1000 resultados para Tiomno, Jayme, 1920-2011
In the present work, Raman Microscopy was employed in the characterization of the pigments used in a drawing assigned to Tarsila do Amaral, one of the most important Brazilian artists. The work (colored pencil on paper), supposedly produced in the 1920 decade, is of a very simple composition, where blue, green and brown were the colors used. Prussian Blue was found as the blue pigment, whereas green was a mixture of copper phthalocyanine and a yellow dye, probably a diarylide; the brown pigment was a carbonaceous compound. Prussian Blue was replaced by phthalocyanine as pigment since the end of the 1930's and the possibility that it could have been used as pigment in the 1920's can be ruled out.
Background: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) has been associated with atherosclerosis, but the abnormalities in plasma lipids that can contribute to atherogenesis are not prominent. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that patients with normocholesterolemic, normotriglyceridemic SCH display abnormalities in plasma lipid metabolism not detected in routine laboratory tests including abnormalities in the intravascular metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, lipid transfers to high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and paraoxonase 1 activity. The impact of levothyroxine (LT4) treatment and euthyroidism in these parameters was also tested. Methods: The study included 12 SCH women and 10 matched controls. Plasma kinetics of an artificial triglyceride-rich emulsion labeled with radioactive triglycerides and cholesteryl esters as well as in vitro transfer of four lipids from an artificial donor nanoemulsion to HDL were determined at baseline in both groups and after 4 months of euthyroidism in the SCH group. Results: Fractional clearance rates of triglycerides (SCH 0.035 +/- 0.016 min(-1), controls 0.029 +/- 0.013 min(-1), p=0.336) and cholesteryl esters (SCH 0.009 +/- 0.007 min(-1), controls 0.009 +/- 0.009 min(-1), p=0.906) were equal in SCH and controls and were unchanged by LT4 treatment and euthyroidism in patients with SCH, suggesting that lipolysis and remnant removal of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins were normal. Transfer of triglycerides to HDL (SCH 3.6 +/- 0.48%, controls 4.7 +/- 0.63%, p=0.001) and phospholipids (SCH 16.2 +/- 3.58%, controls 21.2 +/- 3.32%, p=0.004) was reduced when compared with controls. After LT4 treatment, transfers increased and achieved normal values. Transfer of free and esterified cholesterol to HDL, HDL particle size, and paraoxonase 1 activity were similar to controls and were unchanged by treatment. Conclusions: Although intravascular metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins was normal, patients with SCH showed abnormalities in HDL metabolism that were reversed by LT4 treatment and achievement of euthyroidism.
Aims. The aims of this study were to assess the internal reliability (internal consistency), construct validity, sensitivity and ceiling and floor effects of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Design. Methodological research design. Method. The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the IES was applied to a group of 91 burned patients at three times: the first week after the burn injury (time one), between the fourth and the sixth months (time two) and between the ninth and the 12th months (time three). The internal consistency, construct validity (convergent and dimensionality), sensitivity and ceiling and floor effects were tested. Results. Cronbach`s alpha coefficients showed high internal consistency for the total scale (0 center dot 87) and for the domains intrusive thoughts (0 center dot 87) and avoidance responses (0 center dot 76). During the hospitalisation (time one), the scale showed low and positive correlations with pain measures immediately before (r = 0 center dot 22; p < 0 center dot 05) and immediately after baths and dressings (r = 0 center dot 21; p < 0 center dot 05). After the discharge, we found strong and negative correlations with self-esteem (r = -0 center dot 52; p < 0 center dot 01), strong and positive with depression (r = 0 center dot 63; p < 0 center dot 01) and low and negative with the Bodily pain (r = -0 center dot 24; p < 0 center dot 05), Social functioning (r = -0 center dot 34; p < 0 center dot 01) and Mental health (r = -0 center dot 27; p < 0 center dot 05) domains of the SF-36 at time two. Regarding the sensitivity, no statistically significant differences were observed between mean scale scores according to burned body surface (p = 0 center dot 21). The floor effect was observed in most of the IES items. Conclusion. The adapted version of the scale showed to be reliable and valid to assess postburn reactions on the impact of the event in the group of patients under analysis. Relevance to clinical practice. The Impact of Event Scale can be used in research and clinical practice to assess nursing interventions aimed at decreasing stress during rehabilitation.
This paper proposes a way to analyze the history of eating in Sao Paulo (Brazil) between 1920 and 1950. It addresses the relative absence of research on this topic for this period characterized by the rapid expansion of the city, which became a key market, an important regulator of consumption habits, and a meeting place for diverse social groups. An abundance of sources makes it possible to undertake a social history of eating. On the one hand, intellectuals of different backgrounds and interests produced a good deal of work on popular food habits. On the other, the article points to the possibility of using lifestyle studies and surveys on eating habits from this period in order to gain insight into the lives of different sectors of the population.
Background. The incidence of unexplained sudden death (SD) and the factors involved in its occurrence in patients with chronic kidney disease are not well known. Methods. We investigated the incidence and the role of co-morbidities in unexplained SD in 1139 haemodialysis patients on the renal transplant waiting list. Results. Forty-four patients died from SD of undetermined causes (20% of all deaths; 3.9 deaths/1000 patients per year), while 178 died from other causes and 917 survived. SD patients were older and likely to have diabetes, hypertension, past/present cardiovascular disease, higher left ventricular mass index, and lower ejection fraction. Multivariate analysis showed that cardiovascular disease of any type was the only independent predictor of SD (P = 0.0001, HR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.46-3.22). Alterations closely associated with ischaemic heart disease like angina, previous myocardial infarction and altered myocardial scan were not independent predictors of SD. The incidence of unexplained SD in these haemodialysis patients is high and probably a consequence of pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Conclusions. Factors influencing SD in dialysis patients are not substantially different from factors in the general population. The role played by ischaemic heart disease in this context needs further evaluation.
Study objective-To investigate asthma mortality during 1920-94 in Australia in order to assess the relative role of period and birth cohort effects. Design-Asthma mortality (both sexes) was age standardised and examined for changes over time. The data were also examined for age, period, and cohort (APC) effects using Poisson regression modelling. Setting-National Australian mortality data. Participants-Population (both sexes) aged 15-34 years, 1920-94. Main results-Age adjusted period rates indicate an increase in asthma mortality during the 1950s, and increases and subsequent falls (epidemics) during the mid 1960s and late 1980s. APC modelling suggested an increasing cohort effect (adjusted for both age and period) from the birth cohort 1950-54 onwards. Period effects (adjusted for age and cohort) are characterised by an increase in the 1950s (possibly due to changes in diagnostic labelling), minimal or no increases in the mid 1960s and late 1980s (where period peaks had been noted when data were adjusted for age only), and declines in mortality risk subsequent to the periods where age-period analysis had noted increases. Thus, in Australia, some of the mid 1960s epidemic in asthma deaths, and all of the late 1980s mortality increase, seem to be attributable to cohort effects. Conclusions-The increase in asthma mortality cohort effect is consistent with empirical evidence of recent increases in prevalence (and presumably incidence) of asthma in Australia, and suggests the need for more research into the underlying environmental aetiology of this condition.
Background: Pain and anxiety are a common problem in all recovery phases after a burn. The Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale (BSPAS) was proposed to assess anxiety in burn patients related to painful procedures. Objectives: To assess internal consistency, discriminative construct validity, dimensionality and convergent construct validity of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale. Design: In this cross-sectional study, the original version of the BSPAS, adapted into Brazilian Portuguese, was tested for internal consistency (Cronbach`s Alpha), discriminative validity (related to total body surface area burned and sex), dimensionality (through factor analysis), and convergent construct validity (applying the Visual Analogue Scale for pain and State-Anxiety-STAI) in a group of 91 adult burn patients. Results: The adapted version of the BSPAS displayed a moderate and positive correlation with pain assessments: immediately before baths and dressings (r = 0.32; p < 0.001), immediately after baths and dressings (r = 0.31; p < 0.001) and during the relaxation period (r= 0.31; p < 0.001) and with anxiety assessments (r = 0.34; p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the mean of the adapted version of the BSPAS scores with sex (p = 0.194) and total body surface area burned (p = 0.162) (discriminative validity). The principal components analysis applied to our sample seems to confirm anxiety as one single domain of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS. Cronbach`s Alpha showed high internal consistency of the adapted version of the scale (0.90). Conclusion: The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the BSPAS 9-items has shown statically acceptable levels of reliability and validity for pain-related anxiety evaluation in burn patients. This scale can be used to assess nursing interventions aimed at decreasing pain and anxiety related to the performance of painful procedures. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O estudo de caso trata do desastre natural ocorrido na regi??o serrana do Rio de Janeiro nos dias 11 e 12 de janeiro de 2011, considerado a maior cat??strofe clim??tica e geot??cnica do pa??s, causado por fortes chuvas que provocaram enchentes e deslizamentos em sete munic??pios. O caso tem por finalidade despertar a discuss??o sobre as vari??veis e atores que influenciaram o processo de gest??o da crise, contextualizando o desastre no cen??rio da regi??o e reconstituindo, especialmente, o processo de resposta imediata dada ?? trag??dia pelos ??rg??os envolvidos. O estudo pode ser utilizado em cursos que abordem, entre outros, os seguintes t??picos: gest??o de crise e gest??o de riscos, negocia????o, comunica????o e planejamento estrat??gico
Este livro re??ne as dez iniciativas premiadas no 16?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. Nesta 16?? edi????o, o Concurso conta com os apoios da Embaixada da Fran??a, da Embaixada da Noruega, da Ag??ncia de Coopera????o Internacional Alem?? (GIZ) e da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o (ABC), que premiam os primeiros colocados com visitas t??cnicas. A ENAP tamb??m premia os vencedores com vagas nos cursos de Especializa????o em Gest??o P??blica e Desenvolvimento Gerencial , publica????es da Escola, livro contendo os relatos das iniciativas, certificado, divulga????o no Banco de Solu????es do s??tio do Concurso, assinatura de um ano da Revista do Servi??o P??blico (RSP) e Selo Inova????o