas from robust control theory, a rigorous theoretical analysis is given which guarantees that the state estimation error for the filter is bounded, i.e., a measure against filter divergence is obtained. In fact, an ellipsoidal set-valued estimate is obtained which is guaranteed to contain the true target location with an arbitrarily high probability. The algorithm is particularly suited to visual surveillance and tracking applications involving targets moving on a plane.


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Automatic human action recognition has been a challenging issue in the field of machine vision. Some high-level features such as SIFT, although with promising performance for action recognition, are computationally complex to some extent. To deal with this problem, we construct the features based on the Distance Transform of body contours, which is relatively simple and computationally efficient, to represent human action in the video. After extracting the features from videos, we adopt the Conditional Random Field for modeling the temporal action sequences. The proposed method is tested with an available standard dataset. We also testify the robustness of our method on various realistic conditions, such as body occlusion or intersection.


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This paper presents a human daily activity classification approach based on the sensory data collected from a single tri-axial accelerometer worn on waist belt. The classification algorithm was realized to distinguish 6 different activities including standing, jumping, sitting-down, walking, running and falling through three major steps: wavelet transformation, Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-based dimensionality reduction and followed by implementing a radial basis function (RBF) kernel Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Two trials were conducted to evaluate different aspects of the classification scheme. In the first trial, the classifier was trained and evaluated by using a dataset of 420 samples collected from seven subjects by using a k-fold cross-validation method. The parameters σ and c of the RBF kernel were optimized through automatic searching in terms of yielding the highest recognition accuracy and robustness. In the second trial, the generation capability of the classifier was also validated by using the dataset collected from six new subjects. The average classification rates of 95% and 93% are obtained in trials 1 and 2, respectively. The results in trial 2 show the system is also good at classifying activity signals of new subjects. It can be concluded that the collective effects of the usage of single accelerometer sensing, the setting of the accelerometer placement and efficient classifier would make this wearable sensing system more realistic and more comfortable to be implemented for long-term human activity monitoring and classification in ambulatory environment, therefore, more acceptable by users.


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This paper addresses the area of video annotation, indexing and retrieval, and shows how a set of tools can be employed, along with domain knowledge, to detect narrative structure in broadcast news. The initial structure is detected using low-level audio visual processing in conjunction with domain knowledge. Higher level processing may then utilize the initial structure detected to direct processing to improve and extend the initial classification.

The structure detected breaks a news broadcast into segments, each of which contains a single topic of discussion. Further the segments are labeled as a) anchor person or reporter, b) footage with a voice over or c) sound bite. This labeling may be used to provide a summary, for example by presenting a thumbnail for each reporter present in a section of the video. The inclusion of domain knowledge in computation allows more directed application of high level processing, giving much greater efficiency of effort expended. This allows valid deductions to be made about structure and semantics of the contents of a news video stream, as demonstrated by our experiments on CNN news broadcasts.


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This paper details research that will explore the analysis of human behaviour via video surveillance. Digital computer images will be obtained from video footage of a real world scene, and positions of people in the scene will be identified and tracked through each frame in the sequence.

The noted positions will build into a pattern of motion that can be examined and classified. It is proposed that specific events, such as panic or fight situations, will have unique, and therefore identifying, characteristics that will enable automatic detection of such events.

It is envisaged that active cameras will be used when a situation of interest occurs, to enable more information to be extracted from the scene (e.g., panning to follow action, or zooming to enhance detail.)


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This paper presents techniques for analysing human behaviour via video surveillance. In known scenes under surveillance, common paths of movement between entry and exit points are obtained and classified. These are used, together with a priori velocity data, to serve as a model of normal traffic flow in the scene. Surveillance sequences are then processed to extract and track the movement of people in the scene, which is compared with the models to enable detection of abnormal movement


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Studies of the effect of ethanol on human visual evoked potentials are rare and usually involve chronic alcoholic patients. The effect of acute ethanol ingestion has seldom been investigated. We have studied the effect of acute alcoholic poisoning on pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PR-VEP) and flash light visual evoked potentials (F-VEP) in 20 normal volunteers. We observed different effects with ethanol: statistically significant prolonged latencies of F-VEP after ingestion, and no significant differences in the latencies of the PR-VEP components. We hypothesize a selective ethanol effect on the afferent transmission of rods, mainly dependent on GABA and glutamatergic neurotransmission, influencing F-VEP latencies, and no effect on cone afferent transmission, as alcohol doesn't influence PR-VEP latencies.


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Individual Video Training iVT and Annotating Academic Videos AAV: two complementing technologies 1. Recording communication skills training sessions and reviewing them by oneself, with peers, and with tutors has become standard in medical education. Increasing numbers of students paired with restrictions of financial and human resources create a big obstacle to this important teaching method. 2. Everybody who wants to increase efficiency and effectiveness of communication training can get new ideas from our technical solution. 3. Our goal was to increase the effectiveness of communication skills training by supporting self, peer and tutor assessment over the Internet. Two technologies of SWITCH, the national foundation to support IT solutions for Swiss universities, came handy for our project. The first is the authentication and authorization infrastructure providing all Swiss students with a nationwide single login. The second is SWITCHcast which allows automated recording, upload and publication of videos in the Internet. Students start the recording system by entering their single login. This automatically links the video with their password. Within a few hours, they find their video password protected on the Internet. They now can give access to peers and tutors. Additionally, an annotation interface was developed. This software has free text as well as checklist annotations capabilities. Tutors as well as students can create checklists. Tutor’s checklists are not editable by students. Annotations are linked to tracks. Tracks can be private or public. Public means visible to all who have access to the video. Annotation data can be exported for statistical evaluation. 4. The system was well received by students and tutors. Big numbers of videos were processed simultaneously without any problems. 5. iVT http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/UNIBE.7 AAV http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/ETHZ.9


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La segmentación de imágenes es un campo importante de la visión computacional y una de las áreas de investigación más activas, con aplicaciones en comprensión de imágenes, detección de objetos, reconocimiento facial, vigilancia de vídeo o procesamiento de imagen médica. La segmentación de imágenes es un problema difícil en general, pero especialmente en entornos científicos y biomédicos, donde las técnicas de adquisición imagen proporcionan imágenes ruidosas. Además, en muchos de estos casos se necesita una precisión casi perfecta. En esta tesis, revisamos y comparamos primero algunas de las técnicas ampliamente usadas para la segmentación de imágenes médicas. Estas técnicas usan clasificadores a nivel de pixel e introducen regularización sobre pares de píxeles que es normalmente insuficiente. Estudiamos las dificultades que presentan para capturar la información de alto nivel sobre los objetos a segmentar. Esta deficiencia da lugar a detecciones erróneas, bordes irregulares, configuraciones con topología errónea y formas inválidas. Para solucionar estos problemas, proponemos un nuevo método de regularización de alto nivel que aprende información topológica y de forma a partir de los datos de entrenamiento de una forma no paramétrica usando potenciales de orden superior. Los potenciales de orden superior se están popularizando en visión por computador, pero la representación exacta de un potencial de orden superior definido sobre muchas variables es computacionalmente inviable. Usamos una representación compacta de los potenciales basada en un conjunto finito de patrones aprendidos de los datos de entrenamiento que, a su vez, depende de las observaciones. Gracias a esta representación, los potenciales de orden superior pueden ser convertidos a potenciales de orden 2 con algunas variables auxiliares añadidas. Experimentos con imágenes reales y sintéticas confirman que nuestro modelo soluciona los errores de aproximaciones más débiles. Incluso con una regularización de alto nivel, una precisión exacta es inalcanzable, y se requeire de edición manual de los resultados de la segmentación automática. La edición manual es tediosa y pesada, y cualquier herramienta de ayuda es muy apreciada. Estas herramientas necesitan ser precisas, pero también lo suficientemente rápidas para ser usadas de forma interactiva. Los contornos activos son una buena solución: son buenos para detecciones precisas de fronteras y, en lugar de buscar una solución global, proporcionan un ajuste fino a resultados que ya existían previamente. Sin embargo, requieren una representación implícita que les permita trabajar con cambios topológicos del contorno, y esto da lugar a ecuaciones en derivadas parciales (EDP) que son costosas de resolver computacionalmente y pueden presentar problemas de estabilidad numérica. Presentamos una aproximación morfológica a la evolución de contornos basada en un nuevo operador morfológico de curvatura que es válido para superficies de cualquier dimensión. Aproximamos la solución numérica de la EDP de la evolución de contorno mediante la aplicación sucesiva de un conjunto de operadores morfológicos aplicados sobre una función de conjuntos de nivel. Estos operadores son muy rápidos, no sufren de problemas de estabilidad numérica y no degradan la función de los conjuntos de nivel, de modo que no hay necesidad de reinicializarlo. Además, su implementación es mucho más sencilla que la de las EDP, ya que no requieren usar sofisticados algoritmos numéricos. Desde un punto de vista teórico, profundizamos en las conexiones entre operadores morfológicos y diferenciales, e introducimos nuevos resultados en este área. Validamos nuestra aproximación proporcionando una implementación morfológica de los contornos geodésicos activos, los contornos activos sin bordes, y los turbopíxeles. En los experimentos realizados, las implementaciones morfológicas convergen a soluciones equivalentes a aquéllas logradas mediante soluciones numéricas tradicionales, pero con ganancias significativas en simplicidad, velocidad y estabilidad. ABSTRACT Image segmentation is an important field in computer vision and one of its most active research areas, with applications in image understanding, object detection, face recognition, video surveillance or medical image processing. Image segmentation is a challenging problem in general, but especially in the biological and medical image fields, where the imaging techniques usually produce cluttered and noisy images and near-perfect accuracy is required in many cases. In this thesis we first review and compare some standard techniques widely used for medical image segmentation. These techniques use pixel-wise classifiers and introduce weak pairwise regularization which is insufficient in many cases. We study their difficulties to capture high-level structural information about the objects to segment. This deficiency leads to many erroneous detections, ragged boundaries, incorrect topological configurations and wrong shapes. To deal with these problems, we propose a new regularization method that learns shape and topological information from training data in a nonparametric way using high-order potentials. High-order potentials are becoming increasingly popular in computer vision. However, the exact representation of a general higher order potential defined over many variables is computationally infeasible. We use a compact representation of the potentials based on a finite set of patterns learned fromtraining data that, in turn, depends on the observations. Thanks to this representation, high-order potentials can be converted into pairwise potentials with some added auxiliary variables and minimized with tree-reweighted message passing (TRW) and belief propagation (BP) techniques. Both synthetic and real experiments confirm that our model fixes the errors of weaker approaches. Even with high-level regularization, perfect accuracy is still unattainable, and human editing of the segmentation results is necessary. The manual edition is tedious and cumbersome, and tools that assist the user are greatly appreciated. These tools need to be precise, but also fast enough to be used in real-time. Active contours are a good solution: they are good for precise boundary detection and, instead of finding a global solution, they provide a fine tuning to previously existing results. However, they require an implicit representation to deal with topological changes of the contour, and this leads to PDEs that are computationally costly to solve and may present numerical stability issues. We present a morphological approach to contour evolution based on a new curvature morphological operator valid for surfaces of any dimension. We approximate the numerical solution of the contour evolution PDE by the successive application of a set of morphological operators defined on a binary level-set. These operators are very fast, do not suffer numerical stability issues, and do not degrade the level set function, so there is no need to reinitialize it. Moreover, their implementation is much easier than their PDE counterpart, since they do not require the use of sophisticated numerical algorithms. From a theoretical point of view, we delve into the connections between differential andmorphological operators, and introduce novel results in this area. We validate the approach providing amorphological implementation of the geodesic active contours, the active contours without borders, and turbopixels. In the experiments conducted, the morphological implementations converge to solutions equivalent to those achieved by traditional numerical solutions, but with significant gains in simplicity, speed, and stability.


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Bacterial and mammalian mismatch repair systems have been implicated in the cellular response to certain types of DNA damage, and genetic defects in this pathway are known to confer resistance to the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents. Such observations suggest that in addition to their ability to recognize DNA base-pairing errors, members of the MutS family may also respond to genetic lesions produced by DNA damage. We show that the human mismatch recognition activity MutSalpha recognizes several types of DNA lesion including the 1,2-intrastrand d(GpG) crosslink produced by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), as well as base pairs between O6-methylguanine and thymine or cytosine, or between O4-methylthymine and adenine. However, the protein fails to recognize 1,3-intrastrand adduct produced by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) at a d(GpTpG) sequence. These observations imply direct involvement of the mismatch repair system in the cytotoxic effects of DNA-methylating agents and suggest that recognition of 1,2-intrastrand cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) adducts by MutSalpha may be involved in the cytotoxic action of this chemotherapeutic agent.


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In this work, we present a multi-camera surveillance system based on the use of self-organizing neural networks to represent events on video. The system processes several tasks in parallel using GPUs (graphic processor units). It addresses multiple vision tasks at various levels, such as segmentation, representation or characterization, analysis and monitoring of the movement. These features allow the construction of a robust representation of the environment and interpret the behavior of mobile agents in the scene. It is also necessary to integrate the vision module into a global system that operates in a complex environment by receiving images from multiple acquisition devices at video frequency. Offering relevant information to higher level systems, monitoring and making decisions in real time, it must accomplish a set of requirements, such as: time constraints, high availability, robustness, high processing speed and re-configurability. We have built a system able to represent and analyze the motion in video acquired by a multi-camera network and to process multi-source data in parallel on a multi-GPU architecture.