1000 resultados para Technique minière


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The Triatominae (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) contains the principal and potential Chagas disease vectors present in Mexico, Central America and South America. Triatoma flavida and T. bruneri are Cuban species. These species are closely related according to morphology and were considered synonyms until 1981, when they were separated on the grounds of external characters of the body and the morphology of male genitalia. The present study seeks to analyze genetic polymorphism of T. flavida and T. bruneri populations using RAPD techniques, and to assess the genetic relationship between these species. Ten random primers were used to evaluate the genetic variability among species using RAPD-PCR. The genetic flow among them was calculated. The dendrogram based on calculated Jaccard distances showed two clearly distinguishable clusters which coincided with the studied species. Within each species, moderate genetic differentiation (Fst 0.05-0.15) and migration rates (N > 1) were found among populations, that reveal gene flow and genetic homogeneity. Between species, the Fst value showed a high genetic differentiation and the migration rate was insufficient to maintain genetic homogeneity, and confirmed the absence of gene flow between them. Our results confirm the genetic variability among T. flavida and T. bruneri species.


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The classical “Roux en Y Gastric Bypass” (RYGBP) is still the standard technique between all the ones being used nowadays. The “One anastomosis gastric bypass” (OAGBP), is an evolution of the “Minigastic bypass” described by Robert Rutledge in 2001, is a well known and progressively frequent but still controversial technique. In our group, after an experience of 10 years using the RYGBP as a salvage surgery after failed gastric banding, in 132 cases, we decided to adopt the OAGBP as our preferential bariatric technique also in this situation. The theoretical main reasons for that shift are related to the increased safety, maximized weight loss, long term weight loss maintenance and reversibility of the operation. Method: Retrospectively we evaluated data of the surgical management of revisional cases for conversion, after failed or complicated gastric bands to gastric bypass. We selected the last 40 cases of each technique since May 2010. Results: All cases were performed by laparoscopy without any conversion. In both groups the conversion has been performed in one single step (17 cases, 42,5%). Data showed lower morbidity with OAGBP (2,5% against 7,5%) and better weight loss in theOAGBP cohort after a median follow up of 16months (67%against 55%) in patients revised after gastric band failure or complications. None had statistic significance (p>0,1) by the chi-square contingency table analysis.Conclusion: It seems to there is a difference in favour of OAGBP for conversion of complicated gastric bands. In this study we didn’t found statistic significance probably because of the short numbers. Prospective and more powerful studies are necessary to evaluate the benefit of the studied procedure.


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RESUMO:As terapias biológicas revolucionaram o tratamento das doenças autoimunes nos últimos anos. Tipicamente têm como alvos mediadores importantes no mecanismo das doenças. Os antagonistas do fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α) são um grupo de agentes biológicos muito prescrito, pois estão indicados no tratamento de doenças imuno-mediadas comuns, tais como artrite reumatoide, artrite idiopática juvenil, artrite psoriática, espondilite anquilosante, doença de Crohn e colite ulcerosa. Com o uso frequente de inibidores do TNF-α, tem-se tornado evidente que estes agentes têm um potencial imunogénico importante, que pode comprometer o prognóstico a longo prazo dos doentes cronicamente tratados. A produção de anticorpos anti-fármaco parece causar falência terapêutica secundária em muitos doentes. Um dos efeitos dos anticorpos anti-fármaco é o aumento da eliminação do fármaco. A eliminação do fármaco, por sua vez, varia entre indivíduos, refletindo diferentes perfis farmacocinéticos. A determinação dos níveis séricos mínimos do agente anti-TNF-α é assim muito informativa e pode auxiliar nas decisões terapêuticas. Contudo, os testes imunológicos para determinar as concentrações séricas do fármaco não estão facilmente disponíveis na prática clínica. De forma a investigar uma nova técnica potencialmente fidedigna e prática para a deteção e quantificação dos agentes biológicos anti-TNF-α, foi testada a técnica por HTRF (homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer) para a determinação de concentrações séricas de infliximab. Apesar de apresentar algumas limitações relacionadas com as condições de leitura da fluorescência, esta técnica provou obter resultados próximos das concentrações obtidas por ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) bridging. Adicionalmente, tem a vantagem de ser de execução muito mais fácil e rápida. Deste modo, a técnica por HTRF poderá ser otimizada e tornar-se uma valiosa ferramenta laboratorial para orientar as decisões terapêuticas em doentes autoimunes com falência da terapêutica anti-TNF-α.--------- ABSTRACT: Biologic therapies revolutionized the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the last years. Typically, they target important disease mediators. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists constitute a very prescribed group of biologic agents as they are indicated for the treatment of common immune-mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. With the increasing use of TNF-α inhibitors it has been noticed that they have an important immunogenic potential that can compromise long-term outcomes in chronically treated patients. The production of anti-drug antibodies seems to cause secondary therapeutic failure in many patients. One of the effects of anti-drug antibodies is the enhancement of drug clearance. Drug clearance, in turn, varies among individuals, reflecting different pharmacokinetic profiles. Determination of serum anti-TNF-α drug trough levels is though very informative and could support treatment decisions. However, immunologic assays to determine drug serum concentrations are not readily available in clinical practice. In order to investigate a potentially reliable and practical new technique for detection and quantification of anti-TNF-α biologic agents, homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (HTRF) technique was tested for determination of serum infliximab concentrations. Although presenting some limitations related with fluorescence reading conditions, this technique proved to give results close to the concentrations obtained by the widely used bridging enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In addition, it has the advantage of being much easier and faster to perform. Thus, HTRF technique can be optimized and become a valuable laboratorial tool to guide treatment decisions in autoimmune patients with anti-TNF-α therapy failure.


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Flexor hallucis longus (FHL) transfer is a well-established treatment option in failed Achilles tendon (AT) repair and has been routinely performed as an open procedure. We detail the surgical steps needed to perform an arthroscopic transfer of the FHL for a chronic AT rupture. The FHL tendon is harvested as it enters in its tunnel beneath the sustentaculum tali; a tunnel is then drilled in the calcaneus as near to the AT footprint as possible. By use of a suture-passing device, the free end of the FHL is advanced to the plantar aspect of the foot. After adequate tension is applied to the construct, the tendon is fixed in place with an interference screw in an inside-out fashion. This minimally invasive approach is a safe and valid alternative to classic open procedures with the obvious advantages of preserving the soft-tissue envelope and using a biologically intact tendon.


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Campylobacter was isolated in 178 out of 622 stool samples (200 porcine, 220 bovine, and 202 canine). From these 178 samples, the microorganism was identified in 64 samples (36%) isolated only in Butzler selective medium (BSM), 34 samples (19%) using filtration technique (FT), and in 80 samples (45%) using both BSM and FT. Comparison of the proportion of positivity using both techniques showed a significant value (c2 = 9,184; p > 0.001); BSM (36%) being more efficient than FT (19%). The use of both techniques yielded the highest isolation positivity (45%).


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Thirteen strains of the genus Candida were isolated from catheter, urine and surgical wounds from individual patients of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Ten strains were characterized as Candida albicans, two as Candida glabrata, and one as Candida parapsilosis. Isolates were evaluated for molecular relatedness by random amplified polymorphic DNA technique using 15 primers. The analysis of the genomic DNA obtained revealed a low intraspecific polymorphism and did not allow for the differentiation between strains of the same species obtained from distinct clinical sources (catheter, urine and surgical wounds). The RAPD profiles generated were able to differentiate among the species of Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and Candida glabrata strains isolated in this study.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD grant (SFRH/BD/62568/2009)


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INTRODUCTION: Studies strongly indicate Dientamoeba fragilis as one of the causes of diarrhea in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients. METHODS: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of D. fragilis associated with the causes of diarrhea in 82 HIV/ AIDS patients hospitalized at the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas from September 2006 to November 2008. RESULTS: In total, 105 samples were collected from 82 patients. Unprotected sex was the most frequent cause of HIV infection (46.3%), followed by the use of injectable or non-injectable drugs (14.6%). Patients presented with viral loads of 49-750,000 copies/ mL (average: 73,849 ± 124,850 copies/mL) and CD4 counts ranging of 2-1,306 cells/mm³ (average: 159 ± 250 cells/mm³). On an average, the odds of obtaining a positive result by using the other techniques (Hoffman, Pons and Janer or Lutz; Ritchie) were 2.7 times higher than the chance of obtaining a positive result by using the simplified iron hematoxylin method. Significant differences were found between the methods (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The other techniques can detect a significantly greater amount of parasites than the simplified iron hematoxylin method, especially with respect to Isospora belli, Cryptosporidium sp., Schistosoma mansoni, and Strongyloides stercoralis, which were not detected using hematoxylin. Endolimax nana and D. fragilis were detected more frequently on using hematoxylin, and the only parasite not found by the other methods was D. fragilis.


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Introduction This study evaluated the performance of an in-house nested-PCR system for the detection of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in pleural fluid, blood and urine samples from pleural effusion tuberculosis patients by health services physicians in Pernambuco, Brazil. Methods A prospective double-blind study with 37 hospitalized patients of both sexes, aged over 15, was used to investigate the diagnosis of pleural effusion. The criteria used to define the cases included the demonstration of bacillus in biological samples by smear or culture or by a granulomatous finding in the histopathological examination, associated with an evident response to specific treatments to each clinical situation. Pleural fluid, blood and urine samples were collected and subjected to routine tests and the nested PCR technique to assess for M. tuberculosis amplification. Results In total, 37 pleural effusion patients took part in the study, of whom 19 (51.3%) had tubercular etiologies and 18 (48.7%) had etiologies from other causes. When the pleural fluid, blood and/or urine sample in-house nested-PCR sensitivities were evaluated simultaneously, the results were positive regardless of the biological specimen (the sensitivity was 84.2%); however, when the blood and/or urine samples were analyzed together, the sensitivity was 72.2%. When the pleural fluid samples were evaluated alone, the sensitivity was only 33.3%. Conclusions The performance of the diagnostic pleural tuberculosis nested-PCR was directly related to the diversity of the samples collected from the same patient. Additionally, this study may identify a need to prioritize non-invasive blood and urine collection for this diagnosis.


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The authors analysed a series of 22 patients undergoing surgical correction of congenital hand syndactyly by the rectangular flap technique. Using our evaluation method, we found that good functional and aesthetic results were obtained in 77.3% of the patients, with a complication rate of 13.6%. We concluded that the rectangular flap technique has a simple design, is easily reproducible by in-training staff, has good results, and can be applied on the majority of the syndactyly cases.


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This paper presents the main features of finite element FE numerical model developed using the computer code FEMIX to predict the near-surface mounted NSM carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer CFRP rods shear repair contribution to corroded reinforced concrete RC beams. In the RC beams shear repaired with NSM technique, the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rods are placed inside pre-cut grooves onto the concrete cover of the RC beam’s lateral faces and are bonded to the concrete with high epoxy adhesive. Experimental and 3D numerical modelling results are presented in this paper in terms of load-deflection curves, and failure modes for 4 short corroded beams: two corroded beams (A1CL3-B and A1CL3-SB) and two control beams (A1T-B and A1T-SB), the beams noted with B were let repaired in bending only with NSM CFRP rods while the ones noted with SB were repaired in both bending and shear with NSM technique. The corrosion of the tensile steel bars and its effect on the shear capacity of the RC beams was discussed. Results showed that the FE model was able to capture the main aspects of the experimental load-deflection curves of the RC beams, moreover it has presented the experimental failure modes and FE numerical modelling crack patterns and both gave similar results for non-shear repaired beams which failed in diagonal tension mode of failure and for shear-repaired beams which failed due to large flexural crack at the middle of the beams along with the concrete crushing, three dimensional crack patterns were produced for shear-repaired beams in order to investigate the splitting cracks occurred at the middle of the beams and near the support.


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The Embedded Through-Section (ETS) technique is a promising technique for the shear strengthening of existing (RC) elements. According to this technique, holes are drilled through the beam section, and bars of steel or FRP material are introduced into these holes and bonded to the concrete with adhesive materials. An experimental program was carried out with RC T-cross section beams strengthened in shear using the ETS steel bars and ETS CFRP rods. The research is focused on the evaluation of the ETS efficiency on beams with different percentage of existing internal transverse reinforcement (ρsw=0.0%, ρsw=0.1% and ρsw=0.17%). The effectiveness of different ETS strengthening configurations was also investigated. The good bond between the strengthening ETS bars and the surrounding concrete allowed the yield initiation of the ETS steel bars and the attainment of high tensile strains in the ETS CFPR rods, leading to significant increase of shear capacity, whose level was strongly influenced by the inclination of the ETS bars and the percentage of internal transverse reinforcement.