991 resultados para Turing, Alan


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Interpretation of utterances affects an interrogator’s determination of human from machine during live Turing tests. Here, we consider transcripts realised as a result of a series of practical Turing tests that were held on 23 June 2012 at Bletchley Park, England. The focus in this paper is to consider the effects of lying and truth-telling on the human judges by the hidden entities, whether human or a machine. Turing test transcripts provide a glimpse into short text communication, the type that occurs in emails: how does the reader determine truth from the content of a stranger’s textual message? Different types of lying in the conversations are explored, and the judge’s attribution of human or machine is investigated in each test.


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Whilst common sense knowledge has been well researched in terms of intelligence and (in particular) artificial intelligence, specific, factual knowledge also plays a critical part in practice. When it comes to testing for intelligence, testing for factual knowledge is, in every-day life, frequently used as a front line tool. This paper presents new results which were the outcome of a series of practical Turing tests held on 23rd June 2012 at Bletchley Park, England. The focus of this paper is on the employment of specific knowledge testing by interrogators. Of interest are prejudiced assumptions made by interrogators as to what they believe should be widely known and subsequently the conclusions drawn if an entity does or does not appear to know a particular fact known to the interrogator. The paper is not at all about the performance of machines or hidden humans but rather the strategies based on assumptions of Turing test interrogators. Full, unedited transcripts from the tests are shown for the reader as working examples. As a result, it might be possible to draw critical conclusions with regard to the nature of human concepts of intelligence, in terms of the role played by specific, factual knowledge in our understanding of intelligence, whether this is exhibited by a human or a machine. This is specifically intended as a position paper, firstly by claiming that practicalising Turing's test is a useful exercise throwing light on how we humans think, and secondly, by taking a potentially controversial stance, because some interrogators adopt a solipsist questioning style of hidden entities with a view that it is a thinking intelligent human if it thinks like them and knows what they know. The paper is aimed at opening discussion with regard to the different aspects considered.


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This perspectives paper and its associated commentaries examine Alan Rugman's conceptual contribution to international business scholarship. Most significantly, we highlight Rugman's version of internalization theory as an approach that integrates transaction cost economics and ‘classical’ internalization theory with elements from the resource-based view, such that it is especially relevant to strategic management. In reviewing his oeuvre, we also offer observations on his ideas for ‘new internalization theory’. We classify his other novel insights into four categories: Network Multinationals; National competitiveness; Development and public policy; and Emerging Economy MNEs. This special section offers multiple views on how his work informed the larger academic debate and considers how these ideas might evolve in the longer term.


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This paper argues that the intellectual contribution of Alan Rugman reflects his distinctive research methodology. Alan Rugman trained as an economist, and relied heavily on economic principles throughout his work. He believed that one good theory was sufficient for IB studies, and that theory, he maintained, was internalisation theory. He rejected theoretical pluralism, and believed that IB suffered from a surfeit of theories. Alan was a positivist. The test of a good theory was that it led to clear predictions which were corroborated by empirical evidence. Many IB theories, Alan believed, were weak; their proliferation sowed confusion and they needed to be refuted. Alan’s interpretation of internalisation was, however, unconventional in some respects. He played down the trade-offs presented in Coase’s original work, and substituted heuristics in their place. Instead of analysing internalisation as a context-specific choice between alternative contractual arrangements, he presented it as a strategic imperative for firms possessing strong knowledge advantages. His heuristics did not apply to every possible case, but in Alan’s view they applied in the great majority of cases and were therefore a basis for management action.


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Nos últimos 70 anos têm sido apresentadas várias propostas para caracteriza ção da noção intuitiva de computabilidade. O modelo de Computação mais conhecido para expressar a noção intuitiva de algoritmo é a Máquina de Turing. Esse trabalho apresenta máquinas abstratas que representam diferentes formas de comportamento computacional, sendo possível abordar a diversidade entre a Teoria da Computação Clássica (Máquina de Turing) e a Teoria da Computa- ção Interativa (Máquina de Turing Persistente). Com a evolução dos sistemas de computação, surgiu a necessidade de estender a de nição de Máquina de Turing para tratar uma diversidade de novas situações, esses problemas conduziram a uma mudança de paradigma. Neste contexto foi desenvolvido a Máquina de Turing Persistente, que é capaz de fundamentar a Teoria da Computação Interativa. Máquinas de Turing Persistentes (PeTM) são modelos que expressam comportamento interativo, esse modelo é uma extensão da Máquina de Turing. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo explorar paralelismo na Máquina de Turing Persistente, através da formalização de uma extensão paralela da PeTM e o estudo dos efeitos sobre essa extensão, variando o número de tas de trabalho. Contribui- ções desse trabalho incluem a de nição de uma máquina de Turing Persistente Paralela para modelar computação interativa e uma exposição de conceitos fundamentais e necessários para o entendimento desse novo paradigma. Os métodos e conceitos apresentados para formalização da computação na Máquina de Turing Persistente Paralela desenvolvidos nessa dissertação, podem servir como base para uma melhor compreensão da Teoria da Computação Interativa e da forma como o paralelismo pode ser especi cado em modelos teóricos.


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The goal of this paper is to reflect on the process of adaptation from literature to cinema in order to understand how are made the choices in this kind of transposition. For that, we will analyze the case of the novel The Past (2003), by Alan Pauls, and its translation into the film language (2007) by Héctor Babenco, using reflections from semiotic studies of literature and cinema


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The novel O passado (2003) by Alan Pauls presents many isotopies which would deserve to be investigated: there is a varied construction of loving relationships among the characters, who reveal different feelings, that would allow a mapping of passions to be studied; there is an activity of translation (role performed by Rimini and Carmen) that engenders a very rich reflection on the literary activity which is taking place. There is also the presence of a visual artist, Jeremy Riltse, revealing a poetic work which was created by this discourse. Due to the dimension that a research of this kind would require, it is not possible to deal with all the isotopies. Thus, the last one was chosen to be investigated, that is, to verify how the fictional visual artist and his singular work operate in the novel.


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We use the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction-diffusion system to study wavenumber locking of Turing patterns to two-dimensional "square" spatial forcing, implemented as orthogonal sets of bright bands projected onto the reaction medium. Various resonant structures emerge in a broad range of forcing wavelengths and amplitudes, including square lattices and superlattices, one-dimensional stripe patterns and oblique rectangular patterns. Numerical simulations using a model that incorporates additive two-dimensional spatially periodic forcing reproduce well the experimental observations.


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Presentazione e discussione critica del test di Turing e degli aspetti filosofici correlati all'intelligenza artificiale.


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In questa questa tesi vengono presentate alcune delle più importanti definizioni di funzione computabile mediante un algoritmo: una prima descrizione è quella data tramite le funzioni ricorsive, un secondo approccio è dato in termini di macchine di Turing, infine, vengono considerati gli algoritmi di Markov. Si dimostra che tutte queste definizioni sono equivalenti. Completa la tesi un breve cenno al lambda-K-calcolo.


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In 1938, a young folk music collector named Alan Lomax—destined to become one of the legendary folklorists of the 20th century recorded Michigan’s richly varied folk music traditions for the Archive of American Folk-Song at the Library of Congress. Michigan in the 1930s was experiencing a golden age of folksong collecting, as local folklorists mined the trove of ballads remembered by aging lumbermen and Great Lakes schoonermen. In addition to the ballads of these north woods singers, Lomax recorded a vibrant mix of ethnic music from Detroit to the western Upper Peninsula. The multimedia performance event Folksongs from Michigan-i-o combines live performance with historic images, color movie footage, and recorded sound from the Great Depression. Some of these materials haven’t been heard or seen by the general public for more than seven decades. The traveling exhibition Michigan Folksong Legacy: Grand Discoveries from the Great Depression brings Alan Lomax’s 1938 field trip to life through words, song lyrics, photographs, and sound recordings. Ten interpretive banners explore themes and each panel contains a QR code that links to related sound recordings from the Alan Lomax Collection at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.