302 resultados para Vibrio-shiloi
No primeiro semestre de 2004, ocorreu um surto de diarréia em São Bento do Una, Pernambuco, registrando-se 2.170 casos. Nas 582 coproculturas realizadas, 145 (25%) revelaram um enteropatógeno bacteriano, destacando 114 casos (19,5%) com a participação de Aeromonas, representadas por Aeromonas caviae (57/9,8%), Aeromonas veronii biovar sobria (23/3,9%), Aeromonas veronii biovar veronii (15/2,6%) e outras espécies (19/3,2%). Nos 31 episódios restantes (5,3%), foram detectados: V. cholerae O1 Ogawa toxigênico (18/3,1%), Salmonella spp (8/1,4%), Shigella spp (3/0,5%) e Vibrio cholerae não O1/não O139 (2/0,3%).
Avaliaram-se 40 amostras de ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorae) servidas in natura em 15 restaurantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de investigar a presença de Vibrio spp. As amostras de ostras foram analisadas e submetidas a enriquecimento em água peptonada alcalina adicionada de 1 e 3% de NaCl, incubadas a 37°C por 24 horas. Em seguida, os cultivos foram semeados em agar tiossulfato citrato bile sacarose e as colônias suspeitas foram submetidas à caracterização bioquímica. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio carchariae, Vibrio alginolyticus e Vibrio vulnificus representaram as principais espécies (> 60%) isoladas a partir das ostras in natura.
Verificou-se o nível de anticorpos vibriocidas em 41 indivíduos adultos, sem história passada ou presente de diarréia por Vibrio cholerae O1, residentes no município de São Bento do Una, Pernambuco. Nessa localidade ocorreu no início de 2004 um surto de diarréia, com múltiplos agentes bacterianos envolvidos, incluindo o vibrião colérico. Foi empregado o teste da microtitulação de anticorpos séricos vibriocidas, anti-Ogawa e anti-Inaba, considerando-se como indicativo de infecção por Vibrio cholerae O1, os títulos vibriocidas > 1:640. A freqüência dos reagentes foi de 36 (87,8%) para o sorovar Ogawa, o que evidencia a possível circulação do vibrião colérico, durante e/ou após a epidemia de diarréia.
INTRODUCTION: The present study aimed to survey the Vibrio microbiota of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) obtained from restaurants in Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, and to identify virulence factors. METHODS: The isolated vibrios were submitted to biochemical identification and were tested for hemolytic and urease activities. RESULTS: The isolated strains belonged to 13 species, with predominance of Vibrio mimicus. Of the strain isolates only from fresh samples, 20.5% and 2.8% showed hemolytic and urease activities, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the little-publicized claim that Vibrio species other than V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus can represent a health risk to public health.
Introduction The number of reports of intestinal infections caused by Aeromonas spp. has increased significantly in recent years. In most clinical laboratories, identification of these bacteria is carried out by general phenotypic tests that sometimes do not accurately differentiate Aeromonas and Vibrio. Methods A duplex-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed directed to 2 targets identifying Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Results The duplex-PCR results were reproducible and specific for Aeromonas spp. pathogenic to humans. Conclusions This method will allow differentiation between Vibrio and Aeromonas spp. in patients with in cholera-like symptoms and can also be used in water quality monitoring.
Revisão da literatura médica sôbre higiene de crustáceos e moluscos marinhos. Intoxicações por elementos extranhos às carnes de crustáceos e moluscos: por sais de cobre, vegetais tóxicos; estranho e chumbo nas conservas de crustáceos; botulismo. Putrefação de ostras e doenças de ostras provocadas por cogumelos; crustáceos e moluscos guardados em geladeiras bolorentas. Lista das espécies de moluscos comestíveis da Bahia de Guanabara. Lista das espécies de crustáceos comestíveis da Bahia de Guanabara. Veiculação de micro-organismos patogênicos ao homem por intermédio das carnes de crustáceos e de moluscos: veiculação do vibrião colérico, dos bacilos tíficos e paratíficos e de germes do grupo coli e do gênero Proteus. Vitalidade dos bacilos tíficos nas ostras. Listas dos moluscos veiculadores dos agentes causadores das febres tíficas e paratíficas. Conceitos antigos e modernos sõbre intoxicações por crustáceos; partidas de crustáceos salubres ou não conforme o local de venda. Estudos experimentais sôbre a "talassina" princípio tóxico existente em alguns crustáceos. "Mitilotoxina", intoxicações por mexilhões e outros acidentes incriminados aos moluscos. Enterotoxina estavfilocócica em ostras. Métodos de determinação da salubridade dos moluscos; verificações nas ostras brasileiras. Depuração dos crustáceos pelas soluções cloradas. Estabulação de caranguejos denominados vulgarmente de "guaiamus" e "ussás".
Evolutionary theory may contribute to practical solutions for control of disease by identifying interventions that may cause pathogens to evolve to reduced virulence. Theory predicts, for example, that pathogens transmitted by water or arthropod vectors should evolve to relatively high levels of virulence because such pathogens can gain the evolutionary benefits of relatively high levels of host exploitation while paying little price from host illness. The entrance of Vibrio cholerae into South America in 1991 has generated a natural experiment that allows testing of this idea by determining whether geographic and temporal variations in toxigenicity correspond to variation in the potential for waterborne transmission. Preliminary studies show such correspondences: toxigenicity is negatively associated with access to uncontaminated water in Brazil; and in Chile, where the potential for waterborne transmission is particularly low, toxigenicity of strains declined between 1991 and 1998. In theory vector-proofing of houses should be similarly associated with benignity of vectorborne pathogens, such as the agents of dengue, malaria, and Chagas' disease. These preliminary studies draw attention to the need for definitive prospective experiments to determine whether interventions such as provisioning of uncontaminated water and vector-proofing of houses cause evolutionary reductions in virulence
Aims: The aim of this study was to characterise and identify vibrios isolated from the haemolymph of apparently healthy adult spider crabs (Maja brachydactyla) wild-caught in the Spanish localities of Galician coast and in the Canary Islands and also from captive animals held at IRTA’s facilities in the Ebro Delta of Catalonia, north-west Spanish Mediterranean coast. Methods and Results: A total of 277 bacterial isolates were obtained, and of these, 171 were characterised with rep-PCR, resulting electrophoretic bands were analysed and clusters formed. Identification of representative strains of each cluster was made by sequencing the 16S rRNA. Samples from animals caught in Galicia and captive at IRTA (around 15–18 C) rendered mostly species belonging to the Splendidus clade (72Æ2 and 76Æ6% respectively), commonly found in cold waters (below 20 C). Higher species diversity was found in the haemolymph of the captive animals. In the warmer Canary Islands waters (around 21 C), the diversity of vibrios is dominated by three clades, Harveyi (Vibrio core group, 39Æ3%), Orientalis (23Æ2%) and Splendidus (21Æ4%) with a species diversity that equals that of the colder captive animals. Conclusions: Differences in the vibrios populations were found in the haemolymph extracted from animals collected from the three localities. Potential new species were found, and their description is under way. Significance and Impact of Study: As with other invertebrates, spider crabs also contain a diverse population of vibrios. These findings should help researchers to diagnose when a crab is infected.
When all three separate quorum-sensing signals act in concert in Vibrio harveyi, they maximize bioluminescence and fully repress type III secretion. V. harveyi has five qrr loci encoding small RNA regulatory molecules, each consisting of about 100 nucleotides; several of them are involved in repressing bioluminescence. Small RNAs also play roles in population density-dependent activities, including regulation of virulence factors, for bacterial pathogens such as Pseudomonas fluorescens, V. cholerae, Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Erwinia spp. Although some bacteria appear to carry redundant copies of small RNA genes with which to finely tune expression
da a conocer el estado de la contaminación marina en el periodo comprendido entre 1994 a 1995 en diferentes áreas del litoral peruano. En el trabajo se consideraron las principales fuentes terrestres de contaminación provenientes de los desechos domésticos e industriales, plaguicidas organoclorados, hidrocarburos de petróleo y metales pesados. Así mismo se evaluaron los efectos de ellos sobre el macrobentos en las áreas estudiadas, contrastando con ensayos de corta duración de toxicidad letal y utilizando zoeas de Emerita analoga con hidrocarburos y metales pesados. Las bahías de Callao y Chimbote mostraron mayor contaminación por desechos domésticos e industriales, con deterioro de la calidad microbiológica determinándose altos niveles de contaminación fecal. En ninguna de las áreas marinas hubo presencia de Vibrio cholerae toxigénico. En lo que se refiere a los plaguicidas se detectaron 3 tipos de DDT 's en la zona del Callao. En la evaluación de los efectos de la contaminación sobre las comunidades marinas del macrozoobentos tanto de sustrato blando como rocoso de las áreas de Chimbote, Huacho, Pisco e Ilo se ha determinado que la comunidad béntica de sustrato rocoso situada al norte de bahía Ferrol, Chimbote muestra una moderada perturbación al igual que las comunidades de sustratos blandos de las bahías de Paracas e Ite.
The hybridoma cell line ZAC3 expresses Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific mouse IgA molecules as a heterogeneous population of monomeric (IgAm), dimeric (IgAd), and polymeric (IgAp) forms. We describe a gentle method combining ultrafiltration, ion-exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography for the simultaneous and qualitative separation of the three molecular forms. Milligram quantities of purified IgA molecules were recovered allowing for direct comparison of the biological properties of the three forms. LPS binding specificity was tested after purification; IgAd and IgAp were found to bind strongly to LPS whereas IgAm did not. Secretory IgA (sIgA) could be reconstituted in vitro by combining recombinant secretory component (rSC) and purified IgAd or IgAp, but not IgAm. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding experiments using LPS monolayers indicated that purified reconstituted sIgA and IgA molecules recognize LPS with identical affinity (KA 1.0 x 10(8)M-1). Thus, this very sensitive assay provides the first evidence that the function of SC in sIgA complex is not to modify the affinity for the antigen. KA falls to 6.6 x 10(5) M-1 when measured by calorimetry using detergent-solubilized LPS and IgA, suggesting that the LPS environment is critical for recognition by the antibody.
Aeromonas hydrophila AH-3 lateral flagella are not assembled when bacteria grow in liquid media; however, lateral flagellar genes are transcribed. Our results indicate that A. hydrophila lateral flagellar genes are transcribed at three levels (class I to III genes) and share some similarities with, but have many important differences from, genes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A. hydrophila lateral flagellum class I gene transcription is σ70 dependent, which is consistent with the fact that lateral flagellum is constitutively transcribed, in contrast to the characteristics of V. parahaemolyticus. The fact that multiple genes are included in class I highlights that lateral flagellar genes are less hierarchically transcribed than polar flagellum genes. The A. hydrophila lafK-fliEJL gene cluster (where the subscript L distinguishes genes for lateral flagella from those for polar flagella) is exclusively from class I and is in V. parahaemolyticus class I and II. Furthermore, the A. hydrophila flgAMNL cluster is not transcribed from the σ54/LafK-dependent promoter and does not contain class II genes. Here, we propose a gene transcriptional hierarchy for the A. hydrophila lateral flagella.
The objective of this work was to assess the time-related action of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum in the bacterial microbiota of the digestive tract of Litopenaeus vannamei, and the relation of total haemocyte count and serum phenol oxidase activity of shrimp challenged with Vibrio harveyi. Shrimps were fed with a probiotic-supplemented diet, for eight days, then shifted to a commercial diet. Shrimps fed only with the commercial diet served as control. Evaluations were made on the 8th day of experiment and repeated two, four, six and eight days later. Total lactic bacteria in the digestive tract was higher until the 4th day of evaluation in the probiotic-supplemented group. Vibrio spp. counts were higher in the control at days zero and two. Until the 4th day of evaluation, the total haemocyte counts in shrimps after challenge with V. harveyi were higher in probiotic-supplemented group than in control group. Significant difference was not observed in phenol oxidase activity. On the 6th day after shifting from supplemented to control diet, all parameters were equal in both groups, suggesting that the time-related action of L. plantarum in shrimp is short.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar bactérias ácido-lácticas do intestino de tilápias-do-nilo, e avaliar seu potencial probiótico. Foram isoladas cepas de bactérias ácido-lácticas, e foi avaliada a inibição aos patógenos in vitro. As cepas com os melhores resultados foram identificadas e utilizadas no experimento de colonização do trato intestinal de tilápias-do-nilo, via suplementação na dieta, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: o total de bactérias, as bactérias ácido-lácticas, Vibrio ssp. e Pseudomonas ssp. A cepa com melhor resultado foi utilizada na infecção experimental, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2x3: dieta suplementada com a cepa e dieta-controle; e os peixes não submetidos à injeção, peixes submetidos à injeção de solução salina e à injeção de Enterococcus durans, com três repetições. Foram avaliados os parâmetros hematológicos. As duas cepas identificadas foram: Lactobacillus plantarum e Lactobacillus brevis, que colonizaram o trato intestinal de tilápias, contudo L. plantarum teve menor número total de bactérias e de Pseudomonas ssp. Foi observado maior número total de eritrócitos, trombócitos, leucócitos, linfócitos, neutrófilos e monócitos, em peixes alimentados com L. plantarum e submetidos à injeção de E. durans. O L. plantarum tem efeito probiótico e melhora o sistema imune das tilápias.