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High-resolution numerical model simulations have been used to study the local and mesoscale thermal circulations in an Alpine lake basin. The lake (87 km(2)) is situated in the Southern Alps, New Zealand and is located in a glacially excavated rock basin surrounded by mountain ranges that reach 3000 m in height. The mesoscale model used (RAMS) is a three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model with a level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme. The model demonstrates that thermal forcing at local (within the basin) and regional (coast-to-basin inflow) scales drive the observed boundary-layer airflow in the lake basin during clear anticyclonic summertime conditions. The results show that the lake can modify (perturb) both the local and regional wind systems. Following sunrise, local thermal circulations dominate, including a lake breeze component that becomes embedded within the background valley wind system. This results in a more divergent flow in the basin extending across the lake shoreline. However, a closed lake breeze circulation is neither observed nor modelled. Modelling results indicate that in the latter part of the day when the mesoscale (coast-to-basin) inflow occurs, the relatively cold pool of lake air in the basin can cause the intrusion to decouple from the surface. Measured data provide qualitative and quantitative support for the model results.


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Actively warming patients during surgery is considered the best method of preventing inadvertent hypothermia due to multiple causes: anaesthetic depression of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre, cutaneous vasodilatation, reduction of heat production by skeletal muscles, cold intravenous fluid administration and heat loss from opened body cavities. To compare the effects of active peripheral skin warming and trunk warming on body temperature during surgery, 15 dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy were studied using a prospective randomised trial design. Dogs were randomised into two groups: one group was warmed by compress leg pads (n=7) on limbs and the other group by a circulating warm water mattress (n=8), applied to the trunk. The rectal, oesophageal and room temperatures and relative humidity were measured. The results showed that the compress leg pads (active peripheral warming) were significantly (P


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We examined effects of body size and temperature on swimming performance in juvenile estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, over the size range of 30-110 cm total body length. Swimming performance, expressed as maximum sustainable swimming speed, was measured in a temperature- and flow-controlled swimming flume. Absolute sustainable swimming speed increased with body length, but length-specific swimming performance decreased as body length increased. Sustained swimming speed increased with temperature between 15degreesC and 23degreesC, remained constant between 23degrees and 33degreesC, and decreased as temperature rose above 33degreesC. Q(10)-values of swimming speed were 2.60 (+/- 0.091 SE) between 18degreesC and 23degreesC, and there were no differences in Q(10) between crocodiles of different sizes. The broad plateau of thermal independence in swimming speed observed in C. porosus may be of adaptive significance by allowing dispersal of juvenile animals at suboptimal body temperatures.


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Raw milk samples from two different sources were stored at 2degreesC, 4degreesC and 7degreesC for 10 days and the growth of psychrotrophic bacteria, production of proteinase and proteolysis in the milks were measured during storage. Peptide analyses by the fluorescamine method and RP-HPLC were used in determination of proteolysis and proteinase activity. The average times taken for the psychrotroph counts to reach 10(7) cfu/mL at 2degreesC, 4degreesC and 7degreesC were approximately 9, 7 and 4 days, although there was considerable variation in growth rates in the different milks. There was little correlation between psychrotroph counts and either proteolysis or proteinase activity levels. At 2degreesC, no milk stored showed significant proteolysis by the fluorescamine method after 10 days' storage, but significant proteinase activity could be measured in some of these milks at 8 and 10 days. RP-HPLC analysis was a more sensitive means of detecting peptides than the fluorescamine method.


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Low-temperature (15 K) single-crystal neutron-diffraction structures and Raman spectra of the salts (NX4)(2)[CU(OX2)(6)](SO4)(2), where X = H or D, are reported. This study is concerned with the origin of the structural phase change that is known to occur upon deuteration. Data for the deuterated salt were measured in the metastable state, achieved by application of 500 bar of hydrostatic pressure at similar to303 K followed by cooling to 281 K and the subsequent release of pressure. This allows for the direct comparison between the hydrogenous and deuterated salts, in the same modification, at ambient pressure and low temperature. The Raman spectra provide no intimation of any significant change in the intermolecular bonding. Furthermore, structural differences are few, the largest being for the long Cu-O bond, which is 2.2834(5) and 2.2802(4) Angstrom for the hydrogenous and the deuterated salts, respectively. Calorimetric data for the deuterated salt are also presented, providing an estimate of 0.17(2) kJ/mol for the enthalpy difference between the two structural forms at 295.8(5) K. The structural data suggest that substitution of hydrogen for deuterium gives rise to changes in the hydrogen-bonding interactions that result in a slightly reduced force field about the copper(II) center. The small structural differences suggest different relative stabilities for the hydrogenous and deuterated salts, which may be sufficient to stabilize the hydrogenous salt in the anomalous structural form.


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The 93 K X-ray crystal structure of tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)zinc(II) dinitrate is reported. As predicted by the spectroscopic studies of other workers, there is a reversible phase transition of the structure at low temperature. We have determined this temperature to be 143 K. The structure at this temperature and below resembles that of the room temperature structure, except the crystallographic D-3 symmetry of the complex cation (296 K) is lowered to C-2 ( below 144 K) by subtle changes in cation-anion hydrogen bonding. No change in the conformation of the cation or its bond lengths and angles was found.


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Low temperature during panicle development in rice increases spikelet sterility. This effect is exacerbated by high rates of nitrogen (N) application in the field. Spikelet sterility induced by low temperature and N fertilisation was examined in glasshouse experiments to clarify the mechanisms involved. In two glasshouse experiments, 12-h periods of low (18/13degreesC) and high (28/23degreesC) day/night temperatures were imposed over periods of 5-7 days during panicle development, to determine the effects of low temperature and N fertilisation on spikelet sterility. In one experiment, 50% sunlight was imposed together with low temperature to investigate the additive effects of reduced solar radiation and low temperature. The effect of increased tillering due to N fertilisation was examined by a tiller removal treatment in the same experiment. Pollen grain number and spikelet sterility were recorded at heading and harvest, respectively. Although there was no significant effect of low temperature on spikelet sterility in the absence of applied N, low temperature greatly increased spikelet sterility as a result of a reduction in the number of engorged pollen grains per anther in the presence of applied N. Spikelet sterility was strongly correlated with the number of engorged pollen grains per anther. Low temperature during very early ( late stage of spikelet differentiation-pollen mother cell stage) and peak ( second meiotic division stage-early stage of extine formation) microspore development caused a severe reduction in engorged pollen production mainly as a result of reduced total pollen production. Unlike low temperature, the effect of shading was rather small. The increased tillering due to application of high rates of N, increased both spikelet number per plant and spikelet sterility under low temperature conditions. The removal of tillers as they appeared reduced the number of total spikelets per plant and maintained a large number of engorged pollen grains per anther which, in turn, reduced spikelet sterility. The number of engorged pollen grains per anther determined the numbers of intercepted and germinated pollen grains on the stigma. It is concluded that N increased tillering and spikelet number per plant and this, in turn, reduced the number of engorged pollen grains per anther, leading into increased spikelet sterility under low temperature condition.


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Low temperatures impose restrictions on rice (Oryza sativa L.) production at high latitudes. This study is related to low temperature damage that can arise mid-season during the panicle development phase. The objective of this study was to determine whether low temperature experienced by the root, panicle, or foliage is responsible for increased spikelet sterility. In temperature-controlled glasshouse experiments, water depth, and water and air temperatures, were changed independently to investigate the effects of low temperature in the root, panicle, and foliage during microspore development on spikelet sterility. The total number of pollen and number of engorged pollen grains per anther, and the number of intercepted and germinated pollen grains per stigma, were measured. Spikelet sterility was then analysed in relation to the total number of pollen grains per spikelet and the efficiency with which these pollen grains became engorged, were intercepted by the stigma, germinated, and were involved in fertilisation. There was a significant combined effect of average minimum panicle and root temperatures on spikelet sterility that accounted for 86% of the variation in spikelet sterility. Total number of pollen grains per anther was reduced by low panicle temperature, but not by low root temperature. Whereas engorgement efficiency ( the percentage of pollen grains that were engorged) was determined by both root and panicle temperature, germination efficiency (the percentage of germinated pollen grains relative to the number of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma) was determined only by root temperature. Interception efficiency (i.e. percentage of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma), however, was not affected by either root or panicle temperature. Engorgement efficiency was the dominant factor explaining the variation in spikelet sterility. It is concluded that both panicle and root temperature affect spikelet sterility in rice when the plant encounters low temperatures during the microspore development stage.


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The influence of the dispersion of vapor grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) on the electrical properties of VGCNF/epoxy composites has been studied. A homogeneous dispersion of the VGCNF does not imply better electrical properties. The presence of well distributed clusters appears to be a key factor for increasing composite conductivity. It is also shown that the main conduction mechanism has an ionic nature for concentrations below the percolation threshold, while above the percolation threshold it is dominated by hopping between the fillers. Finally, using the granular system theory it is possible to explain the origin of conduction at low temperatures.


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Chromia (Cr2O3) has been extensively explored for the purpose of developing widespread industrial applications, owing to the convergence of a variety of mechanical, physical and chemical properties in one single oxide material. Various methods have been used for large area synthesis of Cr2O3 films. However, for selective area growth and growth on thermally sensitive materials, laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) can be applied advantageously. Here we report on the growth of single layers of pure Cr2O3 onto sapphire substrates at room temperature by low pressure photolytic LCVD, using UV laser radiation and Cr(CO)(6) as chromium precursor. The feasibility of the LCVD technique to access selective area deposition of chromia thin films is demonstrated. Best results were obtained for a laser fluence of 120 mJ cm(-2) and a partial pressure ratio of O-2 to Cr(CO)(6) of 1.0. Samples grown with these experimental parameters are polycrystalline and their microstructure is characterised by a high density of particles whose size follows a lognormal distribution. Deposition rates of 0.1 nm s(-1) and mean particle sizes of 1.85 mu m were measured for these films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The deposition of highly oriented a-axis CrO(2) films onto Al(2)O(3)(0001) by atmospheric pressure (AP)CVD at temperatures as low as 330 C is reported. Deposition rates strongly depend on the substrate temperature, whereas for film surface microstructures the dependence is mainly on film thickness. For the experimental conditions used in this work, CrO(2) growth kinetics are dominated by a surface reaction mechanism with an apparent activation energy of (121.0 +/- 4.3) kJ mol(-1). The magnitude and temperature dependence of the saturation magnetization, up to room temperature, is consistent with bulk measurements.


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In this work we report on the structure and magnetic and electrical transport properties of CrO2 films deposited onto (0001) sapphire by atmospheric pressure (AP)CVD from a CrO3 precursor. Films are grown within a broad range of deposition temperatures, from 320 to 410 degrees C, and oxygen carrier gas flow rates of 50-500 seem, showing that it is viable to grow highly oriented a-axis CrO2 films at temperatures as low as 330 degrees C i.e., 60-70 degrees C lower than is reported in published data for the same chemical system. Depending on the experimental conditions, growth kinetic regimes dominated either by surface reaction or by mass-transport mechanisms are identified. The growth of a Cr2O3 interfacial layer as an intrinsic feature of the deposition process is studied and discussed. Films synthesized at 330 degrees C keep the same high quality magnetic and transport properties as those deposited at higher temperatures.


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The main properties of magnetized strangelets, namely, their energy per baryon, radius and electric charge, are studied in the unpaired strange quark matter phase. Temperature effects are taken into account in order to study their stability compared to the (56)Fe isotope and non-magnetized strangelets within the framework of the MIT bag model. It is concluded that the presence of a magnetic field tends to stabilize more the strangelets, even when temperature is considered. We find that the electric charge is modified in the presence of the magnetic field, leading to higher charge values for magnetized strangelets, when compared to the non-magnetized case.


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The main properties of strangelets, namely their energy per baryon, radius and electric charge, are studied in the unpaired magnetized strange quark matter (MSQM) and paired magnetized colour flavour locked (MCFL) phases. Temperature effects are taken into account in order to study their stability compared to the Fe-56 isotope and nonmagnetized strangelets within the framework of the MIT bag model. We conclude that the presence of a magnetic field tends to stabilize the strangelets more, even when temperature is considered. It is also shown that MCFL strangelets are more stable than ordinary MSQM strangelets for typical gap values of the order of O(100) MeV. A distinctive feature in the detection of strangelets either in cosmic rays or in heavy-ion collider experiments could be their electric charge. We find that the electric charge is modified in the presence of the magnetic field, leading to higher (lower) charge values for MSQM (MCFL) strangelets, when compared to the nonmagnetized case.


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We study a model consisting of particles with dissimilar bonding sites ("patches"), which exhibits self-assembly into chains connected by Y-junctions, and investigate its phase behaviour by both simulations and theory. We show that, as the energy cost epsilon(j) of forming Y-junctions increases, the extent of the liquid-vapour coexistence region at lower temperatures and densities is reduced. The phase diagram thus acquires a characteristic "pinched" shape in which the liquid branch density decreases as the temperature is lowered. To our knowledge, this is the first model in which the predicted topological phase transition between a fluid composed of short chains and a fluid rich in Y-junctions is actually observed. Above a certain threshold for epsilon(j), condensation ceases to exist because the entropy gain of forming Y-junctions can no longer offset their energy cost. We also show that the properties of these phase diagrams can be understood in terms of a temperature-dependent effective valence of the patchy particles. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3605703]