166 resultados para Videojocs (Nintendo Wii)
We present a novel way of interacting with an immersive virtual environment which involves inexpensive motion-capture using the Wii Remote®. A software framework is also presented to visualize and share this information across two remote CAVETM-like environments. The resulting application can be used to assist rehabilitation by sending motion information across remote sites. The application’s software and hardware components are scalable enough to be used on a desktop computer when home-based rehabilitation is preferred.
Lack of access to insurance exacerbates the impact of climate variability on smallholder famers in Africa. Unlike traditional insurance, which compensates proven agricultural losses, weather index insurance (WII) pays out in the event that a weather index is breached. In principle, WII could be provided to farmers throughout Africa. There are two data-related hurdles to this. First, most farmers do not live close enough to a rain gauge with sufficiently long record of observations. Second, mismatches between weather indices and yield may expose farmers to uncompensated losses, and insurers to unfair payouts – a phenomenon known as basis risk. In essence, basis risk results from complexities in the progression from meteorological drought (rainfall deficit) to agricultural drought (low soil moisture). In this study, we use a land-surface model to describe the transition from meteorological to agricultural drought. We demonstrate that spatial and temporal aggregation of rainfall results in a clearer link with soil moisture, and hence a reduction in basis risk. We then use an advanced statistical method to show how optimal aggregation of satellite-based rainfall estimates can reduce basis risk, enabling remotely sensed data to be utilized robustly for WII.
Remotely sensed rainfall is increasingly being used to manage climate-related risk in gauge sparse regions. Applications based on such data must make maximal use of the skill of the methodology in order to avoid doing harm by providing misleading information. This is especially challenging in regions, such as Africa, which lack gauge data for validation. In this study, we show how calibrated ensembles of equally likely rainfall can be used to infer uncertainty in remotely sensed rainfall estimates, and subsequently in assessment of drought. We illustrate the methodology through a case study of weather index insurance (WII) in Zambia. Unlike traditional insurance, which compensates proven agricultural losses, WII pays out in the event that a weather index is breached. As remotely sensed rainfall is used to extend WII schemes to large numbers of farmers, it is crucial to ensure that the indices being insured are skillful representations of local environmental conditions. In our study we drive a land surface model with rainfall ensembles, in order to demonstrate how aggregation of rainfall estimates in space and time results in a clearer link with soil moisture, and hence a truer representation of agricultural drought. Although our study focuses on agricultural insurance, the methodological principles for application design are widely applicable in Africa and elsewhere.
Image stitching is the process of joining several images to obtain a bigger view of a scene. It is used, for example, in tourism to transmit to the viewer the sensation of being in another place. I am presenting an inexpensive solution for automatic real time video and image stitching with two web cameras as the video/image sources. The proposed solution relies on the usage of several markers in the scene as reference points for the stitching algorithm. The implemented algorithm is divided in four main steps, the marker detection, camera pose determination (in reference to the markers), video/image size and 3d transformation, and image translation. Wii remote controllers are used to support several steps in the process. The built‐in IR camera provides clean marker detection, which facilitates the camera pose determination. The only restriction in the algorithm is that markers have to be in the field of view when capturing the scene. Several tests where made to evaluate the final algorithm. The algorithm is able to perform video stitching with a frame rate between 8 and 13 fps. The joining of the two videos/images is good with minor misalignments in objects at the same depth of the marker,misalignments in the background and foreground are bigger. The capture process is simple enough so anyone can perform a stitching with a very short explanation. Although real‐time video stitching can be achieved by this affordable approach, there are few shortcomings in current version. For example, contrast inconsistency along the stitching line could be reduced by applying a color correction algorithm to every source videos. In addition, the misalignments in stitched images due to camera lens distortion could be eased by optical correction algorithm. The work was developed in Apple’s Quartz Composer, a visual programming environment. A library of extended functions was developed using Xcode tools also from Apple.
Leather tanneries generate effluents with high content of heavy metals, especially chromium, which is used in the mineral tanning process. Microemulsions have been studied in the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Considering the problems related with the sediment resulting from the tanning process, due to its high content in chromium, in this work this sediment was characterized and microemulsion systems were applied for chromium removal. The extraction process consists in the removal of heavy metal ions present in an aqueous feeding solution (acid digestion solution) by a microemulsion system. First three different solid sludge digestion methods were evaluated, being chosen the method with higher digestion capacity. For this digestion method, seeking its optimization, was evaluated the influence of granule size, temperature and digestion time. Experimental results showed that the method proposed by USEPA (Method A) was the most efficient one, being obtained 95.77% of sample digestion. Regarding to the evaluated parameters, the best results were achieved at 95°C, 14 Mesh granule size, and 60 minutes digestion time. For chromium removal, three microemulsion extraction methods were evaluated: Method 1, in a Winsor II region, using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution; Method 2, in a Winsor IV region, being obtained by the addition of the acid digestion solution to a microemulsion phase, whose aqueous phase is distilled water, until the formation of Winsor II system; and Method 3, in a Winsor III region, consisting in the formation of a Winsor III region using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution, diluted in NaOH 0.01N. Seeking to optimize the extraction process only Method 1 (Systems I, II, and VIII) and Method 2 (System IX) were evaluated, being chosen points inside the interest regions (studied domains) to study the influence of contact time and pH in the extraction percentiles. The studied systems present the following compositions: System I: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase 2% NaCl solution; System II: Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution with pH adjusted using KOH (pH 3.5); System VIII: Aqueous phase - Acid digestion solution (pH 0.06); and System IX Aqueous phase Distilled water (pH 10.24), the other phases of Systems II, VIII and IX are similar to System I. Method 2 showed to be the more efficient one regarding chromium extraction percentile (up to 96.59% - pH 3.5). Considering that with Method 2 the microemulsion region only appears in the Winsor II region, it was studied Method 3 (System X) for the evaluation and characterization of a triphasic system, seeking to compare with a biphases system. System X is composed by: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution diluted with water and with its pH adjusted using 0.01N NaOH solution. The biphasic and triphasic microemulsion systems were analyzed regarding its viscosity, extraction efficiency and drop effective diameter. The experimental results showed that for viscosity studies the obtained values were low for all studied systems, the diameter of the drop is smaller in the Winsor II region, with 15.5 nm, reaching 46.0 nm in Winsor III region, being this difference attributed to variations in system compositions and micelle geometry. In chromium extraction, these points showed similar results, being achieved 99.76% for Winsor II system and 99.62% for Winsor III system. Winsor III system showed to be more efficient due to the obtaining of a icroemulsion with smaller volume, with the possibility to recover the oil phase in excess, and the use of a smaller proportion of surfactant and cosurfactant (C/S)
The environmental impact due to the improper disposal of metal-bearing industrial effluents imposes the need of wastewater treatment, since heavy metals are nonbiodegradable and hazardous substances that may cause undesirable effects to humans and the environment. The use of microemulsion systems for the extraction of metal ions from wastewaters is effective when it occurs in a Winsor II (WII) domain, where a microemulsion phase is in equilibrium with an aqueous phase in excess. However, the microemulsion phase formed in this system has a higher amount of active matter when compared to a WIII system (microemulsion in equilibrium with aqueous and oil phases both in excess). This was the reason to develop a comparative study to evaluate the efficiency of two-phases and three-phases microemulsion systems (WII and WIII) in the extraction of Cu+2 and Ni+2 from aqueous solutions. The systems were composed by: saponified coconut oil (SCO) as surfactant, n-Butanol as cosurfactant, kerosene as oil phase, and synthetic solutions of CuSO4.5H2O and NiSO4.6H2O, with 2 wt.% NaCl, as aqueous phase. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were obtained and the systems were characterized by using surface tension measurements, particle size determination and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The concentrations of metal ions before and after extraction were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The extraction study of Cu+2 and Ni+2 in the WIII domain contributed to a better understanding of microemulsion extraction, elucidating the various behaviors presented in the literature for these systems. Furthermore, since WIII systems presented high extraction efficiencies, similar to the ones presented by Winsor II systems, they represented an economic and technological advantage in heavy metal extraction due to a small amount of surfactant and cosurfactant used in the process and also due to the formation of a reduced volume of aqueous phase, with high concentration of metal. Considering the reextraction process, it was observed that WIII system is more effective because it is performed in the oil phase, unlike reextraction in WII, which is performed in the aqueous phase. The presence of the metalsurfactant complex in the oil phase makes possible to regenerate only the surfactant present in the organic phase, and not all the surfactant in the process, as in WII system. This fact allows the reuse of the microemulsion phase in a new extraction process, reducing the costs with surfactant regeneration
This paper presents the development of an application created to assist the teaching of dental structures, generate rich content information and different manners of interaction. An ontology was created to provide semantics informations for virtual models. We also used two devices gesture-based interaction: Kinect and Wii Remote. It was developed a system which use intuitive interaction, and it is able to generate three dimensional images, making the experience of teaching / learning motivating. The projection environment used by the system was called Mini CAVE. © 2012 IEEE.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
[ES]Implementación de un video juego de lucha y plataformas para 2 a 4 jugadores, basada en la serie de juegos "Super Smash Bros" de Nintendo. Se selecciona el prototipo más viable y se termina de programar el juego con este prototipo. Cada jugador controla a un personaje. Los personajes luchan sobre un conjunto de plataformas para lanzar a sus oponentes. El juego termina cuando solo queda un personaje con vida. Los personajes se mueven en tres dimensiones. El proyecto se desarrolla en Visual C++ Express, con programación orientada a objetos. Utiliza DirectInput y XInput para las entradas de datos.
Progetto meccanico di manipolatore a sei gradi di libertà e progetto, implementazione e collaudo dei sistemi preposti al comando, al controllo e all’attuazione del manipolatore. Per il controllo dei movimenti del braccio robotico viene utilizzato un puntatore nel quale è integrato un led ad infrarossi attivabile tramite pulsante. Il segnale relativo alla posizione che deve assumere il braccio articolato viene indirizzato, sempre in ambiente Labview, ad una scheda di controllo dei servomotori adibiti alla movimentazione del manipolatore. Al fine di verificare la precisione e la ripetibilità del sistema progettato sono state effettuate 60 misure dell’errore di posizionamento dei servomotori.
Virtual machines (VMs) emulating hardware devices are generally implemented in low-level languages for performance reasons. This results in unmaintainable systems that are difficult to understand. In this paper we report on our experience using the PyPy toolchain to improve the portability and reduce the complexity of whole-system VM implementations. As a case study we implement a VM prototype for a Nintendo Game Boy, called PyGirl, in which the high-level model is separated from low-level VM implementation issues. We shed light on the process of refactoring from a low-level VM implementation in Java to a high-level model in RPython. We show that our whole-system VM written with PyPy is significantly less complex than standard implementations, without substantial loss in performance.
En los últimos años, ha crecido de forma significativa el interés por la utilización de dispositivos capaces de reconocer gestos humanos. En este trabajo, se pretenden reconocer gestos manuales colocando sensores en la mano de una persona. El reconocimiento de gestos manuales puede ser implementado para diversos usos y bajo diversas plataformas: juegos (Wii), control de brazos robóticos, etc. Como primer paso, se realizará un estudio de las actuales técnicas de reconocimiento de gestos que utilizan acelerómetros como sensor de medida. En un segundo paso, se estudiará como los acelerómetros pueden utilizarse para intentar reconocer los gestos que puedan realizar una persona (mover el brazo hacia un lado, girar la mano, dibujar un cuadrado, etc.) y los problemas que de su utilización puedan derivarse. Se ha utilizado una IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) como sensor de medida. Está compuesta por tres acelerómetros y tres giróscopos (MTi-300 de Xsens). Con las medidas que proporcionan estos sensores se realiza el cálculo de la posición y orientación de la mano, representando esta última en función de los ángulos de Euler. Un aspecto importante a destacar será el efecto de la gravedad en las medidas de las aceleraciones. A través de diversos cálculos y mediante la ayuda de los giróscopos se podrá corregir dicho efecto. Por último, se desarrollará un sistema que identifique la posición y orientación de la mano como gestos reconocidos utilizando lógica difusa. Tanto para la adquisición de las muestras, como para los cálculos de posicionamiento, se ha desarrollado un código con el programa Matlab. También, con este mismo software, se ha implementado un sistema de lógica difusa con la que se realizará el reconocimiento de los gestos, utilizando la herramienta FIS Editor. Las pruebas realizadas han consistido en la ejecución de nueve gestos por diferentes personas teniendo una tasa de reconocimiento comprendida entre el 90 % y 100 % dependiendo del gesto a identificar. ABSTRACT In recent years, it has grown significantly interest in the use of devices capable of recognizing human gestures. In this work, we aim to recognize hand gestures placing sensors on the hand of a person. The recognition of hand gestures can be implemented for different applications on different platforms: games (Wii), control of robotic arms ... As a first step, a study of current gesture recognition techniques that use accelerometers and sensor measurement is performed. In a second step, we study how accelerometers can be used to try to recognize the gestures that can make a person (moving the arm to the side, rotate the hand, draw a square, etc...) And the problems of its use can be derived. We used an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) as a measuring sensor. It comprises three accelerometers and three gyroscopes (Xsens MTI-300). The measures provided by these sensors to calculate the position and orientation of the hand are made, with the latter depending on the Euler angles. An important aspect to note is the effect of gravity on the measurements of the accelerations. Through various calculations and with the help of the gyroscopes can correct this effect. Finally, a system that identifies the position and orientation of the hand as recognized gestures developed using fuzzy logic. Both the acquisition of samples to calculate position, a code was developed with Matlab program. Also, with the same software, has implemented a fuzzy logic system to be held with the recognition of gestures using the FIS Editor. Tests have involved the execution of nine gestures by different people having a recognition rate between 90% and 100% depending on the gesture to identify.
Vídeo grabado con la cámara Nintendo 3DS, que puede visualizarse en 3D, con la técnica de fusión libre en visión cruzada, abriendo el vídeo con el reproductor VLC media player en modo "sin reparar" en cualquier pantalla convencional (ordenador, TV, etc), y tomando como marco izquierdo el vídeo desdoblado como Direct3D-output. Para visionado en paralelo (menos recomendable) sobre una pantalla de ordenador convencional, intercambiar los 2 marcos de vídeo.
A pesquisa tem como objetivo geral compreender como as empresas fabricantes de consoles de videogames da última geração (Sony, Microsoft e Nintendo) utilizam a publicidade para atingir os consumidores. O corpus de análise e interpretação delimita-se em oito peças publicitárias audiovisuais e o período de análise é de 2010 a 2011. As estratégicas metodológicas utilizadas são: quanto aos dados de pesquisa, o estudo é essencialmente qualitativo; em relação aos objetivos, a pesquisa é exploratória; quanto às fontes para obtenção de dados, a pesquisa é bibliográfica e empírica, sendo a fase empírica dividida em observação não-participante, descrição dos anúncios de games e análise de conteúdo audiovisual. Após as análises, demonstrou-se que, apesar de os games estarem na vida cotidiana e serem sonho de consumo de muitas pessoas, sua divulgação ainda é restrita a um número limitado de jogadores. Observa-se que, nas campanhas analisadas como um conjunto, há uma preocupação maior com o público adulto, o que não ocorria há cinco anos, na geração anterior de consoles. Apesar disso, os consoles ainda não são enxergados com todas as suas potencialidades tecnológicas e culturais.
With the introduction of new input devices, such as multi-touch surface displays, the Nintendo WiiMote, the Microsoft Kinect, and the Leap Motion sensor, among others, the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) finds itself at an important crossroads that requires solving new challenges. Given the amount of three-dimensional (3D) data available today, 3D navigation plays an important role in 3D User Interfaces (3DUI). This dissertation deals with multi-touch, 3D navigation, and how users can explore 3D virtual worlds using a multi-touch, non-stereo, desktop display. ^ The contributions of this dissertation include a feature-extraction algorithm for multi-touch displays (FETOUCH), a multi-touch and gyroscope interaction technique (GyroTouch), a theoretical model for multi-touch interaction using high-level Petri Nets (PeNTa), an algorithm to resolve ambiguities in the multi-touch gesture classification process (Yield), a proposed technique for navigational experiments (FaNS), a proposed gesture (Hold-and-Roll), and an experiment prototype for 3D navigation (3DNav). The verification experiment for 3DNav was conducted with 30 human-subjects of both genders. The experiment used the 3DNav prototype to present a pseudo-universe, where each user was required to find five objects using the multi-touch display and five objects using a game controller (GamePad). For the multi-touch display, 3DNav used a commercial library called GestureWorks in conjunction with Yield to resolve the ambiguity posed by the multiplicity of gestures reported by the initial classification. The experiment compared both devices. The task completion time with multi-touch was slightly shorter, but the difference was not statistically significant. The design of experiment also included an equation that determined the level of video game console expertise of the subjects, which was used to break down users into two groups: casual users and experienced users. The study found that experienced gamers performed significantly faster with the GamePad than casual users. When looking at the groups separately, casual gamers performed significantly better using the multi-touch display, compared to the GamePad. Additional results are found in this dissertation.^